Chapter 1107 Bottom Line?

In the afternoon, Xu Jie went to the set under the scorching sun.

Although the weather forecast said that the highest temperature today would be over 30 degrees, it was nothing compared to the heat in his heart.

Because the movie "The Beast" is a modern drama, it was shot in real locations, so there were many spectators gathered around, including some reporters and fans.

He parked the car on the side of the road, then put on a sunhat and sunglasses before getting out of the car.

The crew is filming.

Xu Jie came quietly behind Yu Zijian, watching the screen on the monitor while watching the actor's performance in front of the camera.

Counting it, it has been more than half a year since he signed Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan, but this is the first time he has cooperated with them in a movie.

It has to be said that, as a first-line actor, Hu Xuan's acting skills can still stand the test. As for Chen Siyan, although her acting skills are not outstanding, there are still some. As a young actor, she can be regarded as a pass.

This is still understandable. After all, acting skills not only need to be learned, but also need to be honed.

A person's success requires a lot of hard work, without enough training opportunities, how can he have good acting skills?
Fortunately, I met the great director Yu Zijian.

I believe that after this cooperation, both Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan can have great growth in acting skills.

Because a good director can help actors complete a qualitative transformation.

That's definitely a good thing for young actors.


Just when Xu Jie was fascinated, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly, he hurried to the side in fright, and took out the mobile phone from his pocket.

is an unfamiliar number.

"Hello." Xu Jie answered the phone, waiting for the other party to speak.

"Hello, is this General Manager Xu of Jingshi Culture?" A man's voice came from the microphone, sounding very angry.

"Are you...?" Xu Jie neither admitted nor denied, but asked the other party's name.

God knows if it's a harassing phone call?

Many artists have received calls from extreme fans, and have even been followed by extreme fans.

Although he is not a real artist, he still has a lot of fans, and there are more than 800 million fans on Weibo.

"I am Ding Zhenguo, the person in charge of Huayi Textile."


After Xu Jie heard it, there was a hint of doubt on his face.

Huayi Textile?

He has never dealt with the textile industry, but he feels familiar with the name Ding Zhenguo, as if he has heard it somewhere.

Just when he was wondering, the other party's voice came from the microphone again.

"Ding Mengni is my daughter."


Xu Jie finally remembered.

No wonder it sounded familiar just now, Ding Zhenye told him once, and also said that Ding Mengni's family was in the textile industry, so it must be the Huayi Textile mentioned in the phone call just now.

"Mr. Ding, hello, I heard Mengni mentioned you, what do you want from me? Is it related to Ding Mengni?" Xu Jie asked.

I thought: Could it be that you want Ding Mengni to go back and inherit the family business?

Ding Zhenye also told him that Ding Zhenguo only had one daughter, Ding Mengni. To be precise, Ding Mengni was the only daughter in the second generation of the Ding family.

Otherwise, Ding Zhenye would not have recommended Ding Mengni to him.

"Although I don't want Mengni to enter the showbiz, I am very happy and relieved to see Mengni getting better and better with your help. I will leave her to you. I am at ease. I am looking for you today for another matter. thing."

Ding Zhenguo paused for a moment, and then continued: "I was on the phone with Zhenye just now, and he told me about the placement of advertisements, and I was also tempted by what he said, so I asked him for your phone number, and I also wanted to Embed our company's products in your movie."

Xu Jie's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this, and he clenched his fists excitedly.

Money again?

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked, "Mr. Ding, what product are you advertising?"

"Clothing, my company has multiple clothing brands, covering all age groups and social groups, and the advertisements are also easy to place. We can provide whatever clothing the character lacks, and customization is no problem." Ding Zhenguo Said.

In the past, his company's products were only endorsed by celebrities, and had never been advertised in movies. For this reason, he consulted with the public relations department before calling, and only then did he learn about the way of clothing advertisement placement.

In fact, before today, he had never thought of placing advertisements. He just heard what his younger brother said, and wanted to use this method to thank Mr. Xu. After all, his daughter has been taken care of by the other party in recent years. She suffered a lot of harassment and realized her daughter's dream of becoming an actress.

