The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1137 The end of the premiere

Chapter 1137 The end of the premiere
The Golden Theater is usually broadcast behind the news broadcast. It is not only the highlight of each TV station in the evening, but also a must-see for ratings.

Many TV stations do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy TV dramas to broadcast during this time, just to attract more viewers and win better ratings.

The ranking of the ratings not only represents the influence of the TV series itself, but also affects the advertising value of the Golden Theater.

For example, some TV stations broadcast bad dramas with few viewers and low ratings. Naturally, the sponsorship fees during this period are also low; The popularity is high, and there are many people who watch it, so the sponsorship fee will naturally be high.

The simplest example is the five David TVs and the rest.

The quality of the TV dramas played by the five David TVs at the Golden Theater is obvious to all, and they will almost win most of the major TV drama awards of the year.

Looking at other satellite TV, in addition to broadcasting some low-cost TV dramas, it is to pick up some other people's broadcasts to broadcast.

Can the sponsorship fee be the same for both parties?

It must be different.

Over time, the audience has also developed a habit. When looking for TV series, they will give priority to the five David TVs, and then choose one of their favorites to watch.

And tonight, countless people have already locked their channels on Beijing Satellite TV and Hunan Satellite TV in advance, just because the TV series with the strongest cast this year is about to be broadcast.

In addition to the popular Xiaohua and the popular Xiaosheng, there is also an actor, three actresses, and a singer. Let alone this year, even if you look at the past ten years, such a cast is quite explosive.

What's more, the TV series is created by the best screenwriter, Lao Xu. Who wouldn't look forward to such a TV series?
At 7:30, the news broadcast ended on time, and the David TV channels also started their own programs.

"Next, please watch the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi"..."

Beijing Satellite TV released a brief trailer, followed by a one-and-a-half-minute commercial.

"It's about to start!" Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie and said.

Xu Jie didn't speak, but nodded slightly, and his palms were already sweating.

Whether the efforts and sweat of the past year have been in vain depends on tonight.

"Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Xu, the ratings have started to rise." The staff turned around and said.

Xu Jie turned his gaze from one screen to another, and saw that on the third-party viewing platform, the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV rose a lot after the end of the news broadcast, temporarily ranking first among all satellite TV channels. Satellite TV came in second.

"It seems that the publicity these days and the launch ceremony just now are effective." Lu Hong said after seeing it.

Xu Jie thought to himself: Tens of millions of publicity expenses have been invested, and the money can't be wasted, can it?

Even if it falls to the ground, it can make a hole.

In fact, what concerned him the most was not the ratings of the first broadcast, but the word-of-mouth of the TV series.

It is conceivable that the ratings are high. With the vigorous publicity before and the participation of so many stars, there must be a lot of people who are curious and looking forward to it.

However, whether such a high ratings can be maintained depends on the audience's comments on the show.

If the audience thinks that the actors' acting skills are online and the plot is very exciting, they will definitely continue to watch, and their word-of-mouth will also become a kind of advertisement, attracting more audiences for the show.

But if the audience thinks that the actors' acting skills are mediocre and the plot is boring and clichéd, not only will they not be able to watch it, but they will also persuade some people who don't have time to watch it tonight, which will lead to a sharp drop in ratings tomorrow.

Therefore, today's audience reputation is the most important, and tomorrow night's ratings are the most important.

Of course, the audience's attitude towards "Legend of Lan Xi" can also be seen from tonight's real-time ratings.

If the ratings of the two episodes tonight are relatively stable or getting higher and higher, it can also reflect the audience's love for the show to a certain extent. If the ratings are getting lower and lower, there may even be episodes two and one If there is a large difference between the episodes, it shows that the audience doesn't like this TV series and directly gave up the second episode.


Xu Jie took a deep breath, and his expression was extremely serious, as if waiting for the judge to pronounce whether he was guilty or not.

With the end of the commercial countdown, "Legend of Lan Xi" finally officially met with the audience.

At this moment, the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV and Hunan Satellite TV both broke 2. Among all the TV dramas and programs broadcast at the same time, they became the only ones, leaving other TV stations far behind.

It broke 2 at the beginning of the broadcast. This kind of ratings has not appeared in TV dramas for many years, and it was also staged in the same TV drama broadcast on two different channels. It has to be amazing.

