The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1138 The God in the TV Circle

Chapter 1138 The God in the TV Circle
When Xu Jie returned home, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Su Yun was still awake and had been waiting for him.

"How's the premiere going?" Su Yun took the coat off from her husband, her face full of concern.

She knew that her husband had always attached great importance to the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi", and also knew that her husband had paid a lot for this TV series, so she also became nervous, worried that the ratings of "Legend of Lan Xi" would not be as expected.

"The ratings of the first episode were around 2.9, and the ratings of the second episode broke 3, which is almost as expected." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Because there are movie kings and actresses in the show, and the promotion of the TV series is in place, so he predicted that the ratings of the premiere would reach 2.8 before the show even started.

The fact is the same, and it is higher than what he predicted, so judging from the ratings, the premiere of "Legend of Lan Xi" is still a success.

"is it?"

Su Yun's eyes lit up, a smile appeared on her face, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, no hips!

After hanging up her coat, she put her arms around her husband and said happily, "Husband, congratulations, you have created another blockbuster."

Popular food shows, popular variety shows, and now there is another popular TV series, which is simply a god in the TV circle, as long as everything related to TV is all popular.

"Thank you, wife." Xu Jie responded with a hug. "However, it's hard to say whether it's a blockbuster or not. We'll have to wait until tomorrow night's ratings come out and see how many viewers follow."

It is normal for a TV series to have high ratings for one or two episodes. There must be a lot of viewers who watched the first and last episodes, but this does not mean that a TV series is popular. Only a high overall ratings are really popular.

"I've watched both episodes, which are more exciting than Lovers in Time and Space. I also read some netizens' comments on the Internet. Generally speaking, everyone still likes it very much. I believe that tomorrow's ratings will definitely be very good. "Su Yun said confidently, mainly to comfort her husband.

"Thank you." Xu Jie hugged him and kissed him.

The TV series has already started broadcasting, and it's too late to re-edit it now. All he can do is to quietly wait for the ratings of tomorrow night.

Tomorrow night's ratings are the true portrayal of the future of this TV series.

"I've been tired all day, go take a bath, the water has been put away." Su Yun said thoughtfully.


Xu Jie nodded, and then walked to the bathroom.

He took off his clothes and slowly lay down in the bathtub.

Streams of water hit his body, making Xu Jie, who was tired all day, feel very comfortable. He closed his eyes and enjoyed it for a while, as if he suddenly thought of something, he immediately reached out and picked up his mobile phone from the side, and began to check online. Comments on Biography of Lan Xi.

Before, there were few comments about netizens on the Internet. It was because everyone was watching and had no time to write comments. Now it has been more than an hour since "Legend of Lan Xi" ended, and netizens should have finished writing comments.

When he entered Weibo and searched for content about "The Legend of Lan Xi", there were indeed many comments, much more than before.

"The actresses in "Legend of Lan Xi" are so beautiful, Liu Jiaman's atmosphere, Liu Qing's agility, Ding Mengni's freshness...the spring of costume dramas is finally here, just look at these looks, sisters who like costume dramas Absolutely not to be missed."

"The actress Liu Jiaman appeared on the small screen for the first time. I thought it was just a cameo like in "Lovers in Time and Space". I didn't expect it to be the protagonist. It is so worth looking forward to."

"I heard that this "Legend of Lan Xi" is based on "Lover in Time and Space". I didn't get enough of "Lovers in Time and Space" at the beginning. This time I can finally feast my eyes."

"The appearance is online, the acting skills are online, and the plot is online. I would like to call "The Legend of Lan Xi" this year's must-watch TV series. There is no one. Whoever does not watch will regret it."

"Being able to attract so many actors and actresses to star in later, one can imagine how exciting it is, and I have already begun to look forward to the development of the following plot."


Xu Jie read many articles in a row, and most of them were positive, which made him feel much more comfortable.

Of course, there are also some different voices...

"It's another Gongdou drama. It was already badly filmed a few years ago. Why is there still someone filming it? Is there nothing else to film?"

"Where's Hu Jing? Where's Jiang Liwen? Why didn't you see it? Isn't this false propaganda?"

"Why isn't the male lead Old Xu???"

"Using Fang Yi as the hero is definitely the biggest failure of the show. He is a traffic star, and he can't handle a role like the emperor at all."

