Chapter 1122
Wang Guofu walked behind the actors with a gloomy face, not only anger but also doubts in his eyes.

He is not a fool, as can be seen from the reactions of the host and actors, everyone seems to be isolating him.

But why?

If the host does not interview him, it may be necessary to speed up the progress of the red carpet, then it is a bit confusing for the actors to stay away from him.

You know, people like Wu Yaning, Jiang Yumo, Yu Shupeng, Chen Xiaoyan, and Zhou Qin are all on the same crew as him, and they were together for half a year during the filming of "Delusion Life". Familiar again.

When everyone met at the hotel the day before yesterday, these people kept thanking him for inviting them to play such an excellent work, especially Zhou Qin, who came to chat with him about the script in the middle of the night.

Why did everyone suddenly turn their faces and deny anyone in just one day?
Wang Guofu looked at the five actors walking in front and couldn't help shouting loudly: "Zhou Qin, wait a minute."

The actress walking on the far side was shocked, and her face showed a bitter look, as if she had eaten bitter melon, while the other four actors were afraid of being stopped like Zhou Qin, so they quickly accelerated their steps, Like driving a car.

Zhou Qin sighed deeply, then adjusted her emotions, turned around and asked with a fake smile: "Director Wang, what's the matter?"

Wang Guofu walked to Zhou Qin's side, but Zhou Qin seemed to be afraid that others would see the two of them together, and immediately took two steps back to widen the distance between them.

Wang Guofu frowned when he saw it. We were chatting about the script together the night before, why did he suddenly... put on his skirt and deny himself?
"Am I the God of Plague?" Wang Guofu asked.

"No, no, how could Director Wang be the God of Plague? Hehe." Zhou Qin smiled after hearing that, but the smile was very stiff.

"Do I have an infectious disease?" Wang Guofu asked again.

"What?" Zhou Qin was taken aback, her heart rose into her throat, and even her complexion changed, turning pale, and she asked nervously, "Wang, Director Wang, what kind of infectious disease do you have?" ?”

If it's just the flu, it's fine, but if it's an infectious disease from Xiasanlu, then it's troublesome.

"I'm asking you, do I have an infectious disease!" Wang Guofu rolled his eyes angrily, and couldn't even understand the words. He said that big breasts have no brains. Could it be that big breasts also affect hearing?
"Director Wang, I'm not a doctor. How would I know if you have any infectious disease?" Zhou Qin breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there is no infectious disease.

No, it's better to go to the hospital to have a checkup after the awards ceremony, and be careful.

"In that case, why are you so far away from me?" Wang Guofu finally expressed his doubts.

"Ah? No, no, Director Wang, you are worrying too much. We are all in the same crew. How could it be impossible for you to walk on the red carpet together? We just respect you and let you walk in front and enjoy everyone's gaze alone. "Zhou Qin quickly explained.

"Why did you walk in front of me just now?" Wang Guofu continued to ask.

"Just now... just now, I was worried that it would affect the artists who walked the red carpet later. Now that the red carpet is over, I naturally have to speed up and leave here, so as not to block the way of other artists."

It wasn't hot, but Zhou Qin, who was wearing a gown with arms and legs exposed, started to sweat.

"Zhou Qin, my Wang Guofu is only in his early fifties and has not yet reached the stage of dementia. Quickly tell me, what is going on with you?" Wang Guofu asked in a deep voice.

"We're really fine." Zhou Qin tried her best to argue, but her eyes didn't dare to meet Wang Guofu's gaze, she kept dodging and looking away.

But Wang Guofu kept staring at Zhou Qin, as if he was going to swallow him alive, obviously he was not going to let him go.

Out of the corner of her eye, Zhou Qin noticed that Director Wang was still looking at her, so she could only change the subject, "Director Wang, it's getting late, let's go to the scene." After finishing speaking, she was about to leave.

Wang Guofu reached out and grabbed Zhou Qin's arm, threatening: "Zhou Qin, if you don't tell me today, I will hold you tight."

Zhou Qin wanted to cry.

She tugged hard twice, but couldn't get rid of it.

This is the place where the red carpet must pass to enter the awards ceremony. If this stalemate continues, more people will see the two of them standing together. Those who know that Wang Guofu is holding on to her, but those who don't know think she and Director Wang has a very good relationship.

