The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1103 Strike while the iron is hot!

Chapter 1103 Strike while the iron is hot!

After Xu Jie finished writing the script, he revised it several times until he was satisfied with the content, then he called Yu Zijian.

The job of writing scripts can only be satisfied for a while, because people's ideas will change with time and experience. No matter how great a writer is, when he looks back on a certain work of his, he will feel regret or dissatisfaction. satisfied place.

So is the screenplay.

Xu Jie can only do his best to be satisfied for the time being. As for what he will think in the future, that is a matter for the future. Anyway, it is not too late to modify it when it is time to shoot.

Soon, Yu Zijian's voice rang through the phone.

"Mr. Xu, don't tell me, let me guess, is the script finished?" Yu Zijian asked, with a deep joy in his voice, and he sounded happier than talking about the script with an actress late at night.

"Yes, Director Yu, where are you? I'll send you the script." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

In this meeting, in addition to talking about the script, we also need to talk about things related to filming, such as location selection, actors, etc., so that he can get the people in the film department to prepare quickly and try to start the film in the shortest possible time.

In his opinion, making a movie should be done while the iron is hot, otherwise he doesn't know when it will be delayed.

Take him as an example, managing such a large company with so many jobs on hand, it is already a limit to find time to write scripts from the time between filming variety shows. Maybe there will be more busy work waiting for him to do.

"Mr. Xu, you are so busy, how dare I bother you to send me the script? I just happen to be fine during this time. Where are you, I will find you. This will neither affect your filming of variety shows, nor affect our discussion of filming. You What do you think?" Yu Zijian asked.

If Mr. Xu is asked to go back to the capital to find him, once something happens to the program crew, the other party will definitely rush back to the filming location to deal with it.

But it would be different if he went to Mr. Xu. He could chat whenever he wanted, and for as long as he wanted. Even if the program team had something to do, he could wait.

Not only can I wait during the day, but also at night, which not only facilitates Mr. Xu's work, but also facilitates his communication with Mr. Xu.

"Director Yu, how could I let you come to me? How can you be so embarrassing?" Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite. We are not outsiders. Isn't it the same when you come to me and I go to you? That's it. By the way, where are you?" Yu Zijian remembered the other party Said, but he forgot.

"Su Jiangnan City, I will send you a location later."

"Okay, I'll book a ticket right away and arrive in Nancheng as soon as possible."

At this moment, Yu Zijian wished he could grow two wings and fly to Nancheng. He couldn't wait to read the full version of the script.

After the phone call, Xu Jie sent the location map to Yu Zijian.

It is not suitable for him to appear in public now, and I hope the other party can find him here.

The completion of the script can be regarded as an end to one of Xu Jie's concerns. He printed out the script and put it in a drawer for preparation. Then he went to the command room next door to see today's shooting situation.

Because it is the third season of the program and the original crew, the filming of "Ordinary Courage" is going very smoothly.

The camera team knows what to shoot and what not to shoot, the post-production staff also know what to cut and what to keep, and the outfield director and host know how to deal with unexpected situations. Originally, Xu Jie wanted to be lazy, but now he can be aboveboard I'm being lazy.

Because before he got out, the problem was solved.

In the evening, Xu Jie wanted to go out to get some fresh air.

It's been almost half a month since I came to Nancheng, and I'm almost rotten by staying in the hotel every day.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw a person standing outside the door, looking at the hotel while looking in through the window, looking furtive.

Xu Jie thought he was a friend of the hotel owner, but when he took off his hat and fanned himself, he recognized that it was director Yu Zijian.

He quickly opened the door, looked at the other party in surprise and said, "Director Yu, are you too fast?"

When Yu Zijian saw the person who opened the door, a smile appeared on his puzzled face, he held the other person's hand tightly and said, "There happens to be a flight to Nancheng in the afternoon, anyway, I'm alone, so I came here, no Bothering you?"

"No, please come in." Xu Jie took the suitcase from Yu Zijian's hand, and dragged him into the hotel.

After Yu Zijian entered, he looked around curiously, and asked suspiciously, "Mr. Xu, why do you live here?"

As far as she knows, "Ordinary Courage" is the most profitable variety show in China, making more money than most movies. Even if you don't live in a big hotel, you can't live in a small hotel, right?

