The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1101 Conquering the Film and Television Industry

Chapter 1101 Conquering the Film and Television Industry

As the chief director, Xu Jie sits in the command room, which is a small hotel, and uses various camera teams to understand the real-time situation of the six artists.

However, because there are an assistant director and host on top, and six outfield directors below, he doesn't have to keep staring at it all the time, he just needs to listen to reports occasionally.

Compared with those celebrities who have to work outside at 33 or [-] degrees, sitting in the room with the air conditioner and eating ice cream is so comfortable.

It can also be regarded as compensation for my sleepless and foodless work some time ago.

Anyway, what he can entrust his subordinates to do now, he will never do it himself.

If you do it when you are an employee, and you still do it when you are a boss, then what is the meaning of struggle?
Is it just to have an office of my own?
"Mr. Xu, the weather forecast said that the highest temperature in Nancheng today will be 34 degrees, and the ground temperature will definitely be higher. Sun Yuchen and Hu Hui will be fine, right?" Assistant Director Chen Huaijing was a little worried.

Among the six artists who have experienced careers, Du Changlin is sales, Song Xinru is customer service, and Chen Min is a reporter. They all work indoors and will not be exposed to the sun. Even Zhou Jinlin, who chooses a taxi driver, can also blow the air conditioner in the car .

Only Sun Yuchen and Hu Hui, one is a courier, the other is a mobile vendor, and there is no air-conditioning environment at all. In this weather, if you spend a long time outdoors, it is difficult to guarantee that you will not suffer from heat stroke.

"There are so many couriers and itinerant vendors in the whole city, and they are not the only two. What is there to worry about?" Xu Jie said indifferently after hearing this.

"But Sun Yuchen and Hu Hui have never done these two jobs." Chen Huaijing said.

"Who will be born with it? Don't they all learn slowly and grope slowly?" Xu Jie threw the stick of ice cream into the trash can and said lightly: "The more this is the case, the more they will be tested. I think Seeing how they work in a situation like this is something the audience will love to see, too."


Chen Huaijing was stunned, and didn't continue to speak, but she felt emotional in her heart: Mr. Xu really didn't regard celebrities as his wrists.

"Ring bell bell!"

A phone ring suddenly rang inside the house. Xu Jie took out his cell phone from his pocket and looked at the caller ID, then got up and left the house while answering the phone.

"Director Yu..."

The caller was Yu Zijian, the great director.

"Mr. Xu, congratulations on your first ratings. I watched the finals of "Crossover Actors". It was really exciting." Yu Zijian said with a smile.

"Thank you, Director Yu, for your compliment. It is a great honor for our program to get your affirmation." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

At the same time, I thought to myself: It has been several days since the end of the finals. Others congratulated me that night or the next day. How did this person remember it?Is the reflex arc too long?

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
His intuition told him that the phone call from the other party was definitely not as simple as congratulations.

"Mr. Xu, the director of "Crossover Actor" must be very busy, right? Do you have a good rest, or plan to go on vacation?" Yu Zijian asked again.

"How can I have time for a vacation? After only one day off, I started recording another variety show. I'm currently in Nancheng, Jiangsu." Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

Although he is very leisurely now, no different from a vacation, but he must not say that to the outside world.

I know, he came to Nancheng for the show, but I don't know, I thought he came to Nancheng to relax.


Yu Zijian was startled, he didn't expect the other party to be so busy and so hard-working, which made him even embarrassed to say the following words.

How to do?
Do not say?

Wouldn't it be a waste of calls if I didn't say anything?

He weighed it up, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Xu, how is our script... how is it written?"

At this time, I shouldn't have asked about this matter. After all, the other party was so busy that he didn't even have time to rest. Wouldn't asking about the script mean adding trouble?

However, more than half of July has passed, and his "Game in the Game" has completed post-production and is scheduled to be released during the Spring Festival this year.

Although during this period, there will be some promotional activities for the film, but at the earliest it will not be carried out until after the New Year, and it will not be effective for promotion.

In other words, from now until the new year, he has nothing to do, simply put, he is "very free".

However, he is not one to sit back and relax.

