The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1124 Is this also called fate?

Chapter 1124 Is this also called fate?
Best Supporting Actress was followed by Best Director's Debut and Best Small to Mid-Budget Feature Film.

These two awards, one is to encourage new directors and discover new directors, and the other is to encourage small and medium-cost films, so that more excellent small and medium-cost works can be known to the public.

In fact, among all the awards, these two awards are not very eye-catching, which can be seen from the name.

It's still a debut film for a new director.

Small and medium cost, or a feature film.

However, the meaning behind the award is extraordinary.

The New Director's Debut Award is not only a kind of encouragement, but also a kind of inheritance. Many outstanding directors have won this award, and from this award to the public, they are well-known, and gradually become the mainstay of the film industry.

The Best Small and Medium-Budget Feature Film Award is related to the entire film industry.

After all, not every movie can get a big investment, most movies have very little investment, and no new director can get a big investment of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions as soon as he debuts. Movies are only a few million.

This is also the main reason why the two awards are presented next to each other.

This is the end of the first stage of awards, and the next is the show time.

It is said to be a show performance, but it is actually to give the audience some time for activities. For example, if people have three urgent needs, they can go outside to solve it at this time. Some artists have a cigarette addiction, and they can also take this opportunity to go outside to get rid of their addiction.

The program is just a transition. The so-called transition is to prepare people for the next stage of awards.

The few minutes of the program ended quickly, and then entered the second stage of the awards ceremony.

There are five awards to be awarded at this stage, and they are all film awards.

Including: Best Animation Film Award, Best Documentary Science and Education Film Award, Best Children's Film Award, Best Opera Film Award, and Best Foreign Language Film Award.

These awards have nothing to do with Xu Jie, so he didn't pay too much attention to them.

In contrast, several awards in the next stage make him very concerned.

There are also five awards, but this time they are all single awards.

Including: Best Recording Award, Best Editing Award, Best Art Award, Best Music Award, and Best Cinematography Award.

Among them, director Xu's film "Strange Road" will compete for the Best Editing Award and Best Art Award, and Wang Guofu's film "Fantasy Life" will also compete for the Best Cinematography Award.

Soon, the five awards in the second stage were all over, and it was time for the show again.

This time it's cabaret.

At the beginning, a beautiful dancer danced solo, with a beautiful face, slender figure, and graceful dancing posture, which was pleasing to the eye.

At this time, Xu Jie glanced at a figure standing up from the corner of his eye, it was Wang Guofu.

The other party left the seat and walked quickly towards the exit.

Xu Jie looked at the back of the other party, and a thought suddenly popped up in his heart.

"I'll go out for a while." Xu Jie said to the people beside him, then he also stood up from his seat, walked past these famous producers and producers in the same row, and chased after Wang Guofu.

When he came outside the venue, Wang Guofu had already disappeared.

Frequent urination occurs when people are nervous. This is because of anxiety or high mental stress, so he guessed that Wang Guofu should go to the bathroom.

He asked the staff where the bathroom was, and then walked towards it.


Xu Jie pushed open the bathroom door, and there were quite a few people inside, including artists he knew.

If you want to talk about the most embarrassing places to meet people, the bathroom will definitely be in the top three, because you don't know how to say hello.

If you meet in other places, you can greet them with common words such as "have you eaten", "where are you going" and "are you back".

But in the bathroom, it is definitely impolite to ask "have you eaten?", it is superfluous to ask "where are you going", and it is even more inappropriate to ask "you are back".

Although the words "come to pee" and "come to shit" are realistic, but talking about shit and shit always feels uncivilized.

Xu Jie really hates meeting acquaintances in the bathroom, but fortunately he is now a big boss, and a big boss doesn't have to speak first when he meets someone.

"Mr. Xu, you come first!" Zhang Yuhang took the initiative to take two steps back, giving up the front seat.

Xu Jie looked strangely at the artists standing in line outside the private room, isn't there a urinal next to it?What are you all standing here waiting for?Are they all in big sizes?

"No, I..."

Xu Jie wanted to say: I just came here for a walk.

