The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1123 Applause For You

Chapter 1123 Applause For You
The red carpet ceremony proceeded in an orderly manner.

With the passage of time, the status of artists has also increased, and gradually came to the finale stage.

The artists who can play the finale are all at the level of actor and actress, and the crew who can play the finale must not only have a big star in the cast, but also have to be the favorite to win the award.

"The next ones walking towards us are Luo Wanglin and Hu Jing..."

With the appearance of the actor and actress, the scene immediately burst into warm cheers.

Luo Wanglin and Hu Jing waved to the audience area and the media area as they walked forward.

For a while, the "click click" shutter sounded non-stop, and even the flash flashed more frequently than before.

waiting area.

"President Xu, Su Yun, you are in the middle." Xu Shenghua took Su Yun's arm and pushed it to the middle of the first row.

A total of eight people from the "Stranger Road" crew walked the red carpet this time, but they couldn't stand in one row, so they could only enter in two rows.

Xu Shenghua felt that Xu Jie and Su Yun were husband and wife and played a pivotal role in the whole movie, so he arranged them in the middle.

"Director Xu, this can't be done. You are the director, so you should be in the middle." Su Yun said quickly, and then pushed Xu Shenghua to the middle position.

Regardless of his importance in the drama or his status in the film and television industry, Director Xu is definitely qualified to stand in the "C" position.

Not to mention her a "newcomer" in the film industry, even if those movie kings and actresses come later, they have to obediently stand by Director Xu's side.

Director Xu is a master!

In the entire film circle, how many can be called film masters?
"Don't, don't, you handsome men and beautiful women don't stand in the most conspicuous position, do you want me, an old woman, to stand in the most conspicuous position to show off?" Xu Shenghua waved his hands repeatedly.

"Director Xu, you are the real protagonist tonight. How dare we steal your limelight? If you don't stand in the middle, we can only stand behind you." Xu Jie persuaded, and took the initiative to take two steps back .

As soon as he retreated, the people who were originally standing in the second row also retreated.

Two rows became three rows.

When Xu Shenghua saw it, it was hard to continue, and the staff were gesturing for them to walk on the red carpet, so they could only nod in the end and said, "Okay, come quickly."

After Xu Jie heard it, he pulled Su Yun to the left of Director Xu, and the leading actor of the movie came to the right of Director Xu, and the eight of them walked into the red carpet in two rows.

"Walking towards us is the crew of the movie "Strange Road". In the middle is the director Mr. Xu Shenghua, on the left is the screenwriter Xu Jie and the heroine Su Yun, and on the right is the actor Yang Shangzhou..."

After the hostess finished the introduction, it was the turn of the actor to introduce.

"The film "Stranger Road" has been attracting attention since its release, and finally created the best box office of a domestic feature film this year, and was shortlisted for six nominations in this year's Golden Rooster Awards, including Best Feature Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actress, Best Editing and Best Artistic..."

Accompanied by the host's brief introduction, there was a tsunami of shouts at the scene.

"Su Yun!"

"Old Xu, look here!"


Xu Jie and Su Yun held hands and greeted the people around them with a smile.

The combination of celebrity couples immediately attracted countless eyes.

The cameramen all focused their cameras on the most popular couple in the entertainment circle, wishing to use all the remaining memories on these two people.

It was not the first time for Xu Jie to participate in a film festival. In addition, he often stood under the spotlight in the past few years, so he no longer felt nervous when he accompanied Su Yun to participate in a film festival for the first time.

The current him, no matter how many reporters and cameras he faces, is extremely calm in his heart, unable to make any waves. He is too familiar with all this.

"Director Xu, Xu Jie, Su Yun... this way please."

The hostess enthusiastically stepped forward and led the group to the interview area.

The "Strange Road" crew of eight stood in a row, Xu Shenghua stood closest to the host, followed by Su Yun, Xu Jie, Yang Shangzhou...

"Director Xu, long time no see, what have you been up to lately?" the hostess asked in an interview.

As the hostess of China TV Movie Channel, Wang Shan has interviewed many celebrities, so she has a very good relationship with actors and directors.

