Chapter 1112

The ending of TV dramas, variety shows and other projects one after another allowed Xu Jie to stay in the "Beast" crew safely, and at the same time gave him more time to create new movie scripts, pointing out the direction for the company's next development .

However, this kind of life only lasted for half a month before it was broken by a phone call.

At that time, Xu Jie was discussing an advertisement placement scene with Yu Zijian, and the other party's various placement methods made him see what it means to be "ginger or old hot".

But when he took out the vibrating mobile phone from his pocket and saw the name displayed on the screen, he was in a bad mood.

Chen Ya!

In the past year, the company has cooperated with the large-scale program center of China TV Station many times, but Zhang Qize from the performance department was in charge of all of them.

Now Chen Ya didn't contact Zhang Qize, but called him directly. Combined with the fact that it's just entered November, you don't need to think about it to know why.

VisionChina Spring Festival Gala.

This is a deal he reached with Chen Ya last year.

The other party agreed to arrange performance work for Jingshi Culture, and he promised to prepare a sketch for the China Television Spring Festival Gala.

In fact, it’s nothing to prepare a skit, the key is to participate in the rehearsal of the skit, and even stay at Huaxia TV on the night of the New Year’s Eve, no wonder I’m in a good mood.

But seeing that the other party did introduce a lot of performance work to the company this year, he still answered the call.

"Hello, Director Chen, why did you suddenly think of calling me? Is there something good?" Xu Jie pretended to be confused with understanding.

"Mr. Xu, congratulations, congratulations on your variety show "Ordinary Courage", which has repeatedly hit new highs in ratings, even higher than our China TV variety show, amazing." Chen Ya's congratulations and praise came from the microphone.

"It's because you Huaxia TV station didn't spend your energy on variety shows. If you are serious, my ratings are just a fraction in front of you." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

This is not his modesty, but the truth.

To be precise, Huaxia TV has no variety shows, only cultural programs.

And the ratings of these cultural programs are no worse than those of local satellite TV variety shows, and even much higher.

This is the influence of China TV.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. The variety show you produced is good. This is a fact. There is no need to deny it. A few days ago I chatted with the person in charge of the comprehensive channel. He also talked about you and your show and gave him a high evaluation. ..."

Chen Ya didn't lie to anyone.

Originally, he and the person in charge of the integrated channel were chatting about the Spring Festival Gala, but when they talked about sketches, they talked about Xu Jie.

At that time, the first episode of "Ordinary Courage" had just finished broadcasting, and the popularity of the show was very high, so a discussion was inevitable.

"It is an honor for our team to be recognized by the leaders of CTS, and we will continue to work hard in the future to live up to the expectations of the leaders." Xu Jie said directly in official words, and did not give the other party a chance to get close.

There is a kind of person in the world, the closer you get to him, the more he will arrange things for you.

In Xu Jie's mind, Chen Ya was this kind of person.

"Speaking of expectations, audiences across the country are now full of hope for the skit you will bring to the Spring Festival Gala this year. Do you have any preliminary thoughts on the skit?" Chen Ya finally found the opportunity to explain the purpose of today's call.

In fact, regarding the China TV Spring Festival Gala, the preparations had already started two months ago. At that time, he wanted to call the other party, but later heard that the other party was busy with a variety show, so he didn't bother. Telephone.

"Director Chen, don't worry, I've already started preparing for the sketch, and if there are no accidents, it will be finished in another month." Xu Jie said.

Since the work of creating sketches for China TV Spring Festival Gala cannot be shirked, we can only accept it and do it well.

In this way, when the other party is happy, maybe they will introduce more party activities for him.

"Oh? Really? That's really great." Chen Ya said excitedly.

As the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, the programs that give him the most headache every year are language programs.

And the appearance of this young man completely saved him, making him no longer need to worry about sketches.

"Director Chen, I have to tell you something in advance. This year's Spring Festival Gala skit I prepared was created by my team. After all, there are many people and strength, but I assure you that the quality of the work is absolutely fine. .” Xu Jie said confidently.

