Chapter 1143 Trust Me!
As soon as the end of the year comes, the days go by very quickly. As the new year passes, people's expectations for the Spring Festival are getting stronger and stronger.

Speaking of the Spring Festival, we have to mention the Spring Festival Gala.

As a regular program of the Spring Festival every year, it carries the good memories of too many people. Although there will be many people who scold it after the broadcast ends every year, many people will still watch it next year, even including those who scolded it.

What did that sentence say?

He said no, but his body was honest.

For China TV, the annual Spring Festival Gala is a big test, because the quality of the Spring Festival Gala will directly affect the mood of people across the country on New Year's Eve.

If the people of the whole country are unhappy, it is not impossible for CTV to be scolded as a hot search.

So on January [-]rd, as soon as the New Year's Day holiday was over, Huaxia TV ushered in the Spring Festival Gala censorship.

In the morning, Xu Jie took the time to appear on Huaxia TV with a team of six from the creative department.

Although it was only for censorship, the media that received the news had already flocked to gather outside the gate of Huaxia TV Station, waiting to report the news of this year's Spring Festival Gala.

When these media saw Xu Jie, their eyes lit up immediately, and they all took out their mobile phones and cameras to aim at the target.

"Good morning, Mr. Xu."

"Ms. Xu, are you still planning to perform on stage this year?" A media person asked loudly.

"Guess." Xu Jie smiled at the other party, but did not answer directly.

Not to mention, it looks mysterious.

"Mr. Xu, how many sketches have you prepared for the CTV Spring Festival Gala this year?" Another media person asked.

Everyone knows that Lao Xu's skits have become an indispensable program in the CTV Spring Festival Gala in recent years, and it is also a must-see program for countless audiences on New Year's Eve.

Whether you can laugh at thirty nights depends on Lao Xu.

"Several." Xu Jie replied with a smile on his face, taking the literature to the extreme.

"Teacher Xu……"

Some media still wanted to ask questions, but Xu Jie took the lead this time.

"Everyone has worked hard. It's cold today. Everyone should keep warm. Remember to drink plenty of hot water and move around more." Xu Jie said loudly.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you Teacher Xu!"

Everyone expressed their thanks.

But when everyone was about to ask again, they found that the other party had already walked into the gate of CTS.


What a fool!
Xu Jie entered the hall on the first floor of CTS, and saw Chen Ya and senior sister at a glance. The two also saw him at this time, and walked over quickly.

"Mr. Xu, welcome to China TV." Chen Ya held the other's hand tightly with joy on his face, and he was really happier than seeing a beautiful woman in his heart.

Half a month ago, the other party was still looking for various reasons to refuse to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, so when he heard from Jiang Yuanyue that the other party was going to come to China TV to participate in the review, he temporarily put down other work in hand and rushed to the first floor to wait .

As long as the other party is willing to come to Huashi, let alone go downstairs to greet him, he is willing to come to pick him up.

No way, who makes language programs the most troublesome thing for him every year?

And the other party is definitely his headache medicine in this matter, and the medicine will cure his illness.

"Student, why are you here? Didn't you say you couldn't come?" Jiang Yuanyue asked beside him.

After Chen Ya heard it, she immediately winked at Xiao Jiang repeatedly, signaling the other party to stop talking, what should I do if the other party is angry?
"I just said I wouldn't come on New Year's Eve, and I didn't say I couldn't come for the review. As the team leader, I must know the review team's opinions and suggestions on the sketch, right? Why, senior sister, don't you welcome me? If not, I will now Let's go." Xu Jie gestured to leave after speaking.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, you misunderstood!" Chen Ya hurriedly explained: "Xiao Jiang is only concerned about you. She is mainly worried that the review will delay your work. Who doesn't know that you are very busy now?"

"Really, sister?" Xu Jie looked at Jiang Yuanyue suspiciously and asked.

Jiang Yuanyue rolled her eyes, and then said in a strange way: "Yes, Mr. Xu, I am very surprised that you can come, and I can't even talk about it."

"Oh, it seems that I misunderstood, let me just say, how could my sister not want me to come? In fact, I also have feelings for the CTS Spring Festival Gala, so I am not at ease, and come and see for myself." Xu Jieman The face said sincerely, and his acting skills immediately soared.

