Chapter 1100 Arrival
On the second day of the recording of the variety show "Ordinary Courage", the entire program crew boarded a flight to Nancheng and officially started the filming of the professional experience stage.

For this sudden change, everyone was caught off guard and very surprised.

Because whether it was in the early stage planning or the post-stage communication, Mr. Xu never mentioned the idea of ​​going to other cities to shoot the show.

Of course, from the beginning of program preparation, Mr. Xu did not explicitly mention that the program will be filmed in Beijing.

It may be that the first two seasons were filmed in the capital, so when everyone is researching the planning plan for the new season, they all default to filming in the capital.

It was precisely this that made everyone lose their temper when faced with Mr. Xu's decision.

Perhaps, Mr. Xu wanted to shoot in other cities from the beginning to the end, but they didn't realize it.

Is this Mr. Xu's fault?


This is their fault.

After an hour and a half of flight, the program team finally arrived in Nancheng.

When Xu Jie and his group walked out of the terminal, they saw Gao Xiaoxi from Jinling Media at a glance. The other party was holding a big sign with two words written on it: Mr. Xu.

Gao Xiaoxi originally wanted to write Xu Jie's name, but considering that the other party is not only a celebrity but also a star, writing like this is likely to be surrounded by people, so she directly wrote Mr. Xu.

In fact, Xu Jie was also worried about being discovered by fans, which would expose the entire program group and affect the next shooting plan, so he not only walked in the front, but also let the six artists disperse and hide among the staff, like hats and sunglasses , Masks and the like are even more essential.

Xu Jie walked straight towards Gao Xiaoxi, maybe because his head was wrapped too tightly, the other party didn't recognize him at all, he was still cocking his feet, stretching his neck, looking in the direction of the exit, constantly looking for something.


He is now wrapped like a rice dumpling, it's strange to be able to tell.

"Mr. Gao, I kept you waiting!" Xu Jie came to greet the other party.

Gao Xiaoxi was startled, and she recognized who it was from the familiar voice.


Gao Xiaoxi just cried out in surprise, and suddenly realized that her voice was too loud, so she immediately lowered her voice and said softly, "Mr. Xu, is that you? Is it really you?"

"It's me." Xu Jie said as he took off his sunglasses, but he didn't take off his hat and mask together.

Gao Xiaoxi looked at it carefully. Although only a pair of eyes were exposed, it was enough for her.

That's right, it's Xu Jie!
"Mr. Xu, welcome to Nancheng." Gao Xiaoxi handed the sign in her hand to the people beside her, and then held Xu Jie's hand tightly, her eyes full of excitement.

Although the ratings of the two programs "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" put Sujiang Satellite TV's variety show on the ground, but the fact that the show can be filmed in Nancheng is also of great benefit to the city's publicity, and the other party also gave She has two guest spots, can she not be happy, can she not welcome it?
Furthermore, the relationship between TV stations and TV stations is originally an enemy and friend relationship. Everyone is both a competitor and a brother unit.

Unless someone steals someone's artist, whoever steals someone's investment, no matter how fierce the competition in ratings is, they will be kind in private.

How about a word?

Peace is the most important thing!

Take herself for example.

Zhang Zhicheng from Weilan Media poached her corners, and even invited artists they had banned from Jiangsu Satellite TV, so their relationship in private was very bad.

A few days ago, we went to condolences to the artists who participated in "Crossover Actor". Although she saw Zhang Zhicheng more than once, she never said a word from the beginning.

And Mr. Xu in front of him not only exchanged resources with her, but also worried about her loss, and came to make up for her. Just for this matter, she made up her friend.

"Thank you, Mr. Gao, it's just that you've come to your territory, and I will inevitably cause you trouble in the future." Xu Jie said.

In the process of filming the program, it is inevitable that some companies and departments will need to cooperate, and he is not familiar with the place where he is born, so they may not give him face.

At this time, Gao Xiaoxi needs to come forward.

As a member of the local TV station, which department should not give some face?
"Mr. Xu, look at what you said. How could you be causing trouble? If this can be called trouble, I really hope that Mr. Xu will cause me more trouble in the future." Gao Xiaoxi said with a smile.

For her, this is not only not troublesome, but also cheap, which is a big advantage.

"Haha, okay, Mr. Gao can't refuse then." Xu Jie also laughed.

