Chapter 1136
Huxiang Satellite TV, as the leading entertainment leader in China, even made the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lan Xi" full of entertainment.

In particular, the game link added in it not only enlivens the atmosphere of the scene, but also adds highlights to the program, making the program full of pleasant laughter from the very beginning.

And with the deepening of the content, the ratings of the program are also getting higher and higher, leaving No.2 behind by a large margin, Lu Hong is angry and anxious, very jealous.

This ratings should obviously belong to Beijing Satellite TV, but now...

A hint of doubt arose in Lu Hong's heart. Huxiang Satellite TV invited the leading actors of "Legend of Lan Xi" to record the show. As the director, Xu Jie should know, but why didn't Huxiang Satellite TV also hold the opening ceremony? tell him?

Isn't this turning your elbow outward?

He turned and left the editing room, and went outside to look for Xu Jie.

He wanted to ask what was going on at Huxiang Satellite TV.

The satellite TV program center is on this floor, so he inquired when he met someone, and found it quickly.

"Xu Jie!" Lu Hong shouted loudly, and at the same time walked towards the other party quickly, for fear that the other party would leave the TV station.

"Editor Lu? Are you off work yet?" Xu Jie asked, he thought the other party had already left.

"In this line of work, how can anyone get off work on time?" Lu Hong said.

Xu Jie thought to himself: What you are talking about is ordinary employees who do not get off work on time. You are the deputy editor-in-chief and the senior management of the TV station.

But wanting to think about it, he said: "Editor Lu has worked hard, I want to learn from you."

Lu Hong shook his head with a smile, and was about to say a few words modestly, when he suddenly realized that the purpose of coming to the other party was not to let the other party learn from him.

"Leave the study aside for the time being. I was watching TV just now and found that Huxiang Satellite TV is broadcasting the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lanxi". It seems that it started at 05:30, half an hour earlier than our opening ceremony. , and the ratings are temporarily ranked first."

Lu Hong stopped here, and at the same time stared at the other party intently, wondering how the other party would react and whether he knew about it.

"Huh? Really?" Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. Although he knew that Dong Xiaoli would hold the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lan Xi", he didn't expect it to be broadcast so early.

Huxiang Satellite TV is the same as Beijing Satellite TV. 06:30 is the satellite TV news, and the news broadcast of Huaxia TV is broadcast at [-]:[-], and after the news broadcast is the golden theater at night.

It stands to reason that the closer the broadcast time is, the better the effect of the broadcast ceremony will be, which is why he arranged the broadcast ceremony to be broadcast at six o'clock.

And Huxiang Satellite TV starts broadcasting at 05:30, unless the ceremony lasts for an hour and continues until 06:30, if other programs are interspersed between the opening ceremony and Huxiang News, the effect of the ceremony on "The Legend of Lanxi" will be greatly discounted.

Xu Jie's reaction stunned Lu Hong. He thought the other party knew about it, but judging by the other party's expression, it seemed that he didn't know.

"You, don't you know about this?" Lu Hong asked.

"I heard Dong Xiaoli said it, but I didn't expect it to be broadcast so early." Xu Jie said truthfully.

"You know? Then why didn't you tell me?" Lu Hong frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually turn his elbow outward.

Xu Jie looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu suspiciously, thinking: Why should I tell you?
Although the other party is indeed higher than him in terms of position as the deputy editor-in-chief, the other party is not his direct superior, so he has no right to control him, nor is he qualified to listen to his work reports.

He was polite to the other party out of politeness, but if he wanted to control him, it was really hard to do.

"Editor Lu, in order to promote "The Legend of Lanxi", the leading actors of the TV series have been running between various David TVs, participating in various programs to increase the exposure of "The Legend of Lanxi". No matter for the TV series itself, For our company, it's all normal publicity. I don't know that such a small matter can alarm you. In the future, if such a thing happens, I will report it to you as soon as possible..."

Xu Jie seemed to explain, but he was actually expressing his dissatisfaction. In other words: You are the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV, can you control our Beijing TV culture?
Lu Hong was shocked, and only then did he realize that what he said just now was inappropriate. The other party was not his subordinate, let alone the little reporter from the Beijing TV station.

And these days the actors of "Legend of Lanxi" have been running around between various David TVs to promote the TV series. Isn't the launch ceremony organized by Huxiang Satellite TV also to promote the TV series?

