Chapter 1141

Xu Jie hung up Liu Qing's phone, and at the same time he let out a long sigh of relief.

It's not that he is afraid of what the other party will do to him. As a man, he still has the ability to protect himself, but every time the other party contacts, whether it is a meeting or a phone call, in his opinion, it is an act of probing on the edge of danger. The wife knew that the consequences would be disastrous.

The problem is that we have talked about it, and we have said it, but the other party just won't listen, and there is nothing he can do about it.

What is there to say?

You can refuse a person's pursuit, but you can't stop a person's pursuit.

Xu Jie wrote the script for a while, and the phone rang again. He looked at the screen of the phone next to him. This time, it was the call from Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

"Editor Lu, did the ratings come out last night?" Xu Jie asked after answering the phone.

"Well, it's out. Guess what the ratings of "The Legend of Lan Xi" was last night?" Before Xu Jie could guess, Lu Hong couldn't wait to reveal the answer, "The third episode was 3.421, and the fourth episode was 3.535. Xingao, did you not expect that?"

Xu Jie was startled for a moment, and then surprise appeared on his face.

Yes, he really didn't expect it.

Other TV dramas had high ratings in the first broadcast, and then began to decline until the ratings rose again in the last episode.

However, "Legend of Lan Xi" broke the curse, the ratings not only did not decline, but went up. According to this trend, it is possible for "Legend of Lan Xi" to break 4 ratings.

"Why, are you too happy to speak?" Lu Hong asked with a smile, even he himself was so happy now that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

If I remember correctly, "The Legend of Lan Xi" should be the TV series with the highest ratings after he became the head of Beijing Satellite TV.

With an average viewership rating of over 3, it has been many years since Beijing Satellite TV has produced such a popular TV series.

"Well, it's a bit unexpected." Xu Jie said.

Although he knew the approximate ratings of the third episode last night, in his psychological expectation, the ratings of the middle part of "Legend of Lan Xi" can be kept at around 3, which is already very satisfying.

"Haha, I'm actually a little surprised, because the ratings of the third and fourth episodes are higher than what I saw last night. I'm already looking forward to the ratings of the fifth and sixth episodes." Lu Hong said .

If the ratings of the TV series drop, he will not have any expectations for the ratings in the future. However, it is precisely because the ratings continue to rise that he is very much looking forward to what kind of height the ratings will reach in the future.

"Me too, so let's look forward to it together." Xu Jie now has the same idea as the other party, looking forward to the ratings performance of "Legend of Lan Xi" in the next two months.

"En." Lu Hong nodded.

The two chatted briefly for a few more words, then hung up the phone.

Xu Jie wanted to continue writing the script, but the excitement and joy made him unable to calm down.

It has been a long time since he has been so happy because of work. I remember that the last time was when the movie "Lover in Time and Space" was released.

To be honest, even when the ratings of "Crossover" and "Ordinary Courage" reached new highs this year, he was never so happy.


At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

"Come in!" Xu Jie said loudly.

The door opened, and Wang Yunjie walked in from the outside.

She was slightly taken aback when she saw the smile on Mr. Xu's face, and then asked with a smile, "Mr. Xu, what's so happy about it? Is the company going to make another big move?"

Since the other party came to Jingshi Culture, there will be some big moves from time to time, and these big moves will affect the development of the entire company without exception.

"The ratings of "The Legend of Lan Xi" came out last night, the third episode was 3.421, and the fourth episode was 3.535." Xu Jie was looking for someone to share, and someone came.

"Ah? Really? That's really great." Wang Yunjie was full of surprise, and now she finally understood why Mr. Xu asked her to send out the promotional draft last night.

How can such ratings not be advertised?
"Well, it's very good. When "Legend of Lan Xi" is over, there must be a celebration banquet..." Xu Jie said.

Wang Yunjie was taken aback, and want to hold a celebration banquet?

The company has held many celebration banquets this year. Could it be that Mr. Xu is addicted to holding celebration banquets?
"Hey, by the way, what do you want from me?" Xu Jie looked at Wang Yunjie and asked.

Wang Yunjie came back to her senses after hearing this, and excitedly stepped forward and said, "Mr. Xu, a cultural company contacted me and wanted to buy the copyright of "Legend of Lan Xi"."

