The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1108 Former Variety Show Brother 1?

Chapter 1108 The former variety show brother?
Although Xu Jie returned to the capital, he did not go to work in the company, but stayed in the crew of the movie "The Beast" all day long. On the one hand, he performed his duties as a producer, and on the other hand, he discussed the plot with Yu Zijian. Make changes.

This time, he was more serious and responsible than when he was making a movie by himself.

When filming "Lover in Time and Space", although Beijing TV Culture was backed by Beijing TV Station, it was not recognized by everyone in the film and television industry, and not many people didn't even know it. It's bad, and it won't have any impact on the company.

But now it's different.

After two years of development, Jingshi Culture has made its name in the entertainment industry and has been recognized by insiders. Now it is a prestigious company.

If the box office of a movie is poor and word of mouth collapses, it will not only affect the morale of internal employees, but even the future development of the company will be affected to a certain extent.

You know, he has high hopes for this movie, in addition to the box office, he even wants to bring the company one and a half awards through this movie.

And besides that, there is another very important reason.

The male and female protagonists of this film are the artists he signed for his wife's studio.

Once a movie is labeled as a "bad review", whether it is the leading male Hu Xuan or the leading female Chen Siyan, it will definitely be affected in terms of image and acting skills.

As soon as the artist was signed, the artist overturned. Just imagine, who would dare to hand over the management contract to Su Yun's studio in the future?

Therefore, Xu Jie did not dare to slack off, even the variety show "Ordinary Courage" was ranked second by him.

Every day, I wait until the filming of the crew here is completed, and then I go home and have an online meeting with the program crew to discuss the working conditions of the six artists and how to edit them later. I wish I could use one day as two days.

No way, who let the company is now on the rise?
There are few people and many things, and they are all big things, so he can only use one person as two people.

Once you can't grasp this momentum, if you want to promote the company's development in the future, I'm afraid you will have to spend more time on it.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted!


Busy days always make people feel that time passes quickly.

September, the ripe season.

The shooting part of "Ordinary Courage" finally came to an end.

The two-month work experience of the six artists has also officially ended.

The program group flew back to the capital from Nancheng, and the six artists stood on the stage where they had chosen their careers.

Facing the camera, they shared their insights and narrated their gains, drawing a successful conclusion to this unforgettable time.

"Clap clap clap!"

After the last shot, Xu Jie took the lead in applauding.

As the general director of the show, there is no reason not to be present on the last day.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The staff at the scene also applauded.

And the six artists on the stage bowed at the same moment, expressing their gratitude to the staff of the program group.

They have suffered for the past two months, so why isn't the staff suffering with them?Even more tired than them.

Of course, bowing has another meaning, which is to hope that the program team can be merciful during post-production, cut more good clips and less ugly clips.

Xu Jie looked at the time, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and he returned to the film crew at this time, and it was probably time to disband after he got there.

"Everyone is here today, don't leave, let's have a meal together later, let's treat it as a wrap-up banquet." Xu Jie said loudly, and his voice spread to every corner of the studio.

When everyone heard this, whether it was the staff or the six artists, they were all very happy.

For the staff, this is a reward for their two months of hard work, and for the artists, they can finally improve their food.

"Thank you Mr. Xu!"

"Thank you Director Xu!"

Xu Jie smiled.

To be a human being is to be generous.

He immediately called a hotel near the TV station and directly booked ten tables. Each table was served at the standard of [-] yuan per person. Anyway, it was all the program team's money.

After the staff packed up the equipment, the group left the theater.

Xiafu International Hotel is located more than 500 meters to the right of Beijing TV Station. It is a new luxury five-star hotel in Beijing in recent years. It is famous for its seafood. It is said that fresh seafood is airlifted here every day.

As soon as Xu Jie got out of the car, he saw the hotel manager.

"Mr. Xu, welcome to our Xiafu Hotel for dinner." The hotel manager said enthusiastically.

"Manager Yu, are you here to greet me? If you are so polite, I won't be ashamed to come here in the future." Xu Jie looked at the other party and said.

