Chapter 1139 The Second Night

The employees of the creative department sat carefully at their workstations. Everyone was terrified and did not dare to make a sound, for fear of becoming the object of Mr. Xu's attention.

No one knows why Mr. Xu, who has always been approachable and approachable, suddenly became so serious today, but everyone knows that it is absolutely impossible to imagine working here in the same way as before.

Hearing the movement, the person in charge of the creative department came out of the office. After seeing the general manager with a serious expression, he immediately walked over with a feeling of apprehension. At the same time, he looked at the surrounding employees suspiciously, wondering what happened , How dare to make Mr. Xu angry.

However, everyone seemed to be frightened, and no one responded to him.

"Mr. Xu, what happened?" Qian Cheng asked in a low voice, full of doubts at the same time.

Because of the work content, the working environment in the creative department has always been relaxed. It is common to watch movies and watch videos at work.

Some people even play games and do handicrafts to relax or exercise concentration.

Creation, you can only find inspiration in the state that suits you best.

It is also because of this that he seldom manages what the employees do, as long as they can complete the prescribed tasks, which also makes the creative department very loose in terms of discipline.

'Is Mr. Xu dissatisfied with this kind of work status? '

he thinks.

However, everyone used to be like this, and I didn't see Mr. Xu say anything.

"Nothing." Xu Jie withdrew his gaze, looked at Qian Cheng and said, "Minister Qian, I am going to formulate a point system for your creative department. I will score everyone's works and be selected to be made into programs, movies, and TV dramas." Works will get extra points, those with high points will be rewarded, and those with the lowest points will be dismissed by the company if they don’t make any contribution to the company..."

What is this called?
Not only Qian Cheng was stunned, but all the employees in the office area were stunned.



No one thought that the situation would be so serious.

A few years ago, the dismissal would have been dismissed, just to be able to get some compensation.

However, now, Jingshi Culture is one of the companies with the best prospects and the best treatment in this industry. If you are fired like this, no matter how much compensation you get, it will be a huge loss, because it is not compensation at all. How much gold matters.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw deep worry and anxiety in each other's eyes, fearing that they would be fired by the company and lose such a good job.

Nowadays, it is not easy to find a job that suits you, and it is even more difficult to find a job that suits you and pays well.

Of course, there are some people who are very happy, because they can get more rewards through this point system, and with Mr. Xu's previous style, this reward is likely to be a bonus.

Who can't get along with money?

"Mr. Xu, when will this point system be implemented?" Qian Cheng asked with concern.

Although he is the head of the creative department, he also has a sense of crisis at this moment. If he falls behind other employees in the points ranking, how can he manage others in the future?Will others still obey him?

In fact, the so-called point system is to speak for the works. Whoever has excellent works can get more rewards. In other words, whoever does not have a good work will be eliminated.

Xu Jie thought for a while and replied: "This year is almost over, let's start next year. Of course, you can also start preparing for next year from now. After all, the more time you have to create this kind of thing, the better. As for the specific rules , I will discuss with the HR department to come up with a fair and just points system with rewards and punishments."

Many people breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought: Fortunately, it will start next year. If it starts this year, I will definitely be fired.

Xu Jie noticed everyone's expressions, so he continued: "If any of you want to continue working here for a year with the idea that you can cheat a year's salary, I guarantee that such people will not be found in this industry in the future." Work……"

Everyone shuddered after hearing this, and the nerves that had been relaxed just now became tense again.

No one would doubt Mr. Xu's words, because Mr. Xu is a bigwig in this industry, even if he is a competitor, he has to give some face. No one would want to offend such a person.

After all, competition is a market behavior, while offending is a personal behavior.

"Of course, if someone can't bear such pressure, I welcome her to resign or change jobs. At that time, I will definitely write beautiful comments on his proof, because I like people who are self-aware." Xu Jie said, his face He finally showed a smile.

However, to the employees present, this smile seemed like a tiger with a smile on their faces. It seemed that they were a little gloating, and they wished they would resign quickly.

That's right, if the creative department leaves, anyone can continue to work on it. After all, Jingshi Culture itself has developed to the present through Mr. Xu's own efforts.

In the development process of Beijing Television Culture, whether it is a program or a sketch, the creative department can only be regarded as an assistant, and Mr. Xu is the real ADC.

"Is there anything else you don't understand?" Xu Jie looked at everyone and asked.


There was silence in the office area.

What can I not understand?
It is because they understand too well that no one dares to speak, not even to breathe.

Everyone knows that Mr. Xu came here with a knife today, and no one would stretch his neck over at this time.

"Very good, I hope everyone can continue to work hard, I look forward to seeing more excellent works, and I also look forward to seeing some of you win awards such as the best screenwriter, well, that's all for today, I will go to other The department is going around, I wish you all a happy life."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he turned and left.

Everyone looked at Mr. Xu's back and thought: It is impossible to have a happy life, and it is impossible to have a happy life next year.

Xu Jie went to other departments, but there were not many people in these departments.

People from the TV program department are filming the fourth season of "Ordinary Courage" outside. People from the film department haven't come back for a long time. People from the TV drama department go to various sets to help, and the performance department is now the busiest time of the year... …

Jingshi Culture does not lack business now, but what it lacks is high-quality business.

What is boutique business?Just good content.

For example, a good movie script, a good TV drama script, a good program planning and so on.

In Xu Jie's view, how far Beijing Television Culture can go in the future and what heights it can reach is not determined by him, but by the creative department.

What he can do is to grasp the direction and prevent the company from deviating from the original track.

Just like a car, how far it can go depends on how much electricity and gas it has, and he is just a driver. Even if he can go forward by himself, it is at most a bicycle, and it depends on everyone to be a car.