"You don't need to report to me, I just didn't expect that Huxiang Satellite TV could hold a launch ceremony for "Legend of Lan Xi"..."

In fact, he still had a question in his mind. He wanted to know whether the opening ceremony was leaked to Huxiang Satellite TV by the other party, but in the end he dismissed the idea, because this question disrupted harmony and affected his relationship with the other party, and even if he asked, You may not be able to get the answer, so why bother?

"It's a coincidence that yesterday, editor-in-chief Lu, you just called me to talk about the opening ceremony. Dong Xiaoli of Huxiang Satellite TV decided to hold an opening ceremony for the broadcast of "Legend of Lan Xi". It's similar, but I don't know how long Huxiang Satellite TV's opening ceremony will last."

When Xu Jie saw the other party's hesitation to speak, he knew what the other party was thinking, so he "confessed" to the other party directly to avoid the other party's misunderstanding.

Anyway, Dong Xiaoli will definitely not betray him. In the end, it doesn't matter what he says?
Lu Hong obviously didn't expect the other party to speak out by himself. While slightly surprised, he was also moved by the other party's frankness, and the messy thoughts in his mind disappeared without a trace.

If there is no other party, will the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lanxi" on Beijing Satellite TV still be broadcast as scheduled?

If the other party really turned his elbow outward, would he follow his instructions to record the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lan Xi" for Beijing Satellite TV?

If the other party said that he didn't have time to record the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lan Xi", what could he do?

"It doesn't matter how long it takes, I believe that as long as the opening ceremony you recorded is aired, all the audience will be attracted." Lu Hong said with a smile.

He is full of confidence in Xu Jie.

"I hope so." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

He looked at the time on his watch. It was 5:52, 8 minutes before the opening ceremony.

"Editor Lu, I'm going to the editing room to wait for the show to start. Are you going?" Xu Jie asked, mainly because he wanted to see the ratings of the show after it started broadcasting.

"Go." Lu Hong nodded without thinking, "Let's go together." After speaking, he pointed in the direction of the editing room.

He has already decided not to leave until the "Legend of Lan Xi" is over.

He knew very well that even if he came home from get off work now, he would always be thinking about the ratings of "Legend of Lan Xi" in his heart, so he might as well stay on the TV station.

With Xiao Xu by his side, at least he wouldn't be so worried.

Xu Jie returned to the editing room, pulled a chair and sat down, waiting for the show to start.

A few minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and soon the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lan Xi" was ushered in.

As the chief director of the ceremony, Xu Jie knew the whole ceremony like the back of his hand, especially after an afternoon of editing, he could even recite what everyone said.

He didn't pay much attention to the program, but focused on the real-time ratings chart to see the audience's reaction and the market's reaction.

Although it is only a small opening ceremony, it can reflect everyone's attention to "Legend of Lanxi", and then infer the ratings of the TV series when it is broadcast.

Before the opening ceremony of "The Legend of Lan Xi" was broadcast, Beijing Satellite TV broadcast a travel program, and its ratings ranked 15th in the country at the same time.

As for now, he is still standing still, neither advancing nor retreating.

Xu Jie was not in a hurry, because the opening ceremony was temporarily decided to be recorded yesterday, and Beijing Satellite TV did not announce the ceremony. Airborne first.

The important thing is that after a period of time, if there is no change in the ratings at that time, it will really be taken by Huxiang Satellite TV.

Of course, he would not blame Dong Xiaoli no matter what the ratings were on Beijing Satellite TV, because whether it was Huxiang Satellite TV or Beijing Satellite TV, the broadcast content was all promoting "Legend of Lanxi".

Although he is the chief director of the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lanxi" on Beijing Satellite TV, he is only a temporary worker. His real identity is the general manager of Beijing Television Culture and the director of the TV series "Legend of Lanxi".

Lu Hong stared at the screen. Although he had just said that he had confidence in Xu Jie, he still couldn't help feeling worried and anxious when he saw that Beijing Satellite TV's program was ranked 15th.

Huxiang Satellite TV has been broadcasting for more than half an hour. If Beijing Satellite TV broadcasts it again at this time, can it really win over the audience?


The audience is watching well, there is no reason to change the channel suddenly.