"The copyright of "The Legend of Lan Xi" has already been sold, otherwise how could it be played on TV and video sites?" Xu Jie looked at the other party strangely, not to mention the people in the company, even the outside world knew about it The copyright of "The Legend of Lan Xi" was sold for one billion yuan.

"Mr. Xu, you are talking about the rights to broadcast "Legend of Lan Xi", and I am talking about the peripheral copyright of "Legend of Lan Xi", such as dolls, postcards, notebooks, key chains, etc." Wang Yunjie explained.

Xu Jie was taken aback.

Surrounding copyright?He really never thought about it.

However, he has some understanding of the peripherals that Wang Yunjie mentioned. When he went to stationery stores or bookstores when he was in school, he would often see peripheral stationery and posters of some TV dramas or animations.

"This is a good thing, is the other party reliable?" Xu Jie asked with interest.

For him, this is definitely a windfall, because peripheral copyrights are completely out of his revenue forecast.

"I've already investigated. This is a cultural company that specializes in the authorized sales of film and television peripheral products. Many film and television peripheral products on the market now belong to this company, which is very reliable." Wang Yunjie said.

If she hadn't been investigated, she wouldn't have come to report, after all, it wasn't a trivial matter.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded, and then asked, "What price does the other party offer?"

"They offer two methods, one is a one-time payment, and the other is a sales share..." Wang Yunjie briefly explained the content of the phone.

A one-time payment is a one-time price. Like the premiere rights of "The Legend of Lanxi", all the money is paid in one lump sum. No matter how much naming fee Beijing Satellite TV sells in the future, it has nothing to do with JingTV Culture.

The sales share is based on a certain sales ratio, such as [-]-[-] share, Jingshi Culture and the other party will make [-]-[-] share according to the profit part of the sales.

Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, it depends on how the person in charge decides.

Xu Jie thought seriously after hearing this.

He didn't know the price of the TV series peripheral copyright, so even if he was asked to bid, he didn't know how much he should ask for.

If you want less, you are worried that you will lose money; if you want more, you are afraid of scaring the other party away.

He thought about it, and finally decided to use the simplest way, "sales share" to cooperate.

"Vice President Wang, since they contacted you on their own initiative, you should represent the company to discuss this matter with them. As for the cooperation method, the sales share shall prevail." Xu Jie looked at Wang Yunjie and said.

Wang Yunjie was stunned, she didn't expect President Xu to entrust this matter to her.

But when she was happy, she had to express her worries.

"Mr. Xu, if you choose the sales share, aren't you afraid that the other party will falsify the sales data?" Wang Yunjie asked worriedly.

"You tell the other company for me, I can ask for a little less share, but if you dare to cheat on sales, I guarantee that they will have a bad reputation and close their doors." Xu Jie said.


Wang Yunjie swallowed involuntarily, thinking: Mr. Xu, domineering!

In fact, thinking about it carefully, her worry just now was indeed a bit unnecessary.

Who is behind JingTV Culture?
It's Beijing TV Station.

As a cultural company, how dare the other party lie to Beijing TV Station?Isn't this equivalent to breaking ground on Tai Sui's head?
"Mr. Xu, I understand. Please don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter." Wang Yunjie said seriously.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded at the other party.

"Mr. Xu, then I'll go out first." Wang Yunjie was ready to leave after speaking.

Xu Jie looked at the back of the other party, and suddenly thought of something, and immediately stopped the other party, "Vice President Wang, wait a moment."

Wang Yunjie turned around, looked at the general manager and asked, "Mr. Xu, what else do you have to say?"

Xu Jie opened the drawer, took out a stack of invitations and put them on the desk, "It's the end of the year again, this is the invitation letter sent to me by various media, I have to be busy with the party, you can go instead of me. "

Because his wife was filming and didn't have time to participate in these activities, so he didn't bother to participate.

"Yes, Mr. Xu!"

Wang Yunjie picked up the invitation letter. She is still very willing to do this job. First, she can make friends with more media professionals, and second, she can expand her reputation in the media circle. These will be her resources in the end.


"Legend of Lanxi" became popular, and almost everyone was discussing the plot of "Legend of Lanxi", and its ratings also hit new highs repeatedly.

On Beijing Satellite TV, its ratings went from 2.912 at the beginning of the broadcast to 3.535 the next day, and when it aired more than a dozen episodes, the ratings directly broke 4.

