The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1115 Arriving at the venue

Chapter 1115 Arriving at the venue

The China Film Golden Rooster Award is a film award jointly sponsored by the China Film Association and the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. It has been held for more than 30 sessions.

The award is selected by a real-name voting by an award committee composed of experts in the film industry. It is the most authoritative film award in China, and it is also the film award that every filmmaker dreams of.

This year's Golden Rooster Awards Ceremony will be held in Xiazhou on November 11. At that time, well-known domestic filmmakers will gather here to participate in this grand event that belongs to filmmakers.

Xu Jie and Su Yun arrived in Xiazhou one day earlier to prepare for tomorrow's awards ceremony.

This is the fourth time that Xu Jie has come to Xiazhou. In the first three times, he came with his wife twice, one time to participate in the film festival, and the other time to spend his honeymoon. He is very destined to this city.

Compared with the coldness of Beijing, the temperature in Xiazhou in mid-November is suitable, with the temperature around 11-23 degrees, and the body feels very comfortable.

Many people even wore short sleeves, which made Xu Jie, who was carrying a coat, look out of place.

After half an hour, the car arrived at the hotel.

This is one of the hotels that cooperate with the film festival, and most of the filmmakers who participated in the awards ceremony stayed here.

Xu Jie and Su Yun got out of the car and entered the hotel under the leadership of the staff.

The lobby on the first floor is spacious and bright, showing elegance and chic everywhere, and many details are well done, and it also has many local elements.

"Mr. Xu and Su Yun, welcome to this year's Golden Rooster Award Ceremony." A middle-aged man in his 50s and [-]s walked forward enthusiastically and held Xu Jie's hand tightly.

A faint smile appeared on Xu Jie's face. This is Sun Quanjiang, the secretary-general of the Film Association. He had seen him before when he participated in some activities.

"Secretary-General Sun, hello." Xu Jie said politely.

"Mr. Xu, you must be tired. I'll take you to the room." After speaking, Sun Quanjiang stretched out his hand to make a gesture of please, and then led the way.

Although he bears the title of secretary-general, he is a person who serves the Film Association. The other party is a big shot in the film industry. How dare he neglect it?

"Thank you Secretary-General Sun!" Xu Jie said politely.

"Mr. Xu, congratulations to Ni for being shortlisted for the Best Screenplay Award, and Su Yun, congratulations for being shortlisted for Best Actress. I hope both of you can win the award." Sun Quanjiang said after entering the elevator.

"Haha, thanks to Secretary-General Sun's auspicious words." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

In fact, before coming here, he had analyzed the Best Screenplay Award and Best Actress Award.

He feels that the possibility of winning the Best Screenplay Award is quite high, because among the five shortlisted films, "Stranger Road" has the highest score on various film review websites, and the story is also the strongest.

In contrast, the possibility of the wife winning the Best Actress award is much lower.

Firstly, my wife is still a newcomer in the film industry; secondly, my wife's competitors this time are too strong, two of them have won Best Actress, one has won Best Actress, and the other one has not won Best Actress. The protagonist is also an old drama player, so there is no advantage in terms of qualifications or acting skills.

He guessed that when his wife saw the nomination list, she also knew that she had no advantage over others, so she looked at it very openly, regardless of whether she could win the award or not.

Soon, the elevator stopped.

Xu Jie came to the room led by Sun Quanjiang, probably because he and Su Yun are husband and wife, so the organizer arranged a big suite for him and Su Yun.

The floor-to-ceiling windows let the whole room have very good light, and the view is also good. You can have a panoramic view of the city and the sea in the distance.

"Mr. Xu, Su Yun, both of you have a good rest. If you have anything to do, you can come to me, or you can call the front desk. Our staff is there to serve you 24 hours a day. Well, I won't disturb the two of you resting." It is." Sun Quanjiang finished speaking and walked out of the room.

"Okay, Secretary-General Sun, I'm sorry to trouble you." Xu Jie said while sending the other party out the door, and did not return to the room until he saw the other party enter the elevator.

"Mr. Xu!"

Just as Xu Jie turned around, a voice suddenly came from the corridor. He followed the voice, and it turned out to be Director Xu Shenghua.