What's more, this little money is just a drop in the bucket to him.

It doesn't matter how much you spend, as long as it's worth it.

When Xu Jie heard that it was clothing, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

If it's just pure textile fabrics, he really can't think of a way to place advertisements. If it's clothing, it's much simpler.

Even if the other party does not provide it, the crew still needs to buy a lot of costumes at their own expense.

Now with the sponsorship of Ding Zhenguo, they have earned a sum of money and left a sum of money. This is a good cooperation.

"Mr. Ding, there is no problem with this matter, I can answer you, and thank you for your support for this movie." Xu Jie said happily.

"I'm not supporting this movie, I'm supporting you." Ding Zhenguo said very directly.

Xu Jie was startled, and instantly understood what the other party meant.

It seems that this money is not only for advertising placement, but also for him to take care of Ding Mengni.

Giving money directly is too vulgar.

And in this way, both express gratitude and strengthen the connection.

In fact, for Xu Jie, even if Ding Zhenguo did not pay the money, he would still take care of Ding Mengni, because Ding Zhenye was still there.

Moreover, Ding Mengni is now signing a contract in his wife's studio, and he doesn't take care of Ding Mengni, how can Ding Mengni make money for the studio?

"Thank you." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"I should be the one thanking you. Without you, Mengni would not be as happy as she is now." Ding Zhenguo said sincerely.

In fact, he has always wanted to say this to this young man, but he just didn't have the chance.

For him, it doesn't matter how much money his daughter earns from acting, what matters is being happy.

There are only a few short decades in a person's life. If you don't live happily, wouldn't this life be in vain?
He has struggled all his life, isn't it just for his family to live happily?
"Mr. Ding, you are welcome. Mengni is talented and very hardworking. Her current achievements are the result of her own hard work." Xu Jie disregarded the relationship.

You can't say: Without me, your daughter wouldn't be popular... right?

What parent wants to hear that?

Even if it is a fact, it must not be said.

"Ha ha!"

Ding Zhenguo laughed.

Although what the other party said was not true, he liked to hear it.

No wonder my younger brother is full of praise for this young man, and Meng Ni often mentions him at home, which is really unusual.

"Mr. Xu, prepare the contract. I will send someone to your company to sign the contract tomorrow. If you have any clothing needs in the future, just ask her. Okay, I'll stop here today, and I won't disturb your work." Ding Zhenguo Said.

"Mr. Ding, goodbye."


Xu Jie hung up the phone with a happy face, but after a while, he suddenly thought of something.

Previously, they were only talking about Ding Mengni, and hadn't discussed the cost of advertising placement with Ding Zhenguo.

He wanted to call the other party back, but stopped after finding the other party's number.

There seems to be nothing to discuss about this matter.

Ding Zhenye paid 1000 million yuan for advertising placement, and Ding Zhenguo's advertising placement should also be 1000 million yuan.

If there is less, Ding Zhenye must feel uncomfortable, and feels that he is being taken advantage of. If there are more, can Ding Zhenguo feel comfortable?I would definitely feel that I was being taken advantage of.

Therefore, between Ding Zhenye and Ding Zhenguo, there must be a level of equality. Even if the number of appearances of clothing is more than that of cheese, the advertising fee cannot be changed.

After thinking about it, Xu Jie put the phone in his pocket and returned to the set.

The shot just now has been filmed, everyone rested, and the words were matched.

Perhaps because of the hot weather, everyone hid under the eaves to avoid direct sunlight.

"Director Yu."

Xu Jie approached Yu Zijian and wanted to talk to him about the placement of advertisements. The other party is the director, so he had to listen to the other party about how to implant the product.

After all, the other party has experience.

However, before Xu Jie could say the rest, Yu Zijian spoke first.

"President Xu, I have good news for you." Yu Zijian said with a smile.

Xu Jie thought it was a coincidence, he also had good news to tell the other party, since the other party spoke first, let the other party speak first.

"What good news?" Xu Jie asked.

"A public relations manager from a beer company contacted me, hoping to place their products in our movie. I did ad placement for this beer in a movie a few years ago, so I kept them phone..." Yu Zijian said simply.

