The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1134 Opening Ceremony

Chapter 1134 Opening Ceremony

Time passed quietly under the ups and downs of day and night, and we bid farewell to November before we knew it, and came to the last month of this year.

And with the arrival of December, Xu Jie's heart also began to become tense, and his heart was raised in his throat.

Not because of anything else, but because the 2nd is tomorrow, the day when "Legend of Lan Xi" premieres on Beijing Satellite TV and Hunan Satellite TV.

Although he has sold all the TV premiere rights and network broadcast rights of "Legend of Lan Xi" at a sky-high price, he is still very concerned about the reputation and response of the TV series, because it is directly related to Beijing TV. The price of TV dramas that Culture will produce in the future.

If "Legend of Lan Xi" is popular, the word-of-mouth explodes, and the response is enthusiastic, the advertising sponsors will naturally be very happy, and Beijing Satellite TV and Hunan Satellite TV will also make a lot of money from the sponsors.

As long as the TV station and sponsors don't feel wronged by several hundred million flowers, they will naturally buy TV series produced by JingTV Culture at a high price in the future.

On the contrary, if "Legend of Lan Xi" has mediocre ratings, mediocre word-of-mouth, and cold response after its broadcast, the advertising sponsors will definitely be very dissatisfied, and Beijing Satellite TV and Hunan Satellite TV will also feel that they have been taken advantage of once.

In the future, when facing the TV series produced by Jingshi Culture, they will inevitably be cautious and cautious. Even if they are obviously optimistic, they will use "Legend of Lanxi" to lower the price.

And "Legend of Lanxi" is the first TV series filmed by Beijing Television Culture, and it has an all-star lineup. Xu Jie has always placed high hopes on it, hoping that it can make a difference for the company in the TV series market.

Therefore, whether the company's TV drama department still needs to exist in the future, and whether it will be merged into the film department depends on the performance of "Legend of Lan Xi".

For this reason, he also spent a lot of publicity expenses to create momentum for the launch of "Legend of Lan Xi". Needless to say, TV stations, Beijing Satellite TV and Hunan Satellite TV are more concerned about the ratings of the TV series than he is. Satellite TV participates in variety shows to promote TV dramas.

In addition, there are also major news portals, video sites, hot searches on Weibo, and short videos, etc. He has used all the publicity methods he can think of, and spent tens of millions in total. Able to get a good start.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Just when Xu Jie was distracted and didn't even think about writing the script, the mobile phone on the desk rang suddenly. He looked at the caller ID, and it was the number of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

He knew that the other party would definitely call him. He remembered that the other party also called him before the broadcast of "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage". comfort.

Alas, how old are you, and you still need someone to comfort you.

"Good afternoon, Editor-in-Chief Lu, what's your order?" Xu Jie asked pretending to be relaxed, but he was thinking in his heart: Who will comfort me?
But the only thing that can comfort him is the fiery ratings and explosive word of mouth. As for the others, even the thousand-year-old ginseng and ten-thousand-year Ganoderma lucidum can't relieve his current anxiety.

People, the higher you stand, the more painful you will be when you fall.

When "Lover in Time and Space" was released, although he was very concerned, he was not as nervous as he is now.

At that time, he was still a newcomer in the film and television industry, and he could even be said to be a layman, with an aggressive spirit and no burden.

But it's different now.

He is also a well-known figure in the film and television industry. Not only are many people paying attention to him, but also many people are relying on him, and these are all pressures.

If he accidentally drives the car into the ditch, he doesn't know how many people will fall into it.

"Xiao Xu, "Legend of Lan Xi" will start airing tomorrow night, do you have anything to explain?" Lu Hong asked with concern.

"No more." Xu Jie said, as soon as he heard it, he knew that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu was looking for something to say.

The TV series will start airing tomorrow, what can I say?

Even if there is, it is too late to explain now.

In other words, if he only remembered to confess now, how unreliable would he be?
"Are you sure? There's still one more day, so you should think about it," Lu Hong said.


Xu Jie was speechless.

Has this person reached menopause?

I couldn’t remember it for such a long time before, but now I can remember it in just one day?
"Editor Lu, why don't you help me think about it? You stand tall, you can see far, and you can think about everything." Xu Jie threw the question back. Anyway, he doesn't think about anything else except the ratings.

Lu Hong was at a loss for words for a moment.

How does he know what is missing?
If you know, you have already arranged it, and you don't need to call to inquire the day before the broadcast.

