Chapter 1105
On the night when the opening ceremony of the movie "The Beast" ended, all five David TVs reported on the matter, and some even lasted for more than a minute, which can be said to have given enough exposure.

In addition, major news portals, video sites and other online media have also carried out large-scale reports in the entertainment section, with text, pictures, and videos, and all of them are in the most conspicuous positions, earning enough flow.

For a moment, the launch of the movie "The Beast" seemed to be the biggest event in the entire entertainment circle, even overshadowing some celebrity scandals, and directly rushed to the trending searches.


Crews are building the sets needed for tomorrow's shoot overnight.

Yu Zijian used his mobile phone to scan the video for a while, then looked at Xu Jie, the supervisor, and said, "Mr. Xu, so many media are rushing to report on our opening ceremony, you really have a lot of attention."

"What does it have to do with me? It's obviously Director Yu, you pay a lot of attention, okay?" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Mr. Xu, don't put gold on my face. When I was filming and holding the opening ceremony, there were not so many media present and reporting." Yu Zijian said.

He has been a director for so many years, and he has participated in dozens if not hundreds of plays, but this is the first time he has seen such a grand and lively opening ceremony like today.

Although he didn't count them one by one, but at a glance, there were at least hundreds of media people present, and most of them were from major TV stations.

Not to mention him, even the boss of Huasen Media couldn't invite so many.

What is Pai Nian?

This is Pai Nian!
"Maybe it's because today's entertainment circle is rather boring and there is no news that attracts people, so they come here to join in the fun." Xu Jie said lightly.

Yu Zijian shook his head with a wry smile.

Let's say the other party is low-key, so many media were invited for a single opening ceremony, and there was such a big commotion; but let's say the other party is high-profile, and they didn't admit it when they talked about it.

I really don't understand!

"Mr. Xu, you should go back first. I'm enough here alone. We don't need to be both here." Yu Zijian said.

"Director Yu, you've been busy all day. You should go back and rest. I'll take care of you here. I'm young and in good health. Besides, this kind of overtime work is common for me, and I'm used to it." Xu Jie said , while pushing the opponent towards the parking lot.

On the set, the director is the boss.

If the boss doesn't have a good rest, how can he lead the entire film crew to film the next day?
Xu Jie has worked as a director, so he is very aware of the hard work of a director.

He has high hopes for the movie "The Beast". Whether it can be made well and whether it can make a lot of money depends entirely on the other party.

And his duty as a producer is to solve the other party's worries.

"President Xu, Director Yu, stop arguing, let me do it." Ye Chu, who was not far away, heard this and came over.

For him, one is the top leader of the company, and the other is the top commander of the set, and neither of them is good for the movie if they are tired.

And as the assistant director of this movie, it is also his duty to help the director share his worries and assist the director in his work, not to mention that the process of working is also a process of learning.

Even if you are a little tired and suffer a little, it doesn't matter.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Xu Jie was about to speak when suddenly the phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. He was stunned for a while, and then connected the call.

"Mr. Ding, good evening." Xu Jie said with a smile.

The caller was Ding Zhenye, the boss of Daniu Company, also Ding Mengni's second uncle.

Counting it, the two have not been in touch for half a year, and the last time was when the other party got the dividend of the movie "Lover in Time and Space".

"Mr. Xu, I just read the news, and you are going to make a movie again? I don't dare to say whether there is a lack of investment or not. It's no problem to get one or two hundred million." Ding Zhenye said loudly, afraid that the person on the other side of the phone might not hear him. of.

Investing in the other party's movie last year directly doubled his income. This kind of investment is hard to find in the world, and it is much better than buying a fund. Therefore, when he saw the news about the other party's filming, he immediately felt itchy. .

Although the money he earned was nothing to him, who would have trouble with money?
Xu Jie couldn't help but laugh when he heard it. It seems that the other party has tasted the sweetness.

In fact, when many private capitals entered the film and television industry, they started with a little sweetness, and then got deeper and deeper. In the end, some made money, while others lost a lot of money.

