The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1110 was reported again

Chapter 1110 was reported again

Because the filming of "Ordinary Courage" has been completed, Xu Jie also temporarily bid farewell to the film crew and devoted himself to the post-production of variety shows.

You can live without him during filming, but you absolutely cannot live without him during post-editing.

Whether a variety show is exciting or not, post-editing plays a decisive role.

Everyone has their own ideas, so the content edited by different people will be very different.

Anyone can shoot, but not everyone knows what the audience likes to watch, and not everyone knows what content can be accepted by the audience.

It is not easy to be able to do this, but as long as it can be done well, the show will definitely become popular.

Since the program had already been roughly edited when it was in Nancheng, the workload this time was not very heavy. Xu Jie estimated that it should be completed in about ten days.

However, he is not in a hurry, but some people are.

Seeing the day when the broadcast was getting closer, Lu Hong lost his composure at first.

It's just that he didn't ask the person directly, because that would give people a sense of urging, so he went directly to Jiang Hai and asked the other party to help him solve the problem.

After all, the other party was able to become the deputy editor-in-chief, and he also contributed.


"Please come in."

Hearing Lao Jiang's voice, Lu Hong first brewed his emotions outside the door, and then opened the door and walked in.

"Lao Jiang, I haven't seen you all day, why are you so busy?" Lu Hong asked pretendingly casually, with a relaxed smile on his face.

"What else can I be busy with? Of course I'm busy with two parties." Jiang Hai said after hearing this.

October [-] is coming soon, and after November, preparations for the New Year's Eve party and Spring Festival party will begin.

Although the evening show was broadcast on the satellite TV channel, as the deputy editor-in-chief in charge of art, life, sports, and youth channels, he had the responsibility and obligation to prepare programs for the two evening shows.

In any case, the evening party also belongs to the category of literature and art.

And this year is his first year as the deputy editor-in-chief, so he naturally wants to come up with some highlights for everyone to see.

"Prepare so early? Lao Jiang, you really put your heart into it, and it's not in vain that I fully supported you back then, haha." Lu Hong said with a smile.

When Jiang Hai heard it, he gave him a blank look.

He didn't like to hear what he said.

It is as if he became the deputy editor-in-chief because of the other party's credit.

Jiang Hai lowered his head and continued to write the plan, ignoring the other party.

Seeing Lao Jiang's performance, Lu Hong felt a little embarrassed. The other party didn't say anything, so where did he get into the topic?

Do you want to say directly: Lao Jiang, do me a favor and ask Xiao Xu, when will "Ordinary Courage" be finished?
The other party wanted to wear a pair of pants with Xiao Xu, how could he do such a thing for him?

He turned his head and looked around in the office, and saw the potted plants blooming on the window sill, so he said, "Lao Jiang, you grow these flowers well. I didn't expect you to know this. When will you teach me? The potted plants in my office It never bloomed."

"It's very simple, just buy a pot of flowering ones. I just bought this from the flower market a few days ago." Jiang Hai said lightly without raising his head.

"Oh? Is that so? You still have a solution, Lao Jiang." Lu Hong laughed dryly to hide the embarrassment in his heart.

He looked around in the other party's office again, but after looking around, he couldn't find any good topics. He couldn't ask the other party where he bought the water glass, right?
Jiang Hai glanced at Lu Hong, who was fidgeting, from the corner of his eye. In fact, he was deliberately showing off to each other. The two had known each other for so many years, and he knew what the other was doing just by looking at the other's expression.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Jiang Hai asked.


Lu Hong was slightly taken aback, then shook his head reflexively, and said, "No, it's okay, just come here and sit down."

"Oh? Really? Then sit down, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back later." Jiang Hai closed his notebook after finishing speaking, and then stood up from his seat.

Lu Hong was anxious and said that he would be back in a while, but who knows how long it will be?And no one stipulates whether it will be 5 minutes or 10 minutes for a while.

So he hurriedly stopped the other party, opened his mouth and said: "I really didn't come here for business, but I do have many things."

"Haha! Old Lu, old Lu, you are like a boiled duck. You have a hard mouth. Tell me, what's the matter?" Jiang Hai came to the other side and sat down.

When Lu Hong saw that he was spotted, he no longer chose to hide. He sat upright and said, "Lao Jiang, the National Day holiday will be in two days. When the National Day holiday comes back, it will be the opening day of "Ordinary Courage". I haven't seen the show yet, if it were you, are you in a hurry?"