Even if it is heard from others, it will take a while for word of mouth to ferment.

The problem is that the opening ceremony of Beijing Satellite TV is only half an hour, which is too short. When the reputation of the program is completely fermented, it is estimated that the program will have ended by then.

Time passed by minute by minute.

After 5 minutes, not only did the ratings not change, but even the rankings did not change at all.

Lu Hong couldn't help asking: "Is it a crash, why is it not moving? Do you want to restart it?"

The staff shook the mouse, the cursor was still there, and they clicked a few more places, all of which changed.

At this moment, the ratings were refreshed, and Beijing Satellite TV directly rose by two places, ranking 13th.

A smile appeared on Lu Hong's face immediately. Although the 13th place is not high, it is always a good thing to have a change, and it also proves that the show is on the rise.

After a while, the page was refreshed again, and this time it directly entered the top ten, ranking 9th.

Next, after each refresh, the ranking of the program will rise, and when the program reaches the 12th minute, it finally came to the second place, second only to the opening ceremony of "The Legend of Lanxi" on Huxiang Satellite TV.

So this scene appeared in the real-time ratings chart.

The program ranked No.1 is: the opening ceremony of the TV series "The Legend of Lanxi", and the program ranked No.2 is also: the opening ceremony of the TV series "The Legend of Lanxi".

It's just that one is Hunan Satellite TV and the other is Beijing Satellite TV.

The show continues.

After all, the best actor and actress is the best actor and actress, not only has a high degree of attention, but also has a large fan base. Soon, Beijing Satellite TV's programs will catch up, surpassing Huxiang Satellite TV.

Facts have proved that ginger is still old and spicy.

However, in the next refresh, Huxiang Satellite TV surpassed Beijing Satellite TV again, which proved how topical young artists are.

People have to sigh: the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

In this way, Beijing Satellite TV and Hunan Satellite TV took the lead alternately, and finally ended at 6:29 at the same time.


Lu Hong let out a long sigh of relief.

Although in terms of ratings, Beijing Satellite TV has not been overwhelming Huxiang Satellite TV, but as a latecomer, being able to surpass Huxiang Satellite TV from time to time is already a very good achievement.

He can accept it.

"It seems that everyone is paying attention to "The Legend of Lan Xi"." Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie beside him and said.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

He noticed a situation. In the "competition" just now, although the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV rose a lot, the ratings of Huxiang Satellite TV did not drop much.

In other words, Beijing Satellite TV has attracted some new viewers.

For such a result, he is undoubtedly the happiest person.

Deputy editor-in-chief Lu, as the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV, cares about the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV, but as the producer, director, and chief screenwriter of "Legend of Lan Xi", he is more concerned about how many viewers are paying attention to "Legend of Lan Xi" this TV series.

"The Golden Theater won't start for more than an hour. Let's go have dinner before the TV drama starts?" Lu Hong asked.

As soon as Xu Jie heard 'eat', his stomach immediately gurgled.

He didn't eat at noon, and he has been standing up until now, feeling exhausted all over his body.

Tonight, "Legend of Lan Xi" will broadcast two episodes, from 7:32 to around 9:9, that is to say, if you don't eat now, you can only wait until [-]:[-].

"Editor Lu, I'll listen to you," Xu Jie said.

There are still more than two hours, and I really can't hold on.

Lu Hong sighed in his heart: If only he could listen to me all the time.

The two went to the cafeteria together, and the TV hanging in the cafeteria was broadcasting news from the capital.

"Mr. Xu..."

While Xu Jie was eating, the restaurant staff standing inside asked in a low voice: "I just watched the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lan Xi", can you give me a spoiler of the first two episodes?"

Xu Jie once filmed the program "Delicious History" in the cafeteria of Beijing TV Station, so everyone in the cafeteria knows about it.

Xu Jie smiled when he heard it, then carefully looked around, and then leaned forward...

The cafeteria staff leaned over excitedly and listened attentively...

"Tonight's two episodes..." Xu Jie said in a low voice, "It's very exciting, you must not miss it." After finishing speaking, he left. ,

The staff stood there in a daze, speechless.

very exciting?

This is also called a spoiler?
It's not as exciting as the trailer played at the opening ceremony.

It seems that we can only wait for the TV series to start broadcasting.


(End of this chapter)

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