The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1116: The Stars Are Holding the Moon?

Chapter 1116: The Stars Are Holding the Moon?

Soon, the food will be ready.

Xu Jie was very impressed with Xiazhou cuisine. Although northerners generally have a heavy taste, the light and delicious features here are still very popular with him.

In some places, the dishes are heavy in oil and ingredients, and the taste of the seasoning is in your mouth, while in other places, the dishes are light in oil and less in ingredients, and what you eat is the taste of the food itself. Xiazhou belongs to the latter.

Seeing the delicious food on the table, Xu Jie couldn't help eating it, but just after eating for a while, he saw his wife put down the chopsticks and began to wipe her mouth with a paper towel, as if she was full.

"Honey, are you feeling unwell?" Xu Jie asked concerned.

Is it because of the long flight time?
The nearly three-hour flight, plus more than an hour of driving before and after, is indeed very tiring.

He is also tired, but at this moment, hunger has overcome fatigue.

"No." Su Yun shook her head lightly after hearing this, and put the tissue to wipe her mouth aside.

"These dishes are not to your liking?" Xu Jie asked after looking at the dishes on the table.

"It's delicious." Su Yun added with a smile after answering, "But compared with your cooking skills, it's still a little bit worse."

"Thank you, my wife, for your compliment. Since it's delicious, why do you eat such a small amount?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"Husband, tomorrow is the awards ceremony, and there will be a red carpet ceremony before the awards ceremony." Su Yun reminded.

"So?" Xu Jie still didn't understand.

"So I have to eat less and make myself as thin as possible, so that I won't have a belly when I wear an evening dress." Su Yun explained.

For female stars, it is normal to go hungry for three days before walking on the red carpet, and some female artists who are a little bit harsher on themselves may go hungry for a week. After all, the red carpet is a very rare opportunity to show themselves.

"You are already very thin, you don't need to starve yourself, health is the most important thing, besides, you already have me, why do you care what other people think? I just think you look good." Xu Jie finished speaking, clipped Put a few pieces of shrimp meat into my wife's bowl, "Seafood doesn't grow meat, so you can eat more."

"Honey, you're right, but as a female artist, on such an important occasion as the awards ceremony, I have to pay attention to my own image, right? Those who know I'm happy and fat, but those who don't know think I've given up on myself. "Su Yun said with a smile after listening.

Usually it's fine, she doesn't need to wear an evening dress, and there is no camera to shoot her, but tomorrow is different, hundreds of media gathered in front of the red carpet, facing countless cameras, even a small wrinkle will be seen by others photographed.

For a female artist, she doesn't have to drink water or eat food, but she can't do without her image.

But when he saw the shrimp in the bowl, he was embarrassed to take it out, so he picked up the chopsticks and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you, and eat a few more bites."

Seeing his wife eating again, Xu Jie put a few more pieces of meat into the other's bowl.

"Hey..." Su Yun opened her eyes wide, and wanted to block it with the chopsticks in her hand, but failed several times, and finally said anxiously: "My husband, I know you care about me and do it for my own good, but this……"

"Didn't you say a few more bites? You didn't say whether to eat two bites or nine bites. Anyway, I calculated according to nine bites." Xu Jie said while sandwiching.

Su Yun was startled when she heard this, and asked with a wry smile, "Honey, are you playing word games with me?"

"No, I just don't want my wife to starve. What I know is that you value the award ceremony, but what I don't know is that I abused you." Xu Jie said solemnly.

Su Yun looked at the meat in the bowl, and really couldn't refuse her husband's kindness, so she said, "Okay, nine mouthfuls, nine mouthfuls, no more."


Just when Xu Jie was about to continue eating, a figure suddenly appeared at the dining table.

"President Xu, Sister Yun, you are here too."

Xu Jie turned his head and saw that it was the first-line actress Lin Jingyi.

The other party is an artist from Liangxing Brokerage Company, that is, the artist signed by Hu Zhen. He has cooperated with him twice, one was to film the food show "Delicious History", and the other was to participate in the Beijing Satellite TV New Year's Eve party directed by him.

In addition, the two have also met at some evening parties of Huaxia TV Station, so they can be regarded as old acquaintances.

"So it's Jingyi, when did you come? Has Mr. Hu come too?" Xu Jie asked.

"I came the day before yesterday. I just finished attending the film forum held by the organizing committee, and Mr. Hu is still there." Lin Jingyi replied respectfully.