"No, absolutely not." Gao Xiaoxi noticed that there were more and more people behind Xu Jie, and then realized that this is not a place to talk, so she pointed to the direction of the gate and said enthusiastically: "President Xu, the car is outside , please let me come."

"I'm sorry for the trouble, Mr. Gao." Xu Jie said politely, and then walked outside with the other party.

After the people in the program group saw it, they immediately followed closely to avoid falling behind.

A group of people walked out of the gate in a mighty manner, and three buses were parked outside. Gao Xiaoxi immediately ordered the company staff to come forward to help, those who carried the luggage carried the luggage, and those who loaded the luggage loaded the luggage.

After everyone boarded the bus, the three vehicles slowly left the airport.

"Mr. Xu, you have worked hard all the way. The accommodation has been arranged for everyone. We will arrive at the hotel in a while, and we will have a meal together, so that we can welcome our brother units." In the car, Gao Xiaoxi said to Xu Jie who was sitting next to him. Said.

"Mr. Gao, thank you for your hospitality, but there are a few things that I need to trouble you with now." Xu Jie said.

"Oh? What's the matter, tell me quickly." Gao Xiaoxi turned around, eager to know what it was.

After all, her entertainers are also on the show.

"The occupations of the six artists have been selected. I need your help to contact the relevant companies. I hope they can give some support and cooperation."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he took out a list from his pocket, on which were written the names of six artists and the occupations they would experience next.

Gao Xiaoxi took a look after taking it, the courier, salesman, customer service, reporter, taxi driver, there was actually a mobile vendor behind...

Although some are old faces, there are also a few new professions, which should be more interesting than last year.

"No problem, Mr. Xu, I'll arrange someone to contact the work places for the six artists, but this itinerant vendor..." Gao Xiaoxi pointed to the job that Hu Hui had drawn.

It seems that itinerant vendors have no units.

"Just prepare her a tricycle, the kind with pedals," Xu Jie said.

"Okay." Gao Xiaoxi nodded, then took out her mobile phone and notified the people in the company to do it.

The artist sitting in the back couldn't help laughing when he heard the tricycle.

Only the person involved, Hu Hui, looked depressed.

She didn't want to choose a mobile vendor either, but she had no choice. She was the slowest in circles and the most dizzy. She wasted a lot of time on this link, so she didn't have much time to choose a career later.

Even some of her favorite jobs have been taken away by others, such as sales, customer service...

The reporter is also very good, at least there is no need to pedal three rounds.

Thinking that in the next one and a half months, she would have to rely on street stalls to make money for food, Hu Hui wanted to cry but had no tears.

She is from Anhui, and her hometown is not far from Nancheng, about 33 kilometers away, so she also knows very well that it is the hottest season here, and [-] to [-] degrees during the day is a common occurrence. How does this make her flow?

"Hu Hui, you have to be careful, don't get caught while setting up a stall." Du Changlin reminded.

The other artists lowered their heads and sniggered after hearing this.

Hu Hui was startled, this reminder is very important.

Theoretically, stalls are not allowed on the roadside. If caught, not only the goods will be gone, but even the tricycles will be lost.

At this time, she suddenly remembered a very important matter, but she didn't dare to ask Mr. Xu who was sitting at the front, so she could only ask the nearby host Qin Yan: "Sister Yan, what do I sell? Vegetables? Fruit? Or something else?"

The occupation has been determined, but what to sell is still uncertain.

"It's up to you, the program team will lend you [-] yuan as a start-up capital, and you can sell whatever you want." Qin Yan said after hearing this.

"two hundred?"

Hu Hui was not calm at all.

What can two hundred do?
A pair of her stockings cost more than 200 yuan.

"Can you have a little more? Shall I borrow a thousand lines?" Hu Hui asked in a negotiating tone, but her voice was very low, for fear that Mr. Xu sitting in front would hear it.

"Sorry, no, two hundred is the highest amount our program team can raise for you." Qin Yan said tactfully.


Hu Hui was speechless.

It is not certain whether you can be a good itinerant vendor, but it should not be difficult to become a itinerant beggar.

After about an hour, the bus stopped outside a small hotel.

"Mr. Xu, we're here, what do you think?" Gao Xiaoxi pointed out the car window.

She originally wanted to arrange the other party in a five-star hotel, but the other party insisted on finding a small hotel that could accommodate more than 100 people, and it had to be fully booked without being disturbed by outsiders.

