Chapter 1128 Apologize?

Wang Guofu thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to ask about it in person. After all, only after knowing the inside story, would he know how to make up for it. He tried to make Chenfeng Entertainment and Shanghai Satellite TV change their previous decision and continue their previous cooperation.

Especially Shanghai Satellite TV.

If you want to develop in the Shanghai circle and become bigger and stronger, you can't do it without the support of Shanghai Satellite TV.

Without the cooperation with Chenfeng Entertainment, at most there will be a lack of available artists, but if he loses the cooperation with Shanghai Satellite TV, he will not be able to truly integrate into the Shanghai circle, such as some cultural activities, award activities, etc., he is not eligible to participate and win awards.

For example: Shanghai Film Festival or something...

"You guys go out." Wang Guofu said coldly to the staff in the office.

Hu Zhouquan and another female employee walked out immediately, and the moment they closed the door, they breathed a sigh of relief.

They wanted to leave a long time ago, but the boss didn't say anything, how could they dare to leave?
For them, the inside of the office at this time is too dangerous, and they may become punching bags and unlucky people at any time, so it is still safe outside.

Wang Guofu picked up his mobile phone from the table, found the mobile phone number of a deputy director of Shanghai Satellite TV, and after brewing some emotions, he called the other party.

The deputy director is called He Lihua. Although he is a deputy director, he has always been in charge of the daily work of the satellite TV program center, and has a very heavy voice, second only to Gao Cheng, the deputy editor-in-chief of Shanghai TV and the director of the satellite TV program center.

He had asked countless people before, and it was hard for him to catch He Lihua's line. Finally, he successfully completed an exclusive interview and got the opportunity to be on Shanghai Satellite TV.

Originally, the contract should be signed in these few days, but since the Golden Rooster Awards will also be held in these few days, he wanted to show off his achievements in front of Shanghai Satellite TV, so he offered to wait until he came back from the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony before signing.

However, he never expected that Shanghai Satellite TV would suddenly cancel the cooperation.

If we had known this earlier, we should have signed the contract before the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony.

After a while, the phone was connected.

"Hello, is this Director He? I'm Wang Guofu."

"Is there a problem?"

A cold voice came from the microphone.

Wang Guofu was slightly taken aback when he heard it. When he called the other party before, the other party didn't speak in this way. Why did he sound so indifferent today?

"Director He, it's like this. My studio staff just received a call claiming to be from Shanghai Satellite TV. The other party said that the talk show we agreed to hold the day after tomorrow has been cancelled. I don't know if it's true, or if my staff received a fraudulent call, so I want to verify with you." Wang Guofu said in a low voice, for fear of offending the other party.

If the relationship with this Director He gets stalemate, he will never even think about expanding his business in Shanghai and Shanghai.
"That's the case, is there anything else? It's nothing to hang up." He Lihua said impatiently after hearing this.

"No, Director He, wait, can you tell me why the interview with me was canceled? Didn't we all agree before? Is it because I didn't win the Golden Rooster Award ceremony?"

Wang Guofu thinks this is the case, and that's why he feels wronged, because there are too many films that have not won awards, and it is already a recognition that his films can be nominated for four awards.

This is like a duel between masters, there will always be one party who loses, but this does not mean that the loser is an idiot.

"Director Wang, the reason for canceling the interview is because the program has to temporarily change the theme, and you don't match the theme of this interview, and it has nothing to do with whether you won an award or not." He Lihua replied flatly.

Wang Guofu was startled when he heard this, does it match the theme?
This reason is really unconvincing to him.

"Director He, this episode doesn't match the theme. It can be aired in the next issue or the next one. It can be broadcast whenever it fits the theme." Wang Guofu said with a smile.

"If you think so, and others think so, do the program staff still need to record the current program? Besides, after recording so many programs, what if they make a mistake? Who will be responsible for this?" He Lihua's voice became colder and colder.

How to teach her how to do things?

Wang Guofu's heart trembled, and he said quickly: "Director He, I didn't mean that, I..."

"Okay, there's no need to explain." He Lihua directly interrupted Wang Guofu's words, "Take care of your own affairs. It's your turn to take care of our Shanghai Satellite TV's affairs."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.