"Mr. Xu, I'm not being polite. This is my job. If I don't do it, it's my negligence at work. If our boss finds out, can't my bonus be deducted?" Manager Yu said seriously after hearing this .

"Haha, is that right? If it's a job, I'll accept it." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Mr. Xu, I have arranged a separate hall for you, please follow me." Manager Yu pointed to the hotel gate, and then led the way.

"Then I'll trouble the manager." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he turned around and waved his hands, and the people behind him walked into the hotel in a mighty manner.

Perhaps it was because of the large number of people. After everyone entered, the hall on the first floor felt crowded with people, and it also attracted the attention of many people.

"Mr. Xu!"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded.

Xu Jie looked around, and saw a middle-aged man in his 40s walking quickly towards this side.

"Director Zhang, what a coincidence." Xu Jie said with a smile, and recognized him immediately.

Zhang Qizhi is a well-known variety show producer at Beijing TV Station. The very famous variety shows broadcast by Beijing TV Station in the past, such as "The Voice of China", "I'm a Speaker" and "Comedy Show", were all directed by the other party.

Let's put it this way, before him, the other party was the No. [-] variety show brother and gold medal producer of Beijing TV Station.

"Mr. Xu, I didn't expect to meet you here. Are you...?" Zhang Qizhi looked at the people behind Xu Jie suspiciously. Some of them were people from Beijing TV Station, and he knew them.

Of course, he wasn't curious about the identities of these people, but just wondering why Mr. Xu brought so many people here.

Is it for the show?

"The filming of the show is over, come over for a wrap-up feast." Xu Jie said simply, "How about you, Director Zhang?"

"Student reunion, make an appointment here, then I won't bother you, you are busy with your work, let's talk another day." Zhang Qizhi saw that there were too many people, including celebrities, so he didn't chat much.

"Okay, let's talk another day." Xu Jie nodded, and then led the program team to the elevator.

Because there were too many people, Zhang Qizhi had to step back to make way.

"Old Zhang, is he the new variety show director that has appeared on your TV station in recent years?" A peer next to him asked Zhang Qizhi.

"Well, the director of the two variety shows "Ordinary Courage" and "Crossover Actor" is now the general manager of a cultural company under our TV station." Zhang Qizhi said.

"Really? I didn't expect to be so young, and he hugged each other. He looked quite impressive. By the way, what did he say he was here just now? The program wrap-up banquet? I only heard that there is a wrap-up banquet after the filming of the film and television drama, no I heard that there will be a wrap-up banquet after the filming of the show, haha." Another bald middle-aged man said in a strange way.

"What kind of finale banquet, I think it is the reason for the finale banquet to eat and drink with public funds." The classmate just said with a curled lip.

"Don't talk nonsense." Zhang Qizhi carefully looked around, for fear of being overheard by acquaintances.

"Qizhi, he is the one who stole your cap from Beijing TV Variety Show No. [-]? You have to hurry up and get it back." A female classmate said.

The corner of Zhang Qizhi's mouth twitched, feeling like someone had stabbed his heart with a knife.

Doesn't he want to take it back?

But the problem is, he tried many times, but he couldn't get it back at all.

The ratings of the worst episodes of other variety shows are around 3:2, while his variety show can't even pass [-].

"Stop talking nonsense, let's eat quickly, I'm already hungry."

Zhang Qizhi quickly changed the subject, not wanting to be stabbed by his classmates again.

Xu Jie, led by the hotel manager, went to a banquet hall, where ten tables had already been set up, and many flowers were placed there, which looked spacious and beautiful.

"It's all our own people. You can sit wherever you want, you're welcome." Xu Jie said to everyone, and then sat down at the table closest to the door.

It is more convenient to get in and out here.

Everyone looked at each other, although Mr. Xu said to sit casually, but Mr. Xu must not sit casually at this table.

First of all, there must be room for the six artists.

In this way, only three positions remain.

Let's see who has a high position and a great role in the program group.