Xu Jie understood what the other party meant, so he explained with a smile: "There are many people in a big place, and it is inconvenient to do many things, so I specially found such an inconspicuous place to avoid being secretly photographed by the media and fans. It looks very ordinary here, but the sparrow is small and well-equipped, by the way, where do you live?"

"I went straight to your place after I came to Nancheng, and I haven't had time to find a hotel." Yu Zijian suddenly rolled his eyes and asked, "Mr. Xu, do you have any vacancies here? How about I Let's stay here, it's convenient for us to communicate, if there is no room, just give me a bed in the corridor."

"That's impossible. You came all the way to Nancheng to find me. How can I let you sleep in the corridor? Once it gets out, which director will dare to cooperate with me in the future? You know that you are reasonable, but you don't know that you think I made it difficult for you on purpose, go, I will arrange a room for you."

Xu Jie dragged his luggage and walked towards the innermost part of the corridor.

There are still a few vacant rooms in the hotel, which are usually used as equipment rooms. Since Yu Zijian is here, it doesn't hurt to pack one for him.

An employee who was about to go to the bathroom came out of the command room at this time. When he saw Xu Jie, he was taken aback. He thought Mr. Xu had already gone out.

However, when he saw the old man standing beside Mr. Xu, he was not calm at all.

This, isn't this the great director Yu Zijian?

The other party had been to Jingshi Culture Company to participate in the signing ceremony, so it was fortunate to have seen the other party in person.

That's right, it's Yu Zijian.

Why is Director Yu here?

"Xiao Liu, you came just in time. Go and tidy up one of the innermost equipment rooms, and tidy them up a bit, so that Director Yu can live there." Xu Jie said to the staff.

When Liu Ziran heard that Director Yu was going to live here, he nodded quickly and said, "Yes, okay, I'll go and tidy up right now."

After speaking, holding back his urine, he quickly ran to one of the equipment rooms.

Xu Jie pointed to a room next to him and said: "Director Yu, you go to my room to rest first, by the way, have you eaten yet, are you planning to go out and eat some local specialties in Nancheng, or order some takeaway to eat here? "

"Mr. Xu, you don't have to worry about me. I ate it on the plane. Can you show me the script first?" Yu Zijian asked while rubbing his hands.

His trip to the south city this time was aimed at the script.

As for room and board, he doesn't care.

"Director Yu, you should take a good rest. You've already arrived here, are you still afraid that the script will grow wings and fly away? We will have plenty of time to read the script in the future."

The other party is so old, Xu Jie does not dare to tire the other party, after all, the director of the other party will be required to host the next movie.

Want to be busy?

There will be plenty of time in the future.

"Mr. Xu, I just took a flight, and it's not a long distance, so I'm not tired. You should give me the script first. Reading the script is a rest for me." There is even more urgency to meet the girl of your dreams.

Seeing Director Yu's impatient look, Xu Jie was too embarrassed to refuse, so he said, "Alright Director Yu, the script is in my room."

He returned to the room, took out the script from the drawer and handed it to Yu Zijian who was beside him.

Yu Zijian carefully took over the script, his eyes lit up, as if he had found some treasure, he quickly sat on the chair beside him, and carefully read it.

Xu Jie opened his mouth. He had something to say to the other party, but when he saw the other party's focus, he swallowed the words and quietly left the room.

Although I have already seen the first half, Yu Zijian still chooses to start from the beginning.

A good work is worth reading repeatedly, so that you can taste the meaning expressed between the lines.

In fact, he only read a few pages before he began to feel how correct his decision was.

Because the first half of the script has also been changed. Although this change is not very big, it makes the whole scene look more exciting and highlights the characteristics of each character.

If it is filmed according to the script, it will definitely catch the audience's attention at the beginning.

A good script has such charm!
The hands on the clock kept turning.

However, Yu Zijian at this time could not feel the existence of time at all.

His attention is all focused on the script, and his entire mental space is immersed in the plot.

Turned page after page, and finally came to the last page.

When he closed the script, he didn't rush to discuss the plot with Xu Jie, but chose to close his eyes and savor the whole story.

For him, this is not only a process of deepening the impression, but also a process of understanding.

