Chapter 1140 Stable!

A [-]-second commercial ended, and the third episode of "Legend of Lan Xi" officially started.

In the editing room, Xu Jie, who was originally sitting, stood up at some point, staring intently at the real-time ratings on the screen, his eyes full of concern.

And with the beating of the ratings curve, the ratings for the third episode of "Legend of Lan Xi" have also been announced.



At this time, a hand was placed on Xu Jie's shoulder.

"How about it, should you feel relieved now?" Lu Hong asked with a smile.

This was the first time he saw the other party so nervous. Even when "The Legend of Lan Xi" premiered last night, he never saw the other party so concerned and anxious.

When a new TV series starts broadcasting, everyone values ​​the ratings of the first broadcast, and only the other party pays so much attention to the ratings of the second day.

Perhaps, this is where the other party is different.

If the other party is like others, it may not be as good as it is now.

"En." Xu Jie nodded after hearing this, and a relieved smile appeared on his tense face.

The audience rating of 2.827 has surpassed yesterday's performance in the same period. This shows that after watching the first two episodes, the audience is very appreciative of "Legend of Lan Xi". It will be so high that even Huxiang Satellite TV's ratings have reached 2.781.

You must know that under normal circumstances, the ratings of a TV series on the second day will be much lower than the ratings on the first day, even for many very popular TV series.

It was 2.827 at the beginning, so in the next four or ten minutes, the ratings will definitely get higher and higher, that is to say, the average ratings of the third episode should be higher than 10 if there is no accident, maybe it will exceed The ratings of the two episodes yesterday.

Soon, the ratings curve jumped again, and after only one minute passed, the ratings increased again, becoming 1...

Such a change is a good sign for tonight, and even for the whole "Legend of Lan Xi".

If we were not sure whether "Legend of Lanxi" will be a hit yesterday, then looking at today's ratings, Xu Jie can be sure that "Legend of Lanxi" will definitely be popular.

It's no wonder that such follow-up ratings are not popular.

"Xu Jie, when will the next TV series start shooting, I will make an advance reservation with you." Lu Hong said.

With the other party's work attitude, he believed that JingTV Culture's next TV series would definitely not be too bad.

In addition to variety shows, the Golden Theater in the evening is also a must for David TV.

However, it is not easy to predict whether a TV series will become popular. It is not a TV series with many stars, nor is it a TV series with a large investment.

Before the TV series started broadcasting, no one could guess the result. Many TV stations were betting on the wrong thing, and there were even cases where they stopped broadcasting urgently before the show was over and switched to other TV series.

Therefore, buying TV series can also be seen as a gamble.

If you make the right bet, you won't have to worry about ratings for a month, but if you make a wrong bet, not only will the ratings become a problem, but it will even become a target for the audience to vent.

"What kind of broken TV station even broadcasts this kind of bad TV series, is this charging money?"

Anyway, it was all a gamble, and he was more willing to bet on Xu Jie, who would make the other party his lucky general?
"The project has not yet been approved, but with the good start of "Legend of Lan Xi", our company's TV drama department will definitely put the second one on the agenda. If there is no accident, it will be launched next year. You can't go back on your word."

Xu Jie took it seriously.

For a TV series, the most difficult thing is to get stars. Now that there are satellite TV channels, it is equivalent to solving his worries. What else is there to worry about?

Let go and shoot!

"Haha, you can rest assured about this. We will definitely buy Beijing Satellite TV. We are afraid that other TV stations will pay high prices. You will not be able to resist the temptation to sell the TV series to other TV stations." Lu Hong also has his own worries.

Especially in the past six months, seeing the other party getting closer and closer to other TV stations made him feel a sense of crisis in his heart. You must know that the other four David TV stations are all rich owners. Xu Jie, for the sake of the company's performance, there is no guarantee that the other party will not be tempted.

Although JingTV Culture is a company under Jingcheng TV Station, there is no rule that the programs and TV series produced by Beijing TV Culture must be sold to Jingcheng TV Station.

Since it is a company, it naturally aims to make profits. Under the market economy, it is a normal business phenomenon that the price is higher, and no one can say anything.

Even if the head of the station came, he would support it. It must be that Beijing Television Culture is generating income for Beijing TV Station.