And with the broadcast of the TV series, the ratings continued to rise. When the first episode was halfway through, the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV first broke 3.

A few minutes later, the ratings of Huxiang Satellite TV also successfully broke through 3.

Four and 10 minutes passed quickly, and the first episode of "Legend of Lan Xi" ended in a blink of an eye.

"2.923, the average ratings of the first episode is 2.923!" The staff said excitedly.

Lu Hong's eyes lit up when he heard it. This should be the first broadcast with the highest ratings among all the TV series broadcast by Beijing Satellite TV this year.

Money is not in vain.

He turned his head to look at Xu Jie at the side, only to find that the other party was looking at his phone with his head down, his eyebrows were still tightly furrowed, and his face looked very serious.

This expression stunned him. Isn't the first broadcast of "Legend of Lan Xi" very good?Why does it look like you are not satisfied?

"Xu Jie, what's wrong with you, aren't you happy?" Lu Hong couldn't help asking, and then stretched his neck to look at the other party's phone screen, wondering what the other party was looking at.

"No." Xu Jie shook his head, and the expression on his face softened, "I'm looking at netizens' comments on "The Legend of Lan Xi."

"How is it? What did the netizens say?" Lu Hong asked.

"Right now there are few comments, and I can't see anything. I think we have to wait until the second episode is over before everyone has time to write comments." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

In fact, he had already started looking for it before the first episode was finished, but there were too few comments and it was of little reference value.

"My daughter thinks it's pretty." Lu Hong picked up the phone, shook it, and said with a smile: "Just now she sent a WeChat message asking me if I know what's going on. She can't wait."

Xu Jie felt that the other party was trying to comfort him, and one person's thoughts could not represent the majority of people, what he wanted to know was the thoughts of the majority of the audience.

No matter how bad the movie is, some people think it looks good, and no matter how good the movie is, some people think it is not good-looking.

Isn't there an old saying?Turnip greens, all have love.

"Legend of Lanxi" is like a dish, at least it must meet the tastes of most people to be considered a good dish, if it only meets the appetite of a small number of people, such a dish will not be able to serve the table.

After the 10-minute commercial ended, the second episode of "Legend of Lan Xi" continued.

At the same time, the ratings, which had just dropped, also rose again, and quickly returned to the level of the second half of the first episode, and even surpassed it after a short period of time, bringing the ratings to a new height.

Seeing this situation, Xu Jie relaxed a little.

The ratings of the second episode are even higher than the first episode, which shows that the audience still recognizes the content of the TV series. Otherwise, so many TV stations are broadcasting TV series, why should they endure the discomfort and continue watching?

If you eat a delicious dish, you naturally want to eat more, but if you eat a bad dish, who wants to eat a second dish?
There are many ways of entertaining these days, if you are unhappy with one, you can change it to another, no one will wrong themselves.

It was past nine o'clock, and the second episode ended.

Seeing the ratings curve that has been floating above 3, Xu Jie finally showed a smile on his tense face.

"3.355, the second episode is much higher than the first episode..." Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie excitedly, and said happily: "It seems that your TV series is popular."

Generally speaking, if the ratings of a TV series can reach about 2.5, it means that it is already popular, and there can be more than a dozen of such TV series every year; and if the ratings can break through 3, it means that it is a popular TV series , There can be a few TV shows every year; if it can break 4, it will definitely be a phenomenal TV series, and it may not be possible to have one in a few years.

The combined ratings of the first two episodes of "Legend of Lanxi" have already exceeded 3, which means that it has the potential to become a popular TV series.

Why do you say it has potential?
Because it only aired two episodes, for a seventy-episode TV series, this is just the beginning, and it will take time to test it.

After all, whether it is a TV series or a variety show, the ratings of the first broadcast are generally high.

And the vast majority of TV dramas have the problem of anticlimactic, so it is hard to say whether it can become a big hit, everything depends on its performance later.

"I hope its ratings can always be maintained at this level." Xu Jie said.

"Legend of Lan Xi" gathers so many movie stars and queens, if it can't become a big hit, then it's his screenwriter's problem.

