The awards ceremony continued.

After several wonderful singing and dancing performances, finally ushered in the highlight of tonight.

The so-called highlights refer to some heavyweight awards, each of which has a very high degree of attention, not only the shortlisted people are very concerned, but also the people in the film circle, even movie fans are also very concerned.

The ever-increasing live ratings are the best proof.

The number of viewers directly doubled compared with before.

"The five actors shortlisted, each of them has outstanding acting skills. Who will win the Best Actor Award tonight? Let's wait and see. First, please watch the big screen..."

The award presenters pointed to the big screen behind them, and the five finalists and the films they participated in began to play.

"Wang Fengyuan's "Eve", Wu Ya-ning's "Delusion of Life", Li Guangzhi's "That Year", Zhou Qi's "Journey of the Soul", Zhang Jingfeng's "Battle of Dawn"..."

At the end of the movie clip, the five selected actors appeared on the big screen.

As the highest award for domestic film actors, the Best Actor Award is undoubtedly the award that all actors dream of. It not only recognizes the actor's acting skills, but also improves the actor's status in the industry. How could the leading actor award be called "Actor"?

God is a status symbol.

At this moment, the five shortlisted actors had different expressions. Wang Fengyuan, as the actor who won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor, managed the expressions on the scene very well, giving people a calm and calm feeling.

And Wu Ya-Ning, who was once nominated for the Best Actor Award once, although he greeted the camera with a smile on the surface, his tense facial muscles still betrayed his nervous heart.

As for Li Guangzhi, as the youngest actor among the five, he obviously has no hope of winning the award, so his mentality is also the best among the five, he looks very relaxed, and he is not pretending.

In contrast, Zhou Qi, who has accompanied him for the Best Actor Award four times, was not so relaxed. Not only did he not smile, but he was serious to the naked eye, as if he was waiting for a verdict.

As an old actor who has been in the arts for more than 40 years, Zhang Jingfeng is nominated for the Best Actor Award for the first time, but he is not as good as the first four in terms of box office and popularity. He also seems to see everything, so he is better than anyone Everyone should be relaxed.

As the old saying goes: nothing is easy.

It means that if there is nothing to worry about in your heart, your body and mind will be relaxed and happy.

That's what Zhang Jingfeng looks like now.

"The winner of the best actor award is..."

The award presenter took out the card from the envelope, and after seeing the name on it, a smile appeared on his face.

At the same time, everyone at the scene held their breath, and everyone's eyes were focused on the face of the award presenter, waiting for the other party to announce the final answer.

This is the actor!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most eye-catching award of the night.

"He is... Zhou Qi's "Spiritual Journey", congratulations Zhou Qi!"

As the award presenter read out the name on the card, thunderous applause erupted at the scene, Zhou Qi's picture appeared on the big screen, and everyone's eyes also turned to Zhou Qi.

Zhou Qi's eyes were full of surprise, as if he couldn't believe it was true, until someone stretched out his hand to congratulate him, then he recovered from the shock, stood up excitedly and shook hands with the people around him to thank him.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

He kept bowing to thank everyone, and his eyes turned red at this moment, feeling that the daughter-in-law who had been married for many years had finally become a mother-in-law, and he could finally feel proud.

Looking at Zhou Qi who came to the stage to receive the award, some were envious, some were jealous, and some were disappointed.

Wu Yaning squeezed a smile on his face, although he was very unhappy in his heart, he still told himself to laugh and be magnanimous.

Because there were countless cameras around, the show was broadcast live on the movie channel of Huaxia TV Station. Once he showed a negative expression, he would be caught by the cameraman, and then he would become the focus of discussion among the audience and netizens.

In contrast, Wang Guofu's cold face was more obvious, and he could even be described as "stinky", and all the previous expectations were directly turned into nothing.

With four nominations, now there is only one single seedling left. This kind of psychological gap makes him unhappy, and applauding the winners is already the maximum.

At this moment, Xu Jie sat up straight and looked at the stage expectantly.

Because the next thing to be awarded is the Best Actress Award, which is the award that Su Yun was shortlisted for.

Although he knew that his wife's chance of winning the prize was very small, he still became nervous.

