Chapter 1111 Continue!
With the arrival of the first weekend after the National Day holiday, the third season of the variety show "Ordinary Courage" finally meets the audience.

As one of the hottest and most concerned variety shows in China, its launch once again triggered a frenzy of ratings.

New artists, new occupations, and new cities all added new highlights to the new season of the program, so from the moment it started broadcasting, the ratings were leading the country.

Whether they were broadcasting TV dramas or variety shows, they were all far behind, and their ratings were even much lower than usual.

In the end, the first episode of "Ordinary Courage" dominated the night with a rating of breaking 4. While surpassing the previous season, it also became the second variety show with a rating of breaking 4 this year.

The other is "Crossover Actor".

At the same time, it has once again established Xu Jie's status as the top variety show brother in China.

No one can shake it.

In order to celebrate the ratings success, Xu Jie booked a few tables at the Wanhe Hotel opposite the company, and invited the staff of the program department to hold a celebration banquet.

Although the finale banquet was just held half a month ago, everyone was under too much pressure before the show started, and a celebration banquet was very much needed to relieve the pressure in everyone's hearts.

Xu Jie couldn't give everyone a lot of leave to make up for the time spent working overtime in Nancheng, so he could only compensate everyone by treating guests to dinner.

How can we just let the horse run without feeding the horse?

If you want employees to work hard, you have to show some sincerity, not just painting cakes.

These days, no one is stupid.

If the boss is perfunctory to the employees in terms of treatment, then the employees will perfunctory the boss in terms of work.

This is called work.

Taking less and doing more is not called work, but contribution.

Everyone came out to work, not to make contributions.

Xu Jie checked the time on his watch, and he would be off work in 10 minutes, so he saved the outline of the new script, closed his laptop, put on his coat and left the office.

The completion of the variety show gave him more time, but he was not idle, but started writing the next movie script.

This time he is cooperating with the great director Liu Yulin, and his script is specially created for Su Yun, so he is extra careful not to ruin his wife's future in his hands.

program department.

The office area was full of voices, everyone was beaming, everyone was chatting, talking about what they saw and heard after the broadcast of "Ordinary Courage".

"In the past two days, my mobile phone has almost exploded. Relatives, classmates, and even neighbors have come to me to inquire about the plot of the next episode. I dare not answer their calls now."

"My wife wants to know which celebrity guests will be in this season, and she is about to torture me. I didn't reveal a single name, and I started to admire myself."

"When I took the subway this morning, I heard people talking about our show. Not only were they all positive, but they were also full of expectations for the content of this season."


For the staff of the program group, apart from bonuses, only the praise from the audience can make them so happy.

No one is afraid of giving, what is afraid of is not being recognized after giving, which will not only disappoint people, but also make people depressed.


Xu Jie opened the door and walked into the program department, and the office area fell silent instantly.

"Why is it so lively? I heard it in the corridor." Xu Jie said with a smile.

The ratings of "Ordinary Courage" surpassed that of the previous season, which also made him feel better, and he felt much more relaxed. Even the fatigue from working overtime before had completely disappeared.

This season's ratings are hot, so the next season will still be a hot spot, and the naming fee of the show will definitely not be less than this year's.

Combined with the reward system that Taili established at the beginning of the year, he will get tens of millions of shares in the fourth season of "Ordinary Courage" next year.

Think happy.

"President Xu, let's talk about the show again." Cheng Yingjie stood up and said.

"Why, are you going to start a new variety show?" Xu Jie asked with great interest.

His cooperation with Huxiang Satellite TV has not yet materialized, and there is a lack of new variety shows to fill this vacancy.

"Mr. Xu, we are talking about "Ordinary Courage"." Cheng Yingjie explained, but he also understood what Mr. Xu meant, so his face was a little more embarrassed.

Whether it's "Ordinary Courage" or "Crossover Actor", they are all Mr. Xu's programs, and their program department has not been able to produce a decent variety show in the past two years.

As the director of the program department, he cannot shirk his responsibility.

"I know, it's just a joke." Xu Jie glanced around the office area, and then asked, "Is everyone here? Let's go have dinner together."

"It's all there."

"President Xu, we are all waiting for you."

Everyone said.

"Okay, let's go then." Xu Jie waved his hand and pointed to the gate.

Everyone stood up from their workstations. They had been waiting for this moment for a day.