In fact, among the skits he prepared for the China TV Spring Festival Gala last year, one of the skits was created by the company's employees, but he never told the other party. This year, he directly showed his cards. On the one hand, he wanted to push the company's employees to a higher stage. On the other hand, it is to pave the way for not going to the CTV Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve.

For events like the Spring Festival Gala, those who have never attended will squeeze in even if they fight for their heads, while those who have attended a lot of times, on the contrary, do not have a strong desire to attend, and do not even want to participate.

"Okay, I don't care if you create or your team creates, as long as you can pass the review above, three of you." Chen Ya reminded.

Today's sketches are becoming more and more difficult to create, and it is normal to form a creative team.

In other words, whether it is a song and dance program or a language program, which program does not have a creative team behind it?
In his view, forming a creative team is a manifestation of a serious attitude.

Otherwise, if you write casually and hand it over to deal with, who can do anything to the other party?

"it is good!"

Xu Jie agreed without hesitation, and his mood immediately improved.

He didn't expect that the other party would agree so happily, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

With the words of the other party, he will be able to hand over the task of CTV's Spring Festival Gala sketch to the company's creative department in an open and aboveboard manner.

This will not only save him a lot of work, but also eliminate the need to attend the CTS Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve.


"This year's rehearsal will be held after New Year's Day. You can contact the actors yourself, or you can ask our director team to contact. In short, I hope you can prepare the show before the rehearsal." Chen Ya reminded.

"Don't worry, Director Chen, just wait to see the work." Xu Jie said with a smile, no longer resisting the Spring Festival Gala sketch.

After talking on the phone, Xu Jie talked to Yu Zijian, then left the set and drove back to the company.

On the way, he specially called Qian Cheng, the head of the creative department, and asked the other party to bring all the employees to the conference room, waiting for him to go back to the meeting.

And the first thing he did when he returned to the company was to find the "homework" submitted by the staff of the creative department from the computer, find five of the previously screened sketches, and then go to the conference room.

The meeting room was already full of people at the moment. Although everyone didn't know what happened, but it must be a big event to gather all the staff of the creative department here.

For them, big events mean opportunities, so big events also mean good things happen.


Xu Jie pushed open the door and hurried in.

Swish swish!
Everyone in the conference room stood up.

"sit down."

Xu Jie waved to everyone, and then sat down at the front.

Due to time constraints, he didn't waste any nonsense and went directly to the topic.

"It's November now, and the Spring Festival is less than three months away. I received a call from the CTV Spring Festival Gala team today, asking me to prepare three programs for the Spring Festival Gala. I'm busy and don't have time, so this This glorious and arduous task is entrusted to your creative department." Xu Jie said loudly.


After everyone heard it, their eyes lit up immediately, and they were extremely excited.

One by one, they are all gearing up, ready to show their talents.

Being able to write sketches for the Spring Festival Gala is a good opportunity to become famous.

Take the skit selected by Mr. Xu last year as an example. Since the skit was broadcast, some production crews came to the company and named the sketch author Zhang Song to write the script for them. Not only did they gain fame, but they also got bonuses.

With this example, other people are naturally envious, and also want their works to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Seeing everyone, Xu Jie was very satisfied with the employees' reactions. He held up the sketch script in his hand and said, "Here are five sketch scripts, which I selected from all the sketch scripts you submitted this year. I will give all of you one month to go back and prepare the Spring Festival Gala skit script. If no one can come up with a better script, then I will choose three out of these five. Don’t say I won’t give you a chance, there are others question?"

"No!" Everyone shouted in unison, and their voices could even be heard on the entire floor.

"Very good!" Seeing that the employees' emotions were mobilized, Xu Jie nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "Zhang Kai, Fan Xiaoyang, Jiang Bin, Liu Fangfang, and Zhao Yan, five of you stay here, and the rest leave the meeting."

Everyone left immediately after hearing this, and couldn't wait to go back and prepare sketches for the CTV Spring Festival Gala.

This kind of opportunity is only once a year, and there are only three places at a time. Who doesn't want to be one of those three people?

