The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1142 Resolutely not going!

Chapter 1142 Resolutely not going!

"Old Hu, did you come to thank me because Fang Yi became popular?" Xu Jie asked while chopping garlic.

As the old saying goes: If you eat noodles without garlic, the flavor will be half.

When eating noodles, garlic is an essential companion.

"How could it be? In fact, I wanted to thank you a long time ago, but you never gave me a chance, but Fang Yi is really too popular now, because of your "Legend of Lan Xi", his popularity has directly increased. Soaring from the second line to the first line..."

Hu Zhen snatched the garlic from Xu Jie's hand, turned into a little garlic picker, and picked it up petal by petal.

For the other party's kindness, he has nothing to repay, he can only pick up garlic for the other party, and do what he can for the other party.

give money?The other party does not accept it.

Arrange for a female artist?The other party doesn't want it.

The previous methods of thanking the big boss didn't work at all on the other party, and he really didn't know how to thank him.

Relationships need to be maintained through interests.

The other party brought him so much, but he did not provide anything to the other party, and because of this, he was worried that the relationship between the two would gradually become alienated due to the intervention of others.

After all, there are too many people who want to climb the big tree of the other party, which also fills his heart with a sense of crisis.

"Old Hu, Fang Yi's popularity is inseparable from his own efforts. If his performance is poor and the audience doesn't accept it, how can he become popular? You don't need to thank me, just think about how to do it well. Take advantage of this opportunity." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

His eyes were fixed on the garlic in Hu Zhen's hand all the time, and the fun of peeling the garlic was just taken away.

"Mr. Xu, you are always thinking of others. Let's ask if you can be more selfish and make some demands. Otherwise, I really feel bad." Hu Zhen said with a wry smile.

To be precise, he felt insecure because the other party didn't need him at all.

Not being needed by others is really a very painful thing, and there will be a feeling in my heart that I will be abandoned by others at any time.

When a person does not need another person, there is no need for that person to exist.

"Old Hu, it seems that you still don't regard me as your own. Based on our friendship for so many years, is it necessary to do this?" Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, you said that again. Every time I want to invite you to dinner and thank you, you always say that." Hu Zhen was a little helpless.

You can't turn against the other party because of this, right?

"Old Hu, there is no need to settle the relationship between us on the spot. If you feel sorry, just treat it as if I left the favor with you. Whenever I want to take out the favor, you will remember it happily. Just return me, don't worry, when you use favors, you will be behind."

Xu Jie patted Hu Zhen on the shoulder, signaling him not to worry.

"Really?" Hu Zhen asked excitedly, but then he didn't believe it, because the other party wanted money, money, people, and even many people who were willing to pay back. How could he need him?
At least he didn't think that the other party would need him for anything.

Having said that, with the other party's current connections in the entertainment circle, if the other party can't do it, then he can't even do it.

"of course it's true."

While talking, two bowls of noodles were served.

Xu Jie picked up the chopsticks and stirred it twice, then ate it in big mouthfuls, pointing to the noodles in the bowl while eating, and said, "Eat quickly, it will be lumpy again in a while."

Hu Zhen secretly sighed, now he can only choose to believe.

He put the grilled garlic in front of Mr. Xu, and then ate the noodles.

Although the noodles are not comparable to delicacies from mountains and seas, they also have a special taste when eating.

No wonder Mr. Xu often comes here to eat. The restaurant that the director of "Delicious History" often goes to, can the taste be bad?

A bowl of noodles was finished quickly, and it took about twenty minutes before and after.

Hu Zhen's heart was full of reluctance, and he looked at Mr. Xu who was walking towards Jingshi Culture and said loudly: "Mr. Xu, if you need me, you must tell me quickly. Don't be polite to me."

Xu Jie waved his hands and said, "Got it."

He has helped many people, but he has never seen someone so anxious to return favors.

From this point of view, Lao Hu is still very kind, unlike some people who are ungrateful.

Xu Jie entered the company and was about to walk towards the elevator when suddenly two familiar figures appeared in the waiting area of ​​the lobby on the first floor.

As soon as he saw these two people, he knew what was going on.

Spring Festival Gala.

That's right, it was Chen Ya, the director of the large-scale program center of China TV station, and his senior sister Jiang Yuanyue who came here.

Counting the days, there are only about ten days left until the Spring Festival Gala program review day.