In fact, as early as when Jingshi Culture and Yu Zijian signed the cooperation agreement, many people called, hoping to invest in this movie.

Among them are some larger film and television companies.

It's just that he was worried that these companies would interfere with the filming and roles, so he politely declined on the grounds that "the project has not yet been approved".

And today's Jingshi Culture has already been reborn, and it is no longer a small company with an annual investment limit of tens of millions a few years ago.

What's more, there is still his company, even if there is a shortage of money to attract investment, he will give priority to his company.

"Mr. Ding, thank you for your kindness, but this time I'm not making a movie, I'm just the producer and screenwriter..."

Xu Jie was interrupted by Ding Zhenye as soon as he finished speaking.

"I know, isn't the director that Yu Zijian? You are the producer, isn't the producer also responsible for attracting investment?"

"Mr. Ding, you are right, but the current film budget is sufficient, and no investment is needed. As for the future, the film has just started, whether there is enough funds, or whether investment is needed. , I will be the first to find you." Xu Jie said.

As a producer, it's up to him whether the crew lacks funds or not?
He said that there is a shortage, and he said that if there is no shortage, there is no shortage.

The reason why I left a glimmer of hope for the other party was that I didn't want to directly reject the other party.

Speaking of this, any normal person should understand what he wants to express.

No investment required!

Ding Zhenye, as a person who has been in the mall for a long time, naturally understands this truth, so he feels somewhat regretful, because in his opinion, any project of the other party, no matter how much it costs, is worth investing in.

Like the TV show "Delicious History" at the beginning, and then last year's movie "Lover in Time and Space", he made a lot of money.

There is also the variety show "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" that he wants to sponsor, but has never had a chance. The attention, the ratings, and even the naming fee created a record for domestic variety shows. It's worth the money.

Huh, wait!

Name fee?
Ding Zhenye suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and the regret in his heart disappeared instantly. He asked on the phone: "Mr. Xu, is your movie a modern movie?"

"Well, yes." Xu Jie said.

"In this case, can you advertise my company's products in the movie? I will pay for the advertisement." Ding Zhenye expressed his thoughts.

Since the investment is not good, should the advertisement be placed in the head office?
In the film and television industry, isn’t advertising placement a normal phenomenon?
When he watched dramas with his wife at home, he often saw some branded products in the dramas.

As a businessman, he wouldn't believe that these products were accidentally photographed by the film crew, even if he was killed.

Xu Jie was stunned when he heard that, because he only made one movie, and it was a costume movie, so he never did it.

He also knows that advertising placement has now become one of the important means for most movies to pay back, and it can often be seen in movies.

If it was just a company movie, he might not think about it, but as an investor in the movie, he had to think about it.

After all, his money did not come from the wind, not to mention that he was planning to save money for his wife to build a company.

Ding Zhenye didn't hear Xu Jie's words, and thought that the other party disagreed, so he said: "Mr. Xu, there is no need to specially shoot the product, let alone let the male and female protagonists hold our products. You can decide what form you want, as long as it appears in the screen. , I listen to you, I will offer 1000 million."

Xu Jie's eyes lit up.

1000 million, this is not a small number.

The most important thing is that this money does not need to be shared with theaters.

In other words, except for the part of paying taxes, all the remaining money can be directly distributed to film investors.

Who can stand such a temptation?

In fact, investing in movies has a very high risk factor. When the movie is not released, no one knows that the movie can make money.

Take the movie "The Beast" as an example, who dares to guarantee that it will make money?
Although the director is Yu Zijian, who said that the movies of great directors can make money without losing money?
Before filming "Stranger Road", the great director Xu Shenghua didn't know how many movies he lost, otherwise how could he be reduced to asking for investment?

Xu Jie is now the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and also the boss of the outstanding film and television culture company. Whether in business or private, he has the responsibility to minimize the risk factor.

Ad placement is undoubtedly a good idea.

In fact, ad placement depends on how it is placed.

