The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1106 Business Value

Chapter 1106 Business Value

The beginning of August is definitely the hottest period of the year in Beijing. Even in the morning, the air is filled with heat waves, making it suffocating.

At around nine o'clock, Xu Jie came to Daniu Group under the scorching sun. Just the 20-meter distance from the parking lot to the office building made him feel as if he was going to be sunburned. Inside a giant steamer.

It wasn't until he entered the gate that the cold air brought him back to life.

It has to be said that air conditioning is a very great invention.

"Hi sir, may I ask you to be Mr. Xu from Jingshi Culture?"

A woman in her early thirties came over, with a professional yet friendly smile on her face, and a light-colored professional suit made her look smart and capable.

Xu Jie recognized the other party. This was Su Yuying, Ding Zhenye's secretary, whom he had met before.

"It's me." Xu Jie answered while taking off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

It wasn't that he was playing big, and it wasn't that he was afraid of being recognized by fans, but that the sun was too glaring, so he had to wear it when he was driving just now.

"Mr. Xu, our Mr. Ding is waiting for you in the office, please follow me." Su Yuying said with a smile, and then pointed in the direction of the elevator.

Xu Jie nodded, and then walked in the direction pointed by the other party.

This is the third time he has come to Daniu Group, and the previous two times were also related to money.

Although he has known Ding Zhenye for so many years and has a good relationship, only money can bring him here.

Isn't there such a sentence?
No profit can not afford to be early.

Who is not active when it comes to money?

If you are not active in taking money, you have a problem with your thinking.

Xu Jie followed Su Yuying to outside Ding Zhenye's office.


Su Yuying knocked on the door, then walked in, and said respectfully: "Mr. Ding, Mr. Xu from Jingshi Culture is here." Then he opened the door completely and motioned for Xu Jie outside to come in.

"Oh? Please come in." Ding Zhenye put down the documents in his hand, got up and walked out from behind the desk, his face was full of enthusiasm.

He likes this young man very much, he is absolutely young and promising, if he is not married, he even wants to introduce his niece Ding Mengni to him.

such a pity!
"Mr. Ding, good morning, I didn't call you before I came here, did I disturb your work?" Xu Jie said to Ding Zhenye politely as he walked into the office.

"Mr. Xu, you are too outrageous for saying this. It is too late for me to welcome you here. Why do you need to call in advance?" Ding Zhenye turned to look at the secretary beside him and said, "Xiao Su, From now on, no matter when Mr. Xu comes, just bring him to my office, do you hear me?"

"Yes, Mr. Ding." Su Yuying replied respectfully.

Xu Jie smiled after hearing this, no matter whether the other party is sincere or pretending, anyway, the attitude makes people very comfortable, and even feels flattered.

After all, the other party is a well-known domestic entrepreneur.

In comparison, he, the general manager of Jingshi Culture, is nothing.

"Mr. Xu, come, please sit down." Ding Zhenye took Xu Jie's arm and came to the reception area to sit down.

Secretary Su Yuying immediately poured tea, then exited the office knowingly, and closed the door gently.

"Mr. Xu, drink tea. Coming to my place in the future will be like going back to your own home. You are welcome." Ding Zhenye pushed the teacup in front of Xu Jie.

"Thank you, Mr. Ding." Xu Jie took a symbolic sip, then put down the teacup, and talked about the appointment made last night, "Mr. Ding, I don't know what product you want to advertise this time?"

"Wait." Ding Zhenye stood up, took a box from the desk, put it in front of Xu Jie and said, "That's it, cheese, this is a new product from our company this year, try it."

Xu Jie was also polite, picked it up to look at the outer packaging, and then opened it to eat.

"Our cheese is high in calcium and 0 sucrose. It is suitable for both adults and children. It focuses on health. As you know, the daily sugar intake of people nowadays is seriously exceeding the standard..." Ding Zhenye directly became a product manager and explained it in person. up.

Xu Jie ate a few mouthfuls, and it was really good.

Not as sweet as other cheeses, and full of creamy flavor.

"Bring me a few product posters, and a few boxes of products." Xu Jie said.

Posters can be posted on the walls of the streets where the protagonist passes by, and products can be placed in the protagonist’s home, such as on the table or in the refrigerator. As for which one will be used in the end, it depends on the actual effect of the shooting.