"Since I finished filming the movie "Stranger Road", I have been taking a break. Recently, because of this awards ceremony, I met many old friends and chatted with them a lot, so I have the opportunity to make a new movie. I plan to..." Xu Shenghua said simply.

"Great, this is definitely good news for fans who like you. I remember that you came to our Golden Rooster Awards last time and won a total of two heavyweight awards. This time there are more awards than last time." , I wonder what kind of expectations you have for this time?" Wang Shan continued to ask.

"Follow the fate." Xu Shenghua said lightly.

It's not like I haven't had it.

She has won the Best Director Award and the Best Feature Film Award, and some have won it more than once, so she doesn't have much expectation of winning this time, let alone excitement.

And now that she is making movies, what she pursues is not the box office or the number of awards, but to express some more meaningful and in-depth thoughts.


The host Wang Shan was taken aback.

With this answer, how does she answer the call?
If everyone doesn't care about this award like Director Xu, what's the point of holding this award ceremony?

After a short period of stupefaction, she quickly came back to her senses and quickly changed the subject.

"As expected of Director Xu, your realm is too high. I hope Director Xu can bring us more exciting movies in the future. I will interview Su Yun again. Su Yun, you are so beautiful today. I know you have won many music awards. , but this is the first time you have been shortlisted for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress, how do you feel now?"

Wang Shan finished questioning Director Xu Shenghua and transferred the interview to other people.

However, she understood Xu Shenghua's attitude very well, because Director Xu gave people the impression that he was such a person who rarely talked about other things except movies.

"It's a great honor to be shortlisted for this year's Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress..." Su Yun said with a smile.

She has experienced this kind of interview countless times, and she already knows how to deal with it.

In red carpet interviews, two points are very important, one is to be humble, and the other is to highlight the party.

This is her experience summed up over the years.

As long as you keep these two points in mind, the interview will go very smoothly.

"Thank you Su Yun for your answer, and I wish you a pleasant evening, Mr. Xu..."

Because time is limited, I can't interview too many interviews, so Wang Shan looked at Xu Jie again, with a polite smile, "Congratulations, you have been shortlisted for the Best Screenplay Award of this year's Golden Rooster Awards. I found one thing, many of Su Yun's films , are all written by you, for example, the previous "Mulan", as well as the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" that you directed and acted in yourself, and the movie "Stranger Road" directed by Xu, is it because women sing and husbands follow along? ?”

"You can say that." Xu Jie didn't deny it.

"As far as I know, there is a movie written by you that is currently being filmed. I wonder if Su Yun is still the heroine?" Wang Shan asked curiously.

"No, but if fans like it, I can consider continuing to cooperate with my wife in the next movie." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"I think fans and friends will definitely look forward to it..."

The host originally wanted to ask a few more questions, but when he saw the next actor who was already in front of him, he could only swallow the questions.

Under the guidance of the staff, the crew of "Stranger Road" left the interview area and walked towards the awards ceremony.

Since it was the third last entry, when Xu Jie walked into the venue, it was already full of people.

He originally thought that the seats on the scene would be arranged according to the crew, for example, people from a certain crew would sit together, but the reality was very different from what he thought.

The whole crew of "Strange Road" was dispersed.

He was placed on the left side of the fifth row, and there were many producers and producers around him. Director Xu Shenghua was placed in the middle of the second row, and his wife was also placed in the second row, but the position was on the left side. Not as far left as him, there are five or six people between the two, and other artists and producers are arranged in the eighth and ninth rows, and they are all on the side.

As for the people sitting in the first row, they are all big names in the industry, especially in the middle area of ​​the first row, where the chairman and vice chairman of the Film Association sit.

Xu Jie has no problem with not being able to sit in the first row, but separating him from his wife is too big of a problem.

Although he also knows that the allocation of seats is particular, and who sits where is carefully studied, but can you take care of the feelings of the husband and wife and the thoughts of the audience?
I know, it was the organizer who separated the two, but those who didn't know thought they were having a fight.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the organizer deliberately separated people in order to prevent celebrity couples from spreading dog food.

"Mr. Xu, hello!"

"President Xu, you are here."

As soon as Xu Jie sat down, the people sitting around took the initiative to greet him, some of them knew him and some didn't, and they were all very polite.

There is a reason why everyone is like this.