"Director Chen, senior sister, welcome to visit and guide us at Jingshi Culture." Xu Jie said while walking towards the other party.

At the same time, I secretly warned myself that no matter what these two people said today, I will not participate in this year's CTV Spring Festival Gala.

"Mr. Xu, you Jingshi Culture has made so many big moves in the past year, how can we have the qualifications to guide you." Chen Ya said with a smile after hearing this.

The achievements of Beijing Television Culture in the past year are obvious to all. For now, the most popular variety show is "Ordinary Courage" directed by the other party, and the most popular TV series is "Legend of Lan Xi" produced by the other party.

Variety shows and TV dramas, just relying on these two, the other party can dominate the TV circle.

"Compared to China TV, I'm just making trouble, not worth mentioning." Xu Jie said modestly. In front of China TV, he didn't dare to attack the boss.

This is the real boss!

"Humble, you have been so humble since the first time I saw you, and it hasn't changed in so many years." Chen Ya said.

"No, I'm telling the truth." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Student, don't you invite us to sit in your office?" Jiang Yuanyue asked suddenly.

"Sorry senior, I was the one who neglected, please follow me." Xu Jie pointed in the direction of the elevator, and then walked ahead to lead the way.

Beijing Television Culture and China Television's large-scale program center still have many business contacts, so you can't be polite. Take the China Television New Year's Eve party some time ago as an example, and people from the company's performance department participated.

Moreover, since the cooperation with China Television's large-scale program center, the business level of the performance department has been improved visible to the naked eye. In some economic forums and tourism summits hosted this year, it has received many praises and brought a lot to the company's development. social benefits.

Walking into the office, Xu Jie motioned for Chen Ya and Jiang Yuanyue to sit down, and poured water for them.

"Director Chen, Senior Sister, if you are coming in the future, you'd better inform me in advance. If I'm not in the company, wouldn't you be waiting in vain?"

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he put the water glass in front of the two of them.

"It's okay, I can come again and visit the thatched cottage three times." Chen Ya said jokingly.

Jiang Yuanyue looked at his junior, and thought: We launched the surprise attack because we were afraid that you would not be there.

She knew that her junior didn't want to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, so she didn't call in advance to prevent her junior from lying.

"Director Chen is joking, I am not Zhuge Liang, besides, I am not as capable as Zhuge Liang." Xu Jie sat down beside him.

Jiang Yuanyue thought to herself after hearing this: I don't know if you have Zhuge Liang's ability, but you are indeed more airy than Zhuge Liang.

Of course, she could only think about these words. If she said it, wouldn't the junior take the opportunity to refuse to participate in the Spring Festival Gala?

At this time, she saw Director Chen's envoy's expression, so she sat up straight and said, "Student, we are not outsiders. If you have anything to say, I will open the door and speak directly. Director Chen and I are here to invite you." For those participating in this year's CTV Spring Festival Gala, if you have any ideas or requests, just ask, and our director team will satisfy you."


Although Xu Jie had guessed it a long time ago, he still pretended to be surprised, turned his head to look at Chen Ya and asked, "Director Chen, you will meet outsiders if you ask for it. Senior sister also said just now that we are not outsiders, don't worry. , I have already discussed with my team to let them go to the China Television Spring Festival Gala."

"Student, we are talking about you, not your team." Jiang Yuanyue emphasized again.

"My team can represent me. What's more, the skits I prepared for the China TV Spring Festival Gala this year were all created by my team. They are the people who know these skits best, and they should be the ones to participate." Said moved.

"Maybe your team is fine with creating sketches, but when it comes to directing sketches, I don't think they can compare to you, so in order to achieve the best results for sketches, I think it's better for you to be in charge." Chen Ya also said at this time I spoke.

"Student, how about this, I will give up the position of director of language programs, and you will be in charge, how about it?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

"Senior sister, you are overthinking. It's not because I'm dissatisfied with the position that I didn't go to your China TV Spring Festival Gala. I really think it's better for my team to take care of the skit. I went to direct and suppress the performance of the team members. , In fact, each of them has unique skills, otherwise, can I safely hand them over to China Television Spring Festival Gala?"

Xu Jie's left eye is full of seriousness, his right eye is full of responsibility, and his face is full of sincerity, and the main thing is to treat each other with sincerity.