"No Su Yun, bad review!"


The reasons for everyone's bad reviews can be said to be various.

At the beginning, Xu Jie took the bad reviews very seriously, even more than the positive ones. However, after looking through a few pages, he found that most of the bad reviews were unreasonable, so he didn’t take the bad reviews seriously. .

Turnip greens, all have love.

Some people just don't like to eat garlic, and feel that the taste of garlic is unpleasant. What can be done?

no way!

Just as Xu Jie continued to read netizens' comments, the door of the bathroom suddenly opened, and Su Yun walked in from outside wearing a pink pajamas.

She came to the edge of the bath and sat down, putting her ten fingers on Xu Jie's shoulders and gently squeezing.

After just a few strokes, Xu Jie completely lost the idea of ​​continuing to read drama reviews. Excited, he threw his phone aside, and then stretched out his hand to hug his wife into the bathtub...

To hell with the critics.


the next day.

Xu Jie did not go to Beijing TV Station, but came to Beijing TV Culture to work as usual. As for the Beijing TV Station, it would not be too late to go after get off work in the evening.

"Good morning Mr. Xu!"

As soon as Xu Jie entered the gate, he saw Yang Xiuyan and Zhao Xiaoying standing inside the front desk greeting him loudly, with sweet smiles on their faces.

Xu Jie could tell something was wrong at a glance. The smiles on the faces of the two women seemed to be courteous for nothing. They must have something to ask him, otherwise they wouldn't need to say hello so loudly.

Do you want to ask for leave?

No, ordinary employees don't need to go directly to him, the general manager, when they ask for leave.

Based on the principle that more things are worse than less things, he pretended not to notice and walked directly towards the elevator.

Yang Xiuyan and Zhao Xiaoying saw it, and immediately walked out from the front desk, standing in front of Xu Jie from left to right.

"President Xu, don't leave in a hurry." Yang Xiuyan said.

"Mr. Xu, why are you ignoring us? Are you dissatisfied with our work?" Zhao Xiaoying asked suspiciously.

Xu Jie glanced at the two of them, and then said: "Okay, don't pretend, if you have anything to say, hurry up, I'm busy."

Yang Xiuyan and Zhao Xiaoying were slightly taken aback, and then both showed embarrassing expressions, obviously they didn't expect to be exposed so soon.

The two turned their heads to look at each other, neither of them was embarrassed to say it, and they both wanted the other to say it, so they just looked at me and you for a long time, but still no one spoke.

As soon as Xu Jie looked at the situation, he knew that there must be nothing good, and no one would be willing to speak up about good things, so he said impatiently: "Don't tell me, right? If you don't tell me, I'm leaving."

After speaking, he made a gesture to leave.

"Say, I'll say!" Zhao Xiaoying couldn't hold back at first, hesitated and said: "Mr. Xu, I watched "The Legend of Lan Xi" last night. It was very good. It was really good. We are all our own people. You can’t show me the samples first, I promise not to tell anyone else, I swear!”

"Me too!" Yang Xiuyan echoed, and at the same time raised her hands, fingers soaring to the sky, and swore.

Xu Jie looked at the two people and thought it was something, but he wanted to read the content behind "The Legend of Lan Xi".

Hehe, how is that possible?

"I advise you two to give up this idea as soon as possible. I didn't even show it to my wife. Will I show it to you? It's better to just stay in front of the TV and watch it." Xu Jie left after speaking.

Yang Xiuyan and Zhao Xiaoying looked at Mr. Xu's back with depression written all over their faces.

"I just said that Mr. Xu would definitely not show it to us, but you don't believe me, what's the matter, you got a bad nose?" Zhao Xiaoying looked at Yang Xiuyan beside her and said, her words were full of resentment.

"How can you blame me? Don't you also want to see it? Besides, who didn't hold back just now and asked Mr. Xu for a sample? Isn't it you?" Yang Xiuyan said unconvinced.

"I, I did it for you." Zhao Xiaoying retorted.

"Come on, who is it that dragged me to talk about "The Legend of Lan Xi" as soon as I came here in the morning?" Yang Xiuyan said as she walked towards the front desk.


Zhao Xiaoying opened her mouth, then closed it again, thinking: I won't mention it tomorrow morning, let's see how long you can bear it.

Xu Jie returned to the office, put away his coat and briefcase, and then left the office, ready to go around various departments.

