The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1133 The Deed of Sale?

Chapter 1133 The Deed of Sale?
In the morning, when Xu Jie came to the company, he saw Wang Guofu as soon as he entered the gate. come up.

"Morning Mr. Xu." Wang Guofu said with a smile, his waist bent a lot more than before.

"Director Wang? Why are you here? Haven't you returned to Shanghai yet?" Xu Jie looked at the other party strangely and asked.

Last night, he handed over five scripts to the other party, and asked the other party to go back and read them carefully, and choose one of the scripts that is most suitable for making a movie. Did he take his words on deaf ears?
"Mr. Xu, I've already read those five scripts, and I've already picked out a script I like." Wang Guofu hurriedly explained, lest Mr. Xu might misunderstand.

In order to be able to lift the ban as soon as possible, he did not return to Shanghai last night, but stayed directly in the hotel opposite Jingshi Culture for one night, and read all the five scripts he received overnight, only squinting for a while this morning. Just a little while, about an hour.

There is no way, I can't sleep well at all, as soon as I close my eyes, the figure of the person in front of me will immediately appear in my mind, directly blocking out the psychological shadow.

"Oh? So fast?" Xu Jie was a little surprised, then looked at the other party suspiciously and asked, "You're not just playing me off, are you?"

The scripts he handed over to the other party were all created by employees, and they were carefully selected by him, and the quality was absolutely passable. If it weren't for the company's too many film projects this year, he would definitely pick one or two out of them to shoot.

"Without Mr. Xu, how dare I perfunctory you? I read every word, very seriously, really." Wang Guofu said solemnly, almost sweating in a hurry.

The core content of a movie is the script. If the script is not well chosen, how can a high-quality movie be made?

Once the movie's box office is dismal, he will have to pay for it.

Just for the compensation, he didn't dare to be perfunctory.

Xu Jie looked at the other party sharply for a while, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, showing a sneer, as if to say: I'm sorry you don't dare.

In fact, he really hopes that the other party will be perfunctory, because once the film pulls his hips, the other party will not only compensate him for his investment, but also for his lost time. By then, the company's employees' year-end bonus will also be available.

Seeing that Mr. Xu did not make a sound, Wang Guofu swallowed involuntarily, then took out a few stacks of documents from the bag in his hand, and said, "Mr. ..."

Let's start the introduction.

Xu Jie waved his hand and interrupted the other party.

He didn't want to waste time on this matter, and it didn't matter to him which script the other party chose, anyway, no matter how the movie's box office ended up, he was sure to make a profit.

"Choosing the script is your business, and making the movie is also your business. You can decide for yourself. You don't need to report to me. Let's go and sign the gambling agreement first." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he asked the person in the reception room direction to go.

When he passed by the front desk, he asked Zhao Xiaoying to notify the person in charge of the legal department to bring over the gambling agreement that he explained last night.

When he came to the reception room, Xu Jie found a chair and sat down, looked at Wang Guofu who was standing beside him, pointed to the chair beside him and said, "Sit down."

"Thank you, Mr. Xu." Wang Guofu sat down, but he sat very cautiously, with only half of his buttocks sitting on the chair, as if the chair was scalding his buttocks.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door, and then Sun Ying walked in from outside.

Although she has been promoted to the deputy general manager of the company, she is still working in the legal department. After all, this area is too professional, and other people will not be able to take over her class for a while.

"Mr. Xu, this is the agreement. Please read it over." Sun Ying put the drafted agreement on the table in front of Mr. Xu.

The terms and conditions in it are formulated according to what Mr. Xu explained last night.

She was going to hand over these agreements to Mr. Xu after going to work, but who would have thought that she would use them so soon.

Xu Jie picked up the VAM agreement, looked through the important parts, and after confirming that there was no mistake, he threw the agreement to Wang Guofu who was aside.

"Director Wang, take a look." Xu Jie said while looking at the other party.

Wang Guofu, who was watched, felt tremendous pressure mentally. He picked up the gambling agreement, and with that sharp gaze, he looked through the agreement with difficulty...

If it is an ordinary employment contract, you can sign it if you sign it, but the problem is that this is a gambling agreement. If you are not careful, you may put yourself in the swamp and be unable to get out, so you have to read it, even if it will cause others dissatisfaction.

