On the morning of the 2th.

Xu Jie didn't go to the company, but drove directly to Beijing TV Station to record the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lan Xi" which will be broadcast tonight.

Although the time was a bit rushed, he felt that it was completely in time. After all, the program was to promote the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi". Except for the more gorgeous form, the content was basically the same as the program "Deep Talk on Film and Television" he directed before. too much difference.

For this reason, he also specially found Qin Yan, the host of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", to be the host of the opening ceremony.

The other party has interviewed countless film and television crews over the years, not only familiar with various interview routines, but also able to advance and retreat freely when facing various stars, so it is perfect for hosting such scenes.

Xu Jie came to the Grand Theater, where he arranged for the opening ceremony to be recorded.

After a night of decoration, the theater has taken on a new look, and the stage looks just like the palace in the TV series, gorgeous and grand.

The staff is debugging the photoelectric equipment here, including the lighting, sound and the big screen behind the stage.

"Mr. Xu, you are here." The person in charge of setting up the scene came to Xu Jie, pointed in the direction of the stage and asked, "What do you think? Is there anything else that needs to be changed?"

For this stage, he and his staff worked here all night, just in order not to delay Mr. Xu's program recording work.

The work arranged by others can be done slowly, but the work arranged by Mr. Xu must be done quickly, because delaying Mr. Xu's work will affect the revenue of the entire Beijing TV station.

"Very good, I am very satisfied." Xu Jie nodded to the visitor, and asked with a smile: "Thank you, everyone has worked hard."

"It's my honor to be able to serve Mr. Xu, then I won't bother you, if you need anything, just come to me, I'm right here." The person in charge pointed to the auditorium.

"it is good."

Xu Jie held each other's hand to express his gratitude.

"Mr. Xu!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind.

Xu Jie looked back and saw Qin Yan walking over with a bag in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

"Why did you come so early? I thought I was the first to come." Qin Yan said as she walked.

It's just 07:30, half an hour before work time.

"No way, I can't sleep." Xu Jie said jokingly.

"Really? I really can't see it." Qin Yan also smiled, then buried her head in her bag to find something, and finally took out a notebook and handed it over, "This is the program plan I wrote last night. Please read it over. See if there is anything that needs to be changed, and I will make changes before the recording starts."

"I also wrote a copy. The two of us are a pair and learn from each other." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he sat down directly and took out the written plan from his bag.

Qin Yan sat aside and compared the two proposals together.
"Three 10 minutes? Why only three 10 minutes?"

Qin Yan saw a row of small characters on the cover of Xu Jie's plan, "Estimated 30 minutes", and couldn't help being a little surprised. She thought it would be 10 minutes, so the plan in hand was also based on the program time of 10 minutes. to write.

"The health program in front of the Beijing News is only half an hour. If the opening ceremony takes too long, another program will have to be canceled. I don't want to be the public enemy of the satellite TV program center." Xu Jie explained after hearing it.

Canceling one program already caused people to complain, and if another program was canceled, wouldn't the people from the two program groups team up and curse him in circles behind his back?
"Are you afraid of them?" Qin Yan looked at the expression on Xu Jie's face, eyes full of disbelief.

She felt that let alone the two program groups in the satellite TV program center, even if it was deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, the person in charge of the satellite TV program center, the other party would not necessarily be afraid.

"Low-key, low-key." Xu Jie said.


Qin Yan was speechless.

Keep a low profile and hold an opening ceremony?Keeping a low profile and advertising for "Legend of Lan Xi" everywhere?Low-key, you still go to the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony?Low-key, you still blocked Wang Guofu?
Which of these things is low-key?
"Wait, I'll delete it first." Qin Yan said as she took out a pen and crossed it on the planning plan to remove the ordinary links and keep the exciting ones.

Regarding the content of the plan, the two of them studied together for half an hour and it was over.

The main reason is that there are many similarities in the two plans, and one is the former chief director of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" and the other is the current chief director of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", so it is easy to reach a consensus.

Near nine o'clock, several actors who participated in the opening ceremony arrived at the Grand Theater of Beijing TV Station one after another.

There are Liu Jiaman, Luo Wanglin, Hu Jing, Jiang Liwen and Ding Mengni, five in total.