The current Beijing TV Culture is no longer a company that can barely survive by relying on Beijing TV Station.

Whether it is in the variety show market or in the duration of film and television dramas, Jingshi Culture is a favorite in China.

Even he had to put down his figure.

"It's simple. At that time, Beijing Satellite TV will also pay a high price. Anyway, our Beijing TV Culture's revenue will eventually be turned over to the TV station. You give it to me, and I will give it to you. We will recycle ourselves." Xu Jie joked Said.

At the same time, I am also expressing one thing: it is impossible to buy something from me at a low price.


Lu Hong was speechless.

What a good inner loop.

It seems that Xiao Xu at the beginning has completely turned into a businessman now.

While speaking, the ratings of "Legend of Lan Xi" has broken 3, reaching 3.121, and it has only been on the air for less than 10 minutes.

If the current trend continues, by the end of this episode, it is possible that the ratings will surpass the first episode, or even the second episode.

Four 10 minutes passed quickly.

With the ratings of the last minute released, the ratings of the third episode were fixed at 1.

Although it is not as good as the second episode played yesterday, it is much higher than the first episode.

"Editor Lu, it's getting late, I'm going home first." Xu Jie looked at Lu Hong and said.

Lu Hong was slightly taken aback, and asked suspiciously, "Leave now? Isn't there another episode?"

It's all here, how about waiting until the two episodes are over before leaving?Don't you even want to wait for forty minutes?

"It is enough to know how many people are watching the third episode tonight. As for the fourth episode, the ratings will only be higher." Xu Jie said confidently.

For those viewers who have already watched the third episode, it is natural that they will finish watching the fourth episode within [-] minutes, and for those who have just returned home from overtime work, although they have not been able to watch the third episode, they still have to watch it. Episode [-] is always better than watching other dramas too.

How do you say that?I would rather eat a bite of fairy peach than a basket of rotten apricots.

The big deal is to watch the third episode on the video website tomorrow.

Lu Hong didn't expect the other party to be so confident all of a sudden. Thinking about the other party's nervousness before, the change is too fast, right?
But in contrast, he prefers the current Xiao Xu, because it will also make him relax.

"Well, go back and have a good rest. I will notify you as soon as the ratings are up tomorrow." Lu Hong looked at the other party and said.

Anyway, I can't stay.

"Then I will trouble Editor-in-Chief Lu, goodbye." Xu Jie waved at the other party, and then left the editorial room.

When he walked out of the TV station, he immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to the deputy general manager Wang Yunjie.

"It's time to send out the publicity draft."

After a few seconds, a reply is received.

"Yes, Mr. Xu!"


early morning.

Xu Jie got up early to make breakfast for his wife, and after sending her to the nanny's car, he drove to the company unhurriedly.

After watching the ratings of the third episode of "The Legend of Lan Xi", his heart that had been hanging on him finally fell to the ground. Not only did he lose the pressure in his heart, but he also felt a lot more relaxed.

When he arrived at the company, the first thing he did was to turn on the computer and check the information about "Legend of Lan Xi".

Compared with yesterday, more people commented on "The Legend of Lan Xi".

Many of them are very well-known film and television bloggers, and their comments are not just one or two sentences, but long articles, with text and pictures, and they praise "The Legend of Lanxi" from every angle. In short, it is four One word: highly recommended.

Moreover, the topic of "Legend of Lan Xi" also rushed to the hot search again, and this time it came to the second place, which is one place higher than yesterday.

Obviously, Wang Yunjie's propaganda had an effect.

Today, he can fully withstand these compliments, because the ratings of "Legend of Lan Xi" are there, and this is his confidence.

After he got home last night, he deliberately checked. None of the TV series broadcast by David TV this year had a rating of 3.

That is to say, if there is no accident, this record will be broken by "Legend of Lan Xi".

With high ratings and high word-of-mouth, the next thing is to see if it can win the major TV drama awards next year.

If you can get a few, the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi" will be perfect, and as the production company, Jingshi Culture can also completely establish its reputation in the TV drama circle.

Only with works and awards can one stand firm in the circle, and stand up straight when discussing cooperation with others.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Just when Xu Jie was immersed in the bright future of Beijing TV culture, the cell phone rang suddenly.

