The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 123 I Came to Interview You

Chapter 123 I'm here to interview you

Xu Jie counted in detail. There are 10 stars in the dressing room, and they are all women. They wear beautiful clothes and exquisite makeup. Bees, I really want to collect honey one by one.

"You haven't eaten yet, here are dumplings, eat them quickly, they're still hot." Su Yun pointed to several boxes of dumplings on the stool and said to Xu Jie.

"I'm not hungry." Xu Jie continued to cast his eyes randomly. Who would be hungry when there are female stars watching?Don't know how beautiful and delicious?Just the saliva swallowed into the stomach is already full of water.

The mountains and rivers of the motherland are magnificent, and there are landscapes and career lines everywhere.

Alas, it's not that the man is worthless, it's that the scenery is too alluring.

Xu Jie was in a happy mood, when suddenly a dumpling was stuffed into his mouth, Xu Jie quickly turned his head to look, it was Su Yun.

The other party was looking at him with squinted eyes, with a half-smile expression on his face.

"Cough, the dumplings are delicious." Xu Jie praised to hide his embarrassment.

He knew that Su Yun must have noticed that he was peeping at other women, but luckily she was a contract wife, if it was a real wife, it would not be feeding dumplings, it would be more like feeding feet.

"Really? Then you'll eat them all." Su Yun said as she stuffed a box of dumplings into his arms.


Xu Jie knew he was wrong, so he obediently ate the dumplings.

In the north, dumplings can be eaten on any day, including dumplings in Lidong, winter solstice, and New Year's Day.


Suddenly, there was a scream in the dressing room, and Xu Jie was so startled that he almost knocked over the dumpling in his hand.

He looked over curiously, what's the matter, is the skirt shoulder strap broken?I can sew.

When he saw the screaming woman, he found that she was looking at him with a frown and disgust.

"How can there be a man here? Who brought it in?"

Everyone in the room followed the woman's gaze, and finally all looked at Xu Jie.

Xu Jie swallowed the dumpling in his mouth, looked at the other party politely and asked, "Excuse me, are you talking about me?"

"That depends on whether you are a man." The woman said arrogantly.

Xu Jie was startled, and tasted the other party's words, obviously full of hostility.

Could it be that the other party saw him peeking at him just now?

"What do you think?" Xu Jie asked back.

The woman was taken aback when she heard it, and asked with a smile, "You don't know?"

Xu Jie shook his head, "I know, but I don't want to tell you, my wife said, don't talk to strange women."

Everyone looked at Xu Jie and then at Su Yun, with strange expressions.

The woman frowned, then sneered, and said, "I don't care who your wife is, this is the makeup room of a female star, if you are a man, then please go out."

Xu Jie looked at the other party, what he said, he simply didn't pay attention to his wife.

Just now he wondered why he provoked the other party, whether his eyes offended him, but the sentence "I don't care who your wife is" immediately exposed everything.

Another female star who used him to attack Su Yun.

Sure enough, where there are women, there will be right and wrong, and where there are female stars, there will be controversy.

"I must be a man." Xu Jie said, then looked at the other men in the room, and asked, "What about them?"

"They are stylists, can you compare with them?" the woman said with a sneer.

"Look at what you said, it seems that male stylists are not men." Xu Jie said.

"I mean, they are the staff here, and only the staff can enter the dressing room of female stars." The woman explained.


Xu Jie let out a long cry, then took out two IDs and hung them around his neck, one was the New Year's Eve party staff ID that Su Yun gave him before entering the door, and the other was the work ID of the Beijing TV station's art program center.

He walked to the woman's side, took out his mobile phone, pressed the recording button, and said solemnly: "Hello, I am a reporter from the Art Program Center of Beijing TV Station. May I interview you for a few questions?"


The woman was stunned by the sudden interview. She was arrogant just now, but now her face is full of surprise.

A reporter from the Art Program Center of Beijing TV Station?
The last thing a female artist wants to offend is the reporters of the cultural program center of the TV station, especially the entertainment reporters of the big stations. If she offends them, she may be blocked by the local TV station.

I remember that there was a female star at the beginning, because she starred in the Gongdou drama and became popular overnight, she lost her reputation and her team. She played big games with the reporters of Huaxia Movie Channel, changed the interview location, and let people go. What happened? In the same way, being named and criticized for not having Yide, in the end not only the team apologized, but also the company behind it came out to apologize, and it has not slowed down until now.

Although the Art Center of Beijing TV Station can't compare with Huaxia Movie Channel, he is also a Beijing media. If he is blacklisted, he will never be able to stay in the entertainment circle of Beijing in the future.

Huh, no!

She suddenly remembered something, looked at the man and asked, "Aren't you a reporter for the people's livelihood? When did you become a reporter for the Arts Program Center?"

There is still a big difference between people's livelihood reporters and entertainment reporters, at least people's livelihood reporters don't care about the entertainment industry.

"It seems that you know me very well, you even know that I used to be a reporter for the people's livelihood." Xu Jie said with a smile: "But it's a coincidence that I was just transferred to the art program center a few days ago."

The woman looked at the man in a daze, and at this moment there was only one thought in her mind: why is she so sloppy.

"Doesn't your capital TV station also have a New Year's Eve party tonight? Why didn't you report it?" the woman asked, wanting the other party to leave quickly.

"Isn't this here to interview you, to ask why you didn't go to our Beijing TV station to participate in the New Year's Eve party?" Xu Jie said.


The woman got stuck, and after thinking for a while, she explained, "Because Huaxia TV invited me, but Beijing TV didn't invite me."

"Oh, so that's the case. I thought you thought our capital TV station was small and looked down on us." Xu Jie said lightly.

"No, absolutely not!" The woman hurriedly said, the words were too terrible, if they were added to the ears of the director of the art center, she would not even think about participating in the programs of the Beijing TV station in the future.

Moreover, Beijing TV Station and China TV Station are so close, if they meet after get off work or when they go shopping, she won't even be able to get on China TV Station.


Xu Jie let out another long oh.

The woman was so confused after hearing this, please stop, okay!
"Okay, that's the end of today's interview. In the future, if you have time, you can often come to our Beijing TV Art Center to play." Xu Jie turned and returned to Su Yun's side.

It seems that my choice is not wrong.


(End of this chapter)

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