The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 122 The broadcast time is confirmed, midnight!

Chapter 122 The broadcast time is determined, in the middle of the night!
It took Xu Jie two days to shoot all the materials, and then he devoted himself to the post-production process non-stop.

"Ms. Xu, Mr. Xu?"

Xu Jie felt that someone was calling him in a daze. He opened his eyes and saw that it was Tian Haobo.

"What time is it?" Xu Jie rubbed his dry eyes. In order to complete the program as soon as possible, he has been eating and living in the office for the past few days. King Tian paid off, and finally finished it the day before New Year's Day.

"It's 8:50." Tian Haobo said in a low voice.

After getting along with each other for the past few days, he now admires this Teacher Xu for his five-body cast, his hard-working attitude, his multi-talented work performance, and most importantly, he chooses to rely on his talent when he can rely on his wife.Now he finally understands how Teacher Xu married Goddess Su, it must be due to talent.

Xu Jie sat up from the folding bed and asked after a while: "Is the director here?"

"Just here." Tian Haobo said.

When Xu Jie heard it, he stood up immediately, took the flash drive and ran to the director's office. Tonight is the day when the Beijing TV New Year's Eve party will be broadcast, and it is also the busiest day for the director. If you can't catch it in the morning, don't try to find it this day .


"Please come in."

Just as Jiang Hai sat down, before his butt warmed up, he saw Xu Jie walking in from the outside, his body trembled, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

He is not afraid of anything now, but he is afraid that this young man will come to the office to find him.

"Xu Jie, what's the matter?" Jiang Hai smiled on the surface, but in fact he kept praying in his heart: don't want people, don't want money, don't want people, don't want money!
"Director, the program is finished." Xu Jie put the flash drive on the desk.

"What? So fast?" Jiang Hai was surprised. Although he knew that the other party had been living and living in the unit these days, he didn't expect it to be so fast.

It's only been a few days?

Five days or six days?

He picked up the USB flash drive and inserted it into his notebook, and saw a folder called "Delicious History".

"Delicious history? Is this the name of the program?" Jiang Hai asked, and at the same time curiously clicked to enter, and found that there were five videos in it.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

Jiang Hai clicked on a video at random, there was no melodious music, no magnetic narration, and there was only the noise of traffic.

What the hell?

Are you sure this is the opening of the food show?
Jiang Hai continued to read curiously.

The video is not long, only 10 minutes. However, when Jiang Hai watched the entire video, he fell into a daze, and there was only one thought in his mind: Can food shows be filmed like this?
Say it's a documentary, but it looks like a historical film, say it's a historical film, and there is time travel in it.

He thought of the copywriting of the program he had watched. Could it be that he misunderstood the content of the copywriting?Why is the photo taken different from the one written on the copy?

Of course, he didn't have the nerve to ask. As a director, it would be unprofessional to ask this kind of question.

"The format of the program is novel. There has never been a similar program before. It is very good." Jiang Hai nodded and said. Compared with the excitement when he saw the copy a few days ago, the reaction after watching the video today is relatively flat.

Of course, it's not that the filming is not good, it's just that I don't know whether the audience will accept this new form of filming.

But if you think about it carefully, this program doesn't use much money or people. If it's an attempt, it's okay. What if it becomes popular?

"Director, I want to play it during New Year's Day, do you think it's okay?" Xu Jie asked, this is the purpose of his coming to Jianghai.

"During New Year's Day?" Jiang Hai was taken aback, "But the programs during New Year's Day have already been arranged, otherwise how about broadcasting after New Year's Day, anyway, you have five programs here, even if they are on the New Year's Day holiday, they can't be finished, and what you have done It’s a new show, it’s aired without any publicity, don’t you think it’s too hasty?”

Xu Jie thought about it after hearing it, and felt that what the other party said was also reasonable. The program that was made with great difficulty should be well publicized.

Jiang Hai turned on his phone, looked at the calendar on it, and after doing the calculations, he said, "123 is a holiday. I think it will start broadcasting on the 4th. As for the broadcasting time, except for the broadcasting time of self-made programs, you can choose other time slots at will."

Xu Jie frowned slightly. It should have been a happy thing that the show was confirmed to air, but he couldn't be happy now, because all he was left with was garbage time.

The self-produced programs of the Literature and Art Channel are concentrated at noon and night. If the evening is the golden time and the noon is the silver time, then the other times are collectively called the black iron time, which is still the rusty one.

In the morning, in the afternoon, or in the middle of the night, there may seem to be many time slots, but they are all the same, because few people watch TV during these time slots, either at work or sleeping, and the number of viewers can be imagined.

"Let's put it on after the Golden Theater," Xu Jie said.


He knew very well that as a newcomer, he was working on a new program, so he was not eligible to enter the prime time slot. Let alone the director's arrangements, the production team of the original program would not be convinced either.

Of course, he is not without a chance.

The broadcast schedule of the program is related to the ratings. If the ratings are high, it will naturally be scheduled for prime time.

The so-called winners and losers, let's talk about the ratings.



Xu Jie left the unit in a hurry after get off work. There was a commercial vehicle parked outside the gate. After seeing the license plate, Xu Jie opened the door and sat in.

"Mr. Xu, these are clothes." The driver Lao Zhou turned his head and pointed to the clothes hanging on the handle.

"Well, thank you." Xu Jie took off the down jacket on his body, and put on the prepared suit.

Today is December 12st, and Su Yun will attend the China TV New Year's Eve party tonight.

Many days ago, Su Yun invited him to participate together, and in order to thank the other party for his help a few days ago, he decided to accompany the other party for free, which can be regarded as mutual help.

Not long after, the commercial vehicle stopped outside Huaxia TV station.

When Xu Jie got out of the car, he saw Su Yun standing downstairs, wearing a gorgeous dress, probably a performance costume, very thin, with only a down jacket on, shivering in the cold wind, her face flushed.

"Sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road." Xu Jie walked over quickly, pulled the other party into the building.

"It's okay, the show starts at 8 o'clock, it's still early." Su Yun said with a smile,

There were less than two hours before the New Year's Eve party, and the backstage of the studio hall was already full of people. It was time for dinner, and the actors were sitting on the floor, simply eating boxed lunches.

Xu Jie followed Su Yun to a dressing room. The room was very big and there were many people in it. He took a closer look and found that the people sitting in front of the dressing table were all celebrities, including Zhang Zixuan, Liu Junkai, Liu Yifang, and Li Yuqiu. Many, many have seen at the Deep State Film Festival some time ago.

Xu Jie couldn't help looking at Su Yun who was beside him. Showing love and showing love is coming to Huaxia TV. Is this okay?

 Thank you book friends for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the youth!Thank you for the 100 starting coins rewarded by Nuhai Footprint!
(End of this chapter)

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