The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1127 After the Awards Ceremony

Chapter 1127 After the Awards Ceremony

Xu Jie flew back to Beijing the day after the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony.

Compared with the warm Xiazhou, the capital has already had snowflakes.

This is the first snowfall in Beijing this year. Although it is not big, it adds a bit of peace to the rapidly developing city, and makes this thousand-year-old capital even more amazing.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when the plane landed at the Beijing airport.

Xu Jie originally wanted to go home and rest for half a day, and then go to work in the company tomorrow, but Su Yun hurried back to the crew to shoot a snow scene, and today's snow size is just right.

Without his wife's company, it's not interesting for him to go home alone, so he changed his mind and went to visit the crew.

But instead of visiting his wife's crew, he went to Yu Zijian's crew to see how the filming of the movie "The Beast" was going during the few days he was away.

The crew filmed in an alley today.

Although Xu Jie had the location map sent by Ye Chu, it took him a long time to find it.

There is no way, this alley extends in all directions, and there are too many intersections. If it is not for a staff member who comes out to buy water, it may take him a long time to find it.

When he came to the set, the set was resting, and director Yu Zijian was lecturing to Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan. The staff in the set saw him and greeted him one after another.

"Hello, Mr. Xu."

"President Xu, you are back."

Although Yu Zijian was old, his hearing was very good. When he heard someone calling "Mr. Xu", he immediately stopped speaking and turned his head to look around.

When he saw Xu Jie, his eyes lit up immediately, and he shouted happily: "Come on, everyone, stop what you are doing and applaud Mr. Xu who just came back from the award."


wow wow wow...

There was an instant burst of applause on the set, and everyone clapped their hands vigorously. The leading actors and extras... especially the staff of Jingshi Culture, applauded again and again.

To them, winning the award for Mr. Xu is equivalent to winning the award for the company. This is the first time someone has won the award since the establishment of Jingshi Culture.

They are extremely proud to be employees of the film department.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jie waved his hands at everyone with a wry smile. After the applause stopped, he said, "I'm just in the light of director Xu Shenghua, just like a trophy. Director Xu Shenghua is the trophy on top, and I'm the base below, so don't mention it."

Although Director Xu and him won the Best Screenplay Award at the Golden Rooster Awards Ceremony, he never regarded the script as his own, let alone the award as his own.

If you want to ask him if he wants this award, of course he wants to, but he will rely on his own efforts and his own works to fight for it, rather than relying on others to win it.

An award won by one's own ability is more convincing when presented.

"Mr. Xu, you don't need to belittle yourself. Everyone watched the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony last night. When receiving the award, Mr. Xu said that without you, the current story would not be possible. Therefore, Director Xu's share of this award is also yours. The two of you are one and half." Yu Zijian said.

Others may not know the inside story, but as an old friend of Xu Shenghua, he has heard praises for Xu Jie from the other party more than once.

This is also an important reason why he asked the other party to change the script, and now he is cooperating with the other party to make a movie.

Isn't there an old saying?seeing is believing.

He didn't believe what Xu Shenghua said before, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, he naturally understood the truth of Xu Shenghua's words more deeply.

"Not half, at most a little more." Xu Jie stretched out his thumb and index finger, making a small gesture.

"Mr. Xu, there are no outsiders here, so don't be modest." Yu Zijian turned his head to look at the people on the set, and said loudly, "I know Mr. Xu definitely doesn't want to take advantage of others. How about this? Let's all work hard to make the movie "The Beast" well, and then take it to the Golden Rooster Awards, and win Mr. Xu the best screenwriter award that belongs to him alone. What do you think?"

"it is good!"

Everyone responded in unison, and the voice kept echoing over the alley.

Xu Jie smiled wryly again.

Where is the Best Screenplay Award so easy to get?

But everyone's support filled him with strength.

You can give it a try, maybe it will work?

If not once, then twice, if not twice, then three times.

This time it's a little bit, next time it's a big bit, and next time it might be successful.

"Thank you, I will work hard with everyone." Xu Jie clenched his fists tightly and raised them high.

He is now the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and even the leader of these people. If he doesn't even dare to think about it, will these people still have hope for the future?

will not!

Therefore, he wants to fight, and let all the company employees know that he is going to fight, so that everyone can twist with him.

