The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1130 Take Care of You

Chapter 1130 Take Care of You
"Sister Yun!"

Huang Xiaorong rushed into the dressing room in a hurry. In order to avoid being heard by the person on the other end of the phone, she deliberately covered the microphone with her hands.

"What's wrong?" Through the mirror in front of her, Su Yun looked suspiciously at Huang Xiaorong behind her.

"Sister Yun, the phone number is Wang Guofu's." Huang Xiaorong said while raising the phone in her hand with a serious expression.

Su Yun frowned slightly when she heard it, why did this person call her suddenly?Could it be that after so many years, the other party is still ruthless, what else does he think of her?
"What do you want from me?" Su Yun asked, feeling very resistant to the call.

"Sister Yun, he said he wanted to apologize to you." Huang Xiaorong reported truthfully.

"Apologize to me?" Su Yun was startled, turned to look at Huang Xiaorong in surprise and asked, "Are you sure it's an apology? Not a threat?"

"That's what he said." Huang Xiaorong said, "As for threats, I don't think so. With Mr. Xu around, he dares to threaten you?"

Not to mention a mere Wang Guofu, even in the entire entertainment circle, she couldn't think of anyone who would dare to threaten Sister Yun.

Su Yun was not sure, because she had also heard about what happened between her husband and Wang Guofu on the eve of the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony. Wasn't Wang Guofu's attitude crazy at that time?

She thought about it for a while, and finally decided to answer the call, because even if it was a threat, she still had to know what the other party was going to threaten her with.


Su Yun took the phone from Huang Xiaorong's hand, with a calm expression and a very flat tone.

"Hi Su Yun, thank you for answering my call and giving me a chance to apologize to you. Sorry, it was all my fault before. I shouldn't threaten you and offend you. Please forgive me."

Wang Guofu finished all he wanted to say in one breath.

He was worried that if he talked too much, the other party would hang up the phone impatiently. At that time, not only would the apology fail, but it would also deepen the other party's hatred for him, indirectly leading to a greater misunderstanding.

Su Yun was very surprised, and couldn't even believe what she just heard.

That person who used to be arrogant to her would now take the initiative to apologize to her?It seemed to her like the sun coming out in the west.

Wasn't she still mad in front of her husband the night before?
It's only been two days, how come there has been such a big change in attitude?
Could it be that he wanted to ask for her forgiveness, and then take the opportunity to get close to her and do something wrong to her?
Well, it is possible!
What can't be done by a despicable and shameless person?
"Director Wang, why did you suddenly think of apologizing to me?" Su Yun asked.

When it comes to apologizing, you definitely don't want to apologize for no reason, let alone suddenly realize that you made a mistake. Something must have happened that made the other party think about apologizing, so you call to apologize.

After all, it is very self-respecting to apologize to someone who has threatened you.

She could even guess that the other party must have had a long period of psychological struggle before making this call.


After Wang Guofu heard it, he didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Forced by your husband?

Forced by the situation, there is no way out, so I apologize to you?

If you answered that way, it would be strange to accept his apology.

He thought for a long time before he said: "I... have experienced many things in the past few years, and I also realized that the things I have done are despicable and shameless, so I have been living in confession. I met Mr. Xu in Xiazhou a few days ago. Although there was some unpleasantness between us, it also reminded me of the things with you. Therefore, I called you as soon as I returned to the studio. I hope you can forgive me for my ignorance and arrogance. As long as you can forgive me, let me do whatever..."

As Wang Guofu talked, he really felt that he was wrong and shouldn't use those despicable and shameless means to treat others, and at the end he even wanted to slap himself a few times.

Su Yun was also taken aback when she heard this, and the sincere tone on the phone even made her wonder if the person on the other side of the phone was Wang Guofu, maybe Wang Guofu's twin brother Wang Guoqiong.

Otherwise, Wang Guofu was devoted to the Buddha and was preparing to become a monk, so he began to repent of the immoral things he had done in the past.

Otherwise, how could there be such a big change?
It's not the Wang Guofu she knows at all.

"Director Wang, do you really think so?" Su Yun couldn't help asking.

She suspected it was a conspiracy, but there was no proof.

"Really, please believe me. How about this? Didn't your studio sign a contract with some artists? How about asking them to star in my next film?" Wang Guofu asked, the wishful thinking in his heart crackling.