You know, missing one time is equivalent to missing a year.

After Xu Jie and the others left, they looked at the few remaining people and said, "This is the 'homework' you usually submit. I have already written some opinions on it, you can take it back and correct it, if you have better plots and burdens, you can also add it, and give it to me in half a month."

In fact, he receives a lot of sketch assignments every year. It's not that other people's writing is not good, but in terms of content and subject matter, some are suitable for the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and some are suitable for the stage of "Crossover Actors".


The five of them took back their scripts, their eyes filled with excitement.

In their view, although everyone in the department has a chance, they have already won at the starting line, and they are closer to the CTS Spring Festival Gala stage than anyone else.

However, while being excited, I also felt the pressure in my heart, because if I didn't change well, I might be surpassed by others, and thus lose this opportunity. Will I not be squeezed by then?
Thinking of this, the five of them suffocated and decided to seize this opportunity given by Mr. Xu so as not to miss it.

After the five left, Xu Jie also left the meeting room.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw Boss Jiang appearing outside his office from a distance.

He thought he was delusional, and rubbed his eyes deliberately with his hands, but the person was still there, and it turned out that he was right.

"Editor Jiang, why are you here?" Xu Jie asked in surprise, and walked towards him quickly.

"I have nothing to do, come and see you." Jiang Hai said cheerfully, then opened his arms and hugged Xu Jie tightly.

have a look?

Xu Jie was startled.

The other party is now the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing TV Station, and his subordinates are in charge of multiple channels. How could nothing happen?
Counting it, the other party has been away from Jingshi Culture for more than half a year, and today is the first time that the other party has returned here.

Besides, when he went to the TV station last month, he had just chatted with the other party, so he wouldn't miss him in the past few days, right?

They are all men, no matter how deep the friendship is, isn't it a bit gross?

"Boss, do you have something to do with me? We are not outsiders, if you have anything to say, I will help you if you can." Xu Jie said while inviting him into the office.

When Jiang Hai heard this, he felt a little embarrassed, and after sitting down, he said, "Xiao Xu, you know that I just became the deputy editor-in-chief this year, and I have always wanted to find an opportunity to perform well for others to see. Now that it is the end of the year, As the person in charge of the cultural program center, I think this is a rare opportunity..."

"Boss, are you talking about the two-festival party?" When Xu Jie heard the word "end of the year", he guessed what the other party wanted to do.

"Yes, you still know me, but I have already planned the New Year's Eve party, and now only the Spring Festival party is left. As you know, the most difficult part of the Spring Festival party is the language program. I am a layman in this area, so I thought For you, your skit has appeared on the stage of the China Television Spring Festival Gala, can you write me some contingencies?"

Jiang Hai explained the purpose of his trip.

In fact, after becoming the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing TV Station, he was determined not to bother Xiao Xu anymore, because he was really embarrassed to bother Xiao Xu with too many things before.

Moreover, he is no longer the boss of the other party, and if he asks the other party for help, it will inevitably cause trouble to others. After all, Jingshi Culture has so many jobs, and it takes a lot of brains to create such a thing. To add to the confusion.

But this time he couldn't help it.

As the chief director of Beijing Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala for many times, he is very aware of the weaknesses of the Spring Festival Gala, and he also knows that no one can produce good language works, whether it is Beijing Satellite TV or the art program center.

Therefore, he could only ask Xiao Xu for help.

When Xu Jie heard this, instead of feeling troubled, he laughed instead.

"Boss, it's better to come early than to come by coincidence. I just finished a meeting with the creative department. The content of the meeting was to write sketches for the China Television Spring Festival Gala." Xu Jie said with a smile: "Anyway, one is the choice, and the two are the choice. , I will choose a few more, and bring out the ones for you, how about it?"

He thinks this is a good thing, and it can give the staff of the creative department more opportunities to show off.

"Okay!" Jiang Hai held Xu Jie's hand tightly excitedly, and said gratefully: "Xiao Xu, thank you."

"We have been treated so politely, and we will write back to you at the end of the month."

"it is good!"


(End of this chapter)

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