When you have a goal, you will work hard, instead of running around like a headless chicken without a goal.

"Okay, let's continue to rest, and the filming will start in five minutes." Yu Zijian said to the others, and then took Xu Jie to a place with few people, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, what is going on between you and Wang Guofu? I heard that you are betting by withdrawing from the circle?"

"Ah? Director Yu, you also know?" Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. He originally thought that only those who attended the Golden Rooster Award Ceremony knew about it, but he didn't expect that even Director Yu who was far away in the capital knew about it.

Sure enough, there are no absolute secrets in the entertainment industry, only open secrets.

"Who doesn't know about such a big event? To tell you the truth, because of this incident, I didn't sleep well the night before. I didn't breathe a sigh of relief for you until after watching the awards ceremony last night. How could you make such a bet with Wang Guofu? Did you receive any news in advance?" Yu Zijian asked curiously.

Taking withdrawal as a bet, who would dare to bet on such a bet if the answer was not known in advance?
You know, Wang Guofu is a first-line director in the film industry. He has made many popular and popular movies, and won some Golden Rooster Awards, so he wonders where Xu Jie's confidence comes from.

"I'm not a member of the awards committee, and secondly, I'm not a member of the organizer. How can there be any news? It's just that the old boy is not pleasing to the eye. Who told him to hit my wife? As a husband, if I don't avenge my wife, am I still a man?" Xu Jie said righteously.

Although he knew the organizers of the Golden Rooster Awards, he was not familiar with those people. If it was the Beijing International Film Festival, he might be able to get some information from Guo Chuan, the general manager of Forbidden Films.

"Mr. Xu, you really are so angry that you are a beauty. You don't love Jiangshan and beautiful women." Yu Zijian said with emotion.

In his opinion, a career is a man's country, and Mr. Xu dares to bet on his career, he is betting on the country, using the country to avenge his wife, isn't it because he loves beauties and doesn't love the country?

"Haha, I can do other things if I quit the entertainment industry, but I only have one wife." Xu Jie said with a smile.

It was the first time he heard this comment, and he immediately thought of many famous faint kings in history.

When Yu Zijian heard this, he directly extended a thumbs up, "No wonder Su Yun will marry you. Not only does she have a good eye for scripts, but she also has a good eye for men. By the way, what happened in the end? Has Wang Guofu retired?"

Since the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony ended, he has been paying attention to the news about Wang Guofu. As a result, he has swiped more than a dozen times since last night, but he has not seen Wang Guofu's announcement of his retirement.

He is very strange, quitting circle is just a one-sentence matter, and it is enough to post it on his own Weibo or the Weibo of the studio. Is it necessary to write a work of several thousand words?
"I don't know about that." Xu Jie shook his head.

Anyway, he has already set Wang Guofu in a trap, and now whether Wang Guofu retreats or not, he will be cast aside by others.

"You are so kind to him. If it were me, I would definitely tweet him directly on Weibo." Yu Zijian said.

In his opinion, Xu Jie is not only his collaborator, but also his younger brother. Wang Guofu's idea of ​​attacking Su Yun is not the idea of ​​attacking his younger siblings?
Such a person, resolutely resist and despise!

"Maybe he is introspecting." Xu Jie said.

it is good?
Hehe, how could he be nice to those who offended him and his wife?

He just wanted to make everyone in the entertainment industry think him good and Wang Guofu bad, so as to isolate them.

Of course, it is also possible that some female artists will take the initiative to send them to their door after knowing Wang Guofu's virtue, and chat about scripts together at night, in exchange for the opportunity to cooperate with first-line directors.


At this time, Wang Guofu had also returned to Shanghai.

Xiazhou was a sad place for him, and this trip to Xiazhou was also a failure.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was no plane to Shanghai after the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony, he would have returned to Shanghai last night.


The elevator door opened and he returned to his studio.

"Hello, Mr. Wang." The front desk staff immediately stood up and said, for fear of offending the boss who returned empty-handed.

Yes, everyone has watched the Golden Rooster Awards last night and knew all the results, so everyone is very cautious, for fear of becoming the boss' punching bag.

Normally, Wang Guofu would nod his head in response, but this time, Wang Guofu didn't seem to hear it, and walked towards the gate of the office area with a sullen face.

