Chapter 1117 Worried?
Night falls.

The gorgeous lights paint the whole city, which looks colorful and beautiful.

Su Yun changed her clothes, put on her baseball cap, and made the final preparations before going out.

The bar where the party was held is not far from the hotel, only about 10 minutes away, but there are too many media gathered in Xiazhou these days, in order to avoid being photographed, it is better to keep a low profile.

"Honey, I'm going." Su Yun said to Xu Jie after she got dressed.

In fact, she prefers to be with her husband than to go to parties, even if she stands in front of the window and looks at the scenery, she will feel very happy.

"Go, have fun." Xu Jie hugged his wife and said, then let go of his hands.

"Yeah." Su Yun looked down at the time on her watch. At 7:[-] in the evening, she thought for a while and said, "Honey, I'll try to be back before nine o'clock."

Leaving her husband alone in the hotel, she felt a little bit sorry.

"Honey, don't be in a hurry to come back, you are too tired from filming these days, just take this opportunity to relax." Xu Jie said.

After Su Yun heard it, she couldn't help showing a wry smile on her face.

If she didn't know what her husband was thinking, she really wondered if he was going to do bad things after she left, or why didn't she want her to come back sooner?
"I see." Su Yun nodded, and then walked out of the room.

At this time Xu Jie grabbed Huang Xiaorong who was about to go out together, and whispered: "Be smart, write down all the people who have bad intentions for your sister Yun, and come back and tell me."

"Yes, Mr. Xu!" Huang Xiaorong said seriously.

This task is too simple for her. When she was in elementary school, she often wrote down the students who were not well disciplined in the notebook, but she didn't expect to use it today.

Xu Jie sent his wife downstairs, and saw a commercial vehicle parked outside the door from a distance. When he walked out of the hotel with his wife, the door of the commercial vehicle opened at this moment.

"Sister Yun, get in the car." Liu Qing, who was sitting in the car, waved excitedly at Su Yun, and when she saw only Su Yun and Huang Xiaorong getting in the car, she looked suspiciously at Xu Jie who was standing outside the car and asked : "Brother-in-law, aren't you going?"

"No." Xu Jie shook his head decisively.

If he went, he would be the focus, and he didn't want to take away the happiness that belonged to his wife.

Being praised by many people, who is not happy?

"You will regret it if you don't go. All I invite are female artists, big beauties." Liu Qing said with a smile, and even cast a wink.

Xu Jie frowned, what is this?seduce?
When he didn't have his wife around, he would always stay away from the female artists who came to his door, let alone his wife by his side.

"Big beauty? Is there anyone more beautiful than my wife?" Xu Jie asked loudly.

Liu Qing was taken aback, how dare she answer yes?So he said, "No."

"I won't go without it." Xu Jie said after hearing it.


Liu Qing took a mouthful of dog food and was speechless, then closed the car door and told the driver to leave.

Xu Jie waved his hand at the commercial vehicle, and then turned and walked into the hotel until he disappeared into the traffic.

However, he didn't go back to the room to rest, nor did he chat with acquaintances, but took a hat and put it on, and then quickly left the room.

"Master, go to Aisi Bar." Xu Jie got into a taxi.

Aisi Bar is a large bar that ranks among the top three in Xiazhou. It is not only luxuriously decorated, but also has the most advanced sound, light and audio equipment.

The reason why Liu Qing chose this bar was because the owner of the bar was from the entertainment industry.

When celebrities go out to play, the first consideration is safety, followed by privacy, and the bar is a place where good and bad people are mixed. When going to a bar opened by an artist, you usually don’t worry about these two points, after all, you are insiders.

"Okay!" The driver drove off immediately after hearing this, and soon he couldn't see the hotel behind him.

The night view of the city of Xiazhou is very beautiful, and there are many beauties on the road.

Because the weather is warmer, women generally wear less. Shorts, short skirts, black silk, and white silk are so eye-catching.

Not long after, the taxi stopped on the side of the road.


After Xu Jie paid the fare, he got out of the car. There were a lot of luxury cars and young people gathered outside the bar. It was obvious without asking, they were all out to enjoy the nightlife.

"Hey, did you hear? Someone saw actress Lin Li entering this bar."

"Lin Li? Did you hear me wrong? How did I hear it was Yao Yaqi?"

Xu Jie heard someone discussing female stars, so he approached quietly, took out his mobile phone as a cover, and pretended to check WeChat messages.

