The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1121 Embarrassment on the red carpet

Chapter 1121 Embarrassment on the red carpet
Under the expectation of countless filmmakers, the three-day Golden Rooster Awards finally ushered in the last day, and the final mystery of each award will soon be revealed on this day.

Maybe because writing scripts recently consumed a lot of brainpower, Xu Jie didn't wake up until noon.

He can stay up all night when he is working, and sleep when he is not working. He never wastes time and knows how to use time.

After eating at noon, Xu Jie and his wife went back to the room and started to make up.

The red carpet for the closing ceremony of the Golden Rooster Awards will start at 17:40 pm, and his crew of "Stranger Road" will be the third from the bottom.

In this kind of large-scale red carpet ceremony, the last person to appear on the stage tends to have a larger celebrity position. On the one hand, it is for the finale, and on the other hand, it is to avoid too many big celebrities waiting.

You must know that the red carpet ceremony will last for more than two hours, that is to say, the crew and artists who appear first will have to wait for more than two hours at the awards ceremony, and the crew and artists who appear later will have less waiting time .

The crew of "Stranger Road" will appear at around 19:20, and the exact time of appearance will depend on the situation on the red carpet.

For Xu Jie, such a long time is still very abundant, even if it is not too late to prepare at the beginning of the red carpet ceremony, but for Su Yun, this time is very tight.

Since the red carpet dress is provided by the sponsor, she needs to put on a makeup that suits the dress, and make a hairstyle that suits the dress, so as to achieve the purpose of not only beautifying herself, but also advertising for the brand.

And like facial makeup, there is no two hours that can't be finished. As for hair styling, it will take longer, starting with three hours.

Two plus three is five hours.

This is not counting the time to do it again if you did not do well.

Xu Jie didn't rush to put on makeup, but took out his laptop to write the script, because even if he finished putting on makeup now, he still needed to stay in the room. If he sweated a little or his clothes were wrinkled, wouldn't it be a waste of makeup?
Time passed by minute by minute.

Xu Jie didn't know how long it had been, when suddenly a voice came from beside him, accompanied by a gust of fragrant wind.

"Husband, do you look good?"

Su Yun came to her husband's side, and after turning around in place, one hand drooped naturally, and the other pinched her waist, posing in a posture that showed her figure.

Xu Jie raised his head after hearing this, and saw his wife was wearing a light-colored dress covered with gold stripes and silver sequins, and her neck and wrists were decorated with jewels, making her look fresh and refined. Elegant and elegant, his body seems to radiate light.

Worthy of being a national goddess!

Xu Jie's eyes lit up, he nodded appreciatively, and his eyes were full of obsession.

If it weren't for the presence of assistants, stylists, and makeup artists, they would have definitely fallen into a fierce battle at this moment.

Even though he has written countless reports, he doesn't know what words to use to describe it, because he feels that no words are enough to accurately express the beauty of his wife at this moment.

Xu Jie couldn't help thanking himself in his previous life. He must have saved the solar system to marry him. Even if he saved one less planet, he would not have such a blessing.

Seeing her husband's bewildered look, Su Yun's smile grew stronger.

Her husband's appearance at the moment is the best evaluation of her body.

"Honey, it's your turn." Su Yun reminded.

It's already six o'clock in the evening, and I'm afraid it will be too late without makeup.

The red carpet of the Golden Rooster Awards is not an ordinary red carpet show. If you are late, or you want to play tricks on the order of admission, you will definitely be overwhelmed.

"Okay." Xu Jie said after recovering.

He immediately turned off the computer, came to the stylist, and waited for him to design a style for him.

"Be more handsome, and if you are not handsome, your bonus will be deducted." Xu Jie said to the stylist Xiaomei.

The other party dresses up his wife so beautifully. If he doesn't dress up handsomely, then the two of them will walk on the red carpet together. Isn't it obvious that he is telling others that he is a toad eating swan meat?

"Okay." Xiaomei said with a smile.

She knew that Xu was always joking, but she still dressed up for him seriously.

Although Sister Yun is the boss of the studio, in her heart, she prefers to regard Mr. Xu as the boss.

Makeup is easier for men than for women.

