The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1102 I want to be lonely!

Chapter 1102 I want to be lonely!
Yu Kuan still remembered that when he met Xu Jie for the first time, he was still Jiang Hai's follower.

Unexpectedly, in a few years time, the other party not only became the general manager of Jingshi Culture, but also managed the small company that was bleak and depressed back then to flourish, and there was a great tendency to become the leader of the industry.

Even now he has to call the other party: Mr. Xu!
What a formidable young man!
He also thought of Lao Jiang, who had become the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing TV Station.

I have to say that the other party's eyesight is really poisonous.

"Mr. Xu, you tell Wang Yang to return the person to me, and I will treat this incident as never happened." Yu Kuan suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and even poached his people, he was simply out of his mind.

"Mr. Yu, calm down, don't be as knowledgeable as Wang Yang, but I think Wang Yang may have his reasons for doing this." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

How can the people who have been dug out have any reason to go back?

If this matter gets out, the general managers of other companies will follow suit and call him, how can Wang Yang go to poach people?
The employees work so hard, how can he, the general manager, tear things down behind his back?
If he really followed Yu Kuan's words today, will the employees still actively work in the future?
Certainly not!

"Ah? What's the reason? Could it be that I'm easy to bully?" Yu Kuan asked suspiciously.

"No, no, who dares to bully Mr. Yu? If someone dares to do this, I, Xu Jie, will be the first to refuse. I think Wang Yang may think that Boyang Films has poached our Jingshi culture. I want to get back this face, so I did this." Xu Jie found a reason for Wang Yang.

"What? No way? Since when did Boyang Films poach someone from your Jingshi culture?" Yu Kuan asked with a question mark.

As the general manager of the company, how could he not know anything about this?

Even if the HR department is in charge of recruiting, they should show him the entry list at the end and ask him to sign it.

"Mr. Yu, you are so noble and forgetful. Boyang Films not only poached someone from our Beijing Television Culture, but also a person who is very important to our Beijing Television Culture. Don't say that Wang Yang poached Boyang There are two people in the film industry, even if we dig twenty, it can't replace the importance of this person." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Who? What's his name?" Yu Kuan asked impatiently.

He really wants to know who this talent is, and he can beat twenty with one.

"Mr. Yu, I can tell you, but you have to promise me one thing." Xu Jie made a fool of himself, and also put forward a condition.

Today, he has the qualifications.

"What's the matter?" Yu Kuan asked.

"If, as I said, Boyang Films really did this kind of thing, then regarding Wang Yang going to Boyang Films to poach people, how about you turn a blind eye?"

Xu Jie discussed with the other party.

Not only did he want to poach the other party's people, but he also wanted the other party to admit the matter and let the other party shut his mouth.

Yu Kuan was slightly taken aback, and he thought about it carefully. If there is such a talent, one can be worth twenty, then it doesn't seem too much to let the other party poach two from Boyang Films.

"Okay." Yu Kuan agreed, "However, how can you prove that this person can stand up to twenty people?"

Ability is something that doesn't mean whoever has it, and whoever has it, let alone relying on propaganda, but needs to list a report card, so that people can be convinced.

He wanted to hear how strong this person who was recruited by Boyang Films was.

As the former former general manager of Jingshi Culture, he is not so easy to deceive.

"It's simple. As soon as I mention this person's name, you will know it. Speaking of it, this person is an all-rounder. Not only is he proficient in various businesses, but he is also quite explosive in dealing with people. He has a very extensive network of contacts in the industry. and very high ratings.”

Xu Jie gave a good compliment.

After all, the higher the lift, the easier it is for the other party to accept reality.

"Oh? Who is it?" Yu Kuan asked impatiently, and became more curious in his heart.

Does Jingshi Culture have such capable people?

Why doesn't he know?
"This person is you, Mr. Yu. Boyang Films poached you from Beijing TV Culture at the beginning, and made a company as big as Beijing TV Culture without a backbone. You said that Wang Yang is now poaching from Boyang Films. Is it too much for two people to come?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.


When Yu Kuan heard the answer, he was stunned.

After selling it for a long time, it was him who dared to say it, and he couldn't continue it because of it.

That's right, he can't continue to pursue Wang Yang's poaching.