"Nonsense, no matter how poor my hearing is, it's impossible for me to hear Lin Li as Yao Yaqi, without even repeating a single word."

"Could it be that both of them are here? This year's Golden Rooster Awards ceremony will be held tomorrow. I bumped into a male star at a sushi restaurant during the day. I guess Lin Li and the others may also come out to relax."

"I don't know where they are, I really want to see what they look like in real life."


Xu Jie found that not only a few people were talking about the appearance of the star, but many people were talking about it, and everyone was very excited when talking about the star, and even called to share with friends who didn't come.

After Xu Jie heard it, the brim of his hat was lowered even lower. At the same time, he also wore a pair of black-rimmed plain glasses, trying to hide his peerless appearance as much as possible so that no one would notice.

Once it gets to the party, won't you embarrass your wife?

Those who didn't know thought he was worried about his wife.

Taking advantage of the crowd, Xu Jie sneaked in.

The door of the bar is small, but the inside is very big. The exciting electronic music accompanied by the beautiful DJ standing on the stage and rubbing the dishes, everyone's emotions were aroused.

Xu Jie walked through the crowd while looking around, looking for his wife.

First of all, the first floor is ruled out. There are more people on the first floor, and it is more chaotic. It is not suitable for celebrity gatherings. In contrast, the possibility of being on the second floor is relatively high.

There are booths and private rooms on the second floor.

The booths are all adjacent to each other, which is obviously not suitable for gatherings. Instead, private rooms have three walls and one side faces the stage on the first floor, which not only ensures safety and privacy, but also allows you to enjoy the warm atmosphere of the scene.

If Xu Jie were to choose, he would definitely choose the private room on the second floor.

It's just that if the wife is really in the private room and he can't get in, wouldn't it be a waste of time tonight?
The reason why he followed tonight was to see how his wife was being sought after.

This is how to do?
He thought about it, and finally decided to go upstairs to take a look, maybe he could catch a glimpse or two, and it was not in vain tonight.

When Xu Jie came to the second floor, he immediately saw two burly security guards standing outside the door of a private room. They stood on both sides of the door, one on the left and one on the right. His eyes stared until he walked far away.

'It's over, I can't even eavesdrop. 'Xu Jie thought to himself.

In fact, he should have guessed it long ago.

There are so many female stars in the private room, once someone trespasses and causes irreversible consequences, the bar owner will never want to be in the entertainment circle in the future.

Xu Jie wanted to go over to see if there was a chance, but he quickly dismissed the idea.

The two security guards outside the private room looked like they had practiced before. It would be embarrassing if they were pressed against the wall and rubbed against the wall.

Forget it.

Xu Jie turned around and went downstairs.

There were more people on the first floor than before, some swayed to the music, and some pointed their mobile phones at the female DJ to shoot.

Nowadays, bars like to invite beautiful DJs to attract customers.

Do they really know how to scrub dishes?
not necessarily!

But she has a good parent, a good figure, and a good twist. Seeing these, who cares if she can rub the dishes?

Besides, who really appreciates music, who would come to this kind of place?
Xu Jie was about to leave when he suddenly stopped.

and many more!

He quickly turned his head and looked at the phones that were taking pictures, and an idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

Since you can't get in and you can't see what's going on inside the private room, if there's an internal response inside, wouldn't you be able to see what's going on inside if you use your mobile phone to video?

Thinking of this, he quickly left the bar, then found a place with few people nearby, took out his phone and entered WeChat...

However, when he was about to make a video call with his wife, his fingers suddenly stopped.

He can't video with his wife, he wants to secretly watch his wife's reaction.

After much deliberation, he directly dialed Huang Xiaorong's cell phone, Huang Xiaorong should be with his wife.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Boom bang bang..."

Loud music came from the microphone, accompanied by the voice of a woman singing, which sounded like Liu Qing.

"President Xu, I'm Huang Xiaorong, are you looking for Sister Yun?"

At this time, Xu Jie finally heard Huang Xiaorong's voice.

"I'm not looking for her, I'm looking for you." Xu Jie said.

"Looking for me? What's the matter?" Huang Xiaorong asked suspiciously.

"Let me think about the scene of your party, wait a minute, you use WeChat to video call me, you take a picture of the scene, by the way, it is best to put the phone in a place where no one will notice, I don't want to be known, Including my wife." Xu Jie said.


Huang Xiaorong was startled for a moment, then she looked up at the private room, where more than a dozen female artists gathered, such a private event was really hard for outsiders to see, let alone a man.