In less than half an hour, Xu Jie had put on his makeup.

Xu Jie didn't know what makeup artist Xiaoying applied on his face, but after applying it, the skin looked more delicate and the face became more three-dimensional.

Especially when he puts on a well-tailored suit on his tall body, it makes him look gentle and elegant, and his aura immediately rises.

At this moment, Su Yun came over and stood by his side.

The two stood side by side, facing the mirror. Although the colors were different in tone, they looked very harmonious and harmonious.

"Mr. Xu, what do you think?" Xiaomei asked while arranging her suit.

"Very good." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "Congratulations, you have kept your bonus."

"Thank you Mr. Xu for your approval." Xiaomei stepped aside after speaking. Her work has been completed, and it depends on the effect of walking the red carpet.

"Honey, it's getting late, let's go." Su Yun said.

It will take some time to get from the hotel to the awards venue, and the road may be very congested today, so it’s better to be early than late.

In fact, it is not too early, because the red carpet ceremony has already begun.

International Exhibition Center.

Hundreds of media gathered here to film the red carpet ceremony of the Golden Rooster Awards.

As the most authoritative film award in China, the attention of the Golden Rooster Awards is self-evident. Even the movie channel of China TV Station broadcast the red carpet ceremony live, so that more people can see the Golden Rooster Awards and more people Learn about the Golden Rooster Awards, let more people pay attention to the Golden Rooster Awards, and show Chinese films at home and abroad.

If it is said that at the award ceremony, what everyone pays most attention to is the list of winners, then at the red carpet ceremony, what everyone pays most attention to is the stars.

Especially female stars.

The red carpet has always been a place where female stars compete for beauty, and the Golden Rooster Awards red carpet ceremony is no exception.

The more important the red carpet, the more intense the competition among female stars.

Although there is no clear competition, everyone wants to be the brightest star on the red carpet.

As a grand event in the film industry, a large number of female stars also came to the Golden Rooster Awards this time. In addition to the female stars whose works were shortlisted, many female stars who did not have works also came to the scene.

Although they didn't bring works, they did have a heart to support Huaxia Films.

There is an old saying that goes well: those who have money hold a money market, and those who have no money hold a personal market.

People standing on the stage need applause from the audience.

This is not hypocrisy, but inspiration.

"Zeng Yuqing is so beautiful today." A cameraman sighed with emotion in a low voice.

There are so many beauties that it feels dizzying.

The most indispensable thing in the entertainment circle is beauties, and there is no one in a million beauties who can break through the world in the entertainment circle.

He feels that being a videographer is very happy, because he can see the real side of the female star, unlike the viewers who watch the live broadcast on TV and mobile phones, all they see are processed pictures.

"I think Jiang Siyan is still beautiful. She looks like a white swan in a long feather dress, especially the swan neck. It's amazing." A cameraman next to her said.

"Little girl, where can she be more beautiful? Yao Yaqi is still beautiful, glamorous and charming."


As several female stars walked through the red carpet, a film crew was ushered in next.

Because some stars have works, some stars do not have works, so in order to better interact, artists who do not have works are usually arranged to walk on the red carpet between the crew and the crew.

"Walking towards us is the crew of the movie "Delusion Life"..."

The male host looked at the card in his hand, and wanted to continue the introduction according to the content written on it, but just after he said a word, he felt the female host next to him touch him with an elbow.

He thought that there was a problem with his position, so he stood in the position of his female partner, so he quietly moved half a step to the side and opened a short distance, but when he was about to introduce again, he felt The female partner touched him.

If you touch it once, it may be a coincidence, but if you touch it twice, it is definitely not.

He couldn't help turning his head to look, and cast a puzzled look, only to see his female partner nodding at him expressionlessly.


The host was startled.

This is the secret signal that the two set before the opening.

Nodding expressionlessly means pausing the introduction.

But why do you want to do this?

Director Wang is quite famous.

Confused, he didn't ask in the end. After all, it was a live broadcast, and countless people were watching the red carpet ceremony.

He turned his head and looked at the crew of "Delusion of Life", but he was stunned by this look.

what's going on?
The six members of the production team of "Fantasy Life" were divided into two teams. Director Wang Guofu walked in the front alone, and the other five actors walked behind Director Wang, with a distance of five or six meters.