As a director, you can only shoot a good story if you truly understand the story, otherwise the film will only be the same.

After a while, Yu Zijian finally opened his eyes, with a smile on his face, and excitement and surprise in his eyes.

The script was better than the last time he saw it!
"Mr. Xu..."

Yu Zijian wanted to share his impressions after reading it with Xu Jie, but found that he was the only one in the room, and the other party had left the room at some point.

He hurriedly opened the door and walked out, but the rooms made him stop again.

How do you find so many houses?
And it's already dark outside, what should I do if I disturb other people's sleep?
Thinking of this, he adopted the most direct method, took out his mobile phone and dialed Mr. Xu's phone number.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Mr. Xu, I'm Yu Zijian. Where are you? I've finished reading the script. Let's chat?" Yu Zijian was in a turbulent mood and excited, not like an old man at all.

Xu Jie looked up at the clock on the wall. It was already 10:[-] in the evening, and he couldn't help but sigh: This old man is really full of energy.

However, he also knew that since the other party came, he would definitely not give up until he achieved his goal. He had also learned from it when he was in Hengdian, so he replied: "Okay, I will go there right away."

After speaking, he explained a few words to the people around him, and then walked out of the command room.

"Mr. Xu!" Yu Zijian's eyes lit up, and he walked up to him quickly, regardless of whether there was anyone around, he tightly grasped the other's arm with both hands, and said excitedly: "That's great, the writing is great, I must make this movie well."

Xu Jie was taken aback after hearing this.

This is said, as if the previous movies were all coping.

However, he was very happy to be recognized and praised by the other party. After all, in addition to being a director, the other party is also a well-known screenwriter in the circle.

"Director Yu, your room has been tidied up, let's go to your room and talk." Xu Jie pointed to a room in the corridor.

"Okay, okay!" Yu Zijian took Xu Jie's hand and walked quickly to that room.

Liu Ziran who came out of the bathroom was stunned.

so close?

What is the relationship between Director Yu and Mr. Xu?
It shouldn't be the kind of relationship where we discuss the script together in the middle of the night, right?

The door is closed.

Yu Zijian pulled Xu Jie to sit down, then put the script on the table, and couldn't wait to tell his impressions after reading it.


Although Xu Jie wrote the script, he still listened very carefully.

As the author, he really wants to hear other people's thoughts on this script, whether they are the same as him, and whether they are different from him.

Maybe it can give him some inspiration.

Yu Zijian seemed to have opened up a conversation box, and he kept talking as soon as he opened his mouth.

The last time they met, it was a cross talk, the two talked to each other, but this time it was a stand-up comedy, which became Yu Zijian's one-man show.

After more than half an hour passed, Yu Zijian finally finished his thoughts.

"Mr. Xu, when will we start the machine, I'm ready."

Yu Zijian raised his chest and raised his head, pretending to be energetic.

There is an idiom called: Strike while the iron is hot.

Now he wants to use this energy to finish the movie in one go.

"Director Yu, the actors haven't been decided yet, how can we turn it on? You can't let Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan sing Errenzhuan, right?" Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

There are so many roles in the script, only two actors are confirmed, one is the male lead Hu Xuan, and the other is the female lead Chen Siyan.

Yu Zijian was taken aback for a moment, and the little flame of enthusiasm dimmed a lot in an instant.

Actors are not difficult to find, but it is not easy to find some actors who are suitable for the role.

For a director, it is not enough to have a good script, but also to have suitable actors. Only in this way can the charm of the characters be brought out.

"Mr. Xu, you wrote the script. Do you have any suitable candidates for the characters in it?" Yu Zijian asked.

For role candidates, it is undoubtedly the wisest choice to ask the script author.

Because when the author writes about a certain character, he often associates it with a certain artist in reality, so that it will be more emotional when writing.

"Yes, but it's limited to some main characters." Xu Jie said.

"The problems of the main characters have been solved, are you afraid that the problems of the secondary characters can't be solved?" Yu Zijian directly turned the script to the column of character introduction, then picked up the pen, looked at Xu Jie and said, "Say, I'll write , I’ll add it if I think about it.”

"it is good."

Xu Jie nodded, and then while looking at the characters, he announced the names of the artists one by one.


(End of this chapter)

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