The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 121 The Wife Joins

Chapter 121 The Wife Joins
Not long after, Su Yun came to the set led by the staff of the film and television base. Her eyes swept over everyone, but she didn't find Xu Jie.

"Xiaomei, how are you doing today? Did you work hard?" Su Yun came to her stylist Liu Mei and asked with concern.

"Sister Yun, it's not hard." Liu Mei replied after hearing this.

Although I stayed in the film and television base for a whole day, apart from designing a look for the male protagonist that conforms to the historical characteristics, I have been sitting in the restaurant as the background board all the time.

"At the end of tonight, I'll treat everyone to supper." Su Yun said with a smile.

As soon as they heard about eating, the complexions of all the people present changed, and their expressions were strange, as if they were constipated.

Su Yun was puzzled when she saw it, did she say something wrong?
When she was working overtime, she would pay out of her own pocket to treat employees to supper, such as shabu-shabu, barbecue, and crayfish. Everyone was very happy. What happened today?
"Thank you, Sister Yun. Actually, we didn't do anything, and it's still early, only eight o'clock." Liu Mei said.

"Yes, yes, no supper, we are not hungry." Xiaoying echoed from the side.

In fact, they have been eating here for a day. They can eat whatever Xu Jie does, and they can’t eat it.

To count them down, I ate stir-fried liver and lamb eye buns at noon, noodles with fried sauce in the afternoon, and stewed stew in the evening, and there was a donkey rolling right away.

does not exist!
"Where's my husband, why didn't you see him?" Su Yun asked suspiciously, she waited for a while, but still didn't see anyone.

Everyone was taken aback for a while, and then they all couldn't help laughing, and then turned their eyes to the man standing beside Su Yun, less than two meters away.

what happened?

Su Yun's heart was full of question marks. After filming the show for a whole day, why did people become so distracted?

"I am here!"

At this time, a deep voice came faintly, and Su Yun turned her head curiously. She saw that the speaker had a long braid that reached her waist, a scarf wrapped around her head, and a brown cotton-padded jacket and trousers. A white apron, and a half-meter-long frying spoon in his hand.

Su Yun looked at the other party seriously, and the more she looked, the more she felt that the person in front of her was very familiar, and she suddenly asked in surprise, "You, husband?"

She hurried over, stretched out her hand to take off the hat on the other party's head, and was about to pull the other party's braid, when the other party covered his head and said, "Don't pull it, it's hard to put it on."

Su Yun touched the edge of the hairline, and could clearly see a raised line, which should be a headgear. She grabbed the other party's beard and pulled it off with all her strength.

"Hiss, take it easy!" Xu Jie clutched his chin, all red.

"Sorry." Su Yun smiled and put her beard on again, looking at Xu Jie while asking, "Why are you dressed like this?"

"Needed by work." Xu Jie stuck his mustache on.

"Who is the role you are playing now? Little Master?" Su Yun asked curiously
"Imperial chef!" Xu Jie explained, "I was planning to invite a chef, but you know that our program has limited funds, so I can only come by myself."

"It's more work for those who are capable. Besides, your cooking is much better than the chefs outside." Su Yun praised: "By the way, have you finished filming yet?"

"No, there is still a period left." Xu Jie said.

"You continue to shoot, don't worry about me." Su Yun said that she was going to be a crowd of onlookers.

"I can't continue filming." Xu Jie suddenly sighed.

"What's wrong?" Su Yun stopped.

"There is a female role, which is more difficult to act. Neither Xiaomei nor Xiaoying can do it. It's so late and I don't know where to find an actress. Doesn't this stop work?" Xu Jie sighed again after speaking.

Su Yun looked at the others. No wonder everyone stood there when they came, thinking they were waiting for her. It turned out that they encountered difficulties in filming.

"What kind of female character, can you see me?" Su Yun recommended herself.

"This character is selfish and ruthless. He is very vicious. He always looks superior and takes no one seriously." Xu Jie said seriously.

Su Yun was dumbfounded, looked at the surrounding environment, and then asked in confusion: "Aren't you filming a food show? Why does it sound like a Gongdou show?"

Xu Jie explained: "You don't understand this. Many delicacies are passed down from the palace, and the donkey rolling that I will shoot next is one of them."

"Donkey rolling? Then who is this female character you're talking about? A maid? A princess? A concubine? Or..."


"Ci, Cixi?" Su Yun was surprised.

"Since you want to try it, then go and try on the costume first." Xu Jie said to Xiaomei and Xiaoying without waiting for Su Yun to agree, "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and take your boss to try on the costume."

Xiaomei and Xiaoying looked at each other, and they both saw each other's thoughts in each other's eyes: This reporter Xu is so ruthless, even his wife is doing tricks.

After thinking about it, the two still dragged the boss into the dressing room, because they knew that if the boss didn't act, then only one of them could act.

Boss, I'm sorry!
Xu Jie watched Su Yun walk into the dressing room with a confused face, and then said to the people around him, "This is the last scene. After tonight's filming, I won't use it tomorrow. Come on everyone."

"come on!"

Everyone immediately got busy, memorizing lines, and changing clothes. No one wanted to shoot for another day, after all, the weather was too cold.

There are a lot of people in this scene, and everyone has lines, which can be called the most difficult scene of the whole day.

Xu Jie told the actors while waiting for Su Yun, but the wait lasted more than 20 minutes.


The door of the dressing room opened suddenly, and Xiaomei and Xiaoying walked out with Su Yun supported.

I saw Su Yun wearing brocade clothes with colorful embroidery on a yellow background, a gold hairpin full of jewels on her head, delicate embroidered shoes with thick soles, and golden chiseled finger guards on her fingers, plus her overall facial makeup The style tends to be cool, so the whole person looks solemn, majestic, and full of aura.

The people around were stunned. Being in the palace courtyard, I really felt like seeing the queen mother, especially those who were wearing eunuch uniforms, almost kneeling down.

"How is it?" Su Yun came to Xu Jie.

"Okay." Xu Jie only said one word, but he vividly described his inner satisfaction with Su Yun's outfit, and perfectly interpreted the supreme language art of combining thousands of words into one word.

"Are you too young?" Su Yun asked worriedly.

"You worry too much. Cixi was only 26 years old when she became the empress dowager." Xu Jie said.

"Really?" Su Yun felt relieved when she heard it, "If you are satisfied, then let's start filming. By the way, what about the script?"

Xu Jie had already prepared, and handed the script to Su Yun.

It is not so much a script as it is a piece of paper, because the plot is too short, it can be written on a piece of paper.

Su Yun read it quickly, and because there were not many lines, she quickly memorized them all.

"Okay, let's start." Su Yun said.

Xu Jie brought Su Yun into the palace and asked her to sit on the phoenix chair directly in front of her.

With the support of Xiaomei and Xiaoying who were dressed in palace maid costumes, Su Yun walked carefully to the phoenix chair. The moment she sat down, her cold face, indifferent eyes, and arrogance revealed between her brows gave off an invisible A powerful aura instantly swept across the entire palace.

Xu Jie's calf trembled, and he almost wanted to greet him.

Hey, no, this is my wife!

(End of this chapter)

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