Xu Jie took the lead and walked in the front, followed by more than 40 people from the program department.

Because the hotel is just opposite the company, so everyone didn't drive and just walked there.

The team walked out of the company in a mighty manner, and employees from other departments cast envious eyes.

Who wouldn't want to attend a celebration dinner?

In fact, the celebration banquet was just superficial, at most it was a good meal, but the meaning behind it made people jealous, that is the bonus.

The celebration banquet represents the success of the project, and the success of the project represents the bonus.

Who wouldn't want to get some extra bonuses?

Everyone secretly vowed that they must do a good job in the project in hand, and strive to be the next person to attend the celebration banquet.

Cheng Yingjie walked at the back of the team, and at the same time called his deputy Chen Huaijing and Jiang Shang to his side.

"Minister, what's the matter?" Jiang Shang asked.

Although his people were here, his mind had already flown to the hotel, and he began to imagine what he would eat later, whether it would be another sumptuous seafood meal.

"Mr. Xu mentioned the new variety show when he came to our department. Do you have any ideas?" Cheng Yingjie looked at the two assistants and asked.

His expression was serious and serious, not cheerful like the others.

"Didn't Mr. Xu say you were joking?" Jiang Shang said while recalling.

"What about you? You think so too?" Cheng Yingjie looked at Chen Huaijing who was at the side again.

Chen Huaijing was slightly taken aback, if the other party agreed with Jiang Shang's point of view, he would not have asked her again.

What does this mean?
Explain that the minister does not agree with Jiang Shang's point of view, that is to say, he does not think Xu is always joking.

"Minister, do you think Xu is always picking on us?" Chen Huaijing asked suspiciously.

"Whether Mr. Xu is pointing at us or not, I think we should all think about it." Cheng Yingjie glanced at Mr. Xu who was walking at the front of the team, and said in a low voice: "Our program department has been Take advantage of Mr. Xu's bonus. Although these shows are very popular at the moment, the audience will always get tired of watching them one day. I think we can't always rely on Mr. Xu to think of new variety shows. We should take the initiative to share the worries for Mr. Xu. We are the program department... ..."

After Chen Huaijing and Jiang Shang finished listening, they all fell into deep thought.


No matter how popular a variety show is, it cannot escape the fate of being suspended in the end.

Instead of waiting until the day of closing and thinking desperately, it is better to start preparing in advance.

Having tasted the sweetness of variety shows, no one wants to dawdle like Mr. Xu did when he didn't come to Beijing Television Culture.

"Minister, you are right. Both the performance department and the TV department have started to undertake projects on their own. We can't fall behind. We must not only share the worries of Mr. Xu, but also generate income for the company." Chen Huaijing said.

"That's right, it's just that variety shows are the most difficult of all shows, and it's not easy to make a good variety show." Jiang Shang was a little unconfident.

Before Mr. Xu came to Jingshi Culture, they thought about producing variety shows, but they all ended in failure.

Who can maintain confidence after failing too many times?
Not every failure is the mother of success, and it may be the stepmother. Not only has nothing to do with success, but it will also be rejected by success.

"In the past, there was no motivation. I don't believe that there are so many people in our program department who can't even come up with a good idea for a variety show. Besides, isn't there a creative department? We can cooperate with the creative department." Cheng Yingjie thought for a while and said.

"Minister, I'll listen to you." Chen Huaijing nodded and said, not so much to support Minister Cheng's idea, but rather to support Mr. Xu.

Following Mr. Xu, eating well, drinking spicy food and getting money, having such a leader is simply a blessing from the previous life. If they can't solve Mr. Xu's worries and problems, will they still have the nerve to get bonuses in the future?
"Minister Cheng, I suggest that our department hold an internal meeting with all employees tomorrow to implement what you said," Jiang Shang said.

"Well, let's do it like this, but no one is allowed to say anything until the show is decided, understand?" Cheng Yingjie said in a low voice.



The three walked a few steps quickly after speaking, and followed the team in front.

Xu Jie brought his staff to Wanhe Hotel. The hotel manager entertained them personally and brought them to the banquet hall.

Although there were not many people this time and only five tables were booked, the hotel manager did not dare to neglect in the slightest.

There are indeed fewer tables, but people come here often, not to mention that there are so many hotels in Beijing, and the competition is very fierce. If you can't entertain old customers well, how can you have new customers?