Compared with the young actors who went to Huxiang Satellite TV to participate in the ceremony recording, the actors who came to Beijing Satellite TV to participate in the ceremony recording were much older in age, but they were also much older in terms of coffee positions. The lineup is not something that can be invited to just any show.

"Sister Man, Sister Jing, Sister Wen, Brother Luo, I really troubled you by calling everyone here so suddenly." Xu Jie looked at these people and said embarrassedly.

"Mr. Xu, don't be so polite, we are all from our own family, don't you think it's strange for you to say that?" Luo Wanglin said after hearing this.

Let's not talk about the identity of the other party's big boss in Beijing, just pointing at the fact that the other party taught him card skills, I should help him with this small favor today.

"Mr. Xu, if you continue to be polite to me in the future, I will be angry." Jiang Liwen said pretending to be serious.

As the old saying goes: many friends, many paths.

What's more, the other party is still a big tree.

As long as you have a good relationship with the other party, do you still worry about not having resources in the future?

In fact, she didn't expect the other party to introduce some big productions to her, she only hoped that the other party would think of her when they had good roles in the future.

For an actor, a good role can benefit more than a big production.

"Thank you, thank you sisters and brothers, then let's talk about the process and arrangement of the entire ceremony..."

Xu Jie brought five actors to the stage and began to introduce the whole process of the opening ceremony.

Several of them are actors and have also participated in talk shows, so when Xu Jie said it, everyone understood.

The process of explaining went very smoothly, and soon entered the formal recording stage.

Although everyone didn't have a fixed line, but several movie kings and queens are old fritters in the entertainment industry, and their ability to perform on the spot is not to mention. In addition, the host Qin Yan is in it, so the entertainment effect is directly full, attracting a lot of attention. The audience laughed again and again.

Finally, the whole recording ended with Ding Mengni's singing.

Ding Mengni sang the ending song of the TV series "Legend of Lanxi", composed by Su Yun. Su Yun also composed a song, which is the theme song of "Legend of Lanxi".

As a signed artist of Su Yun's studio, Xu Jie also spared no effort to support Ding Mengni.

Fertilizer water does not flow into the fields of outsiders.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie was in the first row of the auditorium, and clapped vigorously with his hands outstretched.

The interactive effect of the whole show was better than he expected. It not only introduced the TV series, but also made it more interesting. It must be able to attract many viewers to watch after it is broadcast.

"Wow wow wow..."

With Xu Jie taking the lead, the audience also clapped their hands.

Everyone originally thought it would be boring, but they didn't expect the actresses and actresses to be so open-minded. It's much more interesting than those talk shows. It's a pity that the time is too short and not enjoyable. It would be great if it could be longer.

Next, the audience left one after another.

After Xu Jie sent several brothers and sisters out of the TV station, he immediately came to the satellite TV program center to start the later stage of the program.

Whether the opening ceremony is good or not will be decided by him in the end.

Time passed quickly, and it was time to get off work in a blink of an eye, and there was only one hour left before the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lan Xi".

At this time, Lu Hong was like an ant on a hot pot. He finally couldn't hold it back. He turned a corner on the way off work and walked towards the editing room.

Just as he was about to open the door, the door opened from the inside with a "snap", and a person was about to go out.

"Mr. Xu?" Lu Hong's eyes lit up, he first looked inside the editing room, and then looked expectantly at the other party and asked, "How is the opening ceremony finished?"

"Well, it's just finished." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

More than 150 minutes of material, in order to get the best 10 minutes, he edited for a whole afternoon, and finally passed his level.

There is no way, he values ​​"The Legend of Lan Xi" too much.

"Really?" Lu Hong checked the time and said, "Show me quickly."

As the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV, the biggest advantage is that you can see the content of the program in advance.

Although there was still an hour before the broadcast, he still couldn't bear it.


Xu Jie turned around and walked into the editing room, and said to a staff member who was about to get up: "Old Sun, show the cut sample just now to Editor-in-Chief Lu."


How dare the staff not obey?Sit down and get on with your work.

Qin Yan left the editorial room lightly, as if afraid of being discovered.