"I knew that Xu was always a kind and righteous person. Come on, let's go up." Chen Ya pointed in the direction of the elevator, and this time it was his turn to enthusiastically lead the way for the other party.

The six people from the creative department couldn't help showing expressions of admiration when they saw Mr. Xu being so popular in CTV.

Mr. Xu is Mr. Xu, he is amazing wherever he goes!
Xu Jie followed Chen Ya to the studio, and the review had already started.

The leader of the review team sat under the stage, while the actors stood on the stage. Because it was only for the review, the actors just simply read, there were no props or anything.

"Your sketch will be reviewed at the end." Chen Ya said in a low voice.

Important sketches will enjoy such treatment.

If this year's sketch was not created by the other team, but by the other party himself, he could even win for the other party to be exempted from the first two trials.

"Thank you Director Chen, I'll go meet the actors and see how everyone's preparations are going." Xu Jie said.

"Okay, you can go, it's in the room from last year." Chen Ya said after hearing that, he kept it for the other party.

Xu Jie came outside the lounge, reached out and knocked on the door.


Soon, the door opened from the inside.

"Mr. Xu, you're here!" The female singer Su Kewei opened the door. When she saw Xu Jie, her eyes were filled with surprise, and she quickly moved aside to get out of the way.

Xu Jie nodded at the other party, because in the fourth season of "Crossover Actors", the artists of Jinling Media did not enter the finals, so he used a chance to participate in the China Television Spring Festival Gala as compensation, so Su Kewei came to participate skit.

The people in the room were chatting, but when they saw Xu Jie coming, they all stood up to say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Xu!"

"Teacher Xu is here."


Xu Jie stretched out his hands, shook them one by one, and at the same time did not forget to say hello.

In front of artists like Su Kewei, he is a big boss, but in front of these old performing artists, he is just a junior.

"Is everyone ready?" Xu Jie looked at the crowd and asked.


"Mr. Xu, I have troubled you again this year."

"Teacher Xu, don't worry, I've memorized all the lines, and I'm just waiting to go on stage."

Everyone said.

After hearing this, Xu Jie said: "There is no need to memorize the lines so early. After all, before the official rehearsal, you will have to face censorship. If there are so many changes that need to be made, don't you all memorize them in vain?"

"It doesn't matter, it's a big deal, and I believe in Mr. Xu's creative ability, even if it is a change, it must be a small change." Shen Ling said with a smile.

The others nodded.

Everyone did not blindly believe in Mr. Xu, but had the facts of the past two years in front of them, which made them full of confidence in Mr. Xu.

"Thank you for your trust, but this year's works performed by you are not created by me, but by the creative team behind me. They create, and I will check and select the best from dozens of scripts. After several revisions, the script that you see today is the result. You have met them earlier, and I believe you have some understanding of each other. I hope you can trust them as much as you trust me, and let us work together to complete the script. This year's Spring Festival Gala sketch."

Xu Jie made an impassioned speech, which not only highlighted the creator of the sketch, but did not completely remove himself.

His purpose of saying this is to hope that everyone can give his team a chance, just like the director team of the Spring Festival Gala.

A person's ability depends not on his fame, but on his works.

Everyone looked at Mr. Xu, and at the person who had been explaining the sketches to them these days, and they couldn't react for a while.

It turns out that the skit was not created by Mr. Xu...

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but they didn't show it. After all, the creator of the skit belongs to Mr. Xu. As the old saying goes, if you don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face, Mr. Xu still has to give face.

But soon, everyone came out of the lost mood, because through the rehearsal of these days, everyone has read the sketch script and is very interested in the content of the sketch script, otherwise they would not sit down. it's here.

Forget it, since it's Mr. Xu's team, just trust these people once.

"Mr. Xu, the sketches created by your team are definitely not bad. We believe in you and them, right?" Chen Yongnan looked at the people beside him after he finished speaking.

"That's right, to be able to join Mr. Xu's team must be elites in the industry."

"Besides, who didn't come from a newcomer? The first time is a newcomer, and the second time is an acquaintance. With this one time, it will be fine next time."


