Chapter 1131 Worthless

early morning.

When Xu Jie came to the company, as soon as he entered the lobby, he saw the company's employees standing neatly together, and everyone had a happy smile on their faces.

Although there are not many people, they are neatly arranged.

Standing at the front were the company's two vice presidents, Sun Ying and Wang Yunjie, both of whom had bunches of flowers in their hands.

Seeing Xu Jie coming, Wang Yunjie immediately said loudly: "Mr. Xu, congratulations for winning the award."

Afterwards, everyone in the lobby said in unison: "President Xu, congratulations on winning the award."

Immediately afterwards, Wang Yunjie and Sun Ying stepped forward and presented the flowers in their hands to Xu Jie.

"Thank you, thank you everyone!" Xu Jie said while taking the flowers.

"Mr. Xu, I wish you can win the award next year." Sun Ying sincerely wished, because Mr. Xu's award is equivalent to the company's award. Even if it is Mr. Xu's personal award, everyone is very happy.

Who made Xu always their leader?

Who made Xu always be the representative of the company?

"Okay, with your auspicious words, I hope not only I can win the award next year, but our company can also win the award." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Although the company will release many films next year, according to the registration time of each award, there is a high probability that they will not be able to participate in the selection next year, but there may be a bumper harvest in the year after.

The only awards that can be participated in next year are TV drama awards. He hopes that "Legend of Lan Xi" can bring some awards to the company, such as Golden Eagle, Feitian, Magnolia...

Even if he can only get one of the three major TV drama awards, it can be regarded as making a name for the company.

"Mr. Xu, you won such a grand prize, shouldn't you treat me?" Zhao Xiaoying at the front desk asked loudly.

When the others heard it, they all looked at Mr. Xu.

Everyone wanted to join in the booing, but they didn't dare, for fear that Mr. Xu would be angry.

"This time I was honored by director Xu Shenghua. There is nothing to celebrate. Next time, if I win an award next time, or our company wins an award, I will definitely treat you. You all remember it for me." Xu Jie looked at everyone Said.

Everyone couldn't help feeling in their hearts, Mr. Xu is Mr. Xu, and he would not take such a big advantage. If it were someone else, he would have publicized it everywhere, for fear that others would not know.

Now that Mr. Xu has made his words very clear, there is no need for everyone to talk about the treat, so they followed Mr. Xu's words and said: "Mr. Xu, this is what you said, and we will definitely remember it for you."

"Next year, I think there will definitely be a chance next year."

"Yes, next year!"


Xu Jie came to the office with flowers in his hands, found two vases and put the flowers in them. Soon the fragrance of the flowers permeated the room, and the smell was refreshing.

He called Qian Cheng, the person in charge of the creation department, to see the progress of the Spring Festival Gala sketch script later.

Not only the sketch scripts of China TV Spring Festival Gala, but also the scripts of Spring Festival Gala sketches of Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala, Shanghai TV Spring Festival Gala and so on.

Whether we can deepen the relationship with various David TVs in the future depends on the cooperation of this Spring Festival Gala skit.

In fact, in his plan, the skit script is only the first step, and the next step is the program. He wants the program produced by the company to be broadcast on other satellite TV channels.

The program mainly depends on the content.

The creative department is born for content.

Although his main target is movies, he can't let go of TV either. He must grasp it with both hands.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Just as Xu Jie put down the phone, the phone rang. Looking at the displayed number, it was from the front desk.


Xu Jie pressed the speakerphone.

"President Xu, director Wang Guofu is looking for you, do you have time now?"

You have Zhao Xiaoying's voice on the microphone.

Xu Jie was taken aback.

Wang Guofu?
Didn't this person go back to Shanghai?Why did you come to Beijing again?

Thinking of what Su Yun said to him yesterday, it seems that Wang Guofu has already realized the seriousness of the ban, so he put down his dignity decisively and came to the door to apologize.

It should be an apology.

If it's a door-to-door provocation, unless the other party is really ready to withdraw.

However, after experiencing the sensuality and luxury in the entertainment industry, how many people are willing to quit the industry?

There are many stars who have been blocked.

But there are really not many celebrities who voluntarily quit the circle. Even those celebrities who are already very rich and have several small goals in their net worth, they have never heard of anyone who wants to quit the circle.

