Chapter 1132 Gambling?

Xu Jie looked at Wang Guofu in front of him playfully. He didn't expect the other party to come to apologize so soon. He thought he could be tough to the end, or persist for a while. It seems that he overestimated the other party.

But then again, isn't the other party's quick confession a sign that someone who knows current affairs is a hero?

"Director Wang, did you never think that this day would come?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

Do you want to erase the mistakes you made before with an apology?

How can it be!

Wang Guofu's mouth twitched, and he thought: If I could predict the future, I wouldn't have dared to threaten Su Yun even if I pointed a gun at it.

In fact, the main reason is that he never dreamed that a small reporter could become the general manager of a subsidiary company of Beijing TV Station, and also become a hot big shot in the entire entertainment industry.

It can't be said that he has no eyes but no pearls, it can only be said that people are not as good as heaven.

He sighed, and then said in a low voice: "I was at the peak of my career at the time, so I was a little carried away sometimes. Later, as I grew older, I gradually realized my mistakes, so I hope you can give me a A chance to reform, as long as Mr. Xu is happy, let me do anything."

"Oh? Really? If I ask you to withdraw from the circle, will you also withdraw?" Xu Jie asked with narrowed eyes.

Wang Guofu was shocked. The reason why he lost his face and apologized was because he hoped to continue to survive in the entertainment industry. If he was asked to quit the industry, what kind of apology would he have to apologize for?Wouldn't it be enough to disband the studio directly?Why pretend to be a grandson here?

He thought for a while, gritted his teeth, and said bravely: "Mr. Xu, if you ask me to quit the circle, I will quit the circle, but I think I have something you can use."

"Oh?" Xu Jie became interested after hearing this.

Is this going to join him?

Can't beat it, just join?
"Then tell me, what do you have that I can use." Xu Jie asked.

"I, I know that Jingshi Culture is developing the film business, and your company lacks directors. I can make films for your company." Wang Guofu said seriously.

As a film director, apart from being able to help the other party make a film, there is nothing else of value.

Xu Jie smiled when he heard it, and said: "JingTV Culture does lack directors, but my company has never lacked directors to cooperate with. Director Yu Zijian, who is making a movie for our company, will have signed a cooperation agreement later. Director Liu Yulin Liu and Director Yang Chaoxian Yang, which one is not more famous than you?"

In Xu Jie's view, the other party's cooperation with Beijing Television Culture is simply taking advantage of Beijing Television Culture. In the current entertainment industry, who would not want to cooperate with Beijing Television Culture?

Wang Guofu was momentarily at a loss for words.

Yes, Yu Zijian, Liu Yulin, and Yang Chaoxian are all well-known big directors in the industry. Although he is a first-line director, he is still far behind those three.

He was thinking about what else he could do for the other party, but after thinking about it for a long time, it seemed that there was nothing else he could do except make a movie.

Is it possible to be the driver for the other party?
To be honest, even if he is willing to be one, the other party may not be able to use it.

Because the driver usually finds some very trustworthy people to act as the driver, and he... Will the other party trust him?

Gradually, Wang Guofu started sweating on his forehead.

He knew that if he was of no use to the other party, then the other party would definitely not accept his apology.

"How about, Mr. Wang, why don't you go back and think about it? Come to me after you think it through?" Xu Jie asked while looking at his watch.

Isn't this delaying his get off work?

Since you are not ready, why come here to apologize?

Wang Guofu started to panic again after hearing this.

He knew that if he left here now, it would be very difficult to have the opportunity to see each other again in the future.

"Mr. Xu, I've made it clear." Wang Guofu took a deep breath and said seriously, "I don't want labor fees, I'll make movies for you for free."

Xu Jie narrowed his eyes, this proposal was somewhat sincere.

In today's film industry, the cost of first-line directors is usually around 1000 million, and some can even reach 4000 to [-] million with the addition of screenwriters, producers and other positions.

If Wang Guofu can really make films for Jingshi Culture for free, it will save the company a lot of money.

You must know that 1000 million is enough to shoot a small-cost movie.


