Wang Guofu looked at the hung up phone and didn't know what to do for a while.

On one side is the face he can't let go, and on the other side is the persuasion of insiders.

Whether to save face or not to save face is a tangled problem.

If he confessed his mistake to that Xu, it would definitely become a joke in the circle if it spread, but if he didn't admit his mistake to that Xu, it would definitely be more and more difficult in the Shanghai circle in the future.

As the old saying goes: a man has a face, a tree has a skin.

People's face is very important!
He got up and walked around the office, trying to find a solution that could save his face and solve the problem.

But after walking for a long time, the soles of the shoes were almost worn out, and I still couldn't think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

Alas, it seems that I can only ask Boss Zhou for help.

He stopped, picked up his phone, found Boss Zhou's number, and called him.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The call was connected quickly.

"Boss Zhou, you must help me." Wang Guofu broke his voice anxiously.

He couldn't be in a hurry.

Today is only the first day after the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony, and everything is just the beginning. If this matter continues to develop, under the influence of Shanghai TV, no one in the entire Shanghai circle will cooperate with him.

At that time, even if he is full of talent, he can only hold it in his stomach.

"Director Wang, what's the matter with you? Calm down and speak slowly, isn't there me?" Boss Zhou kept reassuring, and at the same time his heart was full of surprise.

I thought to myself: Could it be that this person did something bad and was arrested by the police uncle, and he is going to go in and use the sewing machine?

If it's other things, such as lack of money and lack of people, he can still help a little, but if he does something illegal, he can't help.

"Boss Zhou, that Xu has already started using his connections in Shanghai to block me. You must help me." Wang Guofu said loudly.

He couldn't calm down about it.

"Oh? Really? Who did he use to block you?" Boss Zhou asked curiously.

If he said that the person surnamed Xu could ban an artist in the capital, he would believe it, but if he said that the other party could ban a person in Shanghai, he would not believe it.

How could a person from the capital TV station stretch his hand so far?

"Really Boss Zhou, when did I lie to you? Just now, Shanghai Satellite TV canceled its exclusive interview with me, and Chenfeng Entertainment also canceled its cooperation with me, and I also asked an entertainment reporter from Shanghai TV Station. He told me that Xu not only knew the senior deputy editor-in-chief of Shanghai TV Station, but also had many cooperations with Shanghai Satellite TV and Oriental Media..."

Wang Guofu told what he had heard before, and at the same time he was worried that Boss Zhou would not help, so he added more details and described the matter as more serious.

"What?" Boss Zhou was startled. He didn't expect that the hand surnamed Xu could really stretch so far, so he said indignantly, "Isn't he going too far? He thinks he is the king of heaven and wants to cover the sky with one hand?"

Wang Guofu did not speak after hearing this.

Before the Golden Rooster Awards Ceremony, he thought the same way, and told the person surnamed Xu, but it turned out that although the other party couldn't cover the sky, he could indeed cover him.

Doesn't this make him unable to look at the sun?

"Director Wang, don't worry, with me here, I will never let you have nothing to film." Boss Zhou said solemnly.

Seeing that Boss Zhou still supported him, Wang Guofu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Thank you, Boss Zhou, I knew you would be able to solve this trivial matter."

"Wait, I'll contact the leader of Shanghai TV station right now. Doesn't that Xu guy know the deputy editor-in-chief of Shanghai TV station? It's like who doesn't know the senior management of Shanghai TV station." Boss Zhou said dismissively.

"Okay Boss Zhou, I'll wait for your news." Wang Guofu finally showed a smile on his gloomy face. This was the best news he had heard today.

After the call was over, he went back to sit behind the desk, even crossed his legs and put his feet on the desk, his eyes filled with pride.


There was a sudden knock on the door outside the office.

"Come in!" Wang Guofu shouted loudly.


The door opened, and another female employee walked in from the outside tremblingly.

"Director Wang, just now I received a call from Dacheng Media, and they canceled the cooperation project with us." The female employee said in a low voice.

Wang Guofu trembled all over and almost fell off the chair.

Another family?
There are already three.