The probability is small and small, but there is a chance for everything, what if you win the prize?

In his opinion, in terms of qualifications, his wife is not as good as the other four candidates, but in terms of performance in the movie, his wife is definitely not inferior to the other four candidates.

"The next thing to be presented is the Best Actress Award. Let us invite the presenters Luo Wanglin and Hu Jing."

After the host made the announcement, actor Luo Wanglin and actress Hu Jing walked onto the stage.

A heavyweight award like Best Actress is naturally announced by a heavyweight award presenter.

Luo Wanglin and Hu Jing did not directly announce the results of the awards. Instead, they started a discussion about "what are the conditions for an excellent actress" like a cross talk.

"Let's see which outstanding actresses have been selected for the Best Actress Award this time, please watch the big screen!"

The five shortlisted actresses began to play on the screen, namely: Wang Xiaoqing's "Eve", Xiao Lan's "Journey of the Soul", Su Yun's "Strange Road", Liang Can's "If One Day", Xin Yali's "Love for a Lifetime".

Different from the five male actors competing for the best actor, the five actresses nominated for the best actress award this time are extremely competitive. Among them, Wang Xiaoqing and Xiao Lan have won multiple actresses, and Liang Can and Xin Yali have won awards. , and Su Yun is the most popular actress in the past two years.

In fact, when they saw the official Golden Rooster Awards shortlist for Best Actress, some netizens said that this is the most intense competition for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress in the past ten years, and it is simply a fight between goddesses.

And after watching the wonderful performances of the five shortlisted actresses in the movie, all of them suffered from difficulty in choosing, and they didn't know who to choose for a while.

"I've watched all of these movies. The performances of the five actresses in the play can be described as wonderful. I wonder who will win the award?" Hu Jing looked at Luo Wanglin beside her.

"I'm looking forward to it too!" Luo Wanglin opened the envelope and took out the card inside. After seeing the names on it, he handed over the list to Hu Jing, motioning for the other party to announce.

Hu Jing was also not polite, and said directly after receiving it: "The winner of the Best Actress is...Xiao Lan's "Journey of the Soul"."

wow wow wow...

There was thunderous applause again.

When Xu Jie heard the result, he felt a little bit disappointed, but he probably guessed the result a long time ago, so there was no particularly big fluctuation in his emotions, but his heart finally fell to the ground.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie looked at Xiao Lan standing on the stage, and at this moment, he only had expectations in his heart, looking forward to the day when his wife stood on the stage to receive the award.

Moreover, as a gold medal screenwriter in the film and television industry, he has great responsibilities and even greater pressure.

If Su Yun didn't win the Best Actress Award, wouldn't it be too ironic for him to be the gold medal screenwriter in the film and television industry?
Xu Jie noticed that Wang Guofu, who had been quiet for a long time, turned his head again, gloating in his eyes, as if saying: I got nothing, and you don't want to get anything either.

Xu Jie smiled lightly when he saw it. In his opinion, the fun has just begun.

As the award presenter appeared on the stage, the presentation of the next award began.

"Screenwriters are the first driving force for the development of the film industry. They use wonderful stories and vivid characters to move and shock everyone with the power of light and shadow...Let us see which screenwriters have won the Best Screenplay Award Nominations, please see the big screen."

"Xu Shenghua, Xu Jie's Stranger Way..."

"Zhou Chuhui's "Journey of the Soul"..."


Xu Jie stared at the big screen intently, and finally it was his turn.

Although "Strange Road" is not his work, he is full of expectations for the award.

Ever since he learned that Xu Shenghua had listed his name in the screenwriter column of the movie "Strange Road" and was shortlisted for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Screenplay, he watched the other four movies overnight, and finally came to the conclusion that it was not as good as "The Stranger Way". "Strange Road".

It is also because I feel that "Stranger Road" has a high probability of winning the award, so I am full of expectations.

"The winner of the Best Screenplay Award is..." After reading the list, the award presenter turned his attention to the scene, "Xu Shenghua and Xu Jie's Stranger Way."

Xu Jie smiled.

If as he expected.

It seems that the people on the awards committee agree with him.

wow wow wow...

"President Xu, congratulations!"

A producer on Xu Jie's left applauded and congratulated him.