"Okay, no problem." Ding Zhenye picked up the phone and asked the secretary outside to prepare. After putting down the phone, he looked at Xu Jie and said, "Mr. Xu, where is your crew? Give me an address, and I will send someone to transport it later." Send a car to your crew, so that everyone in your crew can taste it."

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Ding on behalf of the crew." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"It's nothing, just a little thought." Ding Zhenye said after hearing it.

He thought, there are many actors in the crew, and when the time comes, it will be passed on one after another. Isn't this a good advertisement?
The 1000 million ad placement fee has already been spent, so what is a truckload of cheese?

It was almost time for Xu Jie to see it, so he took out the contract from his bag and put it in front of Ding Zhenye, "Mr. Ding, this is the contract for advertising placement, please have a look."

Ding Zhenye didn't read carefully, he turned to the last page and wrote his name on the back of Party B, "Mr. Xu prepared the contract, you don't need to read it." After speaking, he returned the contract to Xu Jie.

"Thank you, Mr. Ding, for your trust. The placement of the advertisement will definitely satisfy you." Xu Jie said seriously, and for the trust of the other party, he also wants to do a good job of this product advertisement.

"Haha, I knew Mr. Xu would definitely not treat me badly." Ding Zhenye then contacted the finance department and transferred 1000 million advertising fees to the account of JingTV Culture.

Because it is a different bank, so the transfer takes a certain amount of time to arrive in the account.

Xu Jie also believed in Ding Zhenye, and was not worried that the other party would regret it, so he chatted with him for a while before leaving.

Ding Zhenye sent Xu Jie out of the office building very enthusiastically, and did not return to the company until he saw the other party's car driving out of the gate.

"Today is a good day..."

On the way, Xu Jie couldn't help humming an old song.

It's a great feeling to see the money coming back before the movie is released.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

Xu Jie glanced at the caller ID, and then connected the call.

"what's up?"

It was Zhao Xiaoying, the front desk of the company, who called.

"Mr. Xu, some representatives of Jingqi Automobile Company have come to the company and want to talk to you about the advertisement placement of the movie "The Beast"." Zhao Xiaoying said in a low voice.

Obviously, those people were by her side.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback.

Ad placement?

Someone came to send money again?
What happened these two days?
"Receive him well, I'll go back to the company right away." Xu Jie said immediately, for fear that the person who gave the money would leave.

"Yes, Mr. Xu!"


Xu Jie hung up the phone, changed direction at the intersection ahead, and drove towards the company.

While he was pleasantly surprised, his heart was full of curiosity.

If it is said that Ding Zhenye's advertising placement was due to his failure to invest successfully, then this time the car company came to him and he was a bit puzzled.

Generally speaking, it is the producer or director of the film who takes the initiative to come to the door to solicit sponsorship and advertisements. Why is it the other way around when he comes to him?
I didn't expect that there would be such a good thing as a pie in the sky these days.

He didn't believe it before, but now, he does.

Not long after, Xu Jie returned to the company.

Zhao Xiaoying at the front desk greeted her immediately, and said while leading the way, "Mr. Xu, he's in the reception room."

Xu Jie nodded and walked quickly to the reception room.

I saw three people sitting in the room, two men and one woman, one of them was a middle-aged man in his fifties who looked very handsome, he should be the leader of the three, the other man and a woman were a little younger, around forty, It is not difficult to see from the upright sitting posture that it should be the subordinate of the middle-aged man.

"Hello, are the three of you here to see me?" Xu Jie asked bluntly.

The middle-aged man stood up, took out a business card and handed it over, and said: "Hello Mr. Xu, I am Chen Benyang, the sales manager of Beijing Automobile Group, and this is my business card. I am looking for you today mainly because I saw it last night. Got a report about your new movie, so I want to ask you something about the placement of the advertisement..."

After Xu Jie took the business card, he glanced at it quickly, then pointed to the seat beside him, and said enthusiastically, "Please sit down, Manager Chen. I have always been open to the placement of advertisements."

In fact, yesterday's report on the opening ceremony was just to let more people pay attention to this movie, but I didn't expect to have unexpected gains.

Chen Benyang smiled after hearing this, it seems that he didn't come in vain this time.

"Mr. Xu, our company has launched a new tram, and we hope to let more people know about it through your movie..."

As Chen Benyang said, he took the folder from the secretary beside him, and then put the picture and basic information of the car in front of Xu Jie.

