The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 126 I'm Worrying About You!

Chapter 126 I Worry For You!
When Xu Jie heard Su Yun's words, he was very embarrassed, especially when he saw Huang Xiaorong who was sitting in front turning around, he wanted to cover his face.

No hype, no hype, why so loud?
"Don't get excited." Xu Jie said to Su Yun: "I know you are the queen of music, but please accept the reality?"

"What reality?" Su Yun asked.

"The reality is that you are out of work, and no one is looking for you to perform. If you don't hype the hype and earn some traffic and exposure, then it will really be cool." Xu Jie said seriously.

Seeing Xu Jie's anxious look, Su Yun knew that the other party was also doing it for her own good, so the expression on her face eased a little, and then she showed a look of listening attentively, and asked, "Oh, tell me, what are you going to do?" Hype for me?"

"It's very simple, find a female celebrity who has conflicts with you, and bring back the past festivals. I have a classmate who works as an editor on a news website, and I guarantee that you will be fired." Xu Jie said.

Most graduates majoring in journalism are engaged in journalism, either in TV stations, newspaper offices or news websites, so it is not difficult for him to hype a little news.

In the past, Xu Jie disdained to do this. His principle has always been to do news seriously and not to play with those vain people. Now for Su Yun, he has even lowered the bottom line.

"You have already said that she is a female star who has conflicts with me, so how can she cooperate with our hype?" Su Yun asked back.

"There are no eternal friends, nor eternal enemies, only eternal interests. If you stir her up, why not do it?" Xu Jie said, "And I noticed that there are many female stars who hate you." If one or two do not cooperate with the hype, there will always be someone who will cooperate."

"Well." Su Yun nodded, and then said: "Most of the conflicts between me and people in the circle are due to competition. I usually choose to ignore it and don’t bother to pay attention to it.”

After hearing this, Xu Jie finally understood why the other party was excluded by other female artists.

It is because of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Su Yun offended people invisibly, and in the end even she didn't know it.

But Xu Jie can also understand, after all, Su Yun is too confident, especially in the pursuit of art, she is full of arrogance, this attitude can easily be interpreted as not taking others seriously.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the disputes in the rivers and lakes stem from the fact that they are not the same kind of people.

He remembered a cross talk he had heard: For example, I told a rocket expert that your rocket is not good, and the fuel is not good. I think you have to burn wood, preferably coal, and the coal has to be selected coal. If the scientist looks me straight, he loses.

"It's been ten years since you debuted. Have you ever quarreled with other stars? Think about it, think about it carefully. When you first debuted, did you ever fight for fame with other female singers?" Xu Jay asked in disbelief.

Su Yun recalled it for a while and said: "I was lucky. The first album became popular, and the award was soft. Even though the music market was in a downturn later and no album was released, the songs from film and television dramas sang a hit. One, there is no such thing as competing with other singers for wanting to be popular."

After hearing this, Xu Jie stared blankly at the other party. Did he meet a winner in life? Could this be the legendary chosen one?
"Then do you know anyone who hates you very much, thinking that you took away things that belonged to her, such as songs, identity, status?" Xu Jie asked, it seems that he can only make up and direct a hype up.

"I can get it, which means that these things belong to me in the first place. How can it be called snatching?" Su Yun suddenly paused, thought for a while and said, "Don't tell me, I suddenly thought of a person, she is now You must really hate me for taking her things."

"Who?" Xu Jie was surprised.

Su Yun stared at Xu Jie intently, and said, "Tang Fei!"

"Ah?" Xu Jie was shocked.

"I stole her man, she must hate me very much now." Su Yun said.

"Cough, don't make trouble!" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Really, I think Tang Fei and I will be very angry if we stir up this matter." Su Yun said seriously.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun, he always felt that the other party deliberately used this matter to stimulate him.

If this incident really broke out, not only the other party and Tang Fei would be popular, but he would follow suit, and fans of Su Yun and Tang Fei would join forces to scold him.

"Okay, I understand, why don't we stop firing?" Xu Jie said gloomily.

He finally understood that Su Yun didn't want to hype at all, and didn't like these heretics, so he used Tang Fei to run on him.

Su Yun smiled softly, and then said seriously: "I think an artist who wants to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry should rely on his works, not hype. An artist without works will not go long on the road of interpretation." of."

Xu Jie couldn't help but smiled wryly. He admitted that what the other party said was true, but the era when the smell of wine was not afraid of deep alleys has long passed, and now even the most delicious wine has to be sipped. How about a certain wine, have there been fewer advertisements? ?Is there less hype?Has the price gone up?

In the final analysis, it is all commercial hype.

The star is, so is the wine!
Xu Jie sized up Su Yun a few more times. He saw the old-school artist's style from her, low-key, not hype, speaking with strength and works. This probably has a lot to do with her family.

Now Xu Jie was stumped.

Gossip can't be fired, and grievances can't be fired, so what should we do?

Fried works?
If you have it, how can you fry it if you don’t?
Xu Jie scratched his head in annoyance, it's too bad, he started to lose his hair again.

"Did you see it?" Xu Jie stretched out his hand in front of Su Yun.

"What?" Su Yun looked at the man's hand suspiciously, but there was nothing in it.

"Did you see that hair under the nail?" Xu Jie raised his middle finger slightly.

Su Yun took a closer look, and there was indeed a short black hair stuck between her nails.

"What's wrong?" Su Yun asked in confusion, is there something special?

"It was dropped because of you." Xu Jie said seriously.

Su Yun froze for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

"Got it, honey, even if you become bald one day, I won't dislike you."

Xu Jie looks at each other, and you will play me.

Not long after, the commercial vehicle arrived at the villa.

After Xu Jie changed his clothes, he came to the living room, turned on the TV and found Beijing Satellite TV. He is now a member of the art center, and participation in this kind of art evening will be indispensable in the future. Watching it can be regarded as accumulating experience.

Su Yun came down from upstairs wearing a silver-white silk pajamas, poured a glass of water and put it in front of Xu Jie, and said coquettishly, "My husband has worked hard."

Seeing the smiling woman, Xu Jie became more and more anxious for her.

Since when are you still laughing?
It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry...too the emperor is in a hurry!
"Go and put a few goji berries." Xu Jie said, starting today, it will nourish the kidneys and prevent hair loss.

Su Yun really went to the kitchen to get some goji berry and threw it into the cup, then brought it to Xu Jie. Xu Jie glanced at the cup, good guy, a glass of water, half a cup of goji berries.

Su Yun sat aside, picked up the remote control to change the channel, the TV screen changed, and the man on the screen suddenly changed to a woman. The female singer was wearing a black dress, performing passionately on the stage, and the fans in the audience held up the light sticks and Light sign, sing along with the female singer on stage.

"Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will appear." Su Yun stopped broadcasting with the remote control, and praised while watching the program: "Tang Fei's typhoon is really great, it can combine lyrics, music and action language very well. , is indeed the hottest female singer of the new generation and has a bright future."

Xu Jie stared at the woman on the screen for a while, and then sneered, "Yes, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, you have to work hard, or you will be shot to death on the beach, I know you want to die, Those who don’t know think I’m dead.”

He looked at Tang Fei, whose career was rising, and Su Yun, who was getting colder and colder. How could this woman not know how to worry?

I worry about you!

 Thank you book friend So Far Away.The reward of 100 starting coins, thank you book friend 33021210133769 for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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