For her, such a modest place was harder to find than a big hotel, and it took her a busy afternoon to find a small hotel with good conditions in all aspects.

As for the original guest in the hotel, she has been invited to a nearby three-star hotel overnight, and she will be responsible for the accommodation expenses.

"Not bad." Xu Jie nodded.

I stayed in a hotel last season, but the information was later leaked by the hotel service staff. As a result, many fans of the show and artists came to the hotel in the later stages of the show's filming, which has affected the filming of the show.

So before coming to Nancheng this time, he specifically asked Mr. Gao to find a remote hotel with few people, which is convenient for colleagues to come and go, and can also avoid being disturbed by fans.

Xu Jie got out of the bus and entered the hotel under the leadership of Gao Xiaoxi.

The hotel has three floors, and each room is not big, less than twenty square meters, but it looks very clean and tidy, much better than a university dormitory.

Xu Jie arranged rooms for everyone.

Artists live on the third floor, camera crews live on the second floor, and post-production staff live on the first floor.

Such allocation not only protects the artist's privacy, but also facilitates future work.

After putting away their luggage, everyone followed Gao Xiaoxi to a nearby hotel for dinner.

Xu Jie saw Zhou Dongpeng, deputy editor-in-chief of Sujiang Satellite TV, outside the hotel.

"Hello, Editor-in-Chief Zhou." Xu Jie stepped forward and stretched out his hand from a distance.

Although it is not from the same unit, the other party is also a high-level executive of the TV station, so it is necessary to be polite.

"Mr. Xu, welcome to Nancheng." Zhou Dongpeng covered Xu Jie's hand with one hand, patted Xu Jie's arm with the other, and asked enthusiastically, "How is it? Are you ready for the accommodation? If you need anything, please feel free to contact me." , don't be polite."

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Zhou, for your concern. Mr. Gao has already made arrangements and is very thoughtful." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"That's good. I heard from Xiao Gao. I'm very happy that you can choose us in Nancheng. I hope this will build a bridge for cooperation and communication between our two stations, so that we can move forward together..." Zhou Dongpeng said eloquently.

Xu Jie nodded while listening, thinking to himself: As expected of being a leader, this is just a small composition.

"I hope you will have a good time during your stay in Nancheng, and I wish your program a successful recording."

Zhou Dongpeng finally finished.

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Zhou. With your attitude, I believe that we will cooperate more and more in the future, and become close comrades-in-arms who will advance together..."

Not to be outdone, Xu Jie said something.

The main worry is that if you say less, you will be mistaken for perfunctory.

What kind of person you face, what kind of words you have to say.

Some people like conciseness, and when facing such a person, it is enough to simply be polite; while some people like a sense of ceremony, and when facing such a person, they must be more solemn and cooperate with the other party to complete the ceremony.

"Haha, well said."

Zhou Dongpeng smiled with a hearty voice, and then pulled Xu Jie into the hotel.

Due to the large number of people, in addition to the people from the program group, there were also some local colleagues in Nancheng. In the end, a total of more than a dozen tables were set up before sitting down.

Because it was a working day, everyone didn't drink alcohol. During the dinner, they replaced wine with tea and drank five or six cups.

A simple lunch, because of Zhou Dongpeng's appearance, was eaten from 11:2 noon to [-] pm.

When the group returned to the hotel, Xu Jie directed the staff to take out the equipment in the box for debugging.

Due to the tight schedule, shooting and post-production need to be produced at the same time.

That is to say, one day of filming and one day of production, and strive to finish the post-work within a few days after the professional experience is over.

One advantage of this arrangement is that if any part of the filming is not good, it can be remedied at any time without worrying about the lack of material.

Gao Xiaoxi also gave a reply before dark, and all the places for professional experience have been arranged.

Moreover, when several companies heard that the show "Ordinary Courage" was going to be filmed, they not only expressed their full support, but also agreed to choose their work locations in the city at will, and they could shoot in any store they wanted, such as courier, sales, customer service……

The simplest of them is the profession of reporter, who was directly assigned to Nancheng TV station.

Xu Jie also immediately held a working meeting to finalize the shooting content for the next few days overnight, especially the little surprise prepared by the program team for the six artists, that is, the script, which must not be missed.

In summer, the dawn is very early, and the east begins to turn white.

A new day, in addition to the sun, also ushered in the "Ordinary Courage" professional experience.


(End of this chapter)

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