Wang Guofu flipped through the pages with trembling hands. After turning a few pages, he suddenly froze, and then blinked in disbelief. After making sure he read correctly, he slowly raised his head and asked Said: "President Xu, what happened to three movies in five years?"

"This is the term of the VAM agreement. There are a total of five years. Within five years, three movies are guaranteed to be shot. If it is more than that, it will be better. If it is not more, it will be directly compensated." Xu Jie explained.

This is the most important part of the entire VAM agreement. Use the number of years and the number of works to restrict the other party, so as to prevent the other party from turning their faces and refusing to recognize anyone after filming a movie.

What if the other party recognizes a certain boss as a godfather during the filming of the first movie?
If there is no contract restriction, then he will only suffer from being dumb.

Wang Guofu looked at Mr. Xu's understatement, and his whole body was like a sand sculpture.

He originally thought that it would be enough to make one or two movies for the other party, but he didn't expect the other party to directly come up with a five-year plan. Isn't the time for selling the contract too long?

"President Xu, isn't five years too..." Wang Guofu wanted to say it was too long, but in the end he didn't have the courage to say it, for fear of offending the other party.

"It's too short, isn't it? Three movies in five years is my test for you. If you can pass the test, we will continue to sign." Xu Jie said with a faint smile.

Wang Guofu was about to collapse.

still sign?

Isn't this endless?
"Mr. Xu, what if the results of the three films are not good?" Wang Guofu asked tentatively.

If it is not good, he can not sign the contract of sale, and he would rather spend tens of millions more to restore his freedom.

"Director Wang, you are still a first-line director. I can understand that one is not good, but the third is not good. I can only doubt your work attitude and think that you are playing me. When the time comes, I guarantee that you will be worse than you are now." Miserable." Xu Jie said coldly.


Wang Guofu was speechless.

There are cannons in the front and mines in the back. It's so miserable.

This is not leaving him a way to survive, it is clearly leaving a dead end, a way of narrow escape.

According to the other party's wishes, he would have to work for the other party for free for the rest of his life.

Xu Jie knew what Wang Guofu was thinking, so he continued, "Of course, if you perform well, there will be labor fees in the next agreement."

Wang Guofu breathed a sigh of relief, this is more or less the same.

He continued to read the VAM agreement, followed by a detailed interpretation of the box office revenue of each movie. When he saw that the movie owed and had to pay [-]% of the movie investment, his heart ached again.

To be honest, this is the first time he has encountered such a thing after making movies for so many years, and it is really bad luck.

However, who can blame it?
Everything is to blame.

It took Wang Guofu more than ten minutes to read through the gambling agreement in his hand. He wanted to let the other party relax the limit of three movies in five years, but he sneaked a few times at Mr. Xu who was sitting by the side, and finally got it. The words on the side swallowed.

Three words: dare not say!
No way, who will let the other party decide his life and death?
He took out a pen from his pocket and signed his name on the last page.

At this time, Sun Ying put a red ink pad aside.

Wang Guofu twitched the corner of his mouth when he saw it, touched it with his finger, and then pressed it on his name.

Well, sell yourself!
Xu Jie took the agreement back, handed it to Sun Ying, and then got up and said, "Director Wang, since the agreement has been signed, you can start working."

"Alright Mr. Xu, I'm going back to Shanghai today to start the preparations for the movie." Wang Guofu said seriously.

The deed of prostitution has been signed, so even if you don't want to do it now, you have to do it head on.

Xu Jie nodded in satisfaction, and said as he walked out, "Then I won't see you off, goodbye."

"Wait, Mr. Xu!" Wang Guofu hurriedly chased after him.

"Why, is there anything else?" Xu Jie stopped and squinted at the other party impatiently.

"Mr. Xu, since the agreement has been signed, can you see if it is possible to block... Don't get me wrong, I am not making a request to you, but I am like a plague god now, and no one wants to talk to me, let alone prepare for filming Grouped." Wang Guofu said with a bitter face.

For the film crew is just a reason, his real purpose is to lift the ban, because as soon as the ban is lifted, his studio will be able to receive business again.

With a job, do you still have to worry about compensation?