But then I thought about it, I just ended the call with Boss Zhou, and I guess the other party hasn't had time to call the leader of Shanghai TV Station.

Even if the leaders of Shanghai TV Station changed their minds, it would not be possible to have results so quickly.

It's time to call the leader, right?

It takes more than ten minutes to notify each company.

"Yes, I see." Wang Guofu said lightly, then closed his eyes, and waited quietly for Boss Zhou's call.

Patience, this time requires patience.

Seeing that the boss didn't respond, the female employee couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Why are you not angry?

Should not be!

"You go out." Wang Guofu said.

"Oh, yes Director Wang." The female employee frowned slightly and walked out of the office with question marks on her head.

what's the situation?
Did Director Wang already know about it?
Or, Director Wang has already thought of a way to deal with it?

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Director Wang must have had a lot of contacts in the entertainment industry for so many years. Maybe he has found a solution?

Yes, it must have been found.

Thinking of this, the female employee's expression relaxed, and her steps became brisk.

Wang Guofu silently counted the seconds in his heart.

"1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 4 seconds..."

This method can not only calculate the time, but also allow him to calm down and think about the problem quietly.

"1798 seconds, 1799 seconds, 1800 seconds..."

Soon, after 10 minutes, Wang Guofu's mood did not become lighter, but became more and more anxious.

Why hasn't Boss Zhou called back after such a long time?
Even if it is from the company to Shanghai TV Station, there is enough time.

He opened his eyes, put his feet off the table, and started walking around like ants on a hot pan again.

It's not a major event about world peace, so why talk about it for so long?


The knock on the door sounded again.

Wang Guofu was shocked and thought: Could it be that Boss Zhou came in person?

He walked quickly to the door, and then opened the door. After seeing that it was an employee of the studio, the joy on his face disappeared instantly.

Wait, could it be that Chenfeng Entertainment and Dacheng Media changed their minds and cooperated with him again?

"What's the matter?" Wang Guofu asked anxiously.

"Director Wang, Qingfeng Times Media has canceled our cooperation."

Wang Guofu's face changed, "Understood."

Then he slammed the door shut.


He returned to the office, looked at the clock on the wall, waited for another ten minutes, and finally couldn't hold back, and dialed Boss Zhou again.


The phone rang for a long time, and Wang Guofu's face became more and more tense.

It wasn't until he heard the "click" that he showed an overjoyed expression, and quickly asked, "Boss Zhou, how is it going? What did the leaders of Shanghai TV Station say?"

"Director Wang, I just contacted a deputy director of Shanghai TV Station. He not only asked Deputy Editor-in-Chief Gao, but also interceded for you..."


When Wang Guofu heard this, his eyes lit up immediately.

With the deputy director interceding for him, do you still have to worry about being blocked?
no need!
However, before Wang Guofu was happy, what he said next made him dumbfounded.

"It's just that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Gao didn't admit to blocking you, and we don't have any evidence, so..." Boss Zhou stopped at the end.

Although it is not finished, the meaning of the expression is already obvious.

"Ah? Him, how could he not admit it? Isn't he just playing tricks?" Wang Guofu frowned anxiously, and even wanted to cry at this moment.

"Hey, who is not?" Boss Zhou sighed.

If the person involved does not admit to such a matter, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, the deputy director and the deputy editor-in-chief are at the same level, so it is not easy to keep asking.

"Boss Zhou, what should we do now? Do you know anyone else? For example, the director of Shanghai TV Station?" Wang Guofu still had a glimmer of hope for Boss Zhou.

"Here, don't worry, I'll find someone else, even if no one intercedes, isn't there me? I support you, what are you afraid of?" Boss Zhou said with a forced calm.

Wang Guofu's complexion became more and more ugly.

He's not stupid. From Boss Zhou's hesitant words, it can be heard that the other party has nothing to do for the time being.

It stands to reason that the deputy director of Shanghai TV station is definitely a bigwig-level existence in the Shanghai entertainment circle, but even the deputy director is not good enough, who else can help him?

I'm afraid it's gone.

It was also at this moment that his mood fell to the extreme.