Say no, don't go, say nothing.

The corner of Jiang Yuanyue's mouth twitched, knowing that the other party didn't want to participate, but she couldn't find a reason to refute it because of the other party's explanation.

The other party has already talked about this point. If you force the other party to do it, what should you do if the skit doesn't work well?The other party still hasn't pushed all the responsibility on them?

What a dump!
Before the review started, I thought of how to throw the pot away.

This junior is really getting more and more treacherous, profiteer.

"What if, I mean, what if the sketch doesn't pass the review?" Chen Ya asked.

"Please rest assured Director Chen, I will be responsible for this matter until the sketch passes the review." Xu Jie said seriously.

Seeing the other party's resolute look, Chen Ya knew that he had come here for nothing today, so he planned to leave.

But Jiang Yuanyue at the side obviously didn't intend to give up just like that, looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Student, we plan to invite Su Yun to participate in the Spring Festival Gala this year."

Xu Jie looked at the senior sister, she was really the lowest woman's heart.

If you can't invite him, you want to use his wife to threaten him. The intentions are so vicious.

Also senior sister.

Sure enough, the ones who hate the most are always their own people.

"Sister, my wife is filming a movie. In order to catch up with next year's summer vacation, I haven't seen her for a long time. I guess I don't have time to participate." Xu Jie said lightly.

The reasons for not going come here without opening your mouth?
Jiang Yuanyue almost didn't come up in one breath, and stared straight at the junior, as if blaming him for crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

Who was rushing to go to the Spring Festival Gala...

Huh, no!

It seems that the junior has not been in a hurry to go to the Spring Festival Gala from the beginning to the end. It was the first time that she took the initiative to invite the other party to write a sketch script for the Spring Festival Gala.

Well, there is no reason to even accuse the other party of crossing rivers and tearing down bridges and being ungrateful.

Seeing Jiang Yuanyue's discouraged look, Chen Ya knew that the other party was in trouble, and it was not easy for him to use his status as the director of China Television's large-scale program center to suppress the other party. After all, he still expected the other party to provide sketches for the Spring Festival Gala in the future, so stood up.

"Mr. Xu, since you don't plan to go, I respect your wishes and hope your team can bring surprises to the Spring Festival Gala." After finishing speaking, Chen Ya stretched out her hand to the other party.

In fact, if the work is good, he doesn't have to invite the other party to the China TV Spring Festival Gala, but he trusts the other party more than the other party's team.

On language programs, only this young man can give him a sense of security.

Since the other party believes in his team now, he can't say anything more, just take it as an attempt. Anyway, the other party also said just now that if the team sketch fails the review, he will be responsible to the end.

If the skits created by the other team can pass the review, it is also an opportunity for him, and maybe these people can be dug into the center of his large-scale program.

The other party would reject his invitation because he was in a high position, and the team behind the other party were ordinary employees of Jingshi Culture, so how could they resist the temptation to work at CTS?

You must know that it is the dream of countless people to work in CTS!

Jiang Yuanyue next to him was puzzled.

This is withdrawn?

In fact, if you insist on inviting the other party, there are still ways.

She wanted to talk, but she saw Director Chen winking at her, so she had to shut up obediently.

Xu Jie stood up, held Chen Ya's hand, and said solemnly: "Director Chen, please rest assured that my team will never let you and the review team down."

Chen Ya nodded, I hope so.

On the way back to Huaxia TV Station, Jiang Yuanyue couldn't hold back after all, and asked while driving: "Director Chen, why did you agree to let Xu Jie's team participate in the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Don't you see it yet? Although he didn't explicitly say that he refused to participate, he meant that in his words. Why should we force others? Besides, if the sketches created by his team can pass the review of the above, it's not Is it good? We have some more people we can use." Chen Ya said with a smile.

"But I still think he is safer." Jiang Yuanyue said
"I think so too, but he believes in his team. Why don't we believe it? Anyway, he will be responsible to the end. To be honest, I really look forward to the performance of this team." Chen Ya looked out the car window.

He didn't say anything about what he wanted to poach. The other party and Xu Jie are senior sisters and younger brothers. God knows if the other party will tell Xu Jie.

Once Xu Jie is prepared, it will be difficult for him to poach someone when the time comes.

Xu Jie, Xu Jie, let me see how your team is doing!

(End of this chapter)

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