"Director Xu, long time no see. What have you been up to lately?" Xu Jie walked over happily. Although he knew that the other party would also come to this awards ceremony, he did not expect to meet so soon. It seems that the other party also Live on this floor.

"I'm old, I've been taking care of my body this year, and I just started to conceive a new work recently. When I finish writing the script, you must take a good look at it for me and give me some suggestions." Xu Shenghua was also very happy.

There are not many people who can create sparks with her, and the young man in front of me is one of them.

"Director Xu, you are a master, how could it be my turn to give you advice as a layman?" Xu Jie shook his head and said.

In front of the other party, he dare not boast.

Besides, hasn't the best screenwriter award this year been awarded to him?
"Whether a master or not is a false name, you should not be too modest. If you are an outsider, there will be no experts in this circle." Xu Shenghua said: "I talked about you when I was chatting with Lao Yu a few days ago, he I am full of praise for the script you wrote, and said that you will definitely win an award after it is filmed."

The old Yu in her mouth refers to Yu Zijian.

"Director Xu, you don't know, I'm an investor in Director Yu's movie now, no matter what I write is good or not, he dare not speak ill of me." Xu Jie said jokingly.

"It makes sense." Xu Shenghua laughed after he finished speaking.

Maybe because she heard voices, Su Yun came out of the room at this moment.

"Director Xu..."

Seeing Xu Shenghua, Su Yun opened her arms and greeted him with a hug.

Xu Shenghua also hugged Su Yun, and gently patted Su Yun on the back.

"Director Xu, you look so good, and you are getting younger and younger." Su Yun said after looking at her.

"At my age, how young can I be? You are getting more and more beautiful." After Xu Shenghua finished speaking, he glanced at Xu Jie next to him. Su Yun's condition has been getting better and better in the past two years. To see is to be nourished by love.

"Director Xu, let's go into the room and chat." Su Yun pulled Xu Shenghua into the room, and the two sat together, chatting about some things about this year's Golden Rooster Awards.

The Golden Rooster Award is not only about the awards ceremony, but also the commendation ceremony for the nominees, and the film forum that is closely related to the development of the film industry, so Xiazhou has been very lively these days, and the hotel is also very lively.

Xu Jie pushed the suitcase to the bedroom and handed it to Huang Xiaorong to tidy up. Then he went to the living room outside and sat next to his wife and Director Xu.

"Husband, Director Xu has already started to conceive a new story, do you have any ideas?" Su Yun asked with a hint of playfulness on her face.

"Of course there is." Xu Jie looked at Director Xu Shenghua and said, "Director Xu, if you want, how about I being the producer of your next film?"

When filming "Strange Road", he was still working in the Art Center of Beijing TV Station. He knew nothing about movies, had no money and no one, and couldn't change other jobs except reading scripts.

But it's different now.

He wanted money and people, so he naturally wanted to cooperate with Director Xu Shenghua on a deeper level.

Yes, most of the films directed by the other party lose money, but the artistic achievements of the other party's films are far higher than those commercial films with good box office.

For him, commercial films need to be shot, as well as literary films.

The former is for making money, the latter is for winning.

To evaluate a cultural company, making money is important, but winning awards is also very important, which will greatly enhance the company's influence in the film and television industry.

Also, who said that commercial films will definitely make money?Who said that literary films will definitely lose money?
Didn't the movie "Stranger Road" make money?

Box office and word of mouth, money and art, he wants it all!

Xu Shenghua was slightly taken aback when he heard Xu Jie's words, and then asked: "Mr. Xu, aren't you afraid of losing money? The movies I make have always made less money and more money."

"Director Xu, don't worry about this. I'm not afraid of losing money. What I'm afraid of is that I won't be able to make a good movie. After all, movies should not only pursue profit, but also pursue artistry. This is an art." Xu Jie said solemnly.

Talking about money is too vulgar.

It is much more elegant to talk about art.

"Mr. Xu, as long as you are not afraid of losing money, you can come to be a producer. To be honest, I still worry that I won't be able to get investment after writing the script. In fact, I also want to cooperate with you once." Xu Shenghua said with emotion.

In her opinion, the cooperation on the script alone is not enough, especially after seeing the cooperation between the other party and Yu Zijian, she even felt a little jealous and regretful in her heart, and regretted introducing the other party to Yu Zijian.