"Director Wang, you let go first, and I say it's okay?" Zhou Qin was helpless and could only choose to compromise.

After all, a dog jumps over a wall in a hurry, and a rabbit bites a person in a hurry.

Wang Guofu looked at the woman in front of him, but he didn't dare to run away after measuring her, so he let go of her arm and waited for her answer.

Zhou Qin looked around cautiously, and found that there were not only many people here, but also drones flying everywhere. If this was broadcast live, people all over the country would know that she and Wang Guofu had an extraordinary relationship.

"Director Wang, there are many people here, let's go inside and talk." Zhou Qin pointed in the direction of the gate of the convention and exhibition center, acting cautiously as if doing something bad.

Although Wang Guofu didn't know what the other party was going to say, his intuition told him that the matter was not only related to him, but also not a good thing, so he nodded and followed Zhou Qin into the door.

Just entering the gate was not enough, Zhou Qin led Wang Guofu to avoid the road leading to the venue, and came to the safe passage in the corner, and only opened his mouth when he saw that no one was following.

"Director Wang, I heard that you threatened Su Yun, is that true?"

Wang Guofu's expression changed, and he looked extremely nervous.

In fact, the threat was nothing, but the content of the threat was too nasty to be put on the table, and spreading it would damage his reputation.

"Who did you listen to?" Wang Guofu asked, frowning tightly.

"Director Wang, it doesn't matter who I listen to. The important thing is that this matter has already spread in the circle." Zhou Qin said.

"What?" Wang Guofu couldn't hold back.

Although this kind of thing is very common in the circle, it is rare to see people who are full of troubles in the "circle". Will they not be ridiculed in the future?

"Also, did you bet in the hotel lobby last night, and bet on retiring, to see if you can win an award in this awards ceremony?" Zhou Qin asked again.

Wang Guofu was taken aback for a moment, even this matter has spread?It's really fast.

But if you think about it carefully, there were many artists around at that time, and it was normal for the hotel to know about it.

"There is such a thing, but he bet with me, I didn't bet with him, I don't bother to do such a child's trick, it's extremely childish." Wang Guofu said with a sneer.

"You didn't make a bet with him?" Zhou Qin was startled, then looked at Wang Guofu strangely and said, "I only heard that you made a bet, but I didn't hear that you didn't agree."

"How could I agree to such a childish thing..." Wang Guofu stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking, and his face became very ugly at this moment.

He realized a problem, a big one.

If everyone only knows that the surname Xu bet with him, but they don't know that he didn't agree to the bet, once he neither wins the prize nor withdraws from the circle in the end, won't everyone mistakenly think that he regrets and can't afford to lose?
"That Xu must have deliberately concealed the facts." Wang Guofu said through gritted teeth.

He felt like he was being tricked.

Unless you find all the artists who were there at the time.

No, even if they were all found, those people might not necessarily testify for him.

Just like Zhou Qin in front of me, after knowing that he offended that Xu, didn't she immediately distance herself from him?

"Whether it was intentional or not, I don't know. I only know that you are very dangerous now. You said that it is not good for you to provoke someone, but you chose to provoke Mr. Xu from Jingshi Culture. Don't you know that Mr. Xu is always a wife-protecting maniac? Lian Entertainment He dares to block the company, what else is he afraid of? Director Wang, I am a third-tier artist, and I really can't afford to offend Mr. Xu. I hope you can understand, goodbye."

After Zhou Qin finished speaking, she slipped away while Director Wang was not paying attention.

Wang Guofu stood there blankly, not recovering from the trap for a while.

To be honest, he really didn't expect everyone's reaction to be so strong, and the host who came to the red carpet area must have thought the same way as Zhou Qin.

In fact, he felt quite wronged.

Although he threatened Su Yun, it was all a few years ago, and the person surnamed Xu was just a small reporter in the Beijing TV station at that time, so there was nothing to fear.

But who would have thought that after only a few years, that little reporter would become the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and even become a big boss in the Beijing circle.

If he knew that this person surnamed Xu would have such a great achievement, he would not have dared to threaten Su Yun in front of the other party.

Fortunately, there are people in Shanghai who appreciate him and help him.

Wang Guofu straightened his collar and walked out of the safe passage.

For him, everyone has already offended, and even if he regrets it, it is too late. The only thing that worries him now is the message outside about betting. Once everyone really believes it, will he quit the circle or not?