After hearing that, the other people around followed suit and expressed their congratulations.

"President Xu, congratulations!"

"Mr. Xu, I knew you would win the award."

Xu Jie nodded with a smile, and said, "Thank you, thank you..."

At this moment, Xu Shenghua, who was sitting in the front, stood up, turned to look at Xu Jie behind him, and waved his hands at him, indicating that they would go to the stage to receive the award together.

Xu Jie shook his head slightly, the story was written by the other party, he just changed it, if he came to the stage to accept the award, wouldn't it be taking advantage of others?
Xu Shenghua was slightly taken aback, then waved his hand again.

Xu Jie also stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation to the other party, signaling the other party to come to the stage to receive the award.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Xu Shenghua could only walk on stage alone.

She took the trophy from the award presenter, then stood in front of the microphone, and said, "Thank you, everyone, and the award committee for awarding this award to me. It is also the first time I have won this Best Screenplay Award. The best person is Xu Jie, if not for his embellishment and polishing, rationalizing many plots, and contributing many wonderful scenes and lines, there would be no present "Stranger Road", this is your award."

After finishing speaking, he stepped off the stage.

wow wow wow...

The scene once again burst into applause.

Although Xu Jie did not come to the stage to accept the award, he received the first attention in the audience.

A layman may not understand why the great director Xu Shenghua kept thanking Xu Jie when receiving the award, but people in the circle know very well that what director Xu Shenghua said is absolutely true.

It's not that Director Xu has never worked as a screenwriter before. Many of the films Director Xu has made before are written by herself.

But what was the result?
Although she helped her win many awards, the box office has not been able to make it up. As a result, no film and television company in the circle dared to invest in the other party's film.

However, this time, "Strange Road" not only exploded in word of mouth, but also achieved unprecedented success at the box office. If Xu Jie is useless, he would not believe it.

Xu Shenghua did not return to his seat immediately, but walked to the fifth row and handed the trophy to Xu Jie. After Xu Jie saw it, he was too embarrassed to refuse and could only hold it in his hand.

wow wow wow...

The applause sounded again, and everyone's eyes fell on Xu Jie, including Wang Guofu, but his face was particularly ugly.

Xu Jie also stood up at this moment, bowed politely back and forth, and then sat down, waiting for the next important award to be presented.

Best Director Award!

This should be the most concerned and anticipated award besides the Best Actor Award and Best Actress Award.

Xu Jie has also watched the works of the five directors shortlisted for the Best Director Award. To be honest, except for Director Xu, none of them have won the award.

It's not because he has a good relationship with director Xu that he thinks so. He is also a professional filmmaker now. Although his professional knowledge may not be as good as those with a professional background, he also has his own unique understanding of films.

"The winner of the best director award is...Xu Shenghua's "Strange Road"!"

wow wow wow...

Xu Shenghua stood up again, and many people also stood up, giving the film master their applause first.

The best director award is followed by the best feature film award, and the competition is equally fierce.

Wang Guofu, who was sitting in his seat, was extremely nervous at the moment.

Four nominations, and this is the last one, and if he doesn't get another one, he will have zero tonight.

Although it is normal for a movie to hang zero, when he thinks about that Xu, and the bet that the whole entertainment industry knows, he feels extremely anxious, like ants on a hot pot.

"The films shortlisted for Best Feature Film are..."

""Strange Road"..."

""Spiritual Journey"..."

""Delusion Life"..."


""The Enemy"..."

After the introduction of the five films, the award presenter took out the list of winners from the envelope. At this moment, the five film crews all held their breath and prayed silently in their hearts. Even the gods passing by could not wait to pull them over to pay respects.

"The film that won the best feature film award is... "Stranger Road", congratulations to the crew of "Stranger Road"."

wow wow wow...


Accompanied by the applause was the celebration and cheers of the "Stranger Road" crew.

The Best Feature Film Award represents the quality and value of the film itself, which is inseparable from the efforts of all crew members.

The producer of "Strange Road" stood up and asked all the crew members of "Strange Road" who were present today to follow him on stage to accept the award.

Xu Jie was not polite this time, because he really paid a lot for this movie and is qualified to stand on the stage.


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