It stands to reason that they are all members of the same crew, and they should enter the stage together. Even if there are too many people and they are divided into two rows, the distance does not need to be so far.

Suddenly looking at it like this, those who didn't know thought that Director Wang came alone, and the next five people were from the same crew.

The person involved, Wang Guofu, also noticed this at the moment, thinking that he was walking too fast, so he deliberately slowed down and waited for the actors walking behind.

But as he slowed down, the actors behind also slowed down, and when he stopped to wait, the actors behind also stood still.


Wang Guofu was a little confused.

Is this showing respect for him?
Is it to highlight his existence, to show that he is not worthy to walk by his side?

No, really no.

"Wu Yaning, Jiang Yumo... Come here, let's go together, we are all from the same crew, what are you doing so far?" Wang Guofu said, waving to the five actors behind him.

Being so far away from him made it seem like he knew how to touch porcelain.

When the five people saw it, their expressions were stiff, and they thought: You are welcome, we just want to meet you like this.

They didn't want to go there, but they couldn't stand here forever, so Wu Ya-ning said: "Wang, Director Wang, you should go first. You are the director. Without you, there would be no movie. You should be the only one."

"Yes, yes, you go first."

"We're right behind you."

Others chimed in.

Wang Guofu was taken aback, but he didn't expect it to be the same as what he thought just now. It seems that these young actors are becoming more and more sensible, which is also a kind of growth.

That being the case, it is better to be respectful than obedient. After all, there are artists who will walk the red carpet later, so they can't stay on the red carpet for too long.

Thinking of this, Wang Guofu turned around, applauded the media at the scene, and continued to walk forward.

However, the reporters in the media area didn't appreciate it. What's so good about a director in his 50s?

So the media's cameras focused on the five actors behind. As for Wang Guofu, they just skipped it.

Wang Guofu looked a little embarrassed when he saw this scene, but he thought that he really didn't have any selling points. He was neither as handsome as the actor nor as good-looking as the actress. It was normal for the media not to shoot.

Why are you filming him?
Is the sunset red?
So he no longer understood the media, and walked directly to the interview area of ​​the host.

The hostess smiled and looked very enthusiastic. It is not easy to maintain a full and enthusiastic mood during the red carpet ceremony for so long.

This is professionalism.

Wang Guofu walked between the two hosts and stopped, waiting for the host's interview.

However, the hostess stretched out her hand at this moment, pointed in the direction of the awards ceremony venue, and made a "please" gesture.

Meaning: go there.

Wang Guofu was stunned again.

Don't interview him?
Aside from his position as a first-line director, "Fantasy Life" has received a total of four nominations this time, shouldn't we have a good chat with him?

The one who walked the red carpet behind their crew was a second-tier female artist. Could it be that he and his crew were not as good as a second-tier female artist?
This treatment is simply insulting.

Before he could recover, the emcee at the side came over again and invited him into the venue.


Wang Guofu gritted his teeth fiercely, but finally swallowed his breath. Who made this the scene of the Golden Rooster Awards Ceremony?Not his place to be presumptuous.

Besides, you can't ask why the host didn't interview him, right?

The host has the right to choose who to interview.

"The next person walking towards us is Zhao Minglu..." The hostess enthusiastically introduced the next celebrity walking on the red carpet.

The corner of Wang Guofu's mouth twitched, feeling an urge to hit someone.

Wu Yaning, Jiang Yumo and others did not expect that a film like "Fantasy Life", which has received four nominations, would not be eligible for interviews. After all, they are all second-tier artists.

But this feeling of dissatisfaction disappeared quickly. Last night they were struggling with whether to stand with Director Wang during the interview. Now that they don't need to be interviewed, they don't have to worry about this issue.


Five people passed directly in front of the host, casually posed two poses in front of the background wall of the media area, and then hurried to the gate of the venue, leaving Director Wang behind.

Wang Guofu stared blankly at the backs of the actors, unable to understand for a while.

It's okay for the media to ignore him, and the host can understand if he doesn't interview him, but why don't even the cast and crew ignore him?
What, what is this called?

(End of this chapter)

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