Xu Jie didn't look at it immediately, but asked with doubts: "Mr. Xu, can I ask you a question?"

"Ask." Chen Benyang nodded.

"There are so many movies being made, why did you choose me?" Xu Jie wanted to know the answer to this question very much.

"Because I think your movie has great commercial value." Chen Benyang replied.

"How did you find out?" Xu Jie was puzzled.

Today is the second day of filming, and the release date is far away, and no one knows how the box office will be. Why does the other party think this movie has commercial value?

"I read the news, you are the producer and screenwriter of this movie? Right?" Chen Benyang asked.

"Yes!" Xu Jie said.

"In your film and television industry, there is a saying, 'A product produced by Lao Xu must be a boutique'. I also heard that you are a gold medal screenwriter in the entertainment circle, so I want to use your works and the concept of 'boutique', Insert an advertisement for our tram in your movie." Chen Benyang said seriously.

In fact, there is another point, which is to make the audience think that the car used by Lao Xu must be very good, so as to achieve the purpose of publicity.

Rather than saying that he was interested in the commercial value of this movie, it is better to say that he was interested in the commercial value of Xu Jie.

If the other party's work is not called "The Beast" but "The Beast", he will also seek advertising placement.


Xu Jie suddenly realized.

That's what happened.

As a native of Beijing, I still know a little about Beijing Automobile Company. This is a car company in Beijing with decades of history and a large state-owned car company. Quite famous, his dad owns one.

To be honest, it is his honor to be favored by such a big company.

He was even a little embarrassed, because he never knew that he had such a great commercial value. After all, in this movie, he was not an actor, but a behind-the-scenes staff.

"Mr. Xu, is there a car in your movie? As long as you are willing to use our Jingqi tram, we are willing to pay 1000 million in advertising fees." Chen Benyang said.

Xu Jie was taken aback.

Another million?

When did money get so easy?
"This movie does use cars." Xu Jie answered in the affirmative.

How can there be a modern movie without a car?
Even if the protagonist doesn't drive, can the roads captured be free of cars?
In his view, it is easier to place ads on cars than on cheese.

Chen Benyang felt happy after hearing this, and asked, "Mr. Xu, did you agree to place advertisements in your movies?"

"Yes, I have no reason to refuse." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Great, I wish us a happy cooperation." Chen Benyang stood up directly and extended his hand to Xu Jie.

"Happy cooperation." Xu Jie also stood up and held each other's hand tightly.

Afterwards, the two sat down again, chatted in detail about the details of the contract for advertising placement, and agreed to sign the contract here at this time tomorrow.

"By the way, Mr. Xu, can I ask you a question?" Before leaving, Chen Benyang suddenly thought of something.

"Mr. Chen, tell me." Xu Jie looked at the other party with a smile.

For those who give money, he has always been responsive and answering every question.

"Are you accepting commercial endorsements?" Chen Benyang asked.

Xu Jie was stunned, but he didn't expect that the other party would ask such a question. This was the first time someone asked him whether he would accept an advertising endorsement.

Could it be that Jingqi wants to ask him to be its spokesperson?
His movie, plus his people, is the other party trying to completely "wrap" him?

He is flattered by this kindness, but with his current status, it is really not suitable for him to accept commercial endorsements.

His main job is the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and behind-the-scenes work such as film director and screenwriter are all his sub-jobs. As for actors and singers, he only made a guest appearance out of necessity.

And now, he doesn't want to show his face too much, he prefers to hide behind the scenes and control everything, so that he can feel like a big boss.

Besides, as the general manager of Jingshi Culture, if he acts in movies all day long, wouldn't it give people a feeling that he is not doing his job properly?

I know, he is for the company, but I don't know, I thought he was going to debut.

He doesn't want to debut, he just wants to be the man behind Su Yun.

"I don't have any plans for now." Xu Jie said tactfully.

"Oh." Chen Benyang showed regret.

In his opinion, although the other party is the general manager of Jingshi Culture, he is not inferior to those first-tier and second-tier stars in terms of popularity.

The most important thing is that if the other party has a good reputation, the reputation of the work will be even better.

If you can sign the other party as a spokesperson, at least in the other party's program, Beijing Auto's cars will definitely be indispensable.

Alas, what a pity!

(End of this chapter)

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