Chapter 1120 Influence!

"Mr. Xu, calm down. It's impossible to be angry with this kind of person." Seeing Wang Guofu leaving, Hu Zhen immediately came to Xu Jie's side to comfort him, for fear that the other party would chase him out.

In fact, he is very unsupportive of betting.

Because once Mr. Xu loses, he will lose countless resources, which will have a great impact on him and the entire company.

Even if Mr. Xu dared to take the risk, he would not dare to let Mr. Xu take the risk.

"Calm down?" Xu Jie looked at Wang Guofu who got into the car as if fleeing, and this time it was his turn to show a smug smile, "I'm not angry, how can I talk about calming down?"

The one who ran away was Wang Guofu, and the one who got angry was also Wang Guofu. Why did he want to calm down?

Hu Zhen was taken aback when he heard that, it seemed that this was indeed the case, and it was Wang Guofu who should calm down, because he would definitely be ridiculed by the insiders for a while because of the fact that the other party did not dare to accept the appointment.

"Mr. Xu, I was terrified when I heard you bet just now. Can we not use withdrawal as a bet in the future?" Hu Zhen said with a wry smile.

Fortunately, Wang Guofu didn't grow it, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

"Why, do you think his movie can win an award?" Xu Jie looked at Hu Zhen and asked.

He had never seen Wang Guofu's movie, and he didn't know the quality of that movie. The reason why he bet just now was entirely based on his aura, an aura of wanting to trample the other party on the soles of his feet.

"It's hard to say." Hu Zhen shook his head hesitantly.

If the answer is no award, Wang Guofu is also a first-line director in China, and he has won some awards in other film festivals before; but if the answer is yes, what should Xu do if he gets angry?Can we still be friends in the future?

"Oh? It seems that his movie is good." Seeing Hu's expression, Xu Jie immediately had an answer in his heart.

Hu Zhen thought to himself: It must be good, what about the box office of more than [-] million yuan, or can it get four nominations?
If you are shortlisted for only one award, you may be lucky, but if you are shortlisted for four awards, it must have its success.

"Mr. Xu, let me say one more thing. What kind of enmity is there between you and Wang Guofu?" Hu Zhen asked in a low voice.

He only knew that there was an enmity between President Xu and Wang Guofu, but he had never heard of it, and no one seemed to know what the specific enmity was and why.

"He not only has thoughts about my wife, but also threatens my wife." Xu Jie said lightly.

Hu Zhen was startled, his back felt cold, and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

I thought to myself: Wang Guofu, Wang Guofu, you are really daring, and want to cheat on Mr. Xu's wife. Isn't this a dead end?
Fortunately, I didn't act as a peacemaker just now.

This kind of thing can't be reconciled.

"This bastard, I'll tell my artist when I get back, no one is allowed to cooperate with him, it's so shameless, a toad wants to eat swan meat." Hu Zhen cursed directly.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Hu, what are you talking about here?" At this moment, a middle-aged man came over, looked back and forth between the two faces, and then asked suspiciously: "Who made you angry?"

Hu Zhen was taken aback when he saw the person coming. This person has a lot of background. He is a well-known film producer in China and Zhou Jinshan, a member of the Golden Rooster Award judging committee.

However, his relationship with the other party is average, and he is not very familiar with him, but seeing the other party come over to say hello naturally, he thinks he has a good relationship with Mr. Xu.

Since you have a good relationship with Mr. Xu, why not take advantage of it?

Thinking of this, Hu Zhen immediately showed an angry look, and said in his mouth, "It's that bastard Wang Guofu."

Zhou Jinshan was stunned when he heard Hu Zhen swearing.

Where is this place?
Golden Rooster Awards official designated conference hotel, most of the participants of the Golden Rooster Awards live here, no matter how big the grievances are, they have to bear it when they come here, at worst, pretend not to see, you should not curse people, let alone expand the matter.

"What happened to Wang Guofu?" Zhou Jinshan asked curiously.

"He..." Hu Zhen hesitated to speak. After saying a word, he looked aside and said, "You should ask Mr. Xu, I, I can't say it."

Zhou Jinshan looked at Xu Jie suspiciously, "President Xu, what's the matter?"

"Actually, it happened a long time ago. Wang Guofu had thoughts about my wife and even threatened her. It just so happened that I ran into him here just now..." Xu Jie simply said what happened just now.

However, Hu Zhen on the side felt that it was not enough, so he said emphatically, "Mr. Zhou, you didn't see Wang Guofu's appearance just now. You are simply too arrogant. You said in front of a group of artists that you will definitely win the award tomorrow. Those who don't know think it is a default decision." He's dead."