Jiang Hai suddenly realized that it was because of this incident, so he said with a smile: "I'm not in a hurry, what's the rush? Don't you believe Xiao Xu?"

"No, absolutely not, I believe in Xiao Xu very much." Lu Hong said seriously, afraid that these words would reach Xiao Xu's ears, "It's just that I recently heard that Beijing TV Culture is not only making movies, but also shooting three movies at the same time." Department, I am worried that Xiao Xu's energy will be distracted and affect the show, you and Xiao Xu have a good relationship, can you ask about the progress of the show?"

"Why don't you ask? Don't you have a good relationship with Xiao Xu?" Jiang Hai asked.

"No matter how good it is, you and Xiao Xu have a good relationship. Besides, you are the deputy editor-in-chief in charge of literature and art, and this matter has something to do with you. You can't stand by and watch?" Lu Hong said.

"Are you ashamed to stand by and watch? Let me ask you. Recently, the station received an anonymous letter reporting against Xiao Xu, saying that he used public funds to treat guests and ate and drank in the name of a wrap-up banquet. What do you think?" Jiang Hai looked at the other party and asked. .

"Ah? There is such a thing? Why don't I know?" Lu Hong was full of surprise.

"Pretend, keep pretending, don't you know? I think the people from your satellite TV program center did it." Jiang Hai said with a sneer.

"Old Jiang, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. I really don't know. Also, you said it was an anonymous report. Why do you suspect that the person is from our satellite TV program center? Why don't you say that it is the ones you are in charge of?" The department did it, or did someone from Jingshi Culture do it? I don’t take the blame for it.” Lu Hong said solemnly.

The pot was too big for him to carry.

"The department under me has no conflict of interest with him. JingTV Culture is still a piece of steel now. Only your satellite TV program center, if you can't produce a good variety show yourself, you are jealous of Xiao Xu's achievements. You said that apart from your satellite TV Who else is there in the program center?" Jiang Hai said with his lips curled up.

"Who is jealous of him? Xiao Xu's variety show is broadcast on our Beijing Satellite TV, which relieves the pressure on the TV program center to produce variety shows. It is also a good thing for us. As the same sentence, since it is an anonymous report, if there is no evidence, Don't throw the pot around." Lu Hong looked serious.

For him, this is no joke.

"What if it was a report letter written by someone from your art program center?" Jiang Hai asked.

"No if." Lu Hong said firmly.

"Okay, what do you think about this matter?" Jiang Hai asked again, but he wasn't sure who it was.

"What's the point? For an anonymous report letter whose content is not even known to be true or false, is it necessary to investigate the object of the report? If so, there are too many people who need to be investigated. Besides, like this Taili will never investigate things without evidence." Lu Hong said.

"What if Xiao Xu's matter is true?" Jiang Hai's purpose is very simple, to let the other party have a clear attitude.

"Really, really?" Lu Hong was stunned for a moment, and then said: "So what if it's true? Xiao Xu has done a good job, but can't he eat some good ones? The bad one wants to eat with the good one The same, why? If anyone is unconvinced and wants to eat well, then make Xiao Xu's achievements."

"You really think so?" Jiang Hai asked suspiciously.

"Nonsense, what good will it do me if something happens to Xiao Xu?" Lu Hong rolled his eyes. He thought he wanted nothing to happen to Xiao Xu than anyone else.

Of course, Jiang Hai knew that it was not good for the other party, and he never suspected that the other party did it. He was just worried about the people under the other party's hands.

"Old Lu, after you go back, hold a meeting with the people in the program center of your satellite TV. Don't just think about fighting this and that all day long. It's better to show more results than anything else."

"Why don't you have a meeting?"

"I'm done."

"..." The corners of Lu Hong's mouth twitched, as if he had lost a fight. He was angry and uncomfortable, and finally he could only ask angrily, "Do you want to ask Xiao Xu? Don't ask me." gone."

"Why are you so angry? Can I ask?" Jiang Hai said after hearing this, and then got up to get his phone.

Lu Hong's face softened a little, thinking: This is not too bad.

Jiang Hai found his mobile phone and called Xiao Xu. He didn't know if he was busy, but it took a long time to connect.

"Editor Jiang, what's the matter?"

A familiar voice came from the microphone.

"Xiao Xu, Lao Lu asked me to ask you one thing, that is, how long will it take to finish "Ordinary Courage"? He is in a hurry." Jiang Hai said directly.

Lu Hong, who was sitting on the sofa, jumped up angrily when he heard it, and stared fiercely at Jiang Hai with both eyes.

