Chapter 1104 Eat well!

Xu Jie originally thought it would take a long time to find actors, but after only two days, Yu Zijian told him the good news: all the roles were found.

At first, he thought the other party was joking. After all, there are hundreds of characters in the script, and dozens of them have lines. How can it be so easy to find them?

Until the other party took out the role list.

I saw the name of the actor written on the back of each character, and there was a check mark behind the name, there were some he knew and some he didn't know.

But what surprised him the most was that some characters with few lines, as few as one or two scenes, were played by first- and second-tier stars.

One must know that any of these stars can pick out any ruthless characters who can support a drama, so why are they willing to play these small roles?

For this reason, he also specifically asked Yu Zijian for advice, asking if he had any tips for persuading others, but the other party's answer directly confused him.

No advice.

Yes, the other party did not persuade anyone at all, but just told the truth about the situation of the movie. Yu Zijian was the director, and Xu Jie was the screenwriter and producer. Agreed, without even asking about the salary.

Xu Jie didn't know whether it was Yu Zijian's face or his.

The actor's problem is solved, and the rest is not a problem.

Xu Jie was not ambiguous, and immediately called Ye Chu, the current director of the film department, to ask the other party to organize personnel to prepare for the filming of the movie "The Beast".

As for the two films in the new director support plan, Wang Wen, who has become the vice president, will supervise and be in charge.

And his purpose of doing this is mainly to let Ye Chu serve as the assistant director of this movie, and work and study with Yu Zi in fitness.

You know, not everyone has the opportunity to learn from great directors.

For Ye Chu, this is a very rare opportunity, and it will be of great help to Ye Chu in his future in the film industry.

Xu Jie has high hopes for Ye Chu.

Ye Chu's role is crucial to whether Jingshi Culture and Film Department can occupy a place in the film circle.

Ye Chu also knew his mission, so after receiving Mr. Xu's order, while being grateful, he immediately began to prepare for the film crew, such as: photography, art, recording, scene recording, makeup, costumes, props and so on.

Soon, however, he ran into a problem.

The employees of the film department are all currently in the crew of the two films shot by the new director, and there are no extra people in the department to form a new crew.

As the old saying goes, a clever woman cannot cook without rice.

You can't transfer the staff from the new director's side here, can you?

In fact, with the current number of employees in the film department, it is already very difficult to form two film crews.

Even in the current two film crews, many of them are foreign aids he invited from other places. For example, in Zheng Siyan's "The Uninvited Guest", the camera, recording, and makeup are all old acquaintances when he filmed the film "The World" .

Ye Chu didn't want to disappoint Mr. Xu, so he found Wang Wen, the vice president, and hoped that the other party could help him solve this problem. After all, the film department was under the management of the other party.

The first thing Wang Wen thought of was to borrow people from Forbidden Films. After all, the two companies are brothers, and Beijing TV Culture had previously borrowed people from Forbidden Films for the movies and TV series.

But soon, she dismissed the idea again.

Because Taili announced a reward system at the beginning of the year, the person in charge of the company will receive a reward share of [-]% of the project's profits.

If you borrow people from Forbidden Films, and Mr. Xu makes money from that movie in the future, will the reward share be given to the people in Forbidden Films, or not?

If one is not handled well, it may affect the relationship between the two companies.

After much deliberation, Wang Wen finally decided to call Mr. Xu and ask for his opinion.

At this time, Xu Jie was discussing the shooting with Yu Zijian, and drew them one by one. After receiving Wang Wen's call, he immediately stopped writing.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked while looking at the half-drawn sub-camera.

Compared with Yu Zijian next to him, his painting skills are obviously much worse.

In response to that sentence: No one is perfect.

He was thinking about whether he should learn to draw in his spare time. It doesn't need to be very good at drawing, at least he can draw the artistic conception of the sub-camera.

"Mr. Xu, I have something to ask you for instructions. Didn't you ask Ye Chu to form the crew of the film "The Beast"? But the film department has no more people to give him. You see, Xiang Zi Do Ban Films borrow people, or contact some individuals to join the team?" Wang Wen asked.

"There's no one in the movie department, isn't there someone in the TV drama department?" Xu Jie said.

The filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" has been finished, and there is currently no plan to shoot a new TV series. It just so happens that people from the TV series department can shoot the movie "The Beast".

Whether it's a TV series or a movie, it's all filming. Art, scene recording, recording, makeup, etc. are all the same, there is no difference.

Remember when filming "Lovers in Time and Space", didn't the film department and the TV drama department all participate in the battle?

"Alright Mr. Xu."

Wang Wen got the instructions and immediately contacted Lu Zhihong, the person in charge of the TV drama department, and asked the other party to transfer some people from the TV drama department to lend to Ye Chu.

It didn't take long for the film crew of "The Beast" to be formed.

After Xu Jie received the news, he immediately returned to the capital with Yu Zijian.

Because this time the filming location is in the capital.

As for "Ordinary Courage", he handed it over to the assistant directors Chen Huaijing and Qin Yan.

After these days of observation, the two of them were still able to shoulder the burden.

If you have any questions, you can contact them by phone. If you can't make it clear on the phone, it will not be too late for him to go to Nancheng. Anyway, it only takes one and a half hours from Beijing to Nancheng.


8 month 10 day.

The day the movie "The Beast" started.

The opening ceremony was very grand. Not only were all the staff members of the film crew present, but many media reporters were also invited. It was a lively event.

This is what Xu Jie did on purpose.

Because this movie is not only a key project of Jingshi Culture, but he personally invested 3000 million through the outstanding film and television culture company, so for him, this movie should not be missed at the box office.

The opening ceremony is undoubtedly a very good publicity opportunity, which can make people who see it full of expectations for the movie.

The era of "the fragrance of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley" has long passed.

Nowadays, even the best things must know how to publicize.

Movies are no exception.

In fact, the bigger the director, the more money he spends on film promotion.

Directors like Zhang Da, Chen Da, Feng Da, etc., spend tens of millions on publicity, and they don't even bat an eyelid when throwing out one or two small goals.

As for the movie "The Beast", the total investment is only 3000 million.

For Jingshi Culture, this is a big investment, but for Yu Zijian, this is the film with the smallest investment he has made in the past ten years.

But he didn't care.

He just wanted to finish the film as soon as possible.

He doesn't care about the rest.

At this moment, Xu Jie, incarnate as a communicator, chatted enthusiastically with various media who came to the scene.

"Mr. Xu, can I have an interview with you?" A beautiful woman asked Xu Jie with a smile.

"Of course it can." Xu Jie walked over after hearing this.

The other party is not only an acquaintance, but also his former subordinate, Li Xueqing, the hostess of the cultural program center of Beijing TV Station, and now the host of "Cultural Entertainment Broadcasting", Qin Yan's successor after leaving the program.

This is the real one.

"Thank you Mr. Xu." Li Xueqing said politely, then communicated with the cameraman, and then said to the camera: "Everyone, standing next to me is Mr. Xu Jie, the producer of the movie "The Beast"... "


Xu Jie stretched out his hand and took the initiative to interrupt the interview.

"President Xu, what's the matter?" Li Xueqing asked suspiciously.

"Don't call me Mr. Xu. When the audience hears it, it seems strange. Just call me Lao Xu. It sounds kind." Xu Jie explained the reason.

Speaking of Lao Xu, many viewers know about it, but talking about Mr. Xu, few viewers know about it.

Because the people who call him Mr. Xu are all people in the film and television industry, and the interview is for the audience, so it is inappropriate to call him Mr. Xu.

Li Xueqing was slightly taken aback, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was indeed the case, so she nodded and resumed the interview.

"Friends from the audience, the person standing next to me must be familiar to many people. He is Xu Xujie, the producer of the movie "The Beast". Now let me interview him on some issues that fans care about." Li Xueqing said Here, he turned his head and looked at Xu Jie, "Old Xu, I heard that you are still the screenwriter of this movie. Is it true?"

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

"You are also the chief screenwriter of "Crossover Actor", can you talk about the differences between the movie "Beast" and the script you created in "Crossover Actor"?" Li Xueqing asked.

"The script in "Crossover Actor" is short and sharp, while "The Beast" is long and exciting. If watching "Crossover Actor" is not enough, then watch "The Beast" movie. It will definitely make you hearty and memorable Infinity." Xu Jie said.