Xu Jie looked at Wang Guofu worriedly and said, "Director Wang, the old saying is good: good products are not cheap, and cheap products are not good. If you don't charge money, how dare I entrust you to shoot the movie? If you shoot it for me What should I do if I lose money? That’s an investment of tens of millions and hundreds of millions, how can I explain it to the insider?”


Wang Guofu was in trouble after hearing this.

Filmmaking is inherently profitable and loss-making, even big-name directors sometimes lose money when making movies. For example, the great director Xu Shenghua, most of the films he made in recent years have lost money.

Even a big director can't guarantee a steady profit, let alone a first-line director like him?
A sense of desolation rose in his heart.

You don't need him to make movies for free?It was so insulting.

However, at this time, let alone being angry, he didn't even dare to show any dissatisfaction, because if he showed any displeasure, he would be caught by the other party and become a reason to attack.

He now clearly knows that the other party is embarrassing him, but there is nothing he can do.

Wang Guofu frowned tightly, trying hard to think of a way.

It was already dark outside, and the lights in the lobby turned on at some point.

Glancing at Mr. Xu who was looking at his watch from time to time, he knew that he was running out of time.

Thinking of this, his heart thumped, he gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Xu, we can sign a gambling agreement. If the movie I make doesn't make money, I will personally compensate you for your losses."

Xu Jie nodded secretly, this proposal sounds very sincere.

But as an apology, it still doesn't work.

If the other party can't bring him benefits, why should he forgive the other party?

Besides, returning the money he lost, isn't this what the other party should have done?

"Director Wang, you should know that filming requires a lot of manpower and material resources. The most important thing is that it takes time. As the saying goes: an inch of time is worth an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time. Even if you compensate me for the money I invested , but how do I count the time I put into it?"

Wang Guofu was immediately dumbfounded.

He felt that he had encountered a blackmailer, but there was no evidence.

Compensating for the loss of the film is already the biggest concession he can make, and he still has to pay for the time. Wouldn't this mean that he would strip him of his underwear?

Xu Jie also saw Wang Guofu's difficulties. He understood Wang Guofu, but he didn't sympathize with him, because a bully in the circle like him didn't deserve sympathy.

If the other party threatened Su Yun, he must have threatened other female artists. Although Su Yun did not let the other party succeed, the other party must have succeeded.

What he is doing now is revenge for those female artists.

"Why, does Director Wang think my time is worthless?" Xu Jie frowned slightly, and the expression on his face turned cold.

This year, Jingshi Culture's revenue on the books exceeds 500 billion, with an average of more than [-] million per day. As the person in charge of the company, isn't all this achieved under his leadership?
Walking cash cows are not blown out.

"No, no!" Wang Guofu said while shaking his head, "Boss Xu's time is valuable, it's too valuable, it's just...just how to calculate this part of the compensation?"

There is nothing wrong with an inch of time and an inch of gold, but time has never had a specific price, and different occupations have very different prices for time.

Some people have thousands of yuan a month, some people have tens of thousands of yuan a month, and some people have millions a month, so he doesn't know how to compensate for the time Mr. Xu mentioned.


Xu Jie thought for a while and said, "Since it's a free film for Beijing Television Culture, I certainly can't be too harsh. How about paying [-]% of the investment?"

After hearing this, Wang Guofu secretly calculated that if the investment in the film was 1000 million, he would need to provide 100 million for compensation, and if the investment for the film was 1000 million, he would need to provide [-] million for compensation.

Of course, the premise is that the movie loses money.

If the movie makes money, he doesn't need compensation.

To be honest, the compensation was neither too much nor too little, but he had no choice.

"What Mr. Xu said is reasonable, so we will act according to what Mr. Xu said." Wang Guofu said.

The big deal is to make some small and medium-budget movies. Even if he loses money, he won't lose too much. He can still afford to lose a few million.

As long as the other party's forgiveness can be obtained, let alone a few million compensation, even tens of millions are worth it.

Without the blockade in Beijing and Shanghai, and with his reputation in the industry, the director's fee starts at 1000 million. If you add the producer fee and screenwriter fee... 2000 million is also willing to pay. earned it back.

All in all, as long as you don't quit the circle, you can make money!

Xu Jie was a little surprised. He didn't expect the other party to actually agree. If he knew it earlier, he should have increased the compensation from 30.00% to [-]%.