If he could ask, he would have called to ask, why did he come to ask the other party?
It's good now, just sell him out.

I was questioned by the other party for so long in vain before.

If it wasn't for this phone call, he would have turned against the other party just now.

Shameless, it's simply not something people do.

Jiang Hai, on the other hand, looked at Lao Lu with a smile. He liked to see the other party get angry, and he couldn't make any kind of expression on him.

He knew that Xu Xin must be very busy, so he didn't talk much, and hung up the phone after getting a definite answer.

"Lao Jiang, aren't you too rude?" Lu Hong saw the other party put down his phone, so he came to the other party angrily, and directly patted the table angrily.

"Then do you want to know what Xiao Xu said?" Jiang Hai asked.

Lu Hong's face was flushed with restraint, as if someone pinched seven inches, and after a while he said, "I want to."

Jiang Hai laughed, and then said: "Xiao Xu said that it will be finished in about a week, and he also said that you don't need to worry, the first few episodes of the program have already been produced, and the broadcast after the National Day will not be delayed."

After Lu Hong heard it, not only his expression softened, but also a smile appeared on his face. ,
Although he believed in Xiao Xu, getting an exact answer from Xiao Xu would make him more confident.

"How about it, are you relieved now?" Jiang Hai asked.

"I've always been at ease with Xiao Xu." After Lu Hong finished speaking, he turned and left.


With the approach of the National Day, the film market has also become lively.

More than a dozen movies are fighting each other, and everyone wants to make a fortune by taking advantage of this year's second-best movie schedule.

Xu Jie was a little disappointed.

Because this year's National Day file has nothing to do with him.

There was his wife's "Mulan" the year before last, and his "Lover in Time and Space" last year, but this year, there is nothing about him.

However, if nothing else happens, the movie "The Beast" will be released on National Day next year, and I don't know what it will be like then.

The National Day holiday ended soon, and Xu Jie also brought the produced program to Beijing TV Station.

When Lu Hong saw Xu Jie standing outside the door, his eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly walked around the desk and pulled him into the office affectionately.

"Mr. Xu, please come in."

Afterwards, they poured tea and fetched fruits. The director didn't give such treatment even when he came.

"What wind brought you here?"

After Lu Hong finished his work, he sat down, his eyes narrowed with a smile.

""Ordinary Courage" is finished, here is a show for you." Xu Jie knew that the other party was anxious, so he didn't say any polite words, and went straight to the topic.

"Great, I've worked hard for you these days, do you have time at noon to have dinner together?" Lu Hong said happily.

If it was anyone else, they would definitely be ecstatic when faced with the invitation from Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, but Xu Jie seemed very calm and even refused directly.

"Editor Lu, to be honest, I also want to have dinner with you, but these days I am only busy with the show "Ordinary Courage", and the company has a backlog of too many documents waiting for me to go back to deal with, and there is another piece of good news, "Legend of Lan Xi" has been approved and issued a certificate, and it will be broadcast within this year, I hope it will be in December, you can discuss it with Huxiang Satellite TV, so that it can be broadcast until the Spring Festival." Xu Jie said.

"Okay, okay!" Lu Hong nodded repeatedly.

This is simply double happiness.

He has even imagined how hot the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV will be from this week until the Spring Festival.

"President Xu, I'll go back first if there's nothing else to do." Xu Jie stood up.

It is said that the processing of the documents is false, and now he just wants to go home and catch up on sleep.

"I send you."

Lu Hong knew that the other party was busy, so he didn't keep anyone, but in order to express his concern and attention, he still personally walked the other party out of the door.

Of course, this door is not the door of his office, but the door of the TV station.

The other party deserves him to do this.


Zhang Qizhi came back from the outside.

He was about to go back to the office, but when he saw an acquaintance coming out of the elevator, he immediately turned around and walked towards the safe passage, thinking to himself: I didn't see me, I didn't see me...

At the same time, he couldn't help but sneak a glance behind him. After seeing Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Xu Jie talking and laughing, he felt a sense of disappointment in his heart.

It seems that the other party is fine.

Zhang Qizhi couldn't help but wryly smiled.

Think about it too, who is Xu Jie?

Even if there are some minor problems with celebrities and cash cows in the Beijing TV station, the station will turn a blind eye.


So there might be!
He began to regret in his heart.

He shouldn't have drunk so much that night, let alone write any report letter after drinking so much.

At this moment, he has only one thought: hope that no one will find out.


(End of this chapter)

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