The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 125 Find a way to hype

Chapter 125 Find a way to hype

At eight o'clock in the evening, China TV's New Year's Eve party officially began.

Su Yun's show was scheduled for fifth, so when the show started, she came to the corridor early to prepare, probably because he had been on the stage for a long time, he looked very calm, without any tension, and even responded to the fans' request I took a group photo with everyone, happily, until the third program started, and then I restrained myself a bit.

"After singing tonight, I don't know when the next time I will be on stage." Su Yun looked at the New Year's Eve party being played on the TV screen, and suddenly said something with emotion.

Xu Jie turned his head when he heard it, looked at the other party curiously and asked, "Why, are you going to quit the music industry and concentrate on developing in the film and television industry?"

Su Yun shook her head lightly in denial, but quickly said with a smile: "Actually, it's no different from quitting the music scene, because I won't have a performance for the next three months."

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. He heard people in the studio mention that tonight is the new year, and many activities will end on this day.

The new year was supposed to have a new start, but Su Yun didn't receive a notice, indicating that the market is not optimistic about her development in the new year. When a female star is abandoned by capital, the rest can only be cool,
Unless the other half is a media tycoon, or a superstar with rich resources.

Unfortunately, Xu Jie is neither.

"It's better not to have a singing announcement. You can concentrate on entering the film and television industry without being distracted by singing." Xu Jie comforted.

Su Yun also wants to focus on film and television, but the problem is that she only has one script in her hand, which is a low-budget literary film with an unknown director and unknown actors.

Of course, it wasn't that no one invited her to act, it's just that most of them were bad movies. If they were filmed, they would earn money, but their reputation would be ruined.

"It's your turn for the next show." Xu Jie looked at Su Yun and said, "Don't think too much, isn't there me? I will help you find a way."

Su Yun froze for a moment, then nodded with a smile, "Well, yes, and you."

"Su Yun, get on the stage!" The party staff shouted.

Su Yun quickly tidied up her clothes, then looked at Xu Jie and asked, "How is it?"

"Beautiful!" Just one word, Xu Jie only said it once.

A sweet smile appeared on Su Yun's face, and then she took graceful steps and stepped onto the stage of the New Year's Eve party.

Xu Jie stared at the TV screen intently. Su Yun on the stage was fresh and refined, her every move was so charming, like a goddess descending.

As a piece of melodious music sounded, Su Yun's natural voice spread throughout the audience.

At this time, Xu Jie looked at Huang Xiaorong beside him, and asked, "What work arrangements does my wife have recently?"

Huang Xiaorong was slightly taken aback, then shook her head and said, "Except for acting and body classes, I don't have any work arrangements."

Xu Jie frowned, "So, when is her next event, and what event?"

Huang Xiaorong thought for a while and replied, "It's January 1th, the company's annual meeting. Sister Yun will attend as a shareholder and an artist."

"What about commercial activities and variety shows?" Xu Jie asked.

"No." Huang Xiaorong said truthfully: "Sister Yun only has 6 endorsements, and there are no promotional activities, and it is said that some brands have begun to contact other female artists, most likely because they want to change after the endorsement contract expires. people."

"Is it so influential?" Xu Jie frowned deeply.

"Yes, I heard from Sister Hua that the next year will be the most critical year for Sister Yun. If she can maintain enough exposure and topicality, then she may still be favored by the brand and the market again. But If there is no guarantee, then Sister Yun will really..."

Huang Xiaorong stopped here and didn't finish speaking, but Xu Jie could guess what the other party meant.

Be cool!

To put it bluntly, all parties are not optimistic about the current Su Yun, and dare not take risks on her. If Su Yun can prove that she is still influential after marriage, then everyone is still willing to cooperate again.

After all, businessmen value profits.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun on the screen and fell into deep thought.

Exposure and topicality?
To put it bluntly, it is traffic!
He could ask Qin Yan to report more news about Su Yun in the literary broadcast, but the problem is that Su Yun must also have news.

You can’t go shopping or eat and report, right?
It doesn't make sense to listen.

In fact, it is not difficult for a star to get traffic. If a scandal is created, the traffic will immediately jump up. This kind of routine is very effective when the star is about to release a work. It can even be said that it has been tried and tested. The work earned traffic.

But the problem is that Su Yun has a marriage certificate now, if she uses gossip to make hype, it will only get more and more black, and this can't be called gossip, it's called derailment within marriage, it's not just a moral issue, it will become a tainted artist, Bad artist.

Besides, Su Yun didn't need gossip to hype when she was not married, so how could she use gossip to hype after she got married?
Xu Jie thought about it carefully. Apart from the trick of stirring up scandals, there is actually another trick, which is to stir up grievances.

For example, there used to be a conflict between two celebrities. When they want traffic, the two parties should discuss the scale, and then go out and go back to the pot. The celebrities, especially the female celebrities, will definitely attract attention. Like Douju, steadily harvest traffic.

Well, this is a good idea!

Xu Jie seemed to have found the key to unlock the door.

His personal experience told him that Su Yun had many enemies in the entertainment industry, and he met more than one.

For example, the singer Zhang Sisi I met in the beauty salon before, and when I participated in the film festival in Shenzhou, I was squeezed out by other actresses, including the actress I met in the dressing room just now. There is no problem with it, when the exposure and topic will be gained, why don't you worry about no one looking for it?
Thinking of this, Xu Jie couldn't help admiring himself in his heart, his intelligent brain was brighter than Zhuge Liang!
A few minutes later, when Su Yun finished singing, there was warm applause at the scene, and Xu Jie also applauded in the corridor, applauding for his ingenuity.

When Su Yun returned to the backstage, Xu Jie immediately picked up the clothes and put them on for the other party. After the other party went to the dressing room to change, the three of them left Huaxia TV station immediately.

In a commercial vehicle.

"Hey, wife, do you have many enemies in the entertainment industry?" Xu Jie asked tentatively.

"Enemy? What kind of enemy?" Su Yun asked.

"It's the kind that doesn't like each other." Xu Jie said, the entertainment industry is a vanity fair, and envy, jealousy and hatred are indispensable.

"What do you mean?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie curiously, why did the other party ask this?
Xu Jie glanced at the driver and assistant sitting in front, then said in a low voice, "I want to help you hype."

"What?" Su Yun was startled, suspecting that she had heard wrong.

"I want to help you hype!" Xu Jie's voice raised a bit.

After Su Yun heard it clearly, her eyebrows raised immediately.

"I still use hype? Who do you look down on?"


(End of this chapter)

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