But he still thought about it seriously, let alone, he really thought of one thing.

"Xiao Xu, do you think it's necessary to have an opening ceremony?" Lu Hong asked.

The TV series "Legend of Lan Xi" will be broadcast live from December [-]st to the Spring Festival. If the ratings are not good, he will not even have a good time during the New Year and the Spring Festival.

He also expects to use "The Legend of Lan Xi" to wrap up Beijing Satellite TV this year.

"The opening ceremony? All right, but what about other programs?" Xu Jie asked.

The opening ceremony is usually held before the broadcast of the TV series, but tomorrow is the day when the broadcast starts. Not only does the program have no time to prepare, but even the broadcast time is difficult to arrange.

If one is added, one will be subtracted. Who will be subtracted?
No one will be happy if anyone is subtracted.

In fact, he thought about it before, but he didn't want to be hated by others, so he didn't bring it up in the end.

"Reduce the time of other programs, or simply cancel a program." Lu Hong said while flipping through tomorrow's program list.

In front of the evening theater is the news broadcast, and before the news broadcast is Beijing News. These two programs must not be cancelled, let alone reducing the time, even if it is reduced by a second.

Before Beijing News, there was a health program and a travel program, but one can be canceled. Of course, if the opening ceremony requires it, it is also possible to cancel both.

After all, "Legend of Lan Xi" is too important to Beijing Satellite TV.

This is the finale year-end drama!
"Editor Lu, you are the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV, so you have the final say on this matter." Xu Jie said.

As long as it is beneficial to "The Legend of Lan Xi", he will do it without hesitation.

"Okay, then it's settled. It's just that the program time is now available. Who will do the content of the program? Also, since it is the opening ceremony, should people from the crew be present? I think there will be a good publicity effect if there are stars. Better." Lu Hong said seriously.

Xu Jie narrowed his eyes. What the deputy editor-in-chief Lu said just now made him wonder if the other party's proposal for the opening ceremony was premeditated.

"I'll arrange the crew. As for the stars, I'll do my best."

Anyway, it was to promote "The Legend of Lan Xi", so he agreed.

You must know that there is no opening ceremony for ordinary TV dramas. Only TV dramas with very high attention and high expectations will receive such treatment.

And there must be big stars.

Lu Hong smiled, what he was waiting for was the other party's words.

Although the time was very urgent, he believed that the other party would be able to handle the matter well. Who told the other party to be Xu Jie?
Xu Jie put down the phone and was about to contact several leading actors when he suddenly thought of Huxiang Satellite TV. "Legend of Lanxi" will not only be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV, but also on Huxiang Satellite TV. Hunan Satellite TV will definitely pick on him when it sees it.

Since Beijing Satellite TV can cancel other programs and hold an opening ceremony, why can't Hunan Satellite TV do that?
Tomorrow night, not only "Legend of Lanxi" is in competition with other TV dramas, but even the two TV stations that also broadcast "Legend of Lanxi" are also in competition.

Can Huxiang Satellite TV let Beijing Satellite TV steal the show?
Certainly not!

Thinking of this, Xu Jie dialed the mobile phone number of the person in charge of Huxiang Satellite TV.

For him, the best outcome would be high ratings for both stations.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Hello, is this Editor-in-Chief Dong?" Xu Jie asked.

"It's me, what is Mr. Xu doing with me? Could it be that he plans to join our Huxiang TV station? Haha, I welcome with both hands up." Dong Xiaoli said with a smile.

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Dong, for being so enthusiastic, but I'm fine now, and I don't plan to leave for the time being." Xu Jie knew that the other party had been coveting him for a long time, so he politely rejected the other party again, "By the way, Editor-in-Chief Dong, I have something to tell you. Tell me, as for whether to follow up or not, it is up to you to decide."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Dong Xiaoli asked curiously.

"It's like this. Isn't tomorrow the opening day of "Legend of Lan Xi"? Beijing Satellite TV is planning to hold an opening ceremony tomorrow night, and will invite our actors to participate..."


Before Xu Jie finished speaking, Dong Xiaoli made a sound in surprise.

"The opening ceremony? Why haven't I heard Lu Hong mention it?"

Dong Xiaoli put away her previous smile, and her expression became serious.

This is not a small matter for her.

If two TV stations broadcast the same TV series, it is natural that the TV station with the most publicity can attract more viewers to watch.