"I'm sure it will be possible." Lu Hong stretched out his hand and patted Xu Jie's shoulder, cheering him up.

"Editor Lu, if I have nothing else to do, I'll go home." Xu Jie stood up, ready to leave, after sitting all night, his butt hurts.

"Well, you have worked hard tonight, go back and have a good rest." Lu Hong said with concern.

In fact, in his opinion, since the other party has already sold the TV series, they don't have to care so much about the ratings and word-of-mouth of the TV series.

And the other party's current performance just shows that the other party is a responsible person.

He likes such people.

Xu Jie left the satellite TV program center, and just took the elevator to the first floor of the TV station when his cell phone rang.

He took it out and looked at the caller ID. It was the number of Dong Xiaoli from Huxiang Satellite TV, so he connected the call.

"Editor Dong, good evening, haven't you rested yet?" Xu Jie said as he walked out of the gate quickly and went straight to the parking lot.

"No, I just left the TV station." Dong Xiaoli said.

"Coincidentally, I just left the TV station." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Oh? Really? It seems that you already know the ratings of "Legend of Lan Xi". Your Beijing Satellite TV has been occupying the first place in the ratings list. Congratulations." Dong Xiaoli said after hearing it.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. Hearing the tone of the other party's words, he seemed a little unbalanced, so he comforted him: "That's because I invested more in publicity in the capital area, otherwise I don't know if the number one in the ratings list tonight is Who, I watched the opening ceremony broadcasted by your Huxiang Satellite TV, it was so exciting, if it weren't for the fact that I have a few queens and movie kings sitting here, I would definitely lose to you."

When Dong Xiaoli heard this, she immediately felt much more comfortable.

In fact, she was not dissatisfied. After all, the ratings of Huxiang Satellite TV are also very high, and the other party also told her about the opening ceremony of Beijing Satellite TV. It will be even worse.

She was just a little jealous, jealous that Beijing TV had Xu Jie.

"Mr. Xu, don't be humble. I also watched the opening ceremony of your director. To be honest, it is better than the opening ceremony of our Huxiang Satellite TV. Fortunately, we are promoting the same TV series. Otherwise, our Huxiang Satellite TV could not It’s a miserable loss.” Dong Xiaoli sighed after finishing speaking.

Just looking at Huxiang Satellite TV's TV ratings tonight is enough to make her happy for a long time, because the big drama at the end of the year is the right bet, but when she thinks that Beijing Satellite TV will broadcast it again, and the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV are higher than Huxiang Satellite TV, she feels in her heart It's a little unbalanced.

"It doesn't matter what wins or loses. Let's make progress together." Xu Jie said.

For Lu Hong and Dong Xiaoli, there is a winner or loser in ratings, but for him, there is no one who wins, only a win-win situation.

"Haha, Mr. Xu, you will say, by the way, what do you think of tonight's premiere?" Dong Xiaoli asked.

"Well, it's a good start. I'm also very satisfied with the ratings. As for whether it will continue to be popular, it depends on the ratings performance tomorrow and the day after tomorrow..."

Xu Jie briefly stated his true thoughts, and he didn't brag-force or talk big just because the premiere was very good.

In his opinion, now is not the time to brag. It won’t be too late to brag after all the TV dramas are broadcast. At that time, there will be achievements. No matter how he brags, everyone else has to stand at attention and listen obediently. Now... ...easy to be slapped in the face.

He doesn't want to be slapped in the face, he just wants to slap someone in the face.

Dong Xiaoli nodded as she listened, but she was a little surprised that the other party could keep a calm mind despite the popularity of the first broadcast.

Perhaps, this is called being prepared for danger in times of peace.

She likes to work with such a person, because the cautious attitude of the other party will greatly reduce the risks she takes.

Compared with those who only know how to talk all day long, such people have a higher chance of producing excellent works, because the other party spends their energy on the works instead of hype.

Celebrities depend on hype, but works still depend on quality. If the quality is not good enough, no matter how hyped it is, it will still be bad. It will not become a good dish just because it is fried.

It's hard to imagine that the other party is still so young.

Fortunately, the other party is now the general manager of Jingshi Culture, not the producer of Jingcheng TV Station. Otherwise, other TV stations will have no chance to stand up in the future.


(End of this chapter)

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