But when you think that this is a bathroom, isn't it sick to come here for nothing?So he changed his tune and said, "I'll just go over there."

After speaking, he walked to the urinal.

As he unbuttoned his belt, he looked back.

Strange, why is Wang Guofu not here?Isn't it in this bathroom?

Just when he was wondering, the door of one of the single rooms was pushed open from the inside, and a person came out from inside.

It's Wang Guofu.

"Director Wang!" Xu Jie stopped the other party, then quickly pulled up his pants, looked at the other party and said, "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here, maybe this is fate."


When the people around heard it, they were all speechless.

There is nothing wrong with what I said, but this place is really a bit...

How can you say that meeting in the bathroom is fate?
This kind of place seems to have no predestined relationship, only dung.

Huh, no!

President Xu and Director Wang?

Didn't the two make a bet on whether they won't win at the cost of retiring from the circle?

This, this is clearly the narrow road to Yuanjia.

It's not that enemies don't get together!
This should be regarded as a kind of fate, evil fate.

When Wang Guofu saw the person who was speaking, his face immediately became gloomy. The more he didn't want to see anyone, the more he could see him. So he just glanced at him, ignored him, turned his head and walked out of the bathroom without saying a word. go.

"Hey, Director Wang, you haven't washed your hands yet. You have to wash your hands before and after meals. Don't you know what children know?" Xu Jie asked loudly, and set an example by washing his hands seriously.

When the people in the bathroom heard it, they looked at Wang Guofu in unison. However, they didn't dislike Director Wang for not washing his hands after urinating, but they wanted to see what kind of expression Director Wang would have after being squeezed out.

Obviously, Mr. Xu and Director Wang spread the confrontation during the betting last night to the awards ceremony.

Wang Guofu couldn't help but blush when he heard about it. It's hard not to feel ashamed to be ridiculed for such a thing in his 50s.

But he also knew that if he went back to wash his hands at this time, it would be like bowing his head to that Xu, and if it spread, it would become a joke again.

So he didn't stop, and walked out of the bathroom pretending to be calm.

Seeing that Wang Guofu was about to leave, Xu Jie followed behind him while wiping his hands, and said eccentrically, "Oh, Director Wang, what will you do when you win the award? Shake hands with other people? If you let them know that you used the What would they think about shaking hands with unwashed hands after pissing? I really want to see who is so unlucky."

Wang Guofu was so angry that he wanted to make the other party sushi to relieve his anger, but he also knew that fighting is bad, so he gritted his teeth and said, "My surname is Xu, don't bully others too much, others are afraid of you, my Wang Guofu Not afraid of you!"

Thinking of having Boss Zhou as his backing, he became more confident.

Besides, this is Xiazhou, not the capital city!
"Director Wang, what are you in a hurry for? I'm just stating a fact. Besides, you tell me how I bullied you, and let everyone judge." Xu Jie directly stopped several people who were going back to the awards ceremony. down.

The artists were both embarrassed and helpless, they didn't want to leave or stay, they stood still and didn't know what to do, they could only stare.


Wang Guofu was momentarily at a loss for words.

The things he has done are indeed disgraceful. Not only is it unreasonable to speak out, but he will also be ridiculed, even including the incident of not washing his hands in the bathroom just now.

He "you" for a long time, but didn't think of the right words, so he could only find a reason to leave.

"Just wait, the awards will be presented again soon, and there will be times when you will cry."

After speaking, he walked away as quickly as if he was running away, as if he was afraid of being chased by someone.

"Okay, let's see which of us is crying!" Xu Jie said loudly, and then walked into the awards ceremony.

The singing and dancing program has ended, and the best recording award has also been awarded.

Xu Jie returned to his seat. It took a long time to pee. Fortunately, the recording award has nothing to do with him.

The Best Editing Award was presented next, which was one of the six awards for the film "Stranger Road" directed by Xu Shenghua.

In addition to "Stranger Road", there are four other films shortlisted, each of which is a relatively popular film this year, and has achieved double harvest in terms of box office and word of mouth, so no matter which film wins in the end, there will be no Surprise.