Hearing everyone's words, the six employees of the creative department secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, they had been holding their hearts, fearing that these big names in front of them would suddenly turn their faces.

Sure enough, Mr. Xu had to be able to shock these people.

Next, Xu Jie didn't talk about things related to the content of the skit, but just chatted with everyone about homework, just like an old friend who hasn't seen for a long time, so that everyone can relax and let go of their worries.

In fact, he hadn't seen most of the people here for a year, and the last time was at the rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala last year.

At about 11 o'clock, there was a knock on the door, and Jiang Yuanyue walked in from outside.

"Student, are you ready? Next, it's your team's turn to appear on the show." Jiang Yuanyue deliberately put the three words "your team" very seriously.

For the fact that none of the works of her junior has been produced, she still feels a little bit of complaints in her heart. You must know that she has always spared no effort to support the cooperation between CTS and Beijing Television Culture.

"Thank you senior sister, we will go right away." Xu Jie said with a smile.

He could see the senior sister's displeasure, but he didn't care, because at this time, it was useless for him to say anything. Instead of arguing indifferently, it is better to speak with the facts. If you respond, you will naturally not continue to struggle.

Everyone left the lounge and came to the backstage together under the leadership of Jiang Yuanyue.

The previous show has ended, and the two comedians are listening to the revision suggestions proposed by the review team.

Not long after, the crosstalk actor walked off the stage. Both of them had serious faces, and they had been picked out of the excitement when they were on the stage.

Who would be happy when someone finds fault with their hard-working creation?

Modesty is just an appearance, and unhappiness is real.

However, there is no way around this. If you want to be on the stage of the China TV Spring Festival Gala, you have to pass the review team. If you don’t modify it according to the opinions given, then there is only one result, leaving the Spring Festival Gala.

However, how many actors do not want to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala?So even if you feel upset, you have to endure it.

"Which one of you will go first?" Xu Jie turned to look at the actors behind him.

Everyone looked at each other, and in the end it was Teacher Liu Ji'an who stood up, "I'll go first, anyway, there are only three of us left, it doesn't matter who goes first."

After speaking, he looked at the two partners in the same group, and then strode towards the stage.

As an old actor who has been on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala more than a dozen times, the censorship is nothing to him, and the live broadcast on New Year's Eve is the most stressful.

"Mr. Xu, do you think my skit can pass the review?" Jiang Bin, the creator of the sketch, asked Mr. Xu guilty, his eyes were fixed on the stage, and his nervous forehead began to ooze sweat.

Xu Jie was also not sure about the result, because today's review team had changed, and half of them had changed, but he still reached out and patted the other person on the shoulder, encouraging him: "Don't worry, you must have confidence in yourself and your work."

Not only the staff of the creative department were looking at him, but also the actors of the other two groups of sketches were looking at him. That's all he could say, or else just say that I don't know?Haven't been swallowed alive by the actor who just accepted his brainwashing?

"Student, you seem very confident." Jiang Yuanyue came to the side of the junior, she also knew that the actor's morale could not be shaken at this time, so she spoke in a low voice.

"Of course." Xu Jie puffed up his chest and showed a confident look.

"It's not that I intend to hurt your confidence. It's best not to say something like this too early, or you will be easily slapped in the face." Jiang Yuanyue approached Xu Jie, pointed to the middle-aged man sitting in the middle of the stage, and said in a low voice: "Did you see the leader in the white shirt? From the review to now, he has never smiled once, and he was very sharp when he commented, and he didn't give anyone face at all."

Xu Jie looked over. Although he didn't know that person, he could tell from his face that he was a very serious person.

"Senior sister, why did the review team change this year? Is it because the higher-ups are worried about the work of your director team?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

If it was those people from last year and the year before, the censorship would be much better. After all, those people know him well, and they might be more relaxed in their comments.

And the two who came in this year, judging from where they were sitting, should be the two who spoke the most, which is a bit troublesome. The word of mouth accumulated in the past two years is gone all of a sudden, and everything has to be started from scratch. .

"It's normal to be transferred to work. Why, don't you know what to do?" Jiang Yuanyue asked with a sneer.

"Hehe, wait and see!" Xu Jie replied, and then continued to look at the stage.


(End of this chapter)

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