Again, no one has trouble with money!
"I'm in a meeting, let him wait for me in the lobby." Xu Jie said after thinking for a while.

"Yes, Mr. Xu."

When Zhao Xiaoying heard it, she immediately understood what to do.

Xu Jie put down the phone, then got up and left the office, walking towards the creative department.

As for Wang Guofu, let's hang it out and see if the other party is sincere.

If it was just impulsive, he would give the other party a chance to leave on their own.

To be honest, he really didn't want to just let her go.

Too cheap for this guy.

Zhao Xiaoying looked at Wang Guofu who was standing in front of him. Mr. Xu didn't mention how long it would be until he came down on the phone, which meant that he hated this person very much. In other words, he was willing to wait as long as the other party wanted to wait.

"What did Mr. Xu say?" Wang Guofu asked expectantly, and at the same time, his whole nervous body tensed up, like a clockwork wound up to the head.

"President Xu is in a meeting, you can go over there and wait." Zhao Xiaoying pointed to the waiting area on the right side of the lobby, where there are several sofas, where the outside can wait for people, and the inside can rest there.

"President Xu didn't say when the meeting will end?" Wang Guofu asked.

"I didn't say anything, but Mr. Xu left the company for a few days. There should be a lot of meetings to deal with when we come back this time." Zhao Xiaoying said lightly.

"How long do you usually hold meetings, Mr. Xu?" Wang Guofu asked unwillingly.

"It's hard to say. Sometimes it's an hour, sometimes it's a whole day. If you're busy and don't want to wait, you can come back in the afternoon or tomorrow." After Zhao Xiaoying finished speaking, she began to bow her head and pretend to organize the files.


Wang Guofu felt a little lost.

But thinking about it again, Mr. Xu didn't tell him to leave, it's already very good, and letting him wait here is also giving him a chance.

Maybe, this is a test for Mr. Xu.

How can it be!

If you just leave now, when you come back in the afternoon or tomorrow, maybe the other party is not in a meeting, but on a business trip.

So, I have to die here today!
"Thank you."

Wang Guofu turned around and walked straight to the waiting area.

Anyway, there was nothing to do when he returned to the company. He waited in the office, and he also waited here. Waiting here could give him more hope.

He picked a seat facing the elevator and sat down, staring at it intently, as soon as the other party came out, he would be able to see it immediately.

After Xu Jie came to the creation department, he read the sketch script on the spot, and offered his opinions in front of the creators. This way, he can not only get good communication, but also improve work efficiency. After all, more than half of November has passed , There is not much time left for them.

When all the attention is focused on one thing, you will find that time passes very quickly.

By the time Xu Jie finished instructing everyone, it was already past twelve noon, and his stomach kept growling like an alarm clock.

He was about to go downstairs to eat a bowl of beef noodles at a nearby noodle shop, but he suddenly remembered Wang Guofu who had come to him. Counting the time, he had been here for more than three hours, and he didn't know if he left or not.

He wanted to take a look downstairs, but he was worried about being discovered by the other party, so he went directly to the security room.

"Mr. Xu."

After seeing Xu Jie, the two employees in the security room immediately stood up, waiting respectfully for the general manager's work instructions.

"Tune the surveillance in the lobby for me, I want to check the situation in the waiting area." Xu Jie said to the security captain.

"Yes." The security captain immediately came to the computer to operate.

The general manager seldom came to the security room. Now that something happened to him, he naturally had to respond positively and respond to every request, highlighting the importance of the security team.

Otherwise, usually one department shoots movies and another department shoots TV dramas, making their security department seem to be dispensable in the company, without any sense of existence.

"Okay, Mr. Xu." The security captain called up the screen and stepped aside.

Xu Jie cast his eyes on the display screen, and saw a person sitting in the waiting area, who was Wang Guofu whom he had just met a few days ago.

He stood there and watched for a few minutes. Wang Guofu was motionless and looked like a sculpture. If there were no employees coming in and out of the lobby, he even wondered if the surveillance system was broken.

Alas, doesn't this delay him going out for lunch?
"Show me the monitoring this morning." Xu Jie said to the security captain at the side.

Although the security captain didn't know what the general manager was going to do, he did it anyway and immediately called up the morning video.

The recording started this morning when I was at work. Around nine o'clock, Wang Guofu appeared in the screen, then talked with the day before yesterday, and then sat down in the waiting area.