Especially after seeing Xu Jie's script and discussing the script with the other party, I want to see the complete script earlier and start shooting the script earlier.

It was in this mood that he made the call.

Xu Jie was startled when he heard this.

It seemed that this was the question the other party really wanted to ask.

He thought about his current situation. Although he was filming a variety show, he still had a lot of free time, especially during the day.

Let's say now...

Perfect for writing a screenplay.

Moreover, half of this year has passed, so it cannot be delayed any longer. After all, the cooperation with Yu Zijian is one of the important projects of the company.

For him personally, this project is even more important than the variety show currently being filmed.

The film and television industry is where he really wants to conquer.

As for the variety show... it can only be regarded as an accessory.

"Director Yu, I've already finished half of the script, and it's expected to be finished by the end of the month." Xu Jie said after thinking about it, which can be regarded as a reassurance for the other party.

"Ten days?"

Yu Zijian's eyes lit up.

He has been waiting for half a year, is there still ten days left?
Just use these ten days to gather some old partners, and strive to start the machine immediately after getting the script.

Start in August, September, October...

If you hurry up, maybe you can finish the filming before the New Year.

"Mr. Xu, are you sure you can finish writing by the end of this month?" Yu Zijian asked again.


Xu Jie answered very positively.

"It's okay, Mr. Xu, you are busy with your work, I will wait for you." Yu Zijian said happily, like a little old man who can defy the wind.

"Director Yu, don't worry, I'll contact you as soon as I finish writing the script," Xu Jie said.

The other party is in a hurry, so why isn't he in a hurry?

As long as the movie is profitable, he can get a 30.00% share of the profit, which is Taili's reward system.

In addition, his personal outstanding film and television culture company will also participate in the investment of this movie, and he can't wait to see this movie released.

Speaking of which, he would also like to thank Liu Feng. If the other party hadn't exposed his "taking care" of his brother-in-law's subsidiary to the stage, he wouldn't have been able to arrange his company to participate in film investment as openly as he is now.

It's just that there is too much work during this time, so there must be an order, right?
Once one is done, you can move on to the next one.

Just like now, after "Ordinary Courage" is arranged, he has time to write the script.

"Mr. Xu has worked hard, let's meet and talk again." Yu Zijian said
"Well, let's talk when we meet."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he put down the phone.

When he returned to the command room, the people inside were talking and laughing, and everyone seemed very happy. It was likely that a certain artist had made an embarrassment again.

Recording this show was a chore for the artists, but a joy for the crew.

Seeing Mr. Xu coming back, Chen Huaijing immediately stood up and said, "Mr. Xu, the artistes have completed the entry procedures and started working."

"Where's Hu Hui?" Xu Jie asked.

Among the six artists, only Hu Hui does not need to go through the entry procedures.

"Hu Hui bought 200 yuan of jewelry in the Small Commodity Wholesale City, and is currently leaving on a tricycle. I don't know where I'm going next." Chen Huaijing said with a smile.

Xu Jie nodded, and then said: "I'll go back to my room to write the script, call me if you need anything."

"Yes, Mr. Xu." Chen Huaijing said after hearing this.

Xu Jie walked out of the command room. His room was next door. The script was stored in a USB flash drive, and he could continue writing after plugging it into a laptop.

Because there is already a complete and detailed outline, there is no need to think too much when writing it. Xu Jie even feels that the script can be finished before the end of the month.

Of course, the premise is that "Ordinary Courage" can continue smoothly.

In this way, Xu Jie wrote the script during the day and did the post-production at night, and the whole person turned on the liver explosion mode again.

A week passed quickly.

Although the six artists kept making embarrassments, after these days of adaptation, they gradually got used to this kind of beating.

However, unlike what was expected before, after a week of work, the best situation turned out to be Hu Min, an itinerant peddler.

After many days of exploration, the other party finally chose two places as their daily fixed sales places. The first place is outside the scenic spot, and the second place is next to the night market.

Go shopping in the morning, go to scenic spots in the morning, go back to the hotel to catch up on sleep in the afternoon, and go to the night market in the evening.

Although I don't earn much every day, there is no problem with three meals a day.