If the implant is not good, the audience will play, but if the implant is good, the audience will not feel that it is an advertisement at all.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie asked, "Mr. Ding, are you kidding me? Are you really going to use 1000 million for advertising placement?"

"Mr. Xu, we've known each other for so many years. When did I ever joke with you? It's true, absolutely true, even more true than the gold sold in gold shops. If you don't believe me, you can come to our company tomorrow, and I will tell you on the spot Call you the money." Ding Zhenye said solemnly.

To him, 1000 million is just a drop in the bucket, not to mention, the money he earned from the other party is far more than 1000 million.

Even if it was given to the other party for nothing, so what?
"Mr. Ding, since you have said so, if I refuse again, it will appear that I don't know what is good or bad. Okay, then let's make an agreement. I will go to your company tomorrow, and you will prepare the product, and I will be fine." Think about how to put that into the movie."

Xu Jie no longer hesitated.

Anyway, in the film and television industry, there are not many people who don't do this. Since they have to do it sooner or later, why bother to pretend to be arrogant here?

Making money is never something to be ashamed of.

As a businessman, it is shameful not to get money.

"Okay, then let's make an agreement. I will wait for you at the company tomorrow morning." Ding Zhenye smiled.

Although the film failed to be invested, it is not bad to win an advertisement placement.

It just so happens that the company released a new product, which can be promoted in a movie.

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Xu Jie hung up the phone with a smile on his face.

However, ad placement is like Pandora's box, once opened it is out of control.

He was thinking, should he take the initiative and pull in a few more advertisements, so that the investment risk of this movie will be even smaller.

"Mr. Xu, why are you so happy?" Yu Zijian walked over, and he was ready to go home.

When facing Mr. Xu, he will still be polite, but with the assistant director, he doesn't need to be polite.

This is the gap between status and position.

Xu Jie regained his senses, restrained his smile a little, and said, "Director Yu, I just received an advertisement placement from Daniu Dairy, and it is most likely dairy products. Do you think it will affect us? movie of?"

"Ad placement? No." Yu Zijian shook his head and said.

Many of the movies he made have advertisements embedded in them, especially some big productions, and he will personally come forward to solicit investment.

It's true that he is a director, but isn't there such a saying?Make bricks without straw.

Without money, he can't make movies, so he can't be a director.

As for art...

Not to mention art!

These days, you can't play art without money, and playing art burns the most money.

"Director Yu, how do you think it would be better to implant?" Xu Jie asked.

"Posters, decorations, celebrities...there are many, many." Yu Zijian came as soon as he opened his mouth, obviously already familiar with the road.

There is a saying in the film industry: as long as the money is in place, you can do anything.

Change actors?
you can!

Change the plot?
you can!

Let the protagonist hold the product placed in the advertisement?
Of course you can!
When Xu Jie heard it, he seemed to be inspired, and his mind came alive.

When it came to the plot, he had already thought of which scene to add an advertisement to.

"Mr. Xu, is there any problem with the funds? Do you need my help? I know some bosses and have cooperated with them before. You can try it." Yu Zijian said.

"No, our film is definitely well-funded. Director Yu, you can go ahead and shoot without worrying about it," Xu Jie replied.

He wants the other party to concentrate on making movies and not waste energy on things that have nothing to do with movies.

In order to reassure Yu Zijian completely, he added: "The boss of Daniu Group is my friend, he has sponsored the shows and movies I made before, by the way, he is Ding Mengni's second uncle, Ding Mengni knows, right? "


Yu Zijian nodded understandingly.

How could Ding Mengni not know?

Su Yun's studio has signed a total of three artists, and Ding Mengni is one of the three.

"Director Yu, I'll go to Daniel Group tomorrow morning, and I'll leave the studio to you," Xu Jie instructed.

"Mr. Xu, don't worry, with me here, there will be no chaos on the set." Yu Zijian patted his chest and said.

Of course Xu Jie was relieved.

The other party is Yu Zijian, a big director who can hold down a big star, otherwise he would not have given this place to the other party.


(End of this chapter)

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