Chapter 1109 Untimely?

"Mr. Xu, I'd like to toast you." Zhang Qizhi came back to his senses and raised the wine glass in his hand.

Since we met in a hotel, there is no reason not to toast. After all, in terms of position, the other party is much higher than him, and based on the current development status of the other party, he will definitely become a high-level executive in Taili in the future, so no matter whether the other party will pick it up or not, Anyway, he couldn't lose his courtesy.

Isn't there such a sentence?
It is not surprising that there are many people who are polite, and the food is not bad if there is too much oil.

"Director Zhang, you are too polite, we are not outsiders." Xu Jie said with a smile, picked up the cup at the same time, and touched each other.

"Although I'm not an outsider, we haven't seen each other very often since Mr. Xu went to Jingshi Culture. It's fate to meet you here today. Of course we will come."

Zhang Qizhi also drank the wine in the glass boldly, then pointed to the students behind him and introduced him.

"Mr. Xu, let me introduce you. These are my college classmates. They are all working in the media industry. This is Yang Shaoxiong, the deputy editor-in-chief of "City Weekly". This is Zhou Qingyang, who works in the Youth Daily. This is Lu Maoxiang, the general manager of Image Media Company..."

Xu Jie shook hands with Zhang Qizhi's classmates while listening to Zhang Qizhi's introduction.

As the old saying goes: many friends, many paths.

Since you are in the media, you are a colleague, maybe it will be useful in the future.

Isn't that how contacts are accumulated?
"Mr. Xu, hello, come to our newspaper office if you have time, and guide our work." Yang Shaoxiong said with a smile.

"It's not about guidance. Let's learn from each other and make progress together." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Mr. Xu, in our media circle, your name has been very famous in the past two years. I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you in the future." Lu Maoxiang said while shaking hands tightly.

"Okay, we will definitely cooperate if we have the opportunity." Xu Jie nodded.

Looking at the polite classmates, Zhang Qizhi suddenly felt uncomfortable.

In terms of seniority, he is Xu Jie's senior. In terms of age, he is more than ten years older than the other party. However, these old classmates have never been so polite to him.

"Mr. Xu, eat slowly, and we won't bother you."

Zhang Qizhi took the initiative to leave after the introduction.

The program team held a wrap-up banquet, and the appearance of a few of them outsiders here was already an eyesore. If they stayed for too long, wouldn't they be scolded by others?

"Director Zhang, go slowly, everyone, go slowly." Xu Jie smiled faintly, and politely sent them to the banquet hall.

Zhang Qizhi walked with his head down, thinking that he became the general manager of the company at a young age, and he is already a so-called gold medal producer in his forties. It would be a lie to say that he doesn't care.

You must know that a few years ago, Taili's key training object was him.

"Mr. Xu seemed to be drinking tea just now." Zhou Qingyang said suddenly.

"It's not like, it's tea." Lu Maoxiang on the side said affirmatively.

"Our old Zhang drinks real liquor. Doesn't it mean that he doesn't give our old Zhang face a bit by doing that?" Yang Shaoxiong frowned.

The words are not only provocative, but also a bit fanciful.

When Zhang Qizhi heard it, his face darkened immediately, and he said, "What do you know, Mr. Xu would not drink the medicine, and if he did, someone would be sent to the hospital. Didn't you see that there was no wine on the other tables?"

"I didn't pay attention to whether the wine was served or not, but they had a good dinner at the finale, and each table cost at least seven or eight thousand?"

"What seven or eight thousand, I think at least ten thousand."

"Old Zhang, your TV station in Beijing is rich enough to have such a high-end banquet. Is that how you eat when you are doing variety shows?"

Zhang Qizhi shook his head.

Not to mention the specifications of the banquet, he has never even eaten the finale banquet. At most, he will add a chicken leg to the staff when ordering a box lunch.

"No way? They are all engaged in variety shows, why is there such a big gap? Old Zhang, you have to learn from them."


Zhang Qizhi's face suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

Let him learn from a junior?
How can it be!

When he was the No. [-] variety show brother on Beijing Satellite TV, the other party was still in school.

A few people returned to the private room, and the students who stayed in the room saw Zhang Qizhi's strangeness at a glance.

"Old Zhang, what's the matter? Someone cooked it?" A female classmate asked jokingly.