"Don't worry, when it comes to the preparation stage, I will send a producer over there. For things like looking for actors and staff, this producer will come forward. You can just do your director work with peace of mind." Xu Jie said .

Wang Guofu was stunned.

Is this not going to lift the ban on him?
The apology has already been apologized, and the gambling agreement has been signed, why not let him go?

This, isn't this cheating?
"What's the matter, is there a problem?" Xu Jie asked intentionally.

How could he not know what the other party was thinking?He just didn't want to let him go so easily.

"No, no, it's just my studio..." Wang Guofu's voice became weaker and weaker, at least it was too small to be heard.

"What, isn't one movie not enough for you? It seems that I underestimated Director Wang's energy. Why don't you make two movies at the same time?" Xu Jie asked.

Wang Guofu quickly shook his head and said, "Enough, one is enough."

At this moment, he understood what the other party meant.

This is because he is worried that he will disperse his energy and affect the film work.

It seems that we can only make money after these five years.

Xu Jie didn't say anything, just pushed the door and went out.

After Wang Guofu left Jingshi Culture, he didn't stay in the capital for too long. He booked the nearest plane and flew back to Shanghai directly.

In fact, for him now, whether he is in Beijing or Shanghai, there is no difference. Anyway, both places are banning him, and no one will cooperate with him.

He even considered whether to return to the capital to make plans for five years later.

Because, if everyone in the industry knows that he is making a movie for Mr. Xu, they will definitely not avoid him as before.

Wang Guofu returned to the studio. As soon as he entered the door, the receptionist walked over.

"Director Wang, Boss Zhou from Yuanxin Investment is here, in your office."

"When did you come here?" Wang Guofu was startled, thinking of President Xu's thought-provoking expression when he mentioned Zhou Yuanqing, he didn't know whether to get closer to the other party or hide away.

"It will take half an hour." The receptionist replied after looking at the time.

Wang Guofu nodded, and when he was hesitating whether to go in, the door leading to the office area suddenly opened from the inside, and a fat middle-aged man came out from the inside.

"Director Wang? You're back!" Zhou Yuanqing walked over quickly, looked up and down, and asked, "Where are you going? Call to remind you to turn off the phone."

"I didn't go anywhere, I just wanted to be alone and think about something." Wang Guofu found a random reason to deal with it, and then asked, "Boss Zhou, what do you want me to do?"

"Actually, I have nothing to do. I just came to see you. Do you have time in the evening? How about having a drink together?" Zhou Yuanqing asked. He mainly wanted to cheer up the other party and prevent the other party from getting depressed due to the ban.

He was also counting on the other party to increase the company's influence in the film industry.

"Sorry Boss Zhou, I'm going home tonight, and I have an appointment with my family." Wang Guofu said apologetically, mainly because he didn't understand the relationship between the other party and Mr. Xu. In Mr. Xu's ears, not to mention the five-year contract, it is possible to increase it to ten years.

Zhou Yuanqing was stunned for a moment, feeling a little surprised, because this was the first time Wang Guofu had rejected his invitation since he knew him.

In the past, the other party would definitely turn down other things to drink with him.

"Since we have already made an appointment with our family, let's make an appointment another day. It's more important to be with our family." Zhou Yuanqing put his arm around Wang Guofu's shoulder, and whispered in his ear: "Director Wang, don't lose heart. Trustee, I believe your problem will be resolved in a short time, don't worry."

Wang Guofu knew very well that the other party was just trying to comfort him. If the matter could be resolved, it would have been resolved long ago, why wait until now?

He wants to say: I've done it.

But after much deliberation, he still didn't say anything in the end. He just said "Thank you Boss Zhou" lightly, and there was nothing else to say.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

At this time, a burst of music suddenly sounded.

Zhou Yuanqing took out his cell phone from his pocket, looked at the caller ID, and connected the call, "What's the matter... what? Okay, I'll go back right away." After putting down the cell phone, Zhou Yuanqing looked at Wang Guofu with a serious face and said, "Wang Wang Director, I have some business to go back to take care of, and we can talk about it another day." After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Wang Guofu looked at Boss Zhou's back with doubts in his eyes.

What happened to make Boss Zhou change his face?

Could it be related to Mr. Xu?


(End of this chapter)

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