Unlike Song Xinru, who works in customer service, she originally solved problems for others, but was complained many times in the end.

After working hard for a week, not only did he not make any money, but he still owed three hundred after deducting the money.

Xu Jie is very satisfied with these unexpected situations. Such situations will increase the highlights of the show, so don't worry about the process being too dull.


After Xu Jie finished writing the full stop, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the document on the screen, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Finally finished writing.

I thought I could finish it by the end of the month, but Xu Jie still underestimated himself, and finished it in a week, and there are still five days before the end of this month.

However, he didn't plan to pass the script to Yu Zijian immediately, but wanted to read it twice from beginning to end to check if there were any omissions or changes that needed to be made.

The man he was before, not the man he is now.

In the process of writing the script, he had more ideas.

He wanted to add these ideas to the script to make the story more exciting.

Isn't there such a slogan?
There is no best, only better.


The vibrating phone brought Xu Jie back to reality from the script.

He picked up his phone and looked at the incoming call. He thought it would be the subordinate next door, or Yu Zijian, but he didn't expect it to be Yu Kuan, the former general manager of Jingshi Culture.

Counting it, since the other party left Jingshi Culture and jumped to work as the general manager of Boyang Films, the two have not been in contact for more than two years.

Why did this person suddenly think of calling him?
Did you dial the wrong number?

Or, do you want to cooperate with Jingshi Culture?
While thinking, Xu Jie connected the phone.


"Hey, are you Mr. Xu?"

A serious voice rang out from the microphone.

Just listening to the sound makes people feel angry.

"You are Mr. Yu?" Xu Jie asked tentatively in a low voice, and at the same time, his mind was still full of doubts.

What's the matter with this voice?
He hasn't been in touch with each other for more than two years. Even when they were in contact two years ago, the two had a friendly relationship with each other.

"It's me, Yu Kuan." Yu Kuan asked in a strong voice: "Mr. Xu, what do you mean? You don't want to dig out so many film and television companies in the entertainment industry, so why do you want to dig into my company? I, Yu Kuan, no matter what it was before, Or now, I haven't offended you, have I?"

When Xu Jie heard it, he was stunned, and then asked suspiciously: "Mr. Yu, I am Xu Jie, did you make a mistake? Why did I poach your company? Also, I have been in Nancheng for the past week. , is there something wrong?"

"You didn't dig it, but the people under your command did. Let me ask you, is Wang Yang still in the cultural and personnel department of Jingshi?" Yu Kuan asked.

"Yes." Xu Jie said.

The other party used to be the general manager of Jingshi Culture, so he was not surprised that the other party mentioned the names of the company's employees.

"He dug it, and he dug away two people at once. I asked him what was the matter, and he said that was what you meant." Yu Kuan said angrily.

"When do I..."

Just when Xu Jie was halfway through speaking, he suddenly stopped. ,

Wang Yang?

dig people?

He remembered.

Before he left the capital, Wang Yang once gave him a qualified recruitment list, but he rejected most of the people in it. In the end, he also encouraged the other party not to wait in the company for talents to come to their door, but to learn to go out and poach people outside. ...

Thinking about Yu Kuan's words now, he finally understood what the other party meant.

"Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding. Although I asked Wang Yang to poach people in the circle, I didn't let him go to your company, but this also reflects one thing from the side. There are no weak soldiers under a strong general. Yu Zong, you It's amazing, there are so many amazing people around, which attracted Wang Yang to dig people." Xu Jie said with a smile.

After knowing what was going on, he felt much more relaxed.

Isn't that poaching people?

As long as it is a talent, which company does it matter?

Even in the capital TV station, they have to use means to dig out the Beijing TV culture.

For him, as long as it is conducive to the development of the company, he will support it.

It seems that Wang Yang has done a good job, and it is already effective.

It's just that two people are a bit small, isn't it?
Why didn't they dig out ten or eight of them?

Don't want to earn a commission?

"Of course, can the people I brought out be worse? Don't forget, I'm..." Yu Kuan was about to brag when he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He called the other party to question the crime, not to chat with the other party, and almost drank the other party's ecstasy soup.

This kid is much more cunning than when we met back then.


(End of this chapter)

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