The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1144 So much face?

Chapter 1144 So much face?
Time seemed to slow down at the moment of the review, and it felt like a long time passed before the preview of Mr. Liu Ji’an’s sketch ended.

At this moment, not only the actors on the stage were staring at the leader of the review team sitting below the stage, but even the people standing in the background were staring intently.

Especially Xu Jie.

Because from the attitude of the leaders of the review team, we can see their requirements and standards for this year's Spring Festival Gala sketches, and then judge the review results of the remaining two sketches.

In his opinion, these three sketches are "hanging all in one, and passing in one."

The leaders sitting on both sides did not comment immediately, but looked at the two leaders sitting in the middle.

From this behavior, it can be seen who's opinion is the most important in the review team.

The two leaders in the middle exchanged a few words in a low voice, and finally the leader of the inspection team who sat in the second place, which Jiang Yuanyue said was the strictest, spoke first.

"The sketch has a good idea, it is close to life and has practical significance..."

When Xu Jie heard this, his heart that was hanging in the air finally fell to the ground.

Regardless of whether there are "but", "however" and "but", as long as the leader can say these points, the sketch can definitely be preserved.

Because these points are the most important in the whole sketch, no matter how bad the other aspects are, they can be adjusted through modification.

He has participated in the review of the Spring Festival Gala for two years, and he already knows the requirements of the review team well.

Not to mention the change of two review leaders, even if all of them are changed, the general direction will never be changed. It is impossible to change one requirement last year, change another requirement this year, and change another requirement next year.

In fact, the style of the Spring Festival Gala in recent years is generally consistent, the country is prosperous and the people are safe, happy and happy...

Even the hosts of the Spring Festival Gala are screened according to this requirement. Which face of the host of the Spring Festival Gala is not Guotai Minan, happy and happy?

"However, there are some burdens and lines that need to be changed. There are six places in total, one is..." The review leader lowered his head, and read out the parts that need attention in the sketch one by one according to the content he wrote down before.

Xu Jie looked at Jiang Bin, the sketch creator beside him, who had already taken out his mobile phone and recorded the questions raised by the review leader so that he could go back and correct them.

Xu Jie looked at Jiang Yuanyue on the other side, his face was full of complacency, and he asked with a smile, "How is it, senior, my team is not bad, right?"

Although there are still three leaders of the review team who did not speak, the biggest leader has set the tone, and the other three will definitely not deny the leader's opinion.

Leaders also need face.

Even if you have other opinions on the sketch, you must put forward your own opinions on the basis of protecting the leader's face, otherwise, wouldn't it be slapping the leader in the face?

After Jiang Yuanyue heard it, her wide-open eyes instantly became smaller, and her expression changed from concern to indifference.

She knew that her junior was trying to squeeze her out, so she said, "Normally, otherwise why would the review team pick out so many faults?"

"Senior sister, you are the chief director of language programs, and even the skits you create will be criticized, let alone my team?" Xu Jie said.

As far as he knew, none of the language programs were flawless during censorship.

If it wasn't directly killed, it was considered excellent.

The corner of Jiang Yuanyue's mouth couldn't help twitching. She also knew that she was not the opponent of her junior, but she couldn't let go of her face. She glanced behind her and said, "Don't be too happy, only one has passed, and there are two more left." As for the review, it won’t be too late for you to be proud when they all pass.”

Although he said so, in fact, more than anyone else, he hoped that the two sketches could pass the review, so that she would be under less pressure as the person in charge of language programs.

"Don't worry, it will definitely pass." Xu Jie said, patting his chest.

If the self-confidence before the first sketch review was pretended to be seen by others, then the current self-confidence comes from the heart, which is also the confidence given to him by the first sketch.

Jiang Yuanyue curled her lips, as if to say: Look at you.

However, she has accepted the sketches created by the junior team in her heart.

For her, the person in charge of language programs, it doesn't matter who created the work, as long as it can pass the review of the review team leader, it is a good work.

If it does not pass the review, no matter how good the work is, it will not be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and it will not be able to meet hundreds of millions of viewers.

Not long after, the three actors walked off the stage.