This time will not be deputy editor-in-chief Lu, because the ratings will not come out so early.

When he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and saw the caller ID, his brows immediately raised.

Liu Qing?

Xu Jie started to have a headache.

There are at least a hundred artists he has worked with, and they have always kept in touch with each other, and the relationship is also good, but if you want to find someone among these people that he doesn't want to work with again, it is definitely Liu Qing.

Because other artists just want to get the resources in her hands, but this woman actually wants to get him, how vicious her intentions are!
He wanted to hang up, but based on what he knew about this woman, the other party would definitely continue to call her. If she couldn't get through, she might even call her directly.

So after weighing it up, he finally connected the phone.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked directly, so as to end the call after finishing speaking.

"Huh? Listening to your tone, why do you seem unhappy? Did you encounter any troubles? Tell me, maybe I can help you solve it." Liu Qing's concerned tone came from the microphone.

Xu Jie thought to himself: If you can solve the troubles that I can't solve, can you solve them?boast!
"I'm not unhappy, and I'm not in trouble," Xu Jie said.

"Could it be that you've been under a lot of pressure recently? Where are you? I'll help you relax and make you happy." Liu Qing said with a smile.

Xu Jie had black lines on his face.

Is this something a woman should say?
It is said that women chase men with interlayer gauze, but now it seems that there is no gauze, so they just go into battle naked.

"No, I'm very happy now, if you have anything to say, hurry up, I have a meeting here soon." Xu Jie became a little impatient.

"It's okay, I can wait for you." Liu Qing said indifferently.

"Are you okay or not? I'll hang up if I'm fine." Xu Jie said seriously.

"If there is something to say, there is really one thing, but it's not a big deal, I just want to ask you about the ratings of "Legend of Lan Xi"." Liu Qing said.

As the only TV series she has starred in in the past ten years, it can be said that she pays special attention to the ratings and word-of-mouth of "Legend of Lan Xi". She is afraid that the ratings will be low and the word-of-mouth will be poor. With the identity of coffee, stealing a chicken is not enough to lose a lot of money, but losing his wife and losing his army.

During the two days when "Legend of Lan Xi" was broadcast, she didn't do any work, but stayed at home to read drama reviews, read everyone's comments on the TV series, and see what everyone thought of her.

To be honest, the comments were a bit beyond her expectation, she didn't expect so many compliments for her.

Some said she was beautiful, and some said that her acting skills surpassed the word-of-mouth reputation of any movie she starred in, which also made her feel like joking with Xu Jie.

As the old saying goes: people are happy when they have happy events.

She is very happy now, and wants to find a reason to talk to the person she likes, and share the joy in her heart together. After all, everything she has obtained now is the credit of the other party, otherwise, she is still acting silly and sweet. What about movies?

"The ratings of the first episode were 2.9, and the ratings of the second episode were 3.4. Last night's episode hasn't come out yet, but I checked the third-party real-time ratings chart. The third episode should be above 3, and the fourth episode is temporarily I don’t know.” Xu Jie said simply.

The other party is the heroine, so it is normal to find out about the ratings.

In fact, he originally wanted to tell the leading actors of "The Legend of Lan Xi" after learning the ratings of the third and fourth episodes, but it was Liu Qing who asked earlier.

"Break 3? That's great!" Liu Qing said excitedly.

As an actress, she naturally knows what it means for a TV series to break 3 ratings.

This is the rhythm of the fire!
This also means that she will have the opportunity to compete for some TV drama heroine awards.

From her entry into the industry until now, although she has won some awards such as the Newcomer Award and the Most Popular Female Artist, she has never won the Best Actress. If she can break 0 this time, she has reached a new level in her career. The height, and finally there is an award that can be won.

"Thanks to you, I was able to appear in this TV series. How can I thank you? Say it boldly, and don't be afraid to go too far." Liu Qing said.

When Xu Jie heard the hint, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

It's not easy to be a boss in the entertainment industry, and you have to endure all kinds of temptations from female stars every day.

"Become a movie queen, come and thank me for nurturing you!" Xu Jie said solemnly.


Liu Qing was speechless.

This is too bold, too much, right?


(End of this chapter)

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