Chapter 1119 Counsel?

Xu Jie put down his mobile phone, lost all interest for a while.

In fact, as a man, it is definitely a very happy thing to be liked and chased after by beautiful women. If he is put in college, he can boast at least one semester.

But now he is married, he is a family man, and he loves his wife very much. At this time, there is a beautiful woman chasing after him, and he is still his wife's best friend. It is inevitable that he will feel weird, even scary.

Of course, it's not that Liu Qing is terrible, but that once his wife finds out about it, the result will be very terrible.

It was also because of this that he turned his eyebrows coldly, and never gave the other party a good look.

But the other party is a dog skin plaster, no matter how you shake it, you can't get rid of it.

Xu Jie knew that he was very attractive, and there were many girls chasing after him when he was in school. It was useless to persuade him like Liu Qing, and it was the first time he met.

It seems that the charm is too great, and it may not be a good thing.

It's so flamboyant!

Xu Jie drank all the coffee in the cup in one breath, then left the cafe with his mobile phone and took a taxi back to the hotel.

As for the party, I have already seen everything I want to see, so there is no need to continue watching.

Once discovered, it will be very embarrassing.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and instead of reducing the number of pedestrians on the street, there were more people than when they came.

Probably the time for dinner is over, and the nightlife officially begins at this moment.

Not long after, the car stopped outside the hotel, Xu Jie got out of the car after paying the fare, and walked straight to the hotel gate.

There are a lot of people in the lobby. In addition to the staff of the organizing committee, there are also many famous celebrities. Those who know each other stand together and chat enthusiastically.

"Mr. Xu!"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, and Xu Jie looked for his reputation, it was Hu Zhen.

"Old Hu." Xu Jie walked towards the other party, holding the other party's hand tightly, "When did you come?"

"I came early, I arrived the day before yesterday, how about you?" Hu Zhen asked after finishing speaking.

"I arrived in the afternoon." Xu Jie sized up the other party, and then asked in a low voice, "Have you been too busy these days? Is there any good news?"

Every award ceremony, the star's manager will be very busy, busy trying to win awards for his own artists.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the entertainment industry is no exception.

Most of the experts in the awards committee are from the entertainment industry, such as some directors, screenwriters, actors, producers...

Since you are a member of the circle, it is inevitable that there will be differences between closeness and distance when voting, especially when facing acquaintances. When, can these factors be ignored?
Do not vote?

Do you want to say hello when we meet again?
Can friends still be together?

Still not a fellow?
These external factors will affect the final voting results.

Professionalism is professionalism, authority is authority, and has nothing to do with justice.

There is no absolutely just person in the world, and there is no absolutely just organization. The so-called fairness is just a flaunt.

Sometimes, the more you advertise, the more you lack.

Isn't there an old saying?It's called: 300 taels of silver here.

Otherwise, how could there be so many controversial results?
The birth of each award is actually the result of a game.

As the backer behind the stars, the brokerage company naturally has to fight for awards for their artists at this critical moment.

This is not just a trophy or a certificate, but also traffic, attention, topics, endorsements, remuneration, and resources.

"Well..." Hu Zhen looked around cautiously, and then leaned forward.

"Okay, okay, I understand, you don't need to tell me." Xu Jie stretched out his hand to block the other party. It's better not to know about this kind of thing, so that there will be surprises at tomorrow's awards ceremony.

What's more, in this year's awards, there are several related to him. He doesn't want to be spoiled in advance, so let's save the suspense until the end.

But judging by the other party's appearance, the artist under his hand would definitely not leave empty-handed.

"Should I congratulate you in advance?" Xu Jie asked in a low voice.

"Let's talk about this tomorrow." Hu Zhen smiled. It's not easy to celebrate this kind of thing in advance, otherwise once it gets out, it's easy to be extremely happy and sad.

Xu Jie patted the other party's shoulder, saying everything without saying a word.

Just as he was about to go back to his room, suddenly a figure came out of the elevator, and laughter spread throughout the lobby.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback.

How could this man be here?

Although he hadn't seen each other for many years, he still recognized each other at a glance.

Wang Guofu, a first-line director in China, once threatened Su Yun, and even wanted Su Yun to be his lover. Later, he used his contacts to block him, and it is said that he went to the south to develop.

Hu Zhen on the side also noticed Xu Jie's expression at this time.