No, it was indeed Boyang Films who offered various lucrative conditions to lure him to join.

How to do?
Is that all?
He hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Xu, I remember that when Boyang Films poached me, you hadn't gone to Jingshi Culture yet, so this matter doesn't count?"

"Mr. Yu, although I was not in Beijing TV Culture at the time, the people who were in Beijing TV Culture at that time are still in the company now. They always remember this incident and think that Boyang Films took away their most important person. I As the future general manager, of course I have to make decisions for them, so as to eliminate their resentment and let them follow me wholeheartedly, what do you think, Mr. Yu?"

Xu Jie is a reasonable person.

If you want to bargain with him, you must first convince him. If you can't convince him, I'm sorry, go back where you came from.


Yu Kuan was speechless after listening.

The employees of Jingshi Culture have been thinking about him?

How can it be!

Fortunately, the other party can speak out.

When he was at Jingshi Culture, the company was losing money almost year after year, not to mention subsidies, and even the bonus at the end of the year could not be paid out.

Only when the income and expenditure are balanced in the year do we dare to spend some money to give employees less New Year's goods, that is called poor, that is called miserable.

But watching the current Beijing TV culture, movies, TV dramas, variety shows, etc. are in full bloom, and the employees are busy with work, and there must be a lot of subsidies and bonuses. I guess he has long been forgotten.

Who can't get along with money?
As for resentment...

There is a general manager who can lead everyone to make money. It is too late for the employees to be happy. How can it be possible to retain the previous resentment?Isn't this making things difficult for yourself?
But what the other party said, he couldn't refute it.

If the other party is said to be in a hurry, the other party may lead all the employees of Jingshi Culture to hold a sign outside the gate of Boyang Films to prove it.

He thought for a while, and finally said: "Mr. Xu, the two people Wang Yang dug this time are the technical backbone of our Boyang Film Industry. You can return one of them to me."

The phone calls have already been made, so you can't return without success, right?
It's a bit embarrassing.

He hoped that the other party could give him a step down.

"Mr. Yu, didn't we agree just now? How can you go back on your word? Besides, is a general manager not as good as two technical backbones? Let me tell you, Wang Yang did less digging this time, and only dug two. Well, if it were me, I would have to dig ten or twenty, so as to reflect your total value, Wang Yang only digs two is simply an offense to you." Xu Jie said.


Yu Kuan hurriedly called a stop.

He was really afraid that the other party would continue to go to Boyang Films to poach people.

If the other party really did that, he really has nothing to do.

Yu Kuan sighed involuntarily.

It seems that I can only admit it!
"Okay, Mr. Xu, I don't want those two people anymore, but you have to tell Wang Yang, don't come to Boyang Films to poach people in the future." Yu Kuan said.

Since the other party didn't give him a step, he could only find a step for himself.

He finally understood that the fast track that Beijing TV Culture is currently developing is when it needs talents, so it will take the initiative to poach people, and it will definitely not only poach Boyang Films and his family.

Stop, definitely can't be stopped, with the current reputation and development momentum of Jingshi Culture, I don't know how many people want to join, it is estimated that the eyes of those who are poached will be flooded when they hear the name of Jingshi Culture. .

And what he can do is to hope that the other party's subordinates will appreciate it, and don't just pluck the wool from a sheep.

Don't look at him as the general manager of Boyang Films, but in fact, he is also a migrant worker, but he earns more than ordinary migrant workers.

"Since Mr. Yu has already spoken, fine, no problem, I'll tell Wang Yang later." Xu Jie agreed without hesitation.

Why doesn't he want a favor that comes in vain?
Anyway, everyone has finished digging.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, then I won't bother you. By the way, if there are any good film and television drama projects in the future, don't forget me." Yu Kuan.

He also wanted to board the other party's big ship.

In the past, Boyang Films was better than Jingshi Culture, but now... he no longer dares to think so.

However, there is one thing he is very sure of. Beijing TV Culture will definitely be better than Boyang Films in the future.

Of course, he didn't regret his move to Boyang Films. Even if he was still in Jingshi Culture, Jingshi Culture wouldn't have the development momentum it has now.

People have their own strengths.