Compared with the apprehension when they came to the stage, they are smiling at this moment, and they look very relaxed.

"Mr. Xu, as expected of your team, it's amazing." Chen Yongnan said while giving a thumbs up to Jiang Bin next to him as a compliment.

What about newcomers?
As long as the works produced are good and hard enough, then they are masters.

All previous doubts are now gone.

As an old man who has participated in the Spring Festival Gala for more than ten years, Chen Yongnan is very aware of the strictness of the review team, and being able to pass the first review is enough to represent the strength of the sketch creator.

This is equivalent to getting official recognition!

"Of course, if they weren't great, I wouldn't let them create sketches for the China TV Spring Festival Gala." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

These words are not only for Chen Yongnan, but also for the actors of the other two sketches, and even for the senior sisters, the purpose is to make these people have more confidence in his team.

Only by trusting each other can we achieve mutual success.

Sure enough, when it was the turn of the second skit actor to enter the scene, it seemed a lot easier.

The passing of the first skit also made the waiting for the second skit less long.

It took more than ten minutes. Just now I felt like I had been waiting for a long time, but now I feel that it will be over soon.

This time, several judges exchanged opinions again.

Xu Jie noticed that the leader sitting in the middle had a much lighter expression on his face than before, and he could still see a little smile.

Obviously, it wasn't that the leader was too serious, but that the skits he had seen before were too bad, and there was no one he wanted, which was why his face was so ugly.

Soon, it was the leader who spoke first.


The second skit got more positive reviews than the first, and it only took a few minutes for the reviews to wrap up.

Next is the third.


With the end of the last skit, today's language program review work has also come to an end.


Xu Jie looked at Jiang Yuanyue with a smile on his face, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the other party.

"Okay, okay, can't I admit that your team is very good?" Jiang Yuanyue said angrily, for fear that the other party would say some ugly words to run her down.

In fact, she can take the initiative to say these words, which means that she has been convinced in her heart.

The three sketches all passed the review, and the facts are in front of them. If you are still not convinced, it means that the mouth of the cooked duck is hard.

"Hey, that's good." Xu Jie smiled. In the future, the business of China TV Spring Festival Gala can be handed over to the creative department in a fair manner, and there is no need to spend New Year's Eve at China TV as in the past two years. up.

Jiang Yuanyue was very upset when she saw her younger brother's complacency, and she opened her mouth and said, "The level is good, but compared with yours, it's still a little bit worse. By the way, don't you want to bring something to the audience all over the country?" Will the two works bring laughter to everyone on New Year's Eve?"

For her, the more skits, the better, so she deliberately provoked her junior, hoping that the other party would write a skit script in person for the sake of the national audience.

"Senior sister, you don't need to kidnap me morally, I don't accept this." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he deliberately looked at the senior sister's face, and then said: "It's you, senior sister, who is the language program of the Spring Festival Gala. How many works have contributed to the Spring Festival Gala as the chief director? Say it and make me adore it."

Jiang Yuanyue's expression froze, as if she had been poked in a sore spot.

It is true that she is the person in charge of the language programs of the Spring Festival Gala, but her job is mainly to organize and coordinate various sketches. In comparison, creation is not so important.

Well, she only created one skit this year.

"Okay, you don't want to hurt each other." Chen Ya walked over at this time, lay between the two of them, then looked at Xu Jie with a smile and praised: "Mr. Xu, I knew your team was very different." generally."

"It's their honor to be recognized by Director Chen." Xu Jie said on behalf of the team members.

Chen Ya turned his attention to the team members standing behind Xu Jie. With this year's experience, these people will no longer be newcomers on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in the future.

In fact, in terms of age, these people all look older than Xu Jie.

"Director Chen..."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind.

Chen Ya turned his head to look, and when he found that it was the leader of the inspection team, he immediately walked over and said respectfully, "Director Jiang, what do you want?"

"It's okay, just come backstage and take a look." After the middle-aged man named Director Jiang finished speaking, his eyes fell on Xu Jie, and he stepped forward and asked, "Are you Xu Jie?"