Wang Guofu looked at the phone in a daze, with astonishment on his face.

Is this still the Director He he knew before?
Even when the two met for the first time, they didn't have this attitude.

What's going on here?
Is it menopause, or is it gunpowder?Is your temper too hot?
He was both puzzled and depressed.

At first I wanted to ask to clarify and find a way to remedy it, but the result is good now, not only did I fail to remedy it, but I also offended people.


Wang Guofu sighed deeply, and now he can only call the person in charge of Chenfeng Entertainment to find out why the other party canceled his cooperation.


"The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later..."

Wang Guofu frowned.

What does it mean?
Don't answer his phone?
He looked at the mobile phone number, yes, it was this number, so he dialed it again.


"The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."

Wang Guofu looked at the number on the phone with a gloomy face. At first, the other party warmly invited him and hoped to cooperate with him to make a movie. Why didn't he even answer the phone today?Isn't this turnaround too fast?
Fortunately, he also knew someone from Chenfeng Entertainment, so he called that person.

"Beep... beep... click!"

This time the call was answered quickly.

"Hello, is this Yu Zeyu, vice president of Chenfeng Entertainment? I'm Wang Guofu."

"Director Wang, what's the matter?"

A small voice came from the microphone, as if answering the phone secretly.

Wang Guofu didn't care, maybe there was someone beside him?Isn't it normal to answer the phone in a low voice?

For him, no matter how small or small, as long as someone answers the phone, at least he can ask questions

"Mr. Yu, I just returned to the studio. After listening to the employee's report, you Chenfeng Entertainment canceled the cooperation with my studio? Why?" Wang Guofu didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the main topic.

"Normal work arrangement." Yu Ze explained after hearing it.

Wang Guofu didn't believe it, and continued: "Mr. Yu, don't lie to me. Regarding the cooperation between Chenfeng Entertainment and me, we talked more than the first time. How could we cancel it? Also, I called you Mr. Zhao just now, and he didn't answer my call twice..."

"Maybe Mr. Zhao is busy and doesn't have time to answer the phone." Yu Ze said.

"Busy? Mr. Zhao wasn't like this before, just tell me the truth, and I promise not to tell anyone else." Wang Guofu said confidently, "How about I go find you? Let's meet and talk?"

"No, no need, just talk on the phone." Yu Ze said quickly, as if he was afraid that the other party would really come.


Wang Guofu was speechless after hearing this.

What kind of attitude is this?Do you regard him as a broom star?Is he that annoying now?

"Mr. Yu, tell me, I'll listen." Wang Guofu sat down, suppressing the dissatisfaction in his heart, and finally someone was able to answer his question directly.

"Director Wang, I don't know the specifics. I just know that some people don't want us, Chenfeng Entertainment, to cooperate with you." Yu Ze said.

Wang Guofu frowned.

He always thought that it was because he failed to win the Golden Rooster Awards that Chenfeng Entertainment canceled his cooperation, but he didn't expect it to be because of other people.

"Who?" Wang Guofu asked curiously.

"I don't know who it is, but it seems to be someone from the TV station."

"Ah?" Wang Guofu was stunned.

TV guy?
Shanghai TV station?
He thought of Shanghai Satellite TV's cancellation of the interview with him, and thought of Deputy Director He's attitude towards him, so he immediately believed the other party's words.

But why?

He thought about it carefully, but he couldn't remember anything that he had offended Shanghai Satellite TV.

You must know that in order to be able to be on Shanghai Satellite TV, he flattered the people of Shanghai Satellite TV from top to bottom, from the director to the reporter, with a smile on his face, and never dared to put on the airs of a star. This earned him a good reputation and an opportunity for an exclusive interview.

"Director Wang, have you offended the senior management of Shanghai TV station?" Yu Ze reminded.

"No." Wang Guofu said, thinking: I'm going to worship those people as my ancestors, how dare I offend them?
"No? Director Wang, I just heard it, maybe I got it wrong, or you should ask someone else, I still have something to do here, let's talk about it later."


The phone hangs up.

Wang Guofu has the desire to curse others.