What is propaganda?

Propaganda is all about boasting, boasting vigorously, and boasting so that those who listen to it are tempted, and those who listen to it are itchy, so that they can enter the movie theater.

"Really? My heart was moved by what I said. By the way, I don't know if you will appear in this movie?"

"Appearance? You mean let me act?"

"Yes, last year's "Lover in Time and Space" starring you earned enough tears from the audience. If I remember correctly, you were also the screenwriter of that movie, right? I really want to see you act again."

"Haha, thank you for your suggestion, I will consider it."

"Thank you Lao Xu for accepting the interview, let us look forward to the movie "The Beast" together."

The interview is over.

Xu Jie said goodbye to Li Xueqing, and then walked to the next media outlet.

The media accepted his invitation to come here, it was for his face, as the host, he naturally had to show enough sincerity, not to neglect any media.

Even if you don't accept interviews from your own TV station, you should have a good chat with other media.

"My friends from Sujiang Satellite TV, thank you for your hard work." Xu Jie came to several reporters and greeted them warmly.

"Hello, Mr. Xu."

Everyone greeted and saluted again.

Instigated by Zhou Dongpeng, the deputy editor-in-chief of Sujiang TV Station, they came to the capital from Nancheng to participate in this opening ceremony, and they have already confirmed that this news will be broadcast in an entertainment program broadcast by Sujiang Satellite TV in the evening.

How could they, as employees, dare to be arrogant in front of Mr. Xu if they were valued so much by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou?
"You're welcome, you are my family when you come here. I was filming the variety show "Ordinary Courage" in Nancheng a few days ago, and I talked a lot about cooperation with you, deputy editor-in-chief Zhou. Maybe one day in the future we will be able to fight side by side. It is." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Thank you Mr. Xu for putting the variety show "Ordinary Courage" in our Nancheng filming. We also very much hope to cooperate with you. It will be our honor." The person in charge of the team said.

"Mr. Xu, we have just filmed the whole process of the opening ceremony. Don't worry, we will report it well when we go back." A host next to him said.

"Thank you, everyone, don't be in a hurry, it will be noon soon, I have arranged some working meals for you, I hope you can enjoy them." Xu Jie said.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, then we will not be polite." The person in charge said politely.

When they came here, the staff of Jingshi Culture told them about having lunch at noon. He checked it just now, and it was still a five-star hotel.

It has to be said that Mr. Xu's work meals are of high standard.

It is said that Xu always pays attention to people. Looking at it today, the rumors are indeed true.

Xu Jie chatted briefly with the people from Sujiang Satellite TV, and then looked for the next target.

"Mr. Xu!"

Suddenly a voice came, which sounded very familiar.

Xu Jie followed his reputation, and it was his senior sister Liu Liya from Hunan Satellite TV.

"Senior sister, have you taken some panacea? Why do you look younger than last year?" Xu Jie walked over, opening his mouth to praise.

It is never wrong to praise a woman for being young.

After Liu Liya heard this, the smile on her face became even brighter.

"Mr. Xu, you look more energetic than last year. What makes you in such a good state? Can you share with me?" Liu Liya asked.

"It's work. Work makes me happy." Xu Jie said solemnly after hearing this.

"Really? I knew that you are really different from normal people." Liu Liya put away some smiles when she said this, and said seriously: "Okay, I'm not joking with you. How about it? What's wrong with this movie? Confidence?"

"Of course I have confidence. What can I do if I'm not sure?" Xu Jie said confidently.

Although the person in front of him is his senior sister, he is also a member of the media. In front of the media, he will never show a guilty conscience, even if it is just a little bit.

"Then I don't worry, don't forget to invite me when the celebration banquet is held in the future." Liu Liya said with a smile.

"Sure, just don't come when the time comes." Xu Jie said.

In addition to Jiangsu TV Station and Huxiang TV Station, people from Shanghai TV Station and Zhejiang-Hangzhou TV Station also came.

Five David TVs were present at the same time. This lineup stunned many reporters.

I thought: Mr. Xu, you really enjoy eating!


(End of this chapter)

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