The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 127: Three Chapters

Chapter 127 Three No Programs
At 24 o'clock in the middle of the night, the time spans from one year to the new year, and when everyone is reveling in this, Xu Jie released a new Weibo.

"Happy New Year!"

There is also a selfie below, which is a photo of him and Su Yun. Looking at the TV screen behind them, the upper right corner shows 00:00:00, which was taken at the moment of New Year's Eve.

Fans who rushed to post Happy New Year on Weibo saw this photo, and their mood immediately became restless, and they all commented on Weibo.

"The first dog food in the new year, I was caught off guard!"

"No matter how you look at it, whenever you look at it, I think you are not worthy of Su Yun."

"Scumbag, I leave you the first comment of the new year. I hope you can change your past, become a person again, let Su Yun go, and become a person immediately!"

"I saw your Weibo just after 0 o'clock, and I feel that this year is going to be unlucky."

Of course, in addition to "caring" for his fans as always, there are also some people with clear minds making wishes in the comment area.

"Please bless me to catch up with my favorite goddess this year!"

"My girlfriend is by my side right now, scumbag, give me strength."

"God of scum, wish me a counterattack!"


Just as fans were rushing to comment, Xu Jie posted another Weibo and pinned it to the top.

"At 1:4 on the evening of January 22th, "Delicious History" on the art channel of Beijing TV Station, please pay attention."

There is also a picture below, which is a promotional poster for the program.

In the poster is the back of a man, his left half is wearing an ancient costume, the right half is wearing a suit, holding a large frying spoon in his left hand, and a briefcase in his right. The background on the left is the ancient downtown streets, and the background on the right is modern The high-rise buildings, the combination of ancient and modern forms a sharp contrast, which makes people's eyes shine and leaves a deep impression.

When the fans saw it, they were immediately stunned.

"Scumbag, is that you on the poster?"

"Aren't you a reporter from the Life Channel? How do you promote the programs of the Art Channel? Fuck, when did the certification information become a reporter on the Art Channel? Scumbag, you actually transferred to the Art Channel?"

"Halo, I just noticed that too."

Usually everyone only cares about comments, and the frequency of scumbag postings on Weibo is not high, and there is often one post every few days, so no one has noticed the change in certification.

Now that I saw the scumbag's promotional program and saw the words "Art Channel", I realized that the scumbag had changed jobs.

This is interesting!

Su Yun is a star, and the scumbag is now tuned to the art channel, the intention is obvious, this is clearly a woman singing a husband.

Another dog food!
Fans can't help but pay attention to the new program while routinely "caring for it". Everyone is curious whether the people's livelihood reporter will take the program seriously after becoming an entertainment reporter.

And posting on Weibo in the middle of the night to promote the new program, are you afraid that others will see it?Is it necessary to be so sneaky?

In fact, the reason why Xu Jie posted on Weibo at this time is that he guessed that there would be many people stuck in time to post New Year greetings on Weibo.

It turns out he was right.

And not only fans commented on this Weibo, but also many friends forwarded this Weibo.

Qin Yan from the Art Center, Liu Jinbao and Tian Haobo who filmed the program with him, and his colleagues in "Serving the People's Livelihood", such as Zhang Mingliang, Zhou Miner, Zhang Huihui, and some of his classmates expressed their support for the program. Looking forward to, and supporting him.

At this moment, Xu Jie felt that he was not alone.


Time seems to be bought by capitalists. It always passes very slowly when going to work, but it will pass very quickly when it is the turn of the holiday.

The three-day holiday of New Year's Day and the weekend will soon pass, but for everyone, New Year's Eve seems to be just last night.

Xu Jie came to the unit early. He didn't know how others were feeling. Anyway, he was looking forward to today very much, because "Delicious History" will be broadcast tonight. Whether it is a mule or a horse, we will see tonight.

However, while looking forward to it, he was also very anxious. Apart from his fans, not many people knew about this show, and the broadcast time was so late, the situation can be said to be quite serious.

No publicity, no hype, no stars, can such a three-no program become popular?

"Xu Jie, do you have a promotional video for your show?" Qin Yan suddenly found Xu Jie.

"No." Xu Jie shook his head. There was only one promotional poster for the show, which was made by someone from Su Yun's studio.

"Hurry up, hurry up and make one." Qin Yan urged.

"What?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

"I'll promote it to you on my show." Qin Yan said.

Xu Jie's eyes lit up, just as he felt that the show lacked publicity, someone who helped promote it came.

"Is this okay? Don't make mistakes?" Xu Jie asked hesitantly. Is this counting as self-serving?

Qin Yan said with a smile: "It's okay, it's all my own program, it's normal to promote it. In the past, when a new program was launched, it would be promoted on my program."

Xu Jie thought for a while, um, yes.

Although he made the show, he also made it for the Art Center. This is his job, so how can it be considered private?It's not about asking Qin Yan to help promote Su Yun.

"Okay, I'll make a promotional video and give it to you this afternoon." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Qin Yan's art broadcast is the most watched program on the entire art channel. If he can promote his program in the art broadcast, it will definitely attract some viewers.

As soon as he left with his own eyes, Xu Jie found the original video of the program, cut out a half-minute long promotional video, and then wrote a copy for Qin Yan, introducing the characteristics of the program.

In the afternoon, Xu Jie handed over the short film to Qin Yan. It happened that Qin Yan was going to record and broadcast, and he had nothing to do, so he went to watch it.

Qin Yan recorded other entertainment news first, leaving the program promotion at the end.

Xu Jie watched quietly from the side, but after watching it for a while, he didn't want to watch it. It wasn't that Qin Yan was not good-looking, but that the content of the broadcast was really interesting.
In fact, it was okay at the beginning, all the latest news about movies and TV shows, as well as news about celebrities participating in activities, but after a while, the content and style of painting changed completely, like a certain female star smoking outdoors, a certain A male celebrity gets drunk and urinates late at night, a male celebrity and a female celebrity go back to the apartment together late at night, and so on.

Xu Jie used to be a news reporter on people's livelihood. He broadcast all the troubles and troubles encountered by the people, and then helped them solve them.

However, after watching the recording of the entertainment news today, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: It's worth talking about this shit.

Perhaps this is the difference between social news and entertainment news.

The content that everyone pays attention to is different, so the content of the broadcast is naturally different. The ratings are the best proof. A high ratings means that there are many people who like to watch this kind of news.

Xu Jie thought of his own program, and wondered whether viewers who liked these gossips would like it.


 Thanks to the book friend 20210628105349202 for the reward of 100 starting coins, thank you so far.A reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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