Xu Jie returned to his office. Just as his butt touched the chair, the phone rang.

It's Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's phone number.

No need to ask, it must be a good news to him.

what hi?

Last night's ratings!

Xu Jie answered the phone, pretended to be very concerned, and asked, "Editor Lu, did the ratings of "Legend of Lan Xi" come out last night?"

"Come out, come out, I'm just telling you about it, it's similar to what we saw last night, the ratings of the first episode of "Legend of Lan Xi" were 2.912, and the ratings of the second episode were 3.432, which are better than watching It's higher." Lu Hong said happily.

The TV dramas broadcast by Beijing TV Station are all in charge of a special purchasing department, and this time "Legend of Lan Xi" was purchased under his interference, so it has been under a lot of pressure. Now seeing "Legend of Lan Xi" With such a high ratings, he was relieved.

"You don't know, as soon as I went to work today, the TV station received a lot of hotline calls, all asking about the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi", some asked if there could be more episodes, and some asked if they could replay during the day , and those who asked about the plot later, it is also very good from the market feedback." Lu Hong continued.

Xu Jie didn't take it seriously after hearing it, thinking: Those who can call the hotline to inquire must like to watch it, and those who don't like to watch it will not call the hotline.

He'd been a phone editor for a while when he was at TV, so he knew it pretty well.

"I hope tonight's ratings will be as good as last night." Xu Jie said.

His expectations for the ratings of the third and fourth episodes are not high, as long as they can be the same as last night, as for exceeding, he does not dare to expect so extravagantly for the time being, after all, the desire has to be realized bit by bit.

If tonight's ratings can be the same as last night, it's not too late to look forward to higher ratings.

"Don't worry, it will. Have you noticed that the premiere of "Legend of Lan Xi" has become a trending topic?" Lu Hong said with a smile, he was quite optimistic.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, and immediately turned on the computer after realizing it.

He went to check his work after he came to the company, and he hadn't had time to pay attention to "Legend of Lan Xi", so he didn't know about the hot search.

The most important thing is that he didn't spend money on hot searches.

In order to increase the popularity of some TV dramas when they start broadcasting, they will take the initiative to use money to buy hot searches and increase the attention of TV dramas. This is also a way of publicity.

However, Xu Jie has always wanted to see the real ratings of "Legend of Lanxi", so he didn't do any promotion for "Legend of Lanxi" after it started broadcasting.

If it were any other TV series, it should have been a hot search when it finished playing last night.

He opened the website and found the premiere topic of "Legend of Lan Xi" in the hot search, and it was ranked No.3, which is quite high.

As for the hotly discussed content, it is basically the same as what I saw last night.

This is the star effect.

With so many celebrities starring, the fan base alone is huge. Even if one out of ten fans praises the beauty of their idol, it is enough to make "Legend of Lan Xi" rush into the trending searches.

However, film and television dramas with many stars are a very big test for screenwriters.

Because once a film and television drama is not good, the audience usually won’t say that the star’s performance is not good, but will only scold the scriptwriter for the poor writing, so many stars can’t save the ratings.

There was a sudden knock on the door outside the office.

"Come in!" Xu Jie said loudly, clutching his phone.


The door opened and it was Wang Yunjie, the vice president.

Xu Jie pointed to the chair in front of him, motioning for him to sit down.

He chatted briefly with Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu before hanging up the phone.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at Wang Yunjie and asked.

"Mr. Xu, the promotional draft of "The Legend of Lan Xi" has been prepared. When do you think it will be released?" Wang Yunjie asked.

Although the broadcast rights of "Legend of Lan Xi" have been sold, the publicity will continue. This is not only an after-sales service, but also an opportunity to promote the production company.

Today's audiences not only choose actors, but also the production company behind them.

Some production companies have produced many excellent film and television dramas, so as long as they are produced by this company, old audiences will watch them.

Xu Jie wanted to build Beijing TV Culture into such a company, a company that has weight in the hearts of the audience. Whenever the audience sees a TV series produced by Beijing TV Culture, they will have very high expectations.

As the old saying goes: the shadow of a famous tree.

The same is true in business.

Just like brand-name products, when you see this brand, you know that this product is good. His goal is to build Jingshi Culture into such a brand company.

"Wait, don't worry." Xu Jie thought for a while and said, "We'll talk about tonight's ratings."

"Legend of Lan Xi" has just finished its premiere, and we don't know its real ratings for the time being. If there is a lot of publicity for the TV series at this time, there will inevitably be certain risks.

The current viewers are not stupid. Seeing that the ratings of the first broadcast were so high, but the ratings became so low the next day, they would naturally understand what was going on.

At that time, not only will it not add points to the TV series, but it may backfire and give a bad impression to some viewers who want to watch.

It's better to wait until the ratings are stable before blowing it up. At that time, even black fans can only moan helplessly in front of the real ratings.

"Alright Mr. Xu." Wang Yunjie then put another stack of documents on the desk, "Mr. Xu, this is a contract that needs to be signed by you. Please read it over."

"Well, put it here for now, come and pick it up at noon." Xu Jie said.

"Alright Mr. Xu!" Wang Yunjie exited the office.

The day passed quickly, and it was so fast that there was still a lot of work to be done before getting off work.

However, the pyramids are not piled up in a day, and the work cannot be completed in a day, so when it is time to get off work, you have to get off work, and don't do indifferent struggles.

Xu Jie left the company and came to the TV station, had a meal with deputy editor-in-chief Lu, and then came to the editing room.

Compared with last night, Xu Jie is more nervous tonight.

Because in the ratings of the whole TV series, the third and fourth episodes are the most real ratings.

Tonight's ratings are really good, tonight's ratings are low, no matter how high the ratings of last night's first broadcast are, it will be a cloud.


(End of this chapter)

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