After hearing this, Xu Jie had only one thought in his mind: hurry up and buy a lottery ticket.

It felt like when he opened his eyes today, everyone was sending him money.

There are those who send money to him directly, those who have become unable to send money to him, and those who send money to him through others.

Xu Jie went to the side to get a bottle of mineral water, and drank half of the bottle in one go to suppress his shock.

However, after the mineral water in the ice bucket entered his stomach down his throat, it felt as if he had been boiled.

"Mr. Xu, what's the matter with you? Don't you want to accept this advertisement?" Yu Zijian asked suspiciously.

Could it be that they look down on these millions of advertising fees?

No matter how small a fly is, it is still meat, and no matter how small the shrimp skin is, it is still seafood.

Wouldn't a little be a lot?

Besides, in commercial movies, how can there be no advertisements?
"Actually, I just received another ad placement about clothing. Including yours, there are four in total." Xu Jie said.

Of course he was happy when someone sent money, but he was also very worried that too many advertisements would affect the quality of the movie, especially the perception of movie fans.

This will not only affect the word-of-mouth of the movie, but also the box office of the movie.

"Only four? Not many." Yu Zijian smiled lightly and didn't care.

For him, it is normal to implant seven or eight implants, and at most, more than a dozen implants were implanted at one time.

Otherwise, how do movies make money?

Is it just box office?

"Not much?" Xu Jie was taken aback, then smiled wryly.

Four is not much?
But seeing Yu Zijian being able to say this sentence lightly, it seems that he is so rare.

Xu Jie quickly regained his composure, not wanting to appear as if he had never seen money.

As the old saying goes: the first time you are born, the second time you are acquainted.

With this experience, he should be calm next time.

"Mr. Xu, I'll give you the phone number of the brand. You should go and talk to them about the specific advertising fee. Remember, if you don't do it with less than 500 million yuan, who will make their beer more profitable?" Yu Zijian looked bad. Laughed, and then sent the number to Xu Jie.

"Understood." Xu Jie nodded.

Yu Zijian returned to the monitor to start shooting the next scene.

Xu Jie didn't bother, but stepped aside and dialed the number that Yu Zijian had just sent him.


In the next few days, Xu Jie received calls from some brand owners one after another, all wanting to add advertisements to his movie without exception.

There are beverages, mobile phones, insurance, cosmetics, and shopping websites. Xu Jie really went to buy two lottery tickets for ten yuan, and finally scraped out 12 yuan for ten yuan, earning two yuan angrily.

However, he was not stunned by the advertising fee, because he knew very well that with the current situation of him and the company, the quality of the movie was far more important than making money.

Only by making a good movie, bringing him and the company a good reputation, and making a movie in the future, can he be welcomed by the movie market.

For him, making a film has never been a one-shot deal.

If he wants to eat and earn money in this industry all the time, he can't ruin his own job.

Just like some artists, after becoming famous, no matter what the quality of the movie is, as long as the money is in place, they will accept any kind of movie, and finally become synonymous with bad movies. In two words, if the audience does not buy it, the artist will gradually lose the market, and eventually there will be no movies to shoot.

Fans support him because his works have always maintained high standards and high quality, and he must be worthy of the words "produced by Lao Xu, it must be a boutique".

So after thinking about it, he finally accepted only five advertisements. While reducing the risk of investing in the movie, he also ensured that the audience would not be out of the show because of too many advertisements, which would affect the reputation of the movie.

An advertisement for a few minutes and an advertisement for a few ten minutes give the audience a completely different feeling.

Regarding Xu Jie's decision, while supporting Xu Jie's decision, Yu Zijian also felt admiration in his heart.

Being able to remain rational in front of money is not something everyone can do.

You must know that in the film and television industry, most people have no bottom line.

Take him as an example, he used to do the thing that no one would refuse, he would put as many advertisements in the movie as the company asked him to, and after the movie was released, it was bombarded by fans, and he vomited badly. long time.

And it took him many years to gradually change fans' perception of him.

It is his luck to meet such a bottom-line producer and investor today.


(End of this chapter)

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