Xu Jie nodded after listening.

Regarding this film forum, he had heard director Xu Shenghua say that each session will have a forum theme, and everyone will talk freely together, sum up experience, analyze deficiencies, and explore ideas.

Seeing that her husband stopped talking, Su Yun was worried that Lin Jingyi would be embarrassed, so she smiled and said, "Jingyi, have you eaten yet? Sit down and eat together?"

"Thank you, Sister Yun, but I've already ordered it. Sister Xu Yun, you eat, and I won't bother you." Lin Jingyi said after hearing this.

She's not ignorant.

Mr. Xu and Sister Yun are having dinner together, how can she, an outsider, intervene?Isn't this disturbing people's dinner?
She came to say hello, it was out of politeness, if she stayed too long, it would be impolite.

However, as soon as Lin Jingyi left, another person walked over on her back.

"Mr. Xu, Sister Yun, good afternoon."

Xu Jie sighed secretly, thinking: This meal is too much to eat.

He raised his head. It was a man with a familiar look. He seemed to be an artist from Watson Media. He had seen him at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, but he forgot his name.

When he first arrived at the Art Program Center, he worked hard to remember the stars for work.

But it was later discovered that there were too many entertainers in the entertainment industry, and he couldn't remember everyone he had met.

Especially for some young artists nowadays, they feel that they all look about the same. If they don’t get in touch with each other a few times, it’s really hard to tell who is who when they come out of nowhere, so in the end, they simply don’t bother to remember them.

Su Yun saw that her husband had forgotten this person's name, so she took the initiative to say, "Good afternoon, Chen Xiang, congratulations on being nominated for Best Supporting Actor."

Xu Jie remembered.

Yes, it's Chen Xiang.

"Thank you, Sister Yun, and congratulations on being shortlisted for the Best Actress." Chen Xiang suddenly thought that Mr. Xu was also nominated, and quickly said, "Mr. Xu, I looked at the selection list, and you were nominated for the Best Screenplay Award? I think you will definitely win the award."

"Okay, let me borrow your good words." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Although he knew that the other party was just being polite, he was still very happy.

People are like this, they like to listen to good things, and no one is exempt from it.

Just when he wanted to ask about the situation of Hua Sen's boss, Wang Tiannan, suddenly a figure appeared in the restaurant and was walking towards this side at an extremely fast speed.

Xu Jie couldn't help raising his brows slightly, especially after seeing the other party's smiling face, he swallowed all the words that came to his lips.

I thought to myself: Why is she here?
"Sister Yun!"

A whining voice came over.

When the voice fell, the person had already arrived and hugged Su Yun directly.

"I haven't seen you for so long, I miss you to death."

"I miss you too." Su Yun hugged Liu Qing.

Chen Xiang at the side saw this scene and knew that he should leave, so he said: "Mr. Xu, Sister Yun, I won't disturb your meal." After speaking, he left.

Liu Qing hugged her for a long time before letting go, and then sat beside Su Yun naturally, "Sister Yun, why didn't you call me when you came to Xiazhou? It would be great if we came together."

"I also made a temporary decision to come today. By the way, what have you been up to lately? I haven't seen any news about you for more than two months." Su Yun asked.

Xiaohuadan like Liu Qing is usually the main target of reporters from major media, so there shouldn't be no news for such a long time.

"Since the filming of "The Legend of Lan Xi", I have been studying, lines, expression management, and body language. Through learning, I can improve myself and make myself as good as you, Sister Yun." Liu Qing said solemnly .

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the man opposite him with his eyes.

Xu Jie lowered his head to eat and didn't see anything. As for those words, he pretended not to hear them.

"Qingqing, you are already very good." Su Yun gently stroked Liu Qing's head to express comfort.

I remember that I also came to Xiazhou to participate in the film festival back then. At that time, she was ridiculed by several female artists in the hotel of the organizer because of her marriage certificate.

The so-called: a friend in adversity sees the truth.

So now when seeing each other, there will be a particularly cordial feeling.

"Compared to Sister Yun, you are still far behind. For example, this time, I joined the actor industry earlier than you, but you have already been selected as the best actress." Liu Qing said disappointedly.

"Being selected doesn't mean you can get it. I'm just a running companion." Su Yun comforted.

"But I don't even have the chance to run with you." Liu Qing said.

"You are still young, and there will be many opportunities in the future." Su Yun was at a loss for words and didn't know how to continue.