Xu Jie began to fast forward, directly at 16x speed.

After watching the video for more than three hours, I have to say that Wang Guofu's "sitting skills" are very good. He has never stood up after sitting for so long, and he is not as patient as a fisherman.

From this point of view, the other party's determination to apologize is still very firm, at least no irritation can be seen from the other party's actions.

"Okay, you guys continue." Xu Jie said to the security guard.

"Mr. Xu, you are welcome to come here often to guide our work." The security captain said respectfully.

Xu Jie nodded and left the security room.

In fact, how can he guide the security work?At most, it is to teach these people how to run, so that they can rush up immediately when something happens.

Xu Jie returned to the creative department.

The employees of the creative department were very puzzled by the general manager's retaliation. Everyone just started to revise the script, and they were still thinking about how to revise it. Why did Mr. Xu come back?Is it too early to come back?

"President Xu, what other orders do you have?" Qian Cheng asked proactively.

"Is there anything to eat?" Xu Jie asked.

He prepares lunch in the company, and among all the departments in the company, only the creative department currently has the most people, and the possibility of having food is also the greatest.

As for Wang Guofu, he was going to hang out with the other party for a while, and not give the other party a chance to see him.

Qian Cheng was taken aback when he heard it, and wondered if he had heard it wrong.

"Mr. Xu, what do you want to eat? For whom?" Qian Cheng asked curiously, guessing that Mr. Xu saw a stray cat somewhere and wanted something to feed the cat.

"Bread, biscuits, instant noodles, whatever can fill my stomach." Xu Jie didn't choose.

"You eat?" Qian Cheng was taken aback, with a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes.

I thought: What happened to Mr. Xu?Wallet was stolen?How do you come to ask the staff for food?

He didn't dare to neglect, looked at the staff in the office area and asked loudly: "Who has something to eat, Mr. Xu is hungry."

Everyone had the same reaction as Qian Cheng. They were stunned for a moment, and then they took out food from their workstations and handed it over.

Cakes, sushi, potato chips, shrimp crackers, milk, cola...

Soon, Xu Jie couldn't hold it with both hands.

"Okay, that's enough for me, thank you."

Xu Jie was also polite, put everything into a bag, and left the creation department with his hands.

in the afternoon.

Xu Jie stayed in the office, quietly continuing to write the script, preparing for his wife's next movie.

As one of the most watched and hottest actresses, Su Yun has no shortage of movie scripts now, and those who want to ask her to make a movie can travel miles away from the studio.

But in these movies, there are very few really good scripts, let alone suitable roles for her.

A good role can make a movie or an actor. Therefore, in order for Su Yun to advance to a higher level in the film industry, he has to tailor a script for the other party.

This is why he handed over the script of the Spring Festival Gala sketch to the creative department.

In Beijing at the end of November, the days began to shorten, and it was dark before five o'clock.

Xu Jie stretched his waist, saved the script he had written all afternoon, put on his coat and left the office.

go home after get off work.

The elevator door opened slowly, and when he reached the first floor, he saw Wang Guofu sitting in the waiting area at a glance.

The other party also saw him at this time, and immediately stood up from the sofa.

oh?Haven't left yet?
Xu Jie didn't avoid it this time, and walked towards the other party directly, saying, "Director Wang, I kept you waiting."

"Mr. Xu is so busy, I am very grateful to see me in his busy schedule." Wang Guofu said quickly.

How dare he have any dissatisfaction?
Don't tell him to wait here for a whole day, even if you ask him to wait here for another day tomorrow, he has to come obediently.

Who let his fate rest in the opponent's hands?
Xu Jie sat on the sofa beside him, looked at Wang Guofu, pretended not to be clear and asked, "I don't know what business Director Wang wants from me?"

Wang Guofu knew that the other party was pretending to be confused, so he came to the other party and said, "Mr. Xu, I came here to apologize to you specially. I was too complacent and should not have harassed Su Yun. I apologize to Su Yun, and I also apologize to you." You apologize, I hope your lord will have a lot, and forgive me for my previous mistakes..."

He sat here for a day, and also thought about it for a day. In order to continue his film career, it doesn't matter if he doesn't want this old face.

His old face is worthless now.


(End of this chapter)

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