Huxiang Satellite TV, which is also on the air, has the highest ratings of more than 3.5, which also makes "Legend of Lanxi" the only TV series in the past ten years with both simultaneous broadcast ratings above 3.5.

What does this mean?
It means that some people are watching "Legend of Lanxi" on Beijing Satellite TV during the time period when the evening golden theater is broadcast, and some people are watching "Legend of Lanxi" on Huxiang Satellite TV. As for the remaining part of the audience, there are really too few , as few as dozens of other TV stations at the same time, none of them had a rating of 0.5.

And this time period is also known as the time of "Legend of Lan Xi".

This time, without JingTV Culture taking the initiative to invite people to promote it, there are major media competing to report on "Lanxi Biography".

On TV, "Legend of Lan Xi" has high ratings, but on news, it has a high number of views.

"Legend of Lan Xi" has become a traffic code, and everything about "Legend of Lan Xi" has become the object of people's attention.

Without worrying about ratings and word-of-mouth, Xu Jie also put all his energy into the creation of new scripts to prepare for his wife's next movie.

At noon that day, Xu Jie was going to eat around the company as usual, when his phone started to vibrate as soon as he sat down.

He impatiently took out his mobile phone from his pocket. There have been too many people calling him recently, either inviting him to an event or wanting to interview him. He couldn’t even hear the ringing of his mobile phone. Just a headache.

He looked at the caller ID, it was Hu Zhen, and he answered the call.

"Old Hu, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

He will not answer any unfamiliar phone numbers now.

"President Xu, didn't I disturb you?" Hu Zhen asked cautiously.

To him, Mr. Xu today is no longer Mr. Xu who was a year ago or two years ago.

In the past, he could call at any time, but now, he has to choose a time to call, for fear of disturbing the work of the other party, because the work in the hands of the other party is not only a large project of several hundred million yuan, but also affects the future of many artists.

"No, I'm having lunch outside." Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, where are you eating? I'll find you." Hu Zhen said quickly after hearing this.

He has been waiting for this opportunity to eat for a long time, and finally bumped into it today, how could he miss it?

"Old Hu, what happened, you have to meet and talk about it?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"It's a big deal, it's very important." Hu Zhen said very seriously.

Xu Jie heard that the other party was so serious, so he said: "I am at a beef noodle restaurant near the company. The name of the restaurant is..."

"I know." Before Xu Jie could finish speaking, Hu Zhen interrupted, "I'll go over now, wait for me, I'll be there in about 10 minutes."

"En." Xu Jie replied, but the phone had already hung up.

He stared at the phone for a while, wondering what happened to make Hu Zhen so anxious. Could it be something happened to the contracted artist?
He turned on his phone and logged into a portal website. There was no news report on the artist's accident in the entertainment section.

After a while, the door of the noodle shop opened, and it was Hu Zhen who had been on the phone just now.

So fast!

Xu Jie thought to himself.

With the traffic conditions in the capital, you can't drive far in 10 minutes.

He raised his hand and waved at the other party.

After Hu Zhen saw it, he walked over quickly.

"Mr. Xu, I kept you waiting." Hu Zhen said after sitting down.

"What's the wait? I thought you came here by rocket. What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

"A very important thing." Hu Zhen straightened his body, and said with a sudden smile: "Actually, I just want to thank you, Mr. Xu. You always said that our relationship is not good. Today I met you. This meal must be done by me." please."

Xu Jie stared at the other party in a daze, and when the other party finished speaking, he rolled his eyes, stretched out his fist and punched the other party's shoulder.

"It scared me to death, it caused me to worry for so long, I even put my noodles in lumps."

Xu Jie looked at the face in front of him, and it had turned into a big lump.

"It's okay, waiter, two more bowls, add meat." Hu Zhen shouted at the waiter.

He knew that Mr. Xu was short on time, and he also knew that Mr. Xu had no shortage of delicacies, so he invited him here.

The relationship between the two doesn't care what they invite, the important thing is to be able to sit together and connect with each other.

"Old Hu, don't do this next time. If you want to have dinner with me in the future, come to our company directly at noon. Don't act like the end of the world is coming." Xu Jie said angrily.

"You haven't asked me to thank you all this time. What can I do? You don't know that Fang Yi is already very popular now, and his work is scheduled for the next year. The endorsement is even softer. I am really embarrassed not to express it. , that's why I made such a bad move, and I won't do it in the future..."

Xu Jie smiled.

How hot is that?


(End of this chapter)

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