His strength lies in connections. At the beginning, Jingshi Culture's environment was not suitable for him, but the opponent's strength was personal ability, and Jingshi Culture just gave the opponent a chance to play.

"Okay, no problem." Xu Jie was not ambiguous. On the one hand, the two are old acquaintances, and on the other hand, they have many friends and multiple paths. Making friends is also helpful for the company's future development. Maybe when in the future, Who can use who.

The two said goodbye politely, and then they all hung up the phone.

Yu Kuan looked at his phone and froze on his seat for a while, feeling a little slumped.

The plan was to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, so why did you thank the other party while talking?

Test! ! !
To a lonely!
After Xu Jie and Yu Kuan finished talking on the phone, they found Wang Yang's mobile phone number in the contacts and called him.

He wants to praise each other well.

Soon, the phone is connected,

"Mr. Xu, I'm Wang Yang, what orders do you have?"

Although it was just a phone call, Wang Yang was still respectful and did not dare to neglect in the slightest.

"Wang Yang, I heard that you poached someone from Boyang Film Company? Mr. Yu has already sued me, and you still want someone from me." Xu Jie said with a smile.


Wang Yang was taken aback.

Poaching is a normal business practice, how can anyone complain to the boss?This is not a child's play, Yu Kuan's behavior is really childish and ridiculous. .

In fact, Yu Kuan also called him. He knew what the other party was up to, but he didn't want to return the person, so he didn't answer the call in the end.

However, he did not expect that the other party would actually call Mr. Xu.

"Xu, Mr. Xu, what do you mean? This I pay it back, or not?" Wang Yang asked weakly.

This was the first time he made a move in his poaching plan. If he just returned it like this, he would really be unwilling to do so. Moreover, based on the commission of [-] per person, this is a reward of [-].

Just gone?
"Of course I won't return it. People have already dug it up, so why pay him back?" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Wang Yang was overjoyed, and at the same time he was relieved.

Regardless of whether it is the former leader or the leader of other companies, as long as Mr. Xu says not to pay back, he will not pay back.

"Wang Yang, I just mentioned the matter of poaching a few days ago, and you have already poached people to the company. Okay, you have a strong work ability. I would like to praise you." Xu Jie said.

"It's nothing, the main thing is that Mr. Xu is my backing, so I have the confidence no matter what I do." Wang Yang hurriedly replied humbly.

He was already very happy to be recognized by Mr. Xu, and he didn't dare to pretend to be capable in front of Mr. Xu.

To be honest, whether he can dig successfully has little to do with him.

If it was Jingshi Culture a few years ago, no matter how good the conditions are, they may not be able to agree. It is because of Mr. Xu's leadership that the company is not only getting bigger and bigger, but also getting more and more famous. Let the target move after seeing the condition.

People go to high places!

"Okay, don't put a high hat on me, besides these two people, are there other goals?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes, I have more than a dozen targets now, and I have contacted seven of them. They are all in the consideration stage. Please give me some time, Mr. Xu, and I will have a good chat with them. I believe I will be able to persuade them to quit." Yang said swearingly.

"Okay, keep digging. If anything happens, push it all on me, but you have to pay attention to one thing, don't just collect wool from one sheep, choose a few more sheep." Xu Jie said.

Now that he had agreed to Yu Kuan, he naturally couldn't go back on his word, otherwise, if the other party could call him this time, he would be able to call Boss Jiang later.

He didn't want to embarrass Boss Jiang, after all, it wasn't a big deal.


Wang Yang instantly understood what Mr. Xu meant.

This is to prevent him from attacking Boyang Films.

In fact, Mr. Xu didn't need to say it, he also understood this truth.

If only two or three people are recruited, no company will say anything. After all, there are hundreds of people in the small-scale industry. If there are less than two or three people, it will not have any impact on the company.

But if ten or twenty people are poached from a company, it will inevitably affect the normal operation of the company. Why isn't the other company looking for him desperately?
There is a limit to everything, and you must know when enough is enough.

"Okay, it's okay, you can continue digging, come on." Xu Jie cheered the other party up.

Let Yu Kuan take the initiative to make a call, and the two people who were poached by Wang Yang would not be ordinary employees.

He couldn't wait to see who Wang Yang had dug up.


(End of this chapter)

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