After asking for help for a long time, I finally asked for loneliness. Who can not be depressed?
And the more I turn to others for help, the more desperate I feel.

As the old saying goes: there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests.

When he loses value, will Boss Zhou still support him with all his strength?
I'm afraid not!
And through this incident, it can be seen that Boss Zhou is still far behind Mr. Xu, otherwise Boss Zhou would not be helpless now.

Asking for others is better than asking for yourself!

It seems that you have to find your own way.

"Boss Zhou, I see. Thank you for your help. I won't bother you anymore." Wang Guofu said disappointedly.

"Director Wang, don't be so polite. You just came back from Xiazhou. It's better to have a good rest. Let's talk about it later." Boss Zhou said after hearing this.

Wang Guofu thought to himself: Tell you, is it useful?
But he said: "Good boss Zhou, goodbye."


Wang Guofu hung up the phone, suddenly felt dizzy, and fell backward uncontrollably.

Fortunately, there was a table behind him. He leaned against it, then slowly moved to the side, sat on the chair, and took a few minutes to recover.

At this moment, there was a sense of desperation in his heart.

Just like before, it suddenly went dark for a few seconds, and at the same time, I really felt what despair is.

He picked up his phone and looked through his contacts.

There are hundreds of people in it, but now I can't find anyone who can use it.

After careful calculation, he has been in the film industry for more than 20 years, and it is really pitiful that he has been mixed up to this point.

Back off?
His age should be the golden age of a director. Many directors of his age are struggling in the forefront of the film industry and have achieved very good results.

Even if you don't get any awards, you can still earn a lot of money.

And what about him?
In the past few years, he had just ushered in the second spring of his career, but he was blocked again.

Originally, I thought I was hugging a thigh, but who would have thought that it was a cooked crab leg, which would fall off as soon as I pulled it, so it was unreliable at all.

At this time, he suddenly heard what reporter Wu said.

The trouble should end it!
Maybe, I really should look for Mr. Xu... No, I should look for Su Yun. Only when Su Yun doesn't blame him can Mr. Xu not blame him.

"Ring bell bell!"

The phone rang suddenly.

He glanced at the caller ID, it was the deputy general manager of a media company.

No need to answer, the contract must be cancelled.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

The ringtone of the mobile phone was like a reminder, but at this moment, he was much calmer than before, and he was not even in a hurry.

He has already thought about it.


Apologize to Su Yun.

Face is a thing, if you have to have it, but sometimes you have to put it down, and you are a real man if you can afford it.

What's more, in this matter, he was at fault in the first place, and he was the one who was wronged. If he continued to insist on it like this, he would be the one who was unlucky.

Just like now, if he could apologize earlier, the whole world would not know about his embarrassment to Su Yun, and he would have to pay for the impulse a few years ago.

After thinking about everything, he picked up the mobile phone on the table, hung up the call, then found Su Yun's number, and called the other party.

If you want to fight, just fight.

He worried that after tomorrow, he would not have the courage now.


There was a ringing in the microphone, and the phone was connected.

"Hello, is this Su Yun?" Wang Guofu asked.

"You are……?"

A voice came from the microphone. Although it was a woman's voice, Wang Guofu felt that it was not Su Yun.

"I'm Wang Guofu, and I want to talk to Su Yun about something."

"Wang Guofu? What are you looking for with Sister Yun?"

When the woman on the other side of the microphone heard it, her tone immediately became unfriendly, even a little wary.

Wang Guofu knew why this was so. He was more annoying than bedbugs to Su Yun and the people around Su Yun, and it was normal for the other party to react like this.

If it was a happy attitude, he would feel that he had made a wrong call.

"I came to Su Yun to apologize to her." Wang Guofu said the purpose.

"Apologize? You?" The person on the other side of the microphone was both surprised and skeptical, but just didn't believe it.

"Yes, please hand over the phone to Su Yun and give me a chance to apologize to her." Wang Guofu said.

The person on the other side of the microphone hesitated for a while, but finally chose to believe the other party's words.

"Wait a minute, I'll hand over the phone to Sister Yun."

"Thank you!"


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