"It's me, Director Jiang." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Although he didn't know which bureau chief the other party was, nor did he know how old the other party was, but seeing Director Chen's respectful appearance, he thought the level couldn't be lower.

It can be decided that the other party is not from China TV, because he knows all the leaders of China TV.

"I've seen the skits you created in the past, and they are very good. Are you also the creator of the last three skits today?" Director Jiang asked with a smile, without the seriousness of censoring programs.

"It was created by me and my team." Xu Jie replied.

"Hmm." Director Jiang nodded understandingly, then leaned closer and said in a low voice, "I know it's your sketch, so I relaxed the requirements during the review."

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, wondering if he had lost face so much?
He hurriedly said: "Thank you Director Jiang, after I go back, I will lead the team to make serious revisions to live up to your expectations..."

Director Jiang smiled in satisfaction, reached out and patted Xu Jie on the shoulder and said, "Then we will see you at the second review."

"Okay Director Jiang." Xu Jie quickly responded.

Director Jiang turned around and chatted with Chen Ya about today's inspection work.

Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang and then at Director Chen, suddenly feeling cheated.

This Director Jiang must not be the rescuer brought by Director Chen, right?The reason is to let him come to the Spring Festival Gala.

Today the other party likes to meet at the second review, what if the other party wants to meet at the third review next time?What should I do if I wait until the end and say goodbye on New Year's Eve?
It's not that he is suspicious, but that Chen Ya has been plotting against him.

People's hearts are sinister these days.

Not long after, Chief Jiang left, and Chen Ya sent him out the door without leaving.

Xu Jie saw that the review was over and he had nothing to do, so he also took people away.

However, as soon as he arrived at the gate, he was blocked by Chen Ya, who was sending someone back.

"President Xu, are you leaving?" Chen Ya asked.

"Well, time waits for no one, I have to bring the team back to the company to revise the sketch book to prepare for the next review." Xu Jie said seriously, showing a look of caring about the sketch book.

Chen Ya smiled in satisfaction, he liked the meticulousness with which the other party treated his work.

"Hey, I want to ask you something. What did Director Jiang whisper to you just now? Have you guys met before?" Chen Ya asked gossipingly.

"I haven't seen it before. Today is the first time we meet. Which bureau does he belong to?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"It's from the General Administration." Chen Ya pointed to it.

Xu Jie suddenly realized, no wonder the other party knew him.

"Director Jiang said that the skits created by our Jingshi Culture are very good. He also said that because they are my sketches, the review limit was relaxed. I hope that we can bring better works to the China TV Spring Festival Gala in the future..." Xu Jie said simply Said.

Chen Ya was taken aback. He didn't expect Director Jiang to value Xu Jie so much, but he could understand it after thinking about it carefully. Why didn't he like him?

"Director Chen, if there is nothing else, I will take the person back to the company." Xu Jie said.

"Well, go back."

Chen Ya didn't keep anyone, the Spring Festival Gala sketches were the most important.

When Xu Jie returned to the company, he did not continue to write the movie script, but held a meeting with the six-member sketch team that had just been brought to CTV to discuss the revised content of the sketch with everyone.

Everything he is doing now is to perfect the sketch, so he doesn't need to go to Huaxia TV on New Year's Eve.

Because the comments of the review team are very specific and have determined the direction, it is relatively easy to modify.

A few days later, when it was time for the second review, Xu Jie personally led the team to Huaxia TV, but he came earlier today to show the revised script to the actors, and to practice it before going on stage for review.

Although it was the second review, the atmosphere was still tense.

Especially for those whose scripts were directly rejected during the first review, if the new sketch scripts cannot be approved by the review team, then their chances of participating in the Spring Festival Gala will be very slim.

In contrast, Xu Jie and his team are much more relaxed, after all, they have already passed the preliminary review.

Because it is a key program, the three sketches will be reviewed at the end.

This time, several leaders of the review team were very satisfied with the revised script and did not put forward any comments. While making other language programs envious, it also made the director team of the Spring Festival Gala very happy.

Chen Ya secretly memorized the names of those six people, and planned to attack them in the next year.


(End of this chapter)

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