"Could it be that Xu Jie has already left, and went to pay a respect to loneliness?" Another female classmate asked curiously, but even if he left, he wouldn't have such an ugly face, right?It's not about asking someone to do something.

"Xu Jie didn't leave, it's just that his family tree is a bit big, Lao Zhang drinks, and he drinks tea." Zhou Qingyang said with a strange smile.

After hearing this, everyone looked at Zhang Qizhi in unison, and now they finally understood why the other party's expression was so bad.

As the old saying goes: a man has a face, a tree has a skin.

That Xu Jie brought so many people, including the staff of Beijing TV Station, and Zhang Qizhi also brought his classmates to toast, isn't this too shameful?

"And the specifications of their finale banquet, tsk tsk tsk, are higher than ours. There are all kinds of lobster, king crab, and tuna on the table. It is a sumptuous one. To be honest, I have never seen such a good wedding banquet. "Yang Shaoxiong said with emotion.

"He is the general manager of Jingshi Culture. It is said that "Ordinary Courage" sold more than [-] million yuan just for the naming rights. What's wrong with eating some lobster and crab? Is it Lao Zhang?" Lu Maoxiang said.

Zhang Qizhi didn't speak, but returned to his seat and sat down.

Anyway, he has worked in Beijing TV Station for so many years, and he has never eaten like this, even in the two or three years when "The Voice of China" was very popular.

A female classmate saw that Zhang Qizhi was in a bad mood, so she winked at the others and said, "You have all been told, isn't it just lobster and king crab? It seems like no one has ever eaten it."

"I have eaten it, but I haven't eaten it with public funds. I think the taste will be different."

"that's for sure!"

"Ha ha!"

The crowd laughed.

"In fact, our Lao Zhang's variety show is also very good. I think he was also the first brother of the Beijing Satellite TV variety show back then, but his life was not very good. He met Xu Jie, a super up-and-coming star halfway, and snatched all the attention and honor that belonged to Lao Zhang. Let's go." Yang Shaoxiong said.

"Yes, if Xu Jie didn't exist, maybe the general manager of Jingshi Culture would be our old Zhang now." Lu Maoxiang echoed.

"Maybe this is called being born at the wrong time."


Zhang Qizhi became more and more annoyed as he listened. He poured himself a glass of wine, drank it all in one gulp, and then poured a second glass. He wanted to have another glass, but was stopped by the female classmate in time.

"Old Zhang, don't be angry, everyone is just talking casually, don't take it to heart, it's not like you don't know, they are so talkative in college." The female classmate said while snatching the wine glass.

If it's a happy wine, you can drink a few more glasses, but if it's a boring wine, you can't drink it, because drinking too much is easy to cause accidents.

When the others saw it, they stopped talking immediately.

However, there are some words that can be resolved by saying "don't take it to heart"?

It's like stabbing someone with a knife. It hurts when you stab it in, it hurts when you pull it out, and it hurts when you're treated. A dull pain.

Zhang Qizhi looked at his old classmates who were chatting and laughing, and drank again in anger.

The time came to nine o'clock in the evening without knowing it, and the dinner party was finally over, but the class reunion was not over yet, and everyone began to prepare for the second round of the program.

"How about a massage?"

"Let's go sing first, and massage after singing."

"Okay, that's it."

Everyone stood up one after another, ready to rush to the next location.

"You guys go, I won't go." Zhang Qizhi couldn't speak clearly, already a little bit drunk.

He has given his old classmates a lot of face by being able to sit until now without leaving midway, and he doesn't want to go to the next match no matter what.

"Old Zhang, aren't you the singing god of our class?"

"Yes, you are usually the most active in singing, why don't you go today?"

"Old Zhang, are you still angry? I told you not to take it to heart, you won't be so stingy? Can't you just count me as wrong? I shouldn't have said those nonsense, okay?" Yang Shaoxiong apologized.

Everyone goes, only one does not go, it will inevitably make people feel disappointed.

"I'm not angry, really, we have a meeting tomorrow morning on stage, I'm not ready yet, you guys play your game, I wish you a good time." Zhang Qizhi stood up after finishing speaking.

Maybe it was because he drank a little too much just now, he got up suddenly, swayed, and almost fell, but fortunately he held the table to avoid falling.

"Old Zhang, are you alright? Shall I take you back?" The female classmate next to him supported Zhang Qizhi and asked with concern.