If he can be bound with Su Yun's studio, will Mr. Xu still block him?

Certainly not
Because banning his works is equivalent to banning artists in Su Yun's studio, isn't this equivalent to banning his own people?

Su Yun hesitated.

She suspected that the other party was hugging his thigh.

There are a lot of people who are showing favor to her now, including some well-known artists and directors, and all of this is because her husband is Xu Jie.

A person with one foot on Beijing TV and the other on Huaxia TV.

Just ask, who wouldn't want to have a good relationship with such a person?
It's just that she didn't expect that now even the people who threatened her would want to get closer to her, and even apologized for their nasty behavior back then.

It's ridiculous to think about.

But speaking of it, as a first-line director, Wang Guofu still has abilities. If he can use it for his husband, he can be considered a good labor force.

The real conquest is not to kick someone out, but to subdue the other party as a subordinate and use it for oneself.

"Director Wang, I understand what you mean. I accept your apology. As for cooperation, I will also consider it." Su Yun said after thinking about it.

Wang Guofu was overjoyed, suppressed the joy in his heart, and said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you for forgiving me, just say whatever you need me in the future, I will definitely do my best."

"I see." Su Yun said.

"Su Yun, then I won't bother you, goodbye."


Wang Guofu hung up the phone, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

The words of apology have been finished, he believes that Su Yun will definitely tell Mr. Xu about this, so the next step is to see Mr. Xu's attitude towards him.

His apology to Su Yun was actually sending a signal to Mr. Xu, a signal of his weakness, a signal of his favor. I believe that as long as Mr. Xu heard what Su Yun said, he would be able to understand what he meant.

If Mr. Xu has a large number, maybe he can lift the ban on him, but if Mr. Xu is still relentless, then he... can only apologize to the other party in person.

At this time, Wang Guofu had already gone all out.

Now that I have said too modestly to Su Yun, what can I do if I apologize to Mr. Xu again?

As long as he can continue to stay in the entertainment industry and continue to make movies, let alone apologizing once, even a hundred apologizing is fine.

Some things, as long as you want to understand, will become very simple.

Su Yun put down her phone, thinking about what Wang Guofu said on the phone just now, she couldn't help laughing.

"Sister Yun, what's wrong?" Huang Xiaorong asked curiously.

Although she knew that as an assistant, she shouldn't inquire about the boss, but she couldn't help it.

Wang Guofu apologized to Sister Yun?

Is this the sun coming out in the west?
"Just like you said, Wang Guofu apologized to me for the mistakes he made in the past." Su Yun said.

Huang Xiaorong's eyes widened excitedly, this gossip is so interesting.

"What's wrong with him? Could it be that the mushrooms he ate were undercooked?" Huang Xiaorong asked with a smile.


Su Yun also found it very interesting, so she picked up the phone again and called her husband.

"Honey, you called me right after we left, did you miss me?" Xu Jie asked jokingly.

"Yes, I miss you, and I want to share a very interesting thing with you." Su Yun said.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked enthusiastically.

When the two are free, they often share some recent entertainment gossip, such as who is in love with whom, who is secretly married to whom, and so on.

"Wang Guofu called me just now, sincerely apologized to me, and repented for what he did in the past, and hoped to cooperate with artists in my studio. Do you think it's interesting?" Su Yun simply said what happened just now.

"Oh? Really?" Xu Jie was a little surprised.

You were so crazy the night before, and you gave up so soon?

It seems that Chen Liangwei has taken action, otherwise he would not have given up so quickly just because of the trick he played for the other party at the Golden Rooster Awards Ceremony.

"Honey, tell me the truth, did you do something?" Su Yun asked curiously.

She knew that with her own strength alone, Wang Guofu would never make an apology, and Wang Guofu was definitely not the kind of person who would take the initiative to repent.

People only make changes when they are under great pressure.

It can also be called: compulsion.

"Actually, I didn't do anything. I just called Chen Liangwei from Oriental Media and asked him to take care of Wang Guofu for me." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Is this still called doing nothing?"

Su Yun finally knew why Wang Guofu apologized.

Dongfang Media is the company of Shanghai TV Station. Chen Liangwei can be said to be a figurehead in Shanghai's entertainment industry. As long as he says a word, who would dare to cooperate with Wang Guofu?