"Young? Yes, I'm young. I still have time and opportunities." Liu Qing smiled, then looked at the man opposite and said, "Mr. Xu, I've been sitting here for so long, why don't you talk to me?" Say hello?"

Xu Jie rolled his eyes directly, and said angrily: "Who are you, and I have to take the initiative to say hello to you?"

Here, it was others who took the initiative to greet him, and if he wanted him to take the initiative, he had to be an old artist, not ordinary movie kings and queens.

Liu Qing said straightforwardly: "I am your little..."

Xu Jie heard half of it, and immediately stared at it.

His wife is still on the sidelines. If he mentions his little wife, why don't he fry the pot directly?
"I'm your sister-in-law." Liu Qing finished speaking.

Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief, this is not too bad.

Liu Qing didn't want to let this man go just like that, so she continued: "Brother-in-law, I just finished filming "Legend of Lan Xi", and you treat me like this, you are not taking care of yourself..."

She wanted to talk about killing donkeys, but she felt that it was inappropriate, as if she herself was a donkey, so she changed her words and said, "Aren't you turning your face and denying people?"

"Why, didn't your paycheck arrive?" Xu Jie asked.

"Okay." Liu Qing said.

Arrived early and has begun to flower.

"Okay, so much nonsense." Xu Jie continued to eat.

Liu Qing thought to herself: I'm just finding fault on purpose, I want to talk to you, what can you do to me?
But when I think about it, I can't say what's in my heart.

"By the way, "Legend of Lan Xi" has been filmed for half a year. When will it be broadcast? I can't wait." Liu Qing said.

This time, she didn't deliberately find fault, because she was counting on this TV series to be a big hit, bringing her popularity, attention, traffic, fame, good scripts and invitations from great directors.

"It will be aired next month, and Beijing Satellite TV and Hunan Satellite TV are broadcasting the trailer, haven't you seen it?" Xu Jie asked.

In fact, not only TV stations, but also video websites and short videos on mobile phones, covering TV, computers and mobile phones.

"It's been said that I'm studying recently, how can I have time to watch TV?" Liu Qing said.


Xu Jie snorted coldly, and pointed at the other party's half-hearted efforts when learning mahjong, and learned nothing from acting.

Liu Qing heard it, but was not angry.

The more the other party is like this, the more she wants to conquer him.

Don't men and women conquer each other?

If the other party immediately bowed down under her pomegranate skirt, she would find it meaningless instead.

"Sister Yun, do you have time tonight? How about we have a party?" Liu Qing looked at Su Yun again at this time, and she thought of a good idea.

"Party? What kind of party?" Su Yun asked curiously.

She knows that Liu Qing likes to have fun, and also likes to be lively, young people are like this, but tomorrow is the awards ceremony, isn't it a bit inappropriate to have a party tonight?
The party should be tomorrow too.

"I'm organizing a game, looking for more artists in the circle, drinking, singing, and getting in touch with each other. After all, it's been a long time since I've seen each other. It's rare to get so many people together at once today," Liu Qing said.

"I won't go, you know, I like quietness." Su Yun thought for a while and said.

After the coolness last time, she has seen through these people in the entertainment industry.

What about connecting feelings, no matter how good the relationship is, it will disappear in times of crisis.

The entertainment industry is a vanity fair, what kind of true feelings can there be in the vanity fair?Some just take advantage of each other.

When Liu Qing heard this, she immediately grabbed Su Yun's hand and said, "Sister Yun, why don't you go? You are the protagonist of the banquet. In fact, I know that it's not that you don't like parties, it's just that you don't want to compete with those who turn heads People who are still fast get together, but I think it is precisely because of this that you should participate, let them see you now, and make those gloating at the time envy and hate..."

Su Yun was startled, is she going to show off?Why does it sound like a bit of hatred?

"Go!" Xu Jie said suddenly at this moment.

He didn't know if his wife was tempted or not, but he was.

When he and his wife came to Xiazhou to participate in the film festival in the first year, he remembered clearly that at that time, apart from Liu Qing, the attitudes of other female stars towards his wife were either rejection or ridicule, which made him very upset, but he was powerless.

But now, he is capable and powerful, no matter what others think, anyway, he wants to get his wife back.

Back then, his wife was ridiculed because of him.

Today, he wants his wife to become the focus of all the stars because of him.


(End of this chapter)

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