Zhou Jinshan frowned immediately when he heard this.

He is a member of the award committee, and Wang Guofu's behavior has seriously affected the fairness of the award committee, and it is simply discrediting the award committee.

What was even more irritating was that the other party was so mad that he threatened Mr. Xu's wife. A person like this who has no artistic virtues should be disqualified from being shortlisted, let alone winning an award.

Hu Zhen caught a glimpse of Zhou Jinshan's serious face, and said with righteous indignation: "If you want me to say that a person with such moral corruption as Wang Guofu is not worthy of the award at all, what do you think, Mr. Zhou?"

"Yes." Zhou Jinshan nodded.

Hu Zhen secretly smiled in his heart.

Everyone in the awards committee felt that Wang Guofu did not deserve the award. Could Wang Guofu still win the award tomorrow?
Although Zhou Jinshan was angry, he did not forget where this place was, so he looked at Xu Jie and said, "Mr. Xu, I know you are very angry now, but I hope you can put the overall situation first. When tomorrow's award ceremony is over, what do you want?" You can deal with Wang Guofu."

"Thank you Mr. Zhou for your understanding, I will restrain myself." Xu Jie gritted his teeth and said.

Zhou Jinshan patted Xu Jie on the shoulder to express comfort, and then said: "Mr. Xu, go back and rest early, there will be an awards ceremony tomorrow."

"Well, I see." Xu Jie said.

Zhou Jinshan walked out, but he stopped suddenly after walking not far. He thought for a while, then turned and walked towards the elevator.

Hu Zhen looked at Zhou Jinshan's back, and whispered to Xu Jie beside him, "President Zhou probably communicated with other members of the awards committee."

Xu Jie nodded, he thought so too.

Zhou Jinshan came to a room and reached out to ring the doorbell.

Soon, the door opened.

"Old Zhou, why are you back?" The person who opened the door asked strangely, he had clearly said something was up just now.

"Don't mention it." Zhou Jinshan walked into the room angrily.

There are a total of six people in the room, all members of the awards committee, chatting about this year's Golden Rooster Awards.

When everyone saw Zhou Jinshan angry, they were not only full of doubts, they were also happy when they left just now. It has only been more than ten minutes, how could they be so angry?

"Old Zhou, what's the matter? Have you been let go?" A writer and screenwriter joked.

"Don't mention it, just arrived at the lobby on the first floor, and encountered a very infuriating thing..."

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Jinshan told everyone present what happened just now in detail.

The aggrieved tone, coupled with the fact that it affected the fairness of the awards committee, made the people in the room explode after listening.

"This Wang Guofu is too arrogant. What does he think of the award committee? What does he think of us?"

"He started screaming before he won the award. If he wins the award, is it still worth it?"



For a while, everyone began to reprimand Wang Guofu, and in the process, a consensus was reached, that is, no matter what, the award should not be awarded to Wang Guofu and Wang Guofu's films, otherwise the reputation of the awards committee would be damaged.

At the same time, what happened between Xu Jie and Wang Guofu spread quickly through the artists present at the time.

The entertainment industry is not big in the first place, and with the addition of everyone gathering together to spread the word, it didn't take long for everyone in the hotel to know about it.

"Even Mr. Xu dares to offend, Wang Guofu has drunk too much?"

"Not only did I drink too much, but my head was caught by the door, but I can't do this kind of thing normally."

"I didn't know why Mr. Xu wanted to block Wang Guofu before, but now I finally know, it's time to block."

"Although I have never been in contact with Wang Guofu, I have filmed Mr. Xu's program and had contact with Mr. Xu twice. Mr. Xu is definitely a fastidious person. This time I support Mr. Xu."

"Mr. Xu dared to bet on retiring from the circle. There is no one with such courage. No wonder Wang Guofu ran away. He must have been scared away."

"This Wang Guofu, it's not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke Mr. Xu. Don't you know that Mr. Xu is a famous wife-protecting madman? When he got angry at the crown, he directly blocked the agency of Liu Jinghua, a mere director of Wang Guofu. Aren't you asking for trouble?"

"However, I'm really curious whether Director Wang's film will win an award at tomorrow's awards ceremony."

"He doesn't even dare to bet. Regardless of whether he can win the prize tomorrow, he has already lost. The loss is due to his momentum and courage."


There are many artists who are talking about it, but the most embarrassing ones are undoubtedly the leading actors of the movie "Fantasy Life".

Tomorrow is the awards ceremony. According to the plan, they need to walk the red carpet with director Wang Guofu and take pictures together.

But now, if he goes with Director Wang, won't he offend Mr. Xu indirectly?