The front desk looked carefully at Mr. Wang's back, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the other party enter the gate.

Just now, it was scary!
As for the office area separated by a door, it was also extremely quiet at this time. The employees sitting at their workstations wanted to hide under their desks so that Director Wang could not see them.

According to their experience, Director Wang's poker face will last at least three days, because there was such a time the year before last, when he was nominated for three awards, but the result was nothing. After that, Director Wang did not show a smiling face for three days, and he eased up after three days.

Oh, bear with it!

people thought.


With a loud noise, Wang Guofu slammed the door of the office shut, feeling the whole floor move.

Everyone looked at each other, everything was silent.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, the phone at a workstation rang suddenly, breaking the silence in the office area, and at the same time making everyone tremble with fright.

The male employee at that station immediately picked up the phone, and said in a low voice, "Hi, this is Wang Guofu's studio..."


"What?" Not knowing what the person on the other side of the phone said, the employee who answered the phone suddenly turned pale with fright, and hurriedly asked, "Why? Haven't we already talked about it? How are you... Hello? Hello?"

The employee yelled a few times, but the other side of the phone had already hung up.

"Liu, what's the matter?" the employee at the next station asked curiously.

"Chenfeng Entertainment has canceled the cooperation with us."

"Ah? No way? Didn't Director Wang already agree with them to sign the contract after the Golden Rooster Awards?"

"Yeah, why did you suddenly regret it?"

The male employee who answered the phone scratched his head like an ant on a hot pot.

How is Director Wang feeling now? Everyone has seen it just now. If you tell Director Wang about Chenfeng Entertainment's cancellation of cooperation at this time, Director Wang will not be like a volcanic eruption?
The problem is such an important matter, and Director Wang has to be told. Once Director Wang finds out in the future, he might be even more angry.

"Are you going to tell Director Wang?" the male employee looked at the colleague beside him and asked.

"..." The employee directly lowered his head to sort out the information, pretending that he didn't hear anything. ,

The male employee sighed, who would be willing to do such a thing of hitting the gun?This is equivalent to sending him to death.

Time passed by, and after hesitating for a while, the male employee finally decided to tell Director Wang about the matter.

Wang Guofu was standing in the office, wondering why the surname Xu would let him go, when suddenly he heard a "Dangdangdang" knock on the door from outside.

"Come in!"

With a straight face, Wang Guofu returned to the desk and sat down.


The door opened, and an actor walked in from outside tremblingly.

Wang Guofu recognized that it was Hu Zhouquan who was in charge of the business.

"Director Wang, I have an emergency to report to you." Hu Zhouquan mustered up his courage, but his voice was very small in the end.

"Say?" Wang Guofu asked sullenly.

"Chenfeng Entertainment just called and canceled our cooperation." Hu Zhouquan said in a low voice.


Wang Guofu raised his eyebrows.

Chenfeng Entertainment is one of the largest entertainment companies in Shanghai. Many artists in the Shanghai circle belong to this company. He talked with the other party for a long time before, and the other party hired someone, and he also hired someone. They reached a long-term cooperation in the film. Why did they suddenly cancel it?
Is it because he didn't win the award?
Even if he didn't win the award, didn't he make money from the film "Fantasy Life"?Who has trouble with money?

"What's the reason?" Wang Guofu asked with an ugly face.

"There is no reason, I just said that I didn't think well before, and after careful consideration, I decided to cancel the cooperation..."

"Fart!" Wang Guofu couldn't help yelling.

The two sides have been discussing the matter of cooperation for more than two months. Isn't it as good as the Golden Rooster Awards these days?
Just when he picked up his phone and was about to inquire in person, there was a knock on the door again.


"Come in!"

Another female employee hurried in from outside, looked at Wang Guofu and said, "Director Wang, Shanghai Satellite TV has canceled the talk show the day after tomorrow."


Wang Guofu was stunned.

As the old saying goes, good luck never comes singly.

It's okay to cancel one, so why come another one?

Regarding this interview on Shanghai Satellite TV, he begged a lot of talents to get it, how can he cancel it?

Is it because he didn't win an award?

Doesn't this mean adding insult to injury?
There is nothing good about these people!

(End of this chapter)

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