He was dismissed in one round of "probably misheard"?
What should he do next?
However, he felt that Yu Ze must have heard correctly. After all, Shanghai Satellite TV had indeed stopped cooperating with him.

Shanghai TV station...

At this time, he suddenly thought of an entertainment reporter from Shanghai TV Station. The two met during the Golden Rooster Awards.

Thinking of this, he called the entertainment reporter again, hoping that the other party would know the answer.

After a while, the call was connected.

"Hello, is this Wu Yang? Reporter Wu? I'm Wang Guofu."

"Hello, Director Wang, the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony is over, have you returned to Shanghai?"

The voice in the microphone was very relaxed, which also made Wang Guofu feel a little more expectation.

"I'm back. I'm back today. I've already arrived at the company. Where's reporter Wu?" Wang Guofu asked pretending to be concerned.

"I haven't returned yet. I have an interview with two artists. I will come back tomorrow. Is Director Wang looking for me for something?" Wu Yang asked.

"Reporter Wu, I asked you about an internal matter of your Shanghai TV station. Your Shanghai TV station canceled the interview with me today and asked other entertainment companies to stop cooperating with me. Do you know what happened?"

After Wang Guofu finished speaking, he was afraid that the other party would find an excuse like He Lihua before that the theme didn't match, so he said, "Reporter Wu, which flight do you take when you come back, I'll book you a first-class cabin."

The implication: I will not treat you badly.

"Director Wang, I really know something about this matter, but I didn't expect you to not know." Wu Yang laughed as he spoke.

This smile stunned Wang Guofu, "I, should I know?"

"Of course, because you are also one of the parties involved."

"Me, one of the parties? Who are the other parties?"

"Who else? During the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony, whoever you had a fight with was that person." Wu Yang did not directly reveal the name, but gave a clue to point to the other party.


Wang Guofu thought for a while, and a figure appeared in his mind.

The one surnamed Xu?
Not right!

Isn't that person surnamed Xu from the Beijing TV station? Why is it all in Shanghai?
Is this tube too wide?
"Really?" Wang Guofu didn't believe that Xu could reach out to Shanghai.

"It's fine if Director Wang doesn't believe it." Wu Yang laughed, which seemed to be a sneer or a mockery.

"I don't believe it, I believe you, but how can he let Shanghai TV station listen to him?" Wang Guofu still couldn't understand this matter.

"Of course he can't let Shanghai TV station listen to him, but he has a good relationship with the senior deputy editor-in-chief of our Shanghai TV station, and he maintains a very good cooperative relationship with Dongfang Media, a subsidiary company of our Shanghai TV station..." Wu Yang revealed a few more tidbits.

In fact, these things can be easily guessed as long as you pay more attention to the dynamics of the five David TVs. They are not particularly confidential matters.

Wang Guofu was dumbfounded.

He only cared about relying on movies to turn himself around, and never paid attention to the TV circle, let alone thought that the guy surnamed Xu would be connected with the big boss in Shanghai.

For Shanghai TV Station, the benefits of cooperating with that surnamed Xu are naturally more beneficial than cooperating with him.

Now, everything is clear.

It turned out that the surname Xu was behind the scenes.

"Director Wang, let me tell you that there is no permanent enemy in this world. If you apologize to him, won't the matter be resolved?" Wu Yang gave his own suggestion.

Being able to bend and stretch is a real man.

"Apologize to him? Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Wang Guofu said loudly.

"Director Wang, let's not talk about the ban on you from the TV station. Just the bet you made on the eve of the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony is enough for you to drink a pot now." Wu Yang said gloatingly.

"I didn't agree to the bet." Wang Guofu said hastily.

"I know, but most people don't know, now you come away empty-handed at the award ceremony, and everyone is waiting for you to die." Wu Yang said with a smile.

He is also one of them.

"Reporter Wu, since you know, please clarify for me. Don't worry, I promise I won't treat you badly." Wang Guofu said immediately.

"Director Wang, aren't you embarrassing me? The reason why most people don't know the truth of that night is because no one dares to speak out to offend Mr. Xu. Let me clarify. Once the matter gets to Mr. Xu's ears, why don't I just be laid off from Shanghai TV? The person who tied the bell has to be untied. You should think about it."


(End of this chapter)

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