In fact, he didn't do this to suck the other party's blood, but just didn't want to make the other party cheat.

One must be defensive
Not to mention a person who hated him to the bone!
He can be sure that as long as the opponent finds an opportunity, he will definitely backstab him.

He has seen too many people like this, and he can turn faces faster than books.

How humble you are when you beg him now, maybe how vicious you will be when you step on him in the future.

Of course, he would not give the other party this chance.

"Okay, it's a deal. I just have a few scripts in my hand. Director Wang, you can take them back and have a look. After you choose them, make a detailed list of expenses for me. After we sign the contract, we can formally proceed." Filmed."

Xu Jie was not ambiguous, and made a very decisive decision to cooperate.

How to say that the other party is also a first-line director, no labor fee, and signed a gambling agreement, so that a project that is guaranteed to make money without losing money would be a fool to disagree.

He can't wait to arrange 10 movies for the other party at once, and earn the compensation from the other party.

"Alright Mr. Xu, I'll let you arrange." Wang Guofu finally showed a smile on his face, and heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

Great, I finally don't have to accept the pain of being banned anymore.

If he was banned in the capital and also banned in Shanghai, he would really have no place in the entertainment industry.

"President Xu, it's getting late, so I won't interfere with your getting off work." Wang Guofu looked at the sky outside, and then made a gesture to leave.

However, just two steps away, a voice suddenly came.


Wang Guofu shuddered all over, turned to look at the young man sitting on the sofa, and thought: What's wrong?
He's going crazy!

The apology has already been said, and the compensation has already been paid, what else do you want him to do?

Thinking about it, there was still a smile on his face, and he asked respectfully: "Mr. Xu, is there anything else?"

"There is one thing that I have always been puzzled about. During the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony, why were you so arrogant? Who gave you the confidence?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

He felt that if the other party had no backer, they would never have that kind of attitude.

How could a first-line director dare to challenge the capital?

Even a great director is just a tool in front of capital.

Wang Guofu's heart tightened, and the smile on his face disappeared.

I thought: Do you even know this?
He thought of Boss Zhou, and felt a little troubled for a while.

Come on, if Boss Zhou knows about this, how can I have the nerve to meet him in the future?
The reason why he has been able to develop smoothly in Shanghai in the past few years is all due to the support of Boss Zhou. Without Boss Zhou, there would be no current studio.

Saying it is tantamount to being ungrateful and repaying one's kindness with revenge.

But if you don't say it, you just kept saying in front of Mr. Xu that as long as the other party is happy, you can let him do anything, and it's only been more than ten minutes, and you start to regret it?How could the other party believe him?How can I hand over the movie contract to him?Can you still lift the ban on him?
"Why, can't you say it?" Xu Jie's expression gradually turned cold.

Didn't you come to rely on him?

Sure enough, there are two hearts.

"It's not impossible to say, it's just..." Wang Guofu hesitated for a while, thinking of the strength gap between Mr. Xu and Boss Zhou, he finally chose the stronger side, "It's just that you may not know it if you say it."

"Whether I know you or not is up to me. Besides, if you don't tell me, how do I know I don't know you?" Xu Jie said lightly.

"His name is Zhou Yuanqing, and he is the general manager of Shanghai Yuanxin Investment Company." Wang Guofu said while meditating in his heart: Boss Zhou, Boss Zhou, please don't blame me.

"Zhou Yuanqing?"

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but burst out laughing with a "poof".

It's really a narrow road for enemies.

Another person who was driven away from the capital by him, but changed from the original general manager of Orange Heart Capital to the general manager of Yuanxin Investment Company.

The company name has changed, but the people have not.

Wang Guofu looked at Xu Jie strangely, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Xu, do you know Boss Zhou?"

"Hehe, I'm more than just an acquaintance, I'm just an old friend. I didn't expect him to go to Shanghai. I must meet him someday." A sneer appeared on Xu Jie's face.

Seeing Mr. Xu's expression, Wang Guofu couldn't help swallowing. He thought that Mr. Xu and Boss Zhou had a good relationship. He wondered why Mr. Zhou never mentioned it, but Mr. Xu's smile now gave him a bad feeling. premonition.

There may be some story between these two.


(End of this chapter)

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