When Xu Jie came to the banquet hall, all the dishes had already been served. Although it was not a seafood feast, the quality was no worse than the wrap-up banquet a few days ago.

Xu Jie has always been generous in this regard. First, he felt that since he wanted to feed the horses, he must feed the horses with good grass. Second, he was spending the company’s money and there was no need to save the company.

"Everyone be quiet, please Mr. Xu speak for us." Cheng Yingjie said loudly, and then applauded vigorously.


wow wow wow...

The crowd clapped their hands and applauded enthusiastically

Xu Jie stood up, looked at the staff in the banquet hall, and said: "Everyone knows the ratings of the premiere of "Ordinary Courage", and created the best result of the premiere of this program. This is inseparable from everyone's hard work and hard work. It’s open, so tonight’s celebration banquet also represents my gratitude to everyone. Everyone present today is from my own family, so everyone is open to eat. If you don’t have enough, you can order whatever you want. It is the company's reward to you, and I declare: open to eat."

"Wow hoo hoo!"

Applause broke out.

Everyone likes Mr. Xu's speech, which is short and concise, without nonsense, unlike some leaders who talk endlessly, one, two, three, four, and hot dishes can be cold.

Xu Jie ate a few mouthfuls, looked at Cheng Yingjie beside him and chatted.

"Old Cheng, "Ordinary Courage" has been completed, what plans does your program department have next?"

Cheng Yingjie was shocked, and turned to look at Chen Huaijing and Jiang Shang who were at the same table in doubt, as if to ask again: Did you tell Mr. Xu?
Chen Huaijing and Jiang Shang were also very surprised. As soon as they finished discussing the new variety show, Mr. Xu asked them what their plans were. Could it be that Mr. Xu has a pair of good ears and heard their conversation on the road?

Cheng Yingjie saw the answer from the deputy's face, knowing that the two of them didn't say anything to Mr. Xu, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then replied: "Mr. Xu, isn't it almost the end of the year? Beijing Satellite TV needs to do something Some special programs, I am ready to follow."

He didn't mention variety shows, because variety shows are difficult and may take a long time. He wanted to surprise Mr. Xu and not disappoint Mr. Xu.

It's one thing not to say it can't be done, it's another thing to say it can't be done.

"Special program? I know, it's a program that Beijing Satellite TV doesn't have time to do, right?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes, yes." Cheng Yingjie nodded embarrassingly. Before Mr. Xu came, they really made a living by picking up leftover or disliked programs from Beijing Satellite TV.

"Those special programs are not interesting to us. They can neither train the team nor make much money." Xu Jie said while eating.


The people at the same table were all stunned.

Isn't Mr. Xu ready to accept the program of Beijing Satellite TV?

"Mr. Xu, what do you mean...?" Cheng Yingjie was puzzled.

Flies are meat no matter how small.

No matter how small the special program is, there is still money to be made.

Moreover, the program department and Beijing Satellite TV have cooperated for so many years, and if they suddenly don't pick up, will it cause dissatisfaction on the Beijing Satellite TV side?
Besides, if they don't accept these small programs, what do they usually do?
"Crossover Actor" is finished, and "Ordinary Courage" is also finished, should we let everyone go home and rest?

"I have a suggestion for you, go back and summarize the experience of making variety shows, and then plan the content of the fourth season of "Ordinary Courage". If possible, finish filming directly before the Spring Festival." Xu Jie said lightly.


Everyone was taken aback.

The third season of "Ordinary Courage" has just been completed, and the fourth season is about to be filmed?

This, this is too fast, right?

"Xu, Mr. Xu, didn't you just finish the third season?" Cheng Yingjie stammered and asked.

"That's right, I don't recommend you to shoot the fourth season until it's finished." Xu Jie said.

"But as an artist..."

"Our show is so popular, why are we afraid we can't find artists? As long as I say something, the company's threshold can be stepped down by those artists who want to show."

"What about the artist's salary? The naming rights of the show have not been sold yet, and Beijing Satellite TV won't give us any money..."

"If you don't have money, you can credit it. It won't be too late to pay the artist after selling the naming rights. I still have this face."


Cheng Yingjie was speechless.

Yep, problem solved.

It seems that Mr. Xu has already had such an idea.

So, what's the point of arguing?
Go on!


(End of this chapter)

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