"I just heard about this arrangement from Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu. I don't know if you are planning to hold the opening ceremony? If so, I can arrange some actors for you," Xu Jie said.

"Do it, it must be done." Dong Xiaoli said firmly.

How can Huxiang Satellite TV lag behind Beijing Satellite TV in this kind of thing?
"Okay, you prepare the content first, and I will try to get the actors to report on Huxiang TV tomorrow morning." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Everything was in his expectation.

"Well, Mr. Xu, thank you." Dong Xiaoli said gratefully.

In her opinion, the other party, as a member of the Beijing Radio and Television Station, could not tell her about this at all, but now, the other party not only told her, but also arranged actors for her. people.

It's not like Lu Hong, who purchased the TV rights together, but wants to quietly stab Huxiang Satellite TV in the back, it's too disgusting.

"Editor Dong, you're too polite. We're not outsiders. That's all for today. I'm going to contact the actors." Xu Jie said.

"Well, goodbye." Dong Xiaoli put down the phone and immediately started tomorrow's opening ceremony.

Huxiang Satellite TV has also held the opening ceremony of TV dramas before, and usually interviews the actors and staff of the crew in the form of interviews for about half an hour, interspersed with some promotional clips about TV dramas to let the audience know more about the TV dramas and at the same time , to warm up for the subsequent broadcast.

But this time, because Beijing Satellite TV will also do it, she wants to make a big one, so that more viewers and those who are looking forward to "Legend of Lanxi" will change the channel to Huxiang Satellite TV, so as to surpass Beijing Satellite TV in ratings, pull out Take the lead.

Xu Jie searched for the actors of "Legend of Lan Xi" in his phone contacts, but only found ten of them.

It seems that there are many, but half of them are actresses such as Liu Jiaman, Luo Wanglin, Hu Jing, etc. It is really embarrassing to ask these people to attend the opening ceremony.

But apart from these people, the remaining actors are not enough for the two TV stations.

He thought about it, and it seemed that he had no choice but to sacrifice his face.

The first one is Liu Jiaman.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The phone was connected, and then Liu Jiaman's voice came.

"Brother, what do you want from me? Let me guess, is it related to the "Legend of Lan Xi" aired tomorrow night?"

"Sister Man knows things like a god. She is worthy of Zhuge Zhuge, I admire you." Xu Jie said after flattering: "That's right, Beijing Satellite TV and Hunan Satellite TV will broadcast "The Legend of Lanxi" tomorrow night. The opening ceremony needs to be attended by the leading actors, do you have time tomorrow? It will only be in the morning."

"Okay, I didn't ask you a question." Liu Jiaman agreed without too much hesitation.

She only shoots scripts created by the other party, and does not accept anything else, so she is very free now.

"Thank you Sister Man, you are really my own sister, do you want to go to Beijing Satellite TV or Hunan Satellite TV?" Xu Jie asked.

"I'm in Beijing, I'm going to Beijing Satellite TV." Liu Jiaman said.

"Okay, I'll send you the time and place later, and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Xu Jie hung up the phone, and then called Luo Wanglin again.

In fact, he knew very well that based on his friendship with these film kings and queens, as long as he opened his mouth, these people would definitely help him, but he didn't want to trouble these people.

The facts were exactly as he said, Luo Wanglin also agreed, and also chose to be in Beijing Satellite TV.

Xu Jie then called Chen Guang, Hu Jing, and Jiang Liwen respectively. Hu Jing and Jiang Li chose Beijing Satellite TV, and Chen Guang happened to be participating in a variety show on Hunan Satellite TV, so he chose Hunan Satellite TV.

As for the remaining young protagonists, it is easier to arrange.

The reason why the arrangement is good is because he can decide where these people go, and these people dare not refuse.

Even if there is a big event, the original matter has to be postponed because of his matter.

He asked Liu Qing, Fang Yi, and Wang Zijian to go to Huxiang Satellite TV, and arranged Ding Mengni to Beijing Satellite TV.

Liu Qing is a ticking time bomb, he dare not arrange it by his side, and Ding Mengni is an artist he strongly recommends, being with Liu Jiaman, Luo Wanglin and other actresses and best actors will further increase her attention, which will not only promote TV dramas, It can also be used to promote artists along the way.

After Xu Jie arranged the actors for the opening ceremony, he immediately got up and left the office, and went to Beijing TV Station to prepare for tomorrow's opening ceremony.


(End of this chapter)

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