Perhaps because of the end of the year, many employees have been a little impetuous recently. The departments with more tasks are doing better, and the departments with less work are obviously more relaxed than usual.

This kind of work attitude is not acceptable.

The company is now on the fast track of development. Going to work to fish at this time is blocking the company's progress.

Xu Jie first came to the creative department. The sketches for the Spring Festival Gala of China TV and the five David TVs had already been selected, but there was still a period of time before the review, so he asked the selected people to continue to polish the script and strive to make the sketches better.

As for those who were not selected, they were the ones he checked.

Xu Jie gently pushed open the door of the creative department, and an employee who was about to go out was about to greet him, but he stopped him immediately.

The employee swallowed a mouthful of spit, and in the end he didn't dare to say anything, and quickly slipped away.

Xu Jie glanced at the office area, half of the people came, some were writing, some were eating breakfast, and some were chatting.

He calmly came to the back of a workstation surrounded by many people, and curiously looked at what everyone was looking at, the discussion was so intense.

I saw a costume drama playing on the computer screen, it was "The Legend of Lan Xi" that was broadcast last night.

Because the online broadcast rights of "Legend of Lan Xi" have been sold, it can be watched on the video website now, but it will be updated on the video website after 12 o'clock in the evening after the TV station broadcasts two episodes The finished two episodes, and only website members can watch.

There are still a few minutes until eight o'clock, that is to say, "Legend of Lan Xi" has been launched on the video site for less than eight hours, but the number of popular broadcasts displayed on the webpage has already reached more than 50 times.

Xu Jie doesn't know much about TV dramas broadcasting on video sites, but he thinks more than 50 times should be considered a lot.

And this is just the beginning, there may be more during the day.

"Liu Qing's style is my favorite, it's so pretty." Said a male employee.

"Ding Mengni is also good, she looks gentle and quiet." Another male employee said.

"Liu Qing and Ding Mengni are beautiful, but they are far behind Liu Jiaman. Look at Liu Yinghou's aura, and kill everyone as soon as she comes out." After a female employee finished speaking, there was still a look of admiration on her face. expression.

"You men only like young ones, they don't have any connotations at all, hum!" Another female employee who is over thirty said coldly.

"Chen Yue, you are jealous, naked jealousy, who doesn't like youth? Don't you women also desire youth?" The male employee who said he liked Ding Mengni retorted.

"Hmph, don't impose your thoughts on me, I..." The female employee turned her head at this point, and was about to have a good debate, but when she saw Xu Jie standing behind the crowd, her face suddenly changed. Changed, hurriedly saluted and said: "Mr. Xu!"

Mr. Xu?
When the others heard this, they all turned their heads to look. When they saw Mr. Xu, they all stopped arguing. They all stood at attention and said hello again and again.

"Morning Mr. Xu!"

"Hello, Mr. Xu!"

"Mr. Xu..."

Xu Jie Xu Jie looked at these people in front of him, and said lightly: "Why don't you hate me? I haven't heard enough."

"No, we didn't fight each other, just discuss, discuss the plot, right?" The male employee who liked Liu Qing finished speaking and looked at the people beside him.

"Yes, yes!" The others nodded repeatedly.

Xu Jie rolled his eyes, and said seriously: "If you have time to fight each other, why don't you go back and think about the book. People in the TV drama department have been resting since they finished filming "Legend of Lan Xi". big responsibility."

When everyone heard this, they all lowered their heads and dared not speak.

What is the original intention of establishing the creative department?
It's just to focus on big things.

Bring all the screenwriters of the company together, compete with each other, learn from each other, and come up with good works for the TV program department, TV drama department, and film department to produce.

Whenever a department is idle, it is because they have not done their work properly.

Why are the people in the TV drama department resting?Is it because their creative department has been unable to come up with a good script?

Xu Jie glanced around the office area and continued: "What I need is someone who can contribute to the company. If a person can't make any contribution to the company, then there is no need for him to stay here. .”

He felt that he was too tolerant of the employees in the creative department before, which led some employees to develop a sloppy work attitude, and this attitude is easily contagious and affects the work of others.

He felt that it was necessary to wind up some people in the creative department to make them tense up, and not affect the overall situation of the company's development because of some people.

Under his command, he does not support idlers!

(End of this chapter)

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