"Director Xu, it's my wish to cooperate with you, so let's make a deal today." Xu Jie said very seriously.

"Well, it's a deal." Xu Shenghua also nodded.

After chatting briefly for a while, Xu Shenghua got up and left.

In fact, she doesn't want to leave either, she really wants to chat with Xu Jie about new works, maybe she can get some inspiration, but she will go to a film forum in the afternoon, and all the people who invite her are official people, and she is also among the participants Friends, I am really embarrassed to refuse.

Xu Jie and Su Yun sent Xu Shenghua out, and then went to the restaurant downstairs.

I didn't eat enough on the plane at noon, so I'm going to make up for lunch now.

He didn't dare to eat outside the hotel, because when he came, he saw a lot of reporters and fans gathered outside the hotel. Once he was caught, there was nothing wrong with signing autographs and taking photos.

The two came to the restaurant and chose a seat by the window, where the view was wide and it made people feel at ease.

Maybe it was because of the afternoon, or maybe there were activities related to the movie, so there were not many people in the restaurant, only eight or nine tables.

Xu Jie ordered a few local specialties, and then chatted with his wife about the awards ceremony.

"Husband, do you think Director Xu has a chance of winning the Best Director Award this time?" Su Yun asked.

Since it is an awards ceremony, it is natural that we are most concerned about who will win the award.

"Sixty percent." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

"Oh? So tall?" Su Yun was a little surprised.

Although Director Xu is a well-known director in China and exists like a film master, the other four directors have a lot of background, and each of them is well-known in the film circle.

The most important thing is that the works of these directors have all achieved very good box office, one with more than 8 million yuan, one with more than one billion yuan, and one with more than 30 billion yuan. "The box office is too low.

"Tell me in detail?" Su Yun asked enthusiastically.

In her heart, her husband's words have always made sense.

Xu Jie picked up the cup and took a sip, moistened his throat, and said: "Among the five shortlisted directors, one is too young. If the award committee awards the best director award to her, you will ask the other four to work on it." What do senior directors who have worked in film for many years think? You must know that there are even great directors who have served as the chairman of the jury of major film festivals.”

Su Yun nodded slightly in agreement.

There are so many senior directors, but the best director is awarded to the youngest one. Do the others have to lose face?
"Aside from this young one, aren't there three more?" Su Yun asked.

"If I remember correctly, one of the directors' work is a war movie. War movies focus on big scenes. They have not been favored in the awards over the years, so they can be ruled out." Xu Jie said while thinking.

"There are two more." Su Yun counted with her fingers.

"Although the movie directed by Zhang Mo did well at the box office, its reputation was mediocre. It was definitely not because of this movie that he was shortlisted for the best director, but because of his personal influence. But in terms of influence, Director Xu Shenghua has no reputation at all." Not worse than him, so director Zhang Mo can also be ruled out."

"There is one left."

Su Yun put down another finger, but found that the last finger she raised was actually the middle finger, so she quickly put away the last finger.

"The rest of the director is a first-line director in China. The box office of the film is very high, and the evaluation is also good, but the problem is that his film is a commercial film. As you know, commercial films have their own disadvantages in the awards, unless the filming is special. It's really good, but there's still a gap between this movie and that, so I think the best director award will go between Director Xu and this director, and Director Xu's chances will be higher."

"I hope Director Xu will win the award." Su Yun said after listening.

Seeing his wife's serious look, Xu Jie couldn't help laughing, "It's not that Director Xu has never won this award. At her level, he has already taken the award very lightly. I think she came this time, probably I can't save face, so I have to come."

Su Yun thought about it carefully and thought it made sense.

Of the three major domestic film awards, which one did Director Xu not win?
As early as more than ten years ago, the Grand Slam has been achieved.

Therefore, in terms of attitude towards winning awards, they must be less serious than those who have not won awards.

Isn't there such a sentence?What is not available is always the best.

After getting it... that's it.

She has a deep understanding of this.

I think when she first debuted back then, she really wanted to prove herself by winning awards, but as she got more and more awards, her heart gradually returned to peace. In the end, even her acceptance speech was very perfunctory, and she even thought about finding reasons to shirk. go to the scene.

Director Xu Shenghua probably thinks the same way now.


(End of this chapter)

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