"No, I'm fine. It's like calling a substitute driver." Zhang Qizhi waved his hand, then pushed aside the female classmate, picked up the handbag on the table, and walked out, saying, "I'm leaving first, let's meet again another day." .”

"Old Zhang, are you okay?"

"Old Zhang, old Zhang?"

Everyone called Zhang Qizhi, but Zhang Qizhi staggered out of the private room as if he didn't hear it.

"This old Zhang!" Yang Shaoxiong shook his head, not knowing whether he thought the other party was disappointing or that he was stingy.

"Don't blame Lao Zhang, who made you talk so much? So much food and wine can't keep your mouths shut?" The female classmate just gave Yang Shaoxiong a blank look.

"Didn't they all say it as a joke?" Yang Shaoxiong said with a wry smile.

"Why don't you make fun of yourself? Besides, it's not like you don't know that Lao Zhang has been troubled by his failure to get promoted in recent years. Aren't you adding salt to his wound? I won't go either." The female classmate carried her bag and walked out of the private room.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, embarrassed.

"Forget it, I'm going home too." The female classmate who wanted to sing just now also left with her bag, completely lost the interest in singing.

"Wait for me, let's go together." Another female classmate left.

"Don't tell me, didn't you agree to go to sing?" Zhou Qingyang looked at the remaining seven or eight old classmates and asked, "Shall we go?"

"The female classmates are gone, what are we gentlemen going to do? Forget it, let's go home and sleep."


Zhang Qizhi got in his own car, told the driver the name of a community, and then began to close his eyes and meditate.

Said it was a refreshment, but the words that the old classmates said kept popping up in my mind.

As a variety show producer, he was already very jealous of Xu Jie's appearance, and he was full of envy for the other party's attention and promotion.

But now that his old classmate said that, his heart is full of hatred for Xu Jie.

The other party not only took away his position in the capital TV station, but also took away his future in the capital TV station.

Just like what an old classmate said at the dinner table, he should be the general manager of Jingshi Culture.

In terms of dedication, he has given nothing less than the Xu guy over the years. Even in those years when variety shows first emerged, he led the team to produce variety shows to compete with other TV stations.

Although he wins less and loses more, he also set a lot of records on Beijing Satellite TV.

Now, however, those records are no longer his.

In fact, in the past two years, he has been doing old variety shows on the surface, but he has been thinking about new variety shows in private, hoping to defeat Xu Jie and rebuild his glory.

But the result was unsatisfactory. Either he felt bad when he wrote the plan, or he was rejected by the leader after submitting it, which also made his mind more and more confused.

Especially when seeing the ratings of Xu Jie's variety shows repeatedly hit new highs, the original competitiveness gradually disappeared, and he began to feel powerless.

Is it really untimely?

Since Shengyu and He Shengliang?

The so-called: bystanders clear.

If even his old classmates said that, then he really has no future in the capital TV station.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but took out his phone from his pocket and found a number from his contacts.

This is one of his juniors who worked at Sujiang Satellite TV. Last year, he asked him if he wanted to join Sujiang TV. At that time, he wanted to regain the title of the first variety show brother of Beijing TV Station, so he directly rejected the other party. Now...

It's time for a change of scenery and a fresh start.

He tapped the screen a few times with his fingers and put the phone to his ear.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Liangzi, I'm Zhang Qizhi. Didn't you say that you want to invite me to join Sujiang TV Station in a variety show, and that as long as you do a good variety show, you will have a chance to become the deputy director of Sujiang Satellite TV? I've made up my mind, go to your Sujiang TV station " Zhang Qizhi shouted loudly.

"My brother Zhang, in what life did this happen? How did you think about it? The leader of our station did say so at the beginning of last year, but it has been two years, and the leader who said this at the beginning also said that. He has already been transferred, and the new leader knows that he can't compare to your Beijing Satellite TV's variety shows, so he has chosen to lie flat on variety shows, and has focused on high-quality TV dramas for the past two years..."


Zhang Qizhi stuttered and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Brother Zhang, if you want to come to our station, that's fine, but you don't have to think about the deputy director." The person in the microphone said.

Zhang Qizhi thought to himself: Without a deputy director, why would I want to go to Jiangsu?Isn't it good here in Beijing?
"Okay, it's alright."

Seeing that there was no way out, Zhang Qizhi hung up the phone.

He turned his head and looked out of the window depressed, and couldn't help feeling in his heart:
Why is my life so miserable?

(End of this chapter)

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