"Xu, President Xu, is this bad?" Huang Xiaorong asked in a low voice.

"I just want to see how other people treat my wife. What's wrong? Are you going to do it?" Xu Jie's voice became serious.

Huang Xiaorong trembled in fright, and quickly said, "Go ahead, I'll make a video call with you right now."

She was worried that if she quit, she wouldn't have to work in Sister Yun's studio in the future.

Although Sister Yun is her boss, she is even more afraid of President Xu, because Xu is always a big shot in the entertainment industry. As long as she opens her mouth, let alone a small celebrity assistant, even a celebrity would not dare to offend Xu. total.

In front of sister Yun, sometimes she would dare to make a joke or something, but in front of Mr. Xu, she would not dare.

Back then, was Miss Liu Jinghua awesome?

The gold medal manager in Huaxia entertainment industry is also like a boss, but in front of Mr. Xu, doesn't he have to keep a low voice?

Even if she recruited someone from the prosperous brokerage company, Sister Hua dared not do anything.

Sister Hua could handle her casually at that time, let alone Mr. Xu now.

Huang Xiaorong hung up the phone, then hid secretly in the bathroom next to her, and made a video call with the man just now.

"Beep... beep... click!"

Soon, the video is connected.

Xu Jie looked at the screen on the phone, except for Huang Xiaorong's face, he couldn't see anyone else, and the video was very quiet, there was no music or singing from the phone call just now.

what's the situation?
Could it be that Huang Xiaorong wasn't with Su Yun?But what happened to those voices just now?

"Where are you?" Xu Jie couldn't help asking.

"Mr. Xu, I'm in the bathroom. Wait a minute. I'll find a place to hide the phone, otherwise it will be easy to be found." Huang Xiaorong quickly explained, lest Mr. Xu was in a hurry.

"En." Xu Jie responded, and then turned off the screen on his side.

Huang Xiaorong looked down at herself, looking for a place where she could put her mobile phone, couldn't she take pictures of the celebrities in the private room with her mobile phone?That hasn't been discovered yet?

What she wears today is very simple, shirt, T-shirt and jeans, the T-shirt has no pockets, the pockets on the jeans are too deep and tight, only the pockets on the shirt are more suitable.

She quickly put the phone into the breast pocket of her shirt, but the pocket was too big and directly blocked the camera.

This is how to do?
In an instant, sweat began to form on his forehead.

If you can't even complete this task, will Mr. Xu still be able to see her in the future?
Huang Xiaorong looked around, and suddenly saw the toilet paper, so she pulled a few pieces and folded them up, put them in the bottom of the pocket, and then put the phone in, the camera was exposed outside.

"Mr. Xu, can you see clearly?" Huang Xiaorong asked in a low voice into the phone, afraid that people outside the bathroom would hear.

"I can see clearly." Xu Jie said.

"Okay, then I'll go out." Huang Xiaorong tidied up her clothes, then opened the door and walked out of the bathroom.

She was worried about being discovered by others, so she didn't return to the crowd immediately, but stood by the wall, slowly turned her upper body, pointed the camera at every position in the private room, and tried to let Mr. Xu on the other side of the phone see clearer.

After about a few minutes, she moved her position, came behind Sister Yun, adjusted the angle as much as possible, and aimed the camera at Sister Yun and her surroundings.

Xu Jie opened his eyes wide and looked very carefully. Even when he was swiping his phone to see beautiful women in disguise and dancing, he had never been so serious.

There are quite a lot of female artists attending the party tonight. Apart from Lin Li and Yao Yaqi who were mentioned just now, there are also Zeng Yuqing, Jiang Siyan, Wu Pinjia, Wang Jiawen...

Among them, there are Chen Yiling and Lin Yongqi who have won the best movie queen, as well as the most popular actress award in various small film festivals and TV festivals.

There are some familiar ones, but I forgot their names again.

'It seems that Liu Qing's appeal is not small. 'Xu Jie thought to himself.

In this matter, he really underestimated Liu Qing a little bit.

The private room is very large. Although there are 30 people, it doesn't seem crowded.

Su Yun sat in the middle position, also known as the C position, facing the stage downstairs, with a very good line of sight.

Xu Jie couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on his face, and the attitude of others towards her could be seen from the position of his wife.

Yes, it seems that they are very knowledgeable about current affairs!

(End of this chapter)

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