Of course, as the screenwriter of the movie "Strange Road", Xu Jie still hopes that his own people can win the award.

"The winner of the best editing award is...Yang Bo's "Walk With Me"."

After the award presenters were announced, the camera focused on the winners for the first time.

Whoa whoa whoa!
There was applause at the scene, and the winners stood up and bowed to the surroundings again and again to express their thanks

Xu Jie was a little disappointed after seeing it, but he quickly adjusted his state, because he just checked it with his mobile phone. Among the list of winners of the Golden Rooster Awards over the years, no matter how good the box office is, no matter how high the reputation is, the most It can only win two or three awards, and there is no such thing as a foreign film sweeping four or five awards.

Although "Stranger Road" did not win the Best Editing Award, it virtually increased the probability of winning other awards.

At least Xu Jie thinks so.

After the winner delivered his speech, he walked down with the trophy, and there was another round of applause.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie clapped his hands, eyes full of envy, of course, not envious of this person winning the Best Editing Award, but envious of this person winning the award.

In fact, he is very envious of all the winners, because he also wants to win prizes.

Because winning an award can strengthen his status and increase his influence, it is of great benefit to him and Beijing Television Culture.

Of course, what he hopes to get is an award of his own.

For example, this time "Stranger Road" was nominated for the Best Screenplay Award, but Director Xu and him were nominated for this award, and Director Xu occupied a dominant position in it. Treat it as your own.

At this time, Xu Jie felt a gaze, and he looked in the direction of the gaze, it was Wang Guofu.

The other party pouted slightly at this moment, with a smile on his face, and ridicule in his eyes, as if he was demonstrating to him.

Xu Jie was immediately confused when he saw it.

"Strange Road" is not his movie, why laugh at him?
Besides, the two bet on whether the other party can win the award, not whether he can win the award. Did this person touch his mouth with unwashed hands just now, causing his brain to be infected?
The next one to be presented is the Best Art Award, which is also an award for the movie "Stranger Road".

Unfortunately, the final winner was a film called "Homecoming".

Xu Jie clapped his hands. He felt that not only Director Xu's chances of winning the Best Director Award had increased a lot, but even the Best Screenplay Award seemed close at hand.

But some people don't think so.

Wang Guofu looked over again, with a somewhat smug expression on his face, as if he was the one who won the prize, which Xu Jie couldn't understand.

I probably have bladder cancer in my head, otherwise I shouldn't have this symptom.

Next is the best music award, and behind the best music award is the best photography award for "Delusion Life".

This time, Wang Guofu didn't turn his head like the previous few times, nor was he complacent, and his face changed into a tense and serious expression.

Although he did not agree to the bet, he still wanted to fight for himself.

No matter what the award is, as long as it is his film, it is his award.

"The Best Cinematography Award goes to..."

The award presenter who was announcing the result on the stage was the person who witnessed the bet last night, so when he finished the first half of the sentence, he deliberately paused here, first looked in Wang Guofu's direction, and then looked at In the direction of Xu Jie, a smile appeared on his face at this moment.

"Liu Jiang's "Famous"."

wow wow wow...

When Wang Guofu heard the winner's name, his whole body was deflated and listless like a deflated ball.

Two of the four nominations had been lost, which was a huge blow to him, and even seriously affected his self-confidence, and he began to doubt himself.

Is it true that you can't even get an award?
You know, three quarters of the award ceremony has gone on, and the most important awards tonight will be presented next, including Best Actor Award, Best Actress Award, Best Screenplay Award, and Best Director Award Award, and the Best Feature Film Award, and these awards are also the most competitive.

Wang Guofu's hands began to tremble. In order not to be seen by others, he could only hold his hands together, but his legs continued to tremble, and the tension had spread to every corner of his body.

Now his mind is full of what to do if he can't get a prize...

He didn't know how to deal with that person surnamed Xu, nor did he know how to deal with those entertainers who knew how to bet, and he didn't know how to deal with Boss Zhou.

Wang Guofu couldn't help closing his eyes, and began to pray silently in his heart.

Make sure I get an award, even one.


(End of this chapter)

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