No, it's better to find someone to ask.

Wang Guofu turned around and went back to the safe passage. Anyway, the red carpet was over and the award ceremony hadn't started yet, so there was no need to rush into the venue.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket. His colleagues couldn't find it, and it was useless to find it. That person surnamed Xu is now in full swing. Whether it's a director or an actor, who would dare to offend him?

He thought for a while, and finally dialed a number.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Hello, is this Boss Zhou? I'm Wang Guofu. I've encountered something. I want you to help me with an idea." Wang Guofu said.

The reason why he can gain a firm foothold in Shanghai is due to the strong support of Boss Zhou. Take the movie "Fantasy Life" as an example, most of the funds were provided by Boss Zhou's company, even opening a studio The ideas are all suggestions from Boss Zhou.

Now that he encountered a problem again, only this Boss Zhou could help him.

"Oh? What's the matter?" A curious question came from the microphone.

"It's like this. I met a man here at the Golden Rooster Awards. I once threatened his wife..." Wang Guofu told the whole story of what happened in the hotel lobby last night, hoping that the other party would give him an answer. Come up with an idea to let him get through the current difficulties smoothly.

"You've said so much, who is this person?" asked the person on the other side of the phone. He didn't know who the other party was, so how could he formulate countermeasures?

"Yes Yes……"

Wang Guofu was a little embarrassed to say that it was not something glorious after all, but after hesitating for a long time, he finally decided to speak out, otherwise how would he solve the problem?

"It's Xu Jie from Jingshi Culture."

After Wang Guofu finished speaking, he listened carefully to the voice in the microphone, for fear that Boss Zhou would shrink back like everyone else.

Boss Zhou is the backer for his development in Shanghai. If even Boss Zhou shrinks back, he really doesn't know how to stay in the entertainment industry in the future.

Boss Zhou, don't be cowardly.

Wang Guofu thought to himself.

"Xu Jie?" The voice in the microphone was very weird, and there was a bit of amusement in the surprise. .

Wang Guofu was slightly taken aback, why did he feel that Boss Zhou opposite seemed to be very familiar with the guy surnamed Xu?
"Boss Zhou, do you know Xu Jie?" Wang Guofu asked tentatively.

"I know, of course I know!"

"Really? Boss Zhou, can you talk to Xu Jie and ask him to clarify the bet?" Wang Guofu seemed to have grasped at straws.

At this moment, he just wants to be a low-key film director.

"Hehe, okay, but my quarrel with him is deeper than your quarrel with him."


Wang Guofu immediately turned into an animal when he heard it.

Sand sculpture!

He also counted on Boss Zhou to deal with him, but he didn't expect Boss Zhou to have a feud with that Xu, so it's all right now, it's completely hopeless.

"Boss Zhou, what should I do now?" Wang Guofu asked with a bitter face.

It's okay not to hang out in the Beijing circle anymore, but quitting the entertainment circle, he can't accept it.

"Director Wang, calm down. Don't worry about such a small matter. If it's a big deal, explain it later. Don't worry about other people's thoughts. With me supporting you, what are you afraid of?" said Boss Zhou on the other side.

Wang Guofu felt a lot better when he heard Boss Zhou's strong support, and his body seemed to be full of strength.

I thought: Boss Zhou is still reliable, and everyone else is in vain.

"Thank you Boss Zhou." Wang Guofu said gratefully.

"It's nothing, so what if that person surnamed Xu is the general manager of Jingshi Culture? Can you still extend your hand to Shanghai? You were forced to leave the capital, and now you are also nominated for the Golden Rooster Award? Facts have proved that yes Gold can shine everywhere, all you have to do is to come up with better works, and stop the mouth of that surnamed Xu and others."

Boss Huang continued to cheer Wang Guofu up.

And these words also made Wang Guofu's blood boil, and his previous worries disappeared in an instant.

"Boss Zhou, don't worry, I will definitely make a better movie!" Wang Guofu said confidently, if it was face to face, he would definitely stretch out his hand and swear.

"Well, go to the award ceremony with peace of mind, I believe you will be able to win the award."

"I believe in myself too!"

After the call ended, Wang Guofu put the phone in his pocket.

At this moment, he stopped thinking about it, left the safe passage with his head upright, and walked towards the awards ceremony venue.

Are you afraid of that Xu?

Humph, I'm not afraid!

(End of this chapter)

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