He is still very clear about Xu Jie's matter, so he also knows why the other party is suddenly in a daze.

"Director Wang Guofu's film "Fantasy Life" was shortlisted for the Best Feature Film Award, Best Cinematography Award, Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress, a total of four awards. In the past two days, he not only took the initiative to accept media interviews, but also held today I’m so proud of the high-spirited talk in the movie forum.” Hu Zhen said in a low voice, with a bit of dissatisfaction in his voice.

"Oh? Really?" Xu Jie narrowed his eyes.

Being able to nominate four awards is indeed a capital pride. You must know that among all the shortlisted films, there are only a few that can be nominated for four awards.

The appearance of Wang Guofu immediately attracted the attention of many insiders in the lobby, and some people stepped forward to congratulate him.

"Director Wang, congratulations..."

"Brother Wang, after three years of sharpening your sword, I wish you a complete victory this time!"

"Director Wang..."

Wang Guofu showed a faint smile, but his chin was raised slightly, and his expression was full of arrogance, as if to say: Can the movie I made be bad?
Seeing that the other party was doing so well, Xu Jie couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

How could he allow someone who threatened and hurt his wife to be so proud?
"Old Hu, which company Wang Guofu is in now?" Xu Jie asked, turning his head sideways.

"I opened a personal studio in Shanghai, and it is very popular there." Hu Zhen said.


Xu Jie was startled, isn't that Chen Liangwei's lair?
He thought that the other party was continuing to work as a director in Fujian, Guangdong and other places, but he didn't expect to be in Shanghai. Isn't this a shot at him?

He is not familiar with Minjian and Guangdong East, but he is very familiar with Shanghai and Shanghai.

Xu Jie watched Wang Guofu talking and laughing happily in the crowd, and walked towards him directly.

"Although my film was only shortlisted for four awards, I have confidence in each award..." Wang Guofu said confidently.

"Oh? Director Wang is so confident?"

A sudden voice interrupted Wang Guofu's words, and the yin and yang strangeness mixed in the words made Wang Guofu directly frowned, and there was a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

The others turned their heads one after another, wanting to see who dared to openly mock Director Wang.

However, when everyone saw the person coming, they were all stunned. They wanted to speak for Director Wang, but they all became dumb.

Xu Jie walked up to Wang Guofu, looked at him with a half-smile and asked, "Director Wang, we haven't seen each other for many years, right? Are you here all right?"

The corner of Wang Guofu's mouth twitched, and a puff of air rushed from the soles of his feet to Tianling Gai, and there was even more anger in his brows.

He will never forget this man.

"Hmph, thanks to you, I'm fine now. How about you, how is your relationship with Su Yun? Why didn't you see Su Yun? Did you quarrel?" Wang Guofu asked with a cold face.

"Haha, my wife, it's too late to feel sorry for her, why would you quarrel with her?" Xu Jie said with a smile: "Looking at Director Wang's speech just now, it seems that he is very confident about winning the award."

After hearing this, Wang Guofu couldn't help but recalled the fact that he was banned by the other party and was forced to leave the capital to develop in Shanghai. His chin raised again, "Of course, gold shines everywhere."

The implication: It's useless for you to block me.

"That's not necessarily true." Xu Jie said: "If I cover it with my hand, no one will be able to see it even if it glows."

"Do you really think you can cover the sky with just one hand?" Wang Guofu stepped forward and said with a sneer, "Don't think that being the general manager of Jingshi Culture means that you are awesome. Huaxia is big, and the entertainment industry is also big." Big, it’s not just the capital that has the entertainment industry, it’s also found in other places.”

When the people around heard Wang Guofu's words, they were all too scared to speak.

How dare you say that to Mr. Xu?You don't want to hang out in the Beijing circle, do you?

It seems that Wang Guofu has left the Beijing circle and changed his life to the Shanghai circle.

No wonder...

In fact, Wang Guofu dared to say this not only because he is currently developing in the Shanghai circle, but also because he has capital support behind him. Otherwise, how could he make a comeback in such a short period of time and even be shortlisted for the Golden Rooster Award?

Not developing in the Beijing circle, and having the blessing of capital, this gave him the confidence to challenge the opponent.

"I can't cover the sky, but it should be fine to cover you." Xu Jie said.

