Chapter 135

Xu Jie sat down calmly, not as enthusiastic as Director Jiang expressed. He felt that as the director and planner of "Delicious History", he should calm down at this time. It is possible to be used by sponsors, thereby exposing one's bottom line.

He is now the seller, and the sponsor is the buyer. What he sells are programs and ratings, and what the sponsor buys are ratings and advertisements, so this is a war without gunpowder. Of course, if he can find A balance point to achieve a win-win situation is the best.

"Mr. Xu, I have a question. Why don't you agree to intersperse advertisements in the feature film?" Mr. Ding first asked Xu Jie.

Xu Jie said this question several times, so he said it again.

"Because the interludes of commercials will destroy the integrity of the story, I don't want the audience's attention to be distracted from my show, which will affect the perception of the whole show, as if we are enjoying the food with all our heart, and suddenly someone comes to call Stop us from eating and sell us drinks loudly, how will you feel, Mr. Ding?"

Mr. Ding was startled. If this is the case, he must be in a very bad mood, because the atmosphere of the meal has been completely destroyed.

Wait a minute!
I am a sponsor, how can I have such an idea?

As a sponsor, what you want is rewards and benefits!
"Mr. Xu, you are right, but I think as long as this big meal is delicious enough, even if someone comes to sell wine, I will continue to taste it. What's more, maybe everyone needs wine?" Mr. Ding said.

"Alcohol should be asked at the time of ordering, rather than selling at the time of meal. This is a sign of disrespect to diners, and as a chef, I also hope that diners can seriously taste the big meal I made." Xu Jie Said neither humble nor overbearing.

Jiang Hai continued to wink, if the eye sockets were bigger, the eyeballs would fly out, and he was about to bow now.

Please, just stop talking, okay?
"Other programs are fine, why not yours?" Boss Ding frowned.

"It depends on which program Mr. Ding wants to compare with." Xu Jie said.

"The restaurant in Huxiang TV." Mr. Ding casually mentioned a popular variety show.

Xu Jie laughed directly when he heard it, "Their sponsorship fees are calculated in [-] million yuan. On average, an episode is tens of millions. If Mr. Ding is willing to pay that much, I am willing to intersperse my program in the commercials shot for you."

"..." Boss Ding blushed when he heard this, the damage caused by these words was calculated in "billion".

"Cough cough!"

Jiang Hai on the side quickly coughed a few times, then smiled and smoothed things over, "Mr. Ding, don't mind, Xiao Xu is also doing the show well, and with a good reputation, more people will watch it. Are you right?" Bar?"

"I remember that there is also a gourmet show on the life channel of your capital TV station, called Food Diary." A middle-aged woman next to Mr. Ding said, "Their sponsorship fee for an episode is not as high as yours."

"Their ratings are not as high as mine." Xu Jie was very confident when he said this, "To tell you the truth, I was transferred from the life channel to the art channel. It doesn't rank in the top 5, and the last episode of "Delicious History" has already ranked 4th in Taiwan, there is no comparison at all."

Mr. Ding looked at the eloquent young director and didn't know what to say for a while.

He took a fancy to the high ratings of "Delicious History" and the hot attention on the Internet, so he gave up another food show and chose to sponsor "Delicious History".

Especially last night, after the last episode of "Delicious History" was broadcast, there was a lot of demand online for the second episode, and with the successful experience of the first episode, the second episode will be more mature. It is also very safe, don't worry about encountering ratings Waterloo.

The reason why he is hesitant now is because "Delicious History" is broadcast on the entertainment channel of Beijing TV Station, and the audience is limited to netizens in Beijing and the Internet. If it can be shown on Beijing Satellite TV and open to audiences across the country, the sponsorship effect will definitely be better. At that time, it doesn't matter if you spend a little more sponsorship money.

Seeing that the sponsor did not speak, Xu Jie thought that he was scared by the sponsorship fee, so he took the initiative to say: "Mr. Ding, in fact, there are many forms of advertising. Even if it does not appear in the feature film, there will be many opportunities for exposure, such as The opening and closing credits, buoys, and before the program is officially broadcast, we will promote the program, and every promotion will bring the name of your product, isn't this enough publicity?"

Mr. Ding thought about it for a while, so the publicity seems to be pretty good.

"Okay, I agree with the advertisement, and the promotion will be done according to your wishes, then let's talk about the second question..."

"Ring bell bell!"

At this moment, Jiang Hai's cell phone rang suddenly. He apologized to Boss Ding in embarrassment, and then took out his cell phone.

When he saw the caller ID, he was slightly taken aback, and immediately said to the people in the room: "Go and answer the call, and be right back." After speaking, he hurried out of the room.

Seeing Jiang Hai leaving, Mr. Ding continued to ask Xu Jie: "Mr. Xu, regarding the issue of starring stars, why was it possible to invite Su Yun to participate in the performance when the funds for the first phase were limited, but when the funds for the second phase were large? When the range increases, it’s not guaranteed that stars will participate?”

He also attaches great importance to the participation of celebrities, because celebrities will bring fans to the show, increase the ratings of the show, and thus bring benefits to the product. This is the star effect. Otherwise, why do current shows favor inviting stars to participate? That's why.

Not just programs, even TV shows, movies and even commercials.

"That's because Su Yun is my wife." Xu Jie looked at her strangely. Didn't Director Jiang say anything about it?


The three people in the room were all stunned, staring blankly at the young man in front of them, their eyes filled with disbelief.

At their age, they seldom care about the affairs of celebrities, especially their private affairs, and they have no spare time to pay attention to them.

Even before deciding to sponsor "Delicious History", they just checked the ratings and online popularity of this show, and didn't care about the director's situation at all. In their view, the show director is just doing it for them with their money Advertisers, as long as they can publicize their brands and products in place.

It's just that they never dreamed that the young program director in front of them turned out to be the husband of Su Yun, the singer's queen. They were shocked, and now they can only use the word "shock" to describe their feelings at this moment.

In the past few days, they wondered how a new show that didn't even have sponsorship could invite a first-line star like Su Yun, and now the truth finally came to light.

"My wife went to see me at the film and television base that night. At that time, there was a lack of an actress, so I asked her to help me, it was as simple as that." Xu Jie said lightly.

Mr. Ding swallowed unconsciously, thinking: This young man is hiding something.

It must not be easy to catch Su Yun, and it must be talented to be able to shoot such a good program as "Delicious History".

By the way, don't many actresses marry the director in the end?

At this time, the door of the office opened, and Jiang Hai walked in from the outside. What is noticeable is that his expression is very tangled and contradictory, looking both excited and helpless.

"Director Jiang, what happened?" Boss Ding asked curiously.

Jiang Hai looked at Mr. Ding, and said embarrassingly, "Mr. Ding, I'm sorry, the sponsorship may have to be put on hold for a while."

"Why, are you dissatisfied with the sponsorship fee?" President Ding asked with a frown.

"No." Jiang Hai shook his head, then said with a wry smile, "Director Lu from the satellite TV channel called me just now, and he is going to broadcast the second issue of "Delicious History" on the satellite TV channel."



 Thanks for the support and love of book friends, it will be on the shelves at noon tomorrow, those who have money will hold a money market, those who have no money will hold a personal market, and the family will be neat and tidy
(End of this chapter)

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