Cheng Yingjie, director of the program department, is one, as is Chen Huaijing, the assistant director, and Qin Yan, the host and assistant director...

Yes, full.

Everyone consciously began to choose other positions.

Those who want to show off in front of Mr. Xu should sit down at the table next to Mr. Xu, and those who want to concentrate on cooking should sit at a place far away from Mr. Xu.

There are nine tables, and there is always one that fits.

Soon, the hotel waiters began to serve the food.

Since the hotel is famous for its seafood, the food is naturally based on seafood, such as sea cucumber, abalone, king crab, lobster, grouper and tuna, which are all available on the table, which is very rich.

"President Xu, don't you want to say a few words?" Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie and asked with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, please say something." Others echoed, and at the same time, there was warm applause in the banquet hall.

"Wow wow wow..."

Seeing the smiles on everyone's faces, Xu Jie didn't intend to speak, but he didn't want to spoil everyone's interest, so he stood up slowly.

The scene fell silent instantly.

"The filming part of our variety show has officially ended today. Thank you for your hard work and dedication during this period. I believe this season's show will definitely get higher ratings and praise. Extraordinary achievements in the post... I won't talk nonsense, let's eat."

What Xu Jie said was very simple, and the whole process took less than 1 minute.

As someone who has experienced it, he knows one thing very well, that is: no subordinate likes to listen to the leader's speech, including himself.

Now that the food has already been served, why should he be a hated person?

Interesting, very important.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

There was warm applause again.

Xu Jie smiled and nodded to everyone.

However, he also knew that the applause was not because of the level of what he said, but because he was the general manager.

Especially under the present circumstances, the applause was not so much for him as it was for the meal.

Xu Jie sat down, but found that everyone at the same table was looking at him, and no one moved his chopsticks, so he quickly picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of meat, and said, "Everyone, eat quickly, we are all our own people, don't be so cautious."

After the others saw it, they picked up the chopsticks on the table and started.

After taking a few mouthfuls, Xu Jie raised his cup, looked at the people at the same table and said, "Everyone has worked hard these days. I will replace wine with tea and offer you a toast."

Because he had to go back to the company to look at the filming materials at night, he didn't plan to drink tonight, and he didn't ask for drinks for others.

The six entertainers were flattered and quickly picked up their cups.

From the point of view of the six, they should respect Mr. Xu. If Mr. Xu hadn't given them a chance, they wouldn't be sitting here, let alone participate in the variety show "Ordinary Courage".

Although everyone has indeed suffered a lot in Nancheng in the past two months, and the average person has lost more than seven catties, and even their skin has darkened several shades, but everyone feels that it is worth it.

As long as you can participate in Mr. Xu's variety show, it doesn't matter if you lose another seven catties, let alone one.

Who made this program bring them a lot of money and high attention?
This is something every artist desires.

"Mr. Xu, thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in this program. This will be the most unforgettable memory in my acting career." Song Xinru said gratefully.

After other artists heard it, they were not to be outdone and thanked.

"Mr. Xu, thank you for helping me during the filming of the show. I can't repay you. As long as you need it in the future, I will do my best!"

"Me too, it's useful to go to my place, you just say..."


Xu Jie looked at the artists who were vying to express their opinions, and nodded in satisfaction.

Still a little conscience.

Just as Xu Jie drank the tea, the door of the banquet hall suddenly opened, and Zhang Qizhi and his classmates came in from outside.

Zhang Qizhi was slightly taken aback when he saw Xu Jie sitting at the door, because under normal circumstances, the other party should be sitting at the front of the hall.

This person not only does not take the usual path, but also does not sit in the usual seat.

"Mr. Xu, I'm sorry to bother you." Zhang Qizhi said as he walked towards Xu Jie, but after seeing the abundant seafood on the table, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Didn't you mean the finale banquet?
This wrap-up banquet is too luxurious, right?
He couldn't help but glanced at the other tables, and it turned out to be the same.

Since it is a wrap-up banquet, it should be consumed with public funds.

But if it is consumption with public funds, isn't it a bit too extravagant on the table?

(End of this chapter)

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