No, she can't stay in this room anymore, because Xu Jie is tormenting her this afternoon, and her spirit is about to collapse.

I've seen serious ones, and serious ones, but I've never seen someone who is so stubborn, it's simply a paranoia.

According to her idea, the production of the opening ceremony could be completed before three o'clock, but the other party read the material repeatedly, not even letting go of a line, and has been tossing until now.

But it does have an effect, because some content really became a highlight after some editing by the other party.

This also made her have to sigh in her heart: Sure enough, success is not accidental.

Lu Hong watched from the beginning to the end at twice the speed, and when the screen went black, his face was no longer as tense as when he came in.

"Not bad."

After Lu Hong made a simple evaluation, he turned around to look at Xu Jie, reached out and patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, "I knew it, you won't let me down."

Xu Jie didn't speak after hearing it, but hehe in his heart.


You know, come and see?
Isn't this just worrying?

"We're just waiting for "Legend of Lan Xi" to air, and I don't know how the ratings will be." After speaking, Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie, waiting for the other party's response.

However, Xu Jie would not jump into this kind of pit.

Before the ratings come out, he will not make any comments on "The Legend of Lan Xi".

If the answer is "yes", what should I do if the car overturns?If you answer "not good", wouldn't you become unconfident?
"Editor Lu, I'll deliver the tape." Xu Jie said to Lu Hong, and then left the editing room.

Lu Hong was embarrassed, and opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't say it in the end.

He suddenly felt that perhaps Xiao Xu's current pressure might be even greater than his. After all, once "Legend of Lan Xi" overturns, the other party will bear pressure from many parties, such as the TV station, the audience, the leading actors and so on.

never mind!

Lu Hong shook his head, and was about to leave the editing room, when suddenly a voice of surprise and doubt rang out from inside the room.


Since he was right next to him, Lu Hong could hear it very clearly. He turned his head to look at the staff just now, and asked, "What's wrong?"

I thought: Could it be that there is something wrong with the opening ceremony that was broadcast just now?

"Lu, editor-in-chief Lu..." The staff stood up, pointed to the real-time ratings table that had just been opened, and said, "Huxiang Satellite TV seems to be broadcasting the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lanxi"."


Lu Hong was stunned, but quickly reacted, and quickly looked at the real-time ratings table.

I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but it’s really the case at first glance.

I saw that the program ranked second said: The opening ceremony of the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi".

The channel shown below is Huxiang Satellite TV.

He raised his wrist and looked at the time on his watch, it was 5:43...

Huxiang Satellite TV broadcasted so early, isn't this prying the audience of Beijing Satellite TV?

No no no!

Why did Huxiang Satellite TV hold a launch ceremony for "Legend of Lan Xi"?Why have I never heard Dong Xiaoli say it?

But then again, he didn't tell Dong Xiaoli about Beijing Satellite TV's opening ceremony.

Could it be that the heroes see the same thing and want to go together?

"Hurry up, broadcast it on Hunan Satellite TV." Lu Hong looked up at another big screen that was broadcasting on Beijing Satellite TV.

The staff immediately changed the channel, only to see a flash of the big screen, and the content inside changed suddenly.

In the upper left corner of the screen is the logo of Huxiang Satellite TV, and in the lower right corner of the screen is a rotating buoy, which reads: The opening ceremony of the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi".

In the program, the host is interviewing several leading actors of the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi", including Liu Qing, Fang Yi, Wang Zijian, and two other actresses.

Lu Hong looked at it in disbelief, and his head was even more chaotic, like a ball of paste.

What's happening here?
Didn't the actors of "Legend of Lan Xi" just finished recording the program of Beijing Satellite TV?

Eh, no, why is the artist on TV different from what he saw just now?

Just when he was puzzled, the ratings of Huxiang Satellite TV had already reached the first place. Obviously, the opening ceremony attracted a lot of viewers.

This time period is usually a food program, health program, children's program or entertainment program. Suddenly there is a different one, and it introduces a long-awaited TV series. Naturally, many people will watch it.

Lu Hong watched the show, and his face changed accordingly.

It's over, and it was preempted by Huxiang Satellite TV.


It's over, and it was preempted by Huxiang Satellite TV.


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