"Hmph, you have such a loud voice, and you're not afraid to flash your tongue!" Wang Guofu sneered, as if to say: You banned me back then, and I'm living well now, don't you?

"How about we make a bet?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"What bet?" Wang Guofu asked suspiciously.

"Isn't your movie shortlisted for four awards? I said you won't get any of them, believe it or not?" Xu Jie stared at the other party sharply, as if he wanted to engrave what he just said in his heart.

"You, you fart!" Wang Guofu became angry from embarrassment, and vomited obscenities directly.

Tomorrow is the awards ceremony, and today he said he won't get the award, isn't that a curse on him?
"If you can get one, you win. On the other hand, if you don't get any, I lose. Whoever loses will get out of the circle. How about it?" Xu Jie asked.

After hearing this, everyone was stunned, and they were all surprised by Mr. Xu's bet.

In the entertainment industry, betting is common, but this is the first time someone dared to bet on "retirement".

What does retiring mean?
On behalf of completely leave the entertainment industry, leave the current work and career.

Although the two parties may have already realized the freedom of wealth, who would think that there is too much money?
Moreover, now is the peak of their careers, wouldn't it be a pity if they just quit the circle like this?

Wang Guofu's jaw dropped in shock at this moment, he thought the bet might be money, several million, ten million, but he never thought that it would be a withdrawal.

Affected by the ban at the beginning, he had no choice but to come to the Shanghai circle, meet the big shots in the Shanghai circle, and make films for them to praise them. Now he has finally made a comeback. If he quit the circle, wouldn't his previous efforts be in vain?
If he is blocked in this place, he can develop in another place, but if he quits the entertainment circle, it means that he will not be able to develop anywhere, which means cutting off his way of life.

The price is too high!

"Why, Director Wang, don't you dare to make this bet? Aren't you very confident just now? Why are you cowardly now?" Xu Jie turned on the taunting mode, and output to the opponent's face.

"Who, who's scared?" Wang Guofu said with a stiff neck, but after he finished speaking, he glanced around from the corner of his eye to see if anyone with a good relationship could stand up at this time, so as to give him a down the steps.

He's not cowardly, he's just a little hypocritical!

For him, the price of retiring from the circle is really too high, and it's really not worth it for this tone.

It’s okay if he is alone now, the problem is that he now has a studio, and there is capital behind the studio.

His future in the entertainment circle is not decided by him, but by the capital behind him. He will shoot whatever the capital asks him to shoot, and he has to let whoever the capital asks him to be the female number one. Acting as the number one female lead, otherwise she wouldn't even be able to pay her pension.

"Then let's make a deal like this. These people around are all witnesses." Xu Jie turned his head to look at several artists in the circle next to him, and said, "Everyone, be a witness. The awards ceremony ends tomorrow night, whoever loses Get out of the circle."


Everyone was dumbfounded.

It's just watching the fun, why was it involved?

If it was an artist's previous bet, it would be a witness to be a witness, but the problem is that one party is the general manager of Jingshi Culture, a bigwig in the industry, and the other party is a domestic first-line director. It is not good to offend anyone.

Seeing this situation, Wang Guofu became anxious.

He didn't expect the other party to be so ruthless that he wanted to kill him.

Although the award ceremony has not yet started, he really can't guarantee whether he will win the award.

Only four nominations were shortlisted, and there are many people who were shortlisted for six or seven nominations.

"I haven't agreed yet, why did you decide on your own? I don't think this is fair." Wang Guofu thought for a while and said.

"Don't you think that my status as the general manager of Jingshi Culture is not as good as you as a film director?" Xu Jie asked back.

"That's not what I mean, what I mean is, why should I listen to you? Who are you to me? If you make a bet, do I have to agree? Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me?" Wang Guofu gritted his teeth and said .

"Didn't you not believe what I said? Didn't you say that what I said was fart? How about you say a bet?" Xu Jie said aggressively.

"I, I never gamble, and I don't like to gamble. Gambling is not good. I advise you not to gamble in the future." Wang Guofu raised his wrist, looked at the time on his watch, and said, "I still have something to do. Time is talking to you."

After speaking, he hurriedly walked towards the door.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

This escaped?
I thought I could see the ending.

Well, it seems that Mr. Xu is right, Director Wang is a coward!


(End of this chapter)

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