Who is Mr. Xu?
The general manager of Jingshi Culture, one of the big bosses in the Beijing circle, offended Mr. Xu, do you still want to hang out in the Beijing circle in the future?
It is possible not to act in a movie directed by Wang, but not without the resources of the Beijing circle.

So, the leading actors of the movie "Delusion of Life" all gathered in a room to discuss what to do with tomorrow's awards ceremony.

It's not that they think too much, but that they have to think so much, because if they don't pay attention, it will affect their entire acting career.

Therefore, in the attitude towards the boss, I would rather be more cautious than let the boss misunderstand.

"What should we do? How about...we don't go with Director Wang?" the male protagonist asked while observing the reactions of the others.

"No, the order of admission has been arranged, and as long as the crew is shortlisted for the awards, the whole crew will go together, and there is no case of going alone." The heroine said.

"Then what should I do?" The second female number Xiu frowned, don't just walk the red carpet alone, not only did she not win the movie award, but also offended Mr. Xu.

Between Best Supporting Actress and Mr. Xu, she will choose Mr. Xu without hesitation.

"I don't think it's better than this. Let's go with the crew, but we have to walk behind Director Wang and keep some distance from Director Wang. It's a way of showing our attitude. I think Mr. Xu will not blame us anymore after seeing our attitude. Let's." Said the hero.

"it's OK?"

"It's okay, it's the only way to do it."

"Hey, I won't act in Director Wang's movies anymore. Other movies need acting skills, but his movies are terrible."


The others nodded in unison.

After Xu Jie separated from Hu Zhen, he would go to his room. The first thing he did was to call Chen Liangwei from Oriental Media.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Mr. Chen, good evening, didn't I disturb your rest?" Xu Jie asked.

"No, it's still early for me. What's the matter, Mr. Xu?" At this moment, Chen Liangwei was lying on the bed, enjoying a massage from a female artist.

It's true that I don't bother you now, but after half an hour, I will definitely disturb you.

"Mr. Chen, do you know Wang Guofu?" Xu Jie asked.

"Wang Guofu? Yes, he has been developing in our Shanghai for the past few years, and even opened his studio in our Shanghai. What's wrong? Are you looking for him to make a movie? I can introduce you." Chen Liangwei said .

The female artist's hand pressed gently on his shoulder, feeling that the fatigue of the day had disappeared.

"It's free for filming, he threatened my wife, how could I ask him to make a film?" Xu Jie said coldly.

"What?" Chen Liangwei was slightly taken aback, and sat up directly from the bed.

Threatening Mr. Xu's wife?

Does it mean Su Yun?
Why is Wang Guofu threatening Su Yun when he is idle?Enough support?
"President Xu, what's going on?" Wang Guofu asked curiously.

"Oh, it's embarrassing to say it. I failed to protect my wife. A few years ago, Wang Guofu threatened my wife. If he didn't become his lover, he would block my wife from the film industry..."

"What? He Wang Guofu really dare to do this?"

Chen Liangwei couldn't believe it, because in his impression, Wang Guofu was quite knowledgeable and humble in front of him.

But Mr. Xu's words are in a good shape, so it shouldn't be false.

Who is free to spread rumors about their wives?
"Mr. Chen, can I lie to you about this kind of thing? At that time, I blocked him in the Beijing circle. I thought he would receive the punishment he deserved. Who would have thought that I would meet him again at the Golden Rooster Awards today? His attitude is different from before. It’s even worse than that, I heard that he not only went to the Shanghai circle, but also did well, and the movie he made was nominated for four Golden Rooster Awards, so I just want to know who is helping him behind the scenes.”

Xu Jie's voice is getting colder and colder, which is also a sign of being very angry.

"Mr. Xu, I really didn't know that Wang Guofu was so shameless. If I knew, I would never let him gain a foothold in Shanghai." Chen Liangwei quickly expressed his attitude, lest the other party misunderstand and think that he was supporting Wang Guofu behind his back.

"I thought it was Mr. Chen who was supporting him. To be honest, I hesitated for a long time before calling you. I was afraid that Wang Guofu would ruin our relationship." Xu Jie said.

"It's not me. I didn't support him. Mr. Xu, you are worrying too much. How can Wang Guofu compare to our friendship? Mr. Xu, don't worry. If Wang Guofu dares to threaten Su Yun, he is threatening my younger siblings. I will never let him It's easier to live in the Shanghai circle." Chen Liangwei said confidently.

"Hearing Mr. Chen's words, I feel much more comfortable."

"Mr. Xu is polite, whoever we are with, you just wait for my good news."

"Thank you Mr. Chen!"


(End of this chapter)

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