In the film and television industry, most producers and producers are individual companies, just like them.

But Mr. Xu is different. There is Beijing TV Station behind him, which means that Mr. Xu is an official person. No matter in terms of strength or influence, they are not comparable to them.

Xu Jie nodded to the people around him, which was regarded as a greeting.

Although the award ceremony has not yet started, everyone seems to be in good order. No one is walking around or making loud noises.


Here, the coffee position is not the biggest, only bigger.

Who dares to be presumptuous here?

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and wanted to play Doudizhu, but after seeing the cameras around him, he immediately dismissed the idea.

Tonight's awards ceremony will be broadcast live on the movie channel of Huaxia TV Station. If this is photographed, it will really become famous.

What would the people in the Film Association think of him?What does the Federation of Literary and Art Circles think of him?

He still remembers the first time he accompanied Su Yun to participate in the film festival. It was also in Xiazhou at that time. He sat in the last row to sleep and was broadcast live on the Internet. This time, he must not repeat the same mistakes and embarrass Su Yun.

Fortunately, he came in relatively late and waited only ten minutes in his seat before it was time for the awards ceremony to start.

At 19:50 Beijing time, the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony officially began.

Two actors are in charge of hosting the scene, one is actor Cui Jun and the other is actress Fan Min.

The awards ceremony takes the form of awards and programs, with performances interspersed between awards, singing and dancing, poetry recitations, and talk shows, just like a party.

First up was the award for Best Supporting Actor.

Xu Jie immediately regained his energy when he heard it, but he was not interested in who won the Best Supporting Actor, but after the Best Supporting Actor award was awarded, the Best Supporting Actress award was usually awarded.

Wasn't Wang Guofu's movie "Fantasy Life" shortlisted for Best Supporting Actress?

Although Wang Guofu didn't bet with him, he didn't tell others that Wang Guofu didn't bet with him.

Soon, Best Supporting Actor was announced.

In the end, a middle-aged actor who has been in the show for more than 20 years won the award.

"Next is the Best Supporting Actress award. The best supporting actress nominees are... Please watch the big screen." As the award presenters pointed to the screen behind them, the highlights of the nominees in the movie began to be played one by one .

"Chen Xiaoyan's "Delusion of Life", Fu Yunshu's "Confession of Missing", Zhong Jiahui's "Walnut", Chen Lizhen's "Long Life", Zhu Ling's "Embrace You"."

Following the end of the introductory short, images of the five finalists appeared on the big screen.

Some of them were expressionless, and some used smiles to hide the excitement in their hearts. In short, everyone looked very nervous.

Xu Jie looked for Wang Guofu's figure at the scene, looked back and forth several times, and finally found him in the fourth row to the right.

Although only one side face can be seen from his angle, it is enough.

The other party looked even more nervous than the shortlisted actresses, and his expression was very serious, even frowning together.

Generally speaking, as a film director, you don't pay too much attention to awards such as Best Actor and Female Supporting Award, because it doesn't have much to do with them, and it won't bring them any benefits.

In contrast, awards related to directors, such as best feature film or best director, will attract their attention and attention.

Wang Guofu's current appearance is obviously abnormal.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jie couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart. Although the other party didn't agree with his mouth, his body was very honest.

At this time, the award presenter opened the envelope and took out the list of winners. After reading it, he said slowly into the microphone: "The actor who won the Best Supporting Actress award is... Fu Yunshu."

"Wow hoo hoo!"

There was applause at the scene.

The picture on the big screen also changed from five small ones to one big one.

The winner, Fu Yunshu, covered her mouth with her hands excitedly, and stood up amidst the congratulations of others...

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie applauded extraordinarily hard, especially after seeing Wang Guofu's disappointed expression, he couldn't wait to go to the other party's side and applaud.

At this moment, Wang Guofu felt a hot gaze, and he turned his head to look at it suspiciously, but after seeing the owner of that gaze, his face drooped immediately.

But Xu Jie smiled and clapped, and stretched out his clapping hands towards Wang Guofu, as if saying: I didn’t give you the prize, so my applause is for you.

Wang Guofu just rolled his eyes angrily, thinking: there are three more, let's wait and see.


(End of this chapter)

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