In today's entertainment industry, one cannot survive on one's own alone, not to mention that Wang Guofu is also a director.

Without the cooperation of artists, how can Wang Guofu's films be made?
Are you going to shoot Animal World?
Now she finally understood why her husband gave up variety show resources to artists from other TV stations' subsidiaries.

Exchanging resources is only one aspect, the most important thing is to expand contacts.

The case of Wang Guofu is the best example.

It's still my husband's long-term vision, so I started planning early.

"Husband, what are you going to do next? Do you want to continue to 'take care' or stop 'taking care'?" Su Yun asked.

"Of course I will continue. I can't just 'take care' for one day and stop, right? It seems that I don't know how to take care of others? I have to let him really feel the care from me, or what if he forgets in the future? Some people have a poor memory, so he must be impressed." Xu Jie said.

He accepts Wang Guofu's attitude of admitting his mistakes, but he will not let the other party go so easily, otherwise others will think that he is easy to talk to, and when they bully him in the future, they will think: bully him, it's a big deal and apologize later.

Last time, Wang Guofu was only blocked in the Beijing circle, but the other party went to Shanghai, and his career was also successful. Otherwise, why would he be so embarrassing when he met him before the awards ceremony?

So this time, he wanted to give the opponent a hard blow, a hard blow that he would never forget, the kind that would make him tremble all over and leave a psychological shadow every time he recalled it.

He knew very well that Wang Guofu hadn't reached the most painful time yet, and there was still a hint of luck, otherwise he would not only apologize to Su Yun, but also to him.

Now it is only forced by the situation, and when the other party truly repents, it is not too late to give the other party a glimmer of hope.

Wang Guofu, who was in the studio, stared at the phone intently.

He was waiting for calls, calls from entertainment companies and media companies, calls from those people who changed their minds.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was already dark outside.

Wang Guofu was sitting on the chair, his whole body was nestled in it, and he was weak.

He didn't wait for the call.

Whether it is Shanghai Satellite TV or the entertainment company, it seems that they have not received the notice from Mr. Xu.

He was the only one left in the studio, and all the employees had already left, not because it was time to get off work, but because the original work in the studio had been cancelled, and there was no work to do now.

'Didn't Su Yun tell Mr. Xu the apology? '

'Is it because you are too busy filming and don't have time? '

'Maybe it will be fine in the evening, and we will definitely talk when we get home at night. '

Wang Guofu comforted himself in his heart, which was also the reason why he continued to stay in the studio.

In other words, he now has no other place to go except the studio.

The lights in the city are brilliant and colorful, and the beauty of Shanghai and the sea at night is quite charming.

Gradually, the lights became less and less, and gradually, the eastern sky began to turn white.

The night passed like that.

Wang Guofu looked listlessly at the early morning city, his eyes were deeply sunken and surrounded by dark circles.

Overnight, he seemed to be a few years older, and even his hair turned gray a lot.

That night, he felt lonely and helpless.

The phone on the table still didn't ring.

No phone was the best news yesterday during the day, and now no phone is the worst news.

No phone means nothing has changed, and no phone means he can no longer gain a foothold in Shanghai.

As a film director who was nominated for four Golden Rooster Awards, not only did he not find business, but his partners terminated their cooperation one after another. This kind of thing is rare in the entire entertainment industry.

He wanted to call the general manager of Chenfeng Entertainment and ask if the cooperation could continue, but after thinking about it for a while, he directly dismissed the idea of ​​humiliating himself.

After thinking for a while, he finally got up and left the office, and went to the office area outside.

The employees are all there, everyone is sitting at their desks, and it looks like they are working, but in the current studio, how can there be any work for these people to do?

"Have you received a call from the entertainment company?" Wang Guofu asked.

Everyone looked at each other, then shook their heads.


Wang Guofu sighed deeply, then looked at his assistant and said, "Book me a ticket to Beijing, the sooner the better."

"Yes, Director Wang." The assistant arranged immediately.

Wang Guofu returned to the office.

He made up his mind and went to the capital to meet Mr. Xu.

Since apologizing to Su Yun is useless, I can only apologize to Mr. Xu in person and beg for his forgiveness.


(End of this chapter)

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