The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 134 Perfect Ending

Chapter 134 Perfect ending
"Okay, I'll talk about the sponsorship fee, but you can't add advertisements in the program, isn't it too harsh? Isn't the sponsor paying us for advertising?" Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie and said.

What does the TV station rely on to maintain it?

Why do today's variety shows invite so many stars to participate?
It is to attract more people to watch, increase ratings and market share!
In this way, not only can more sponsors be attracted, but also higher sponsorship fees can be obtained. Sponsors can also use this to increase product exposure and popularity, achieve the purpose of promoting products, and stimulate consumers' desire to buy. ultimately converted into income.

Do not advertise?
That sponsor still sponsors a fart!
Behind the sponsorship is the company is a business, not a charity.

Xu Jie fell into thinking. It was not his first day working in a TV station, so he knew that if he wanted to increase the production fee of the program, he could only rely on the manufacturer's sponsorship fee. As for generating income and profit, as long as the money is in place, it doesn't matter if the program is interspersed with advertisements, let alone interspersed with advertisements in the program.

"Adding advertisements is fine, but not in the feature film." Xu Jie thought for a while and said, "Anyway, there will never be any advertising products in my shots." This is his bottom line.

After Jiang Hai heard it, a smile gradually appeared on his face. It doesn’t matter if you don’t add it in the main film, you can add it in the opening and end of the credits, and it doesn’t matter if there are no advertising products in your shots.

"Haha, that's right." Seeing Xu Jie's concession, Jiang Hai said with a smile: "Whether a program is good or not depends on how much revenue it can generate for the station. It's useless, do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood." Xu Jie nodded.

"By the way, how often do you plan to shoot "Delicious History"?" Jiang Hai asked.

Xu Jie has thought about this problem. One episode of 5 episodes can be finished in five days. It is definitely not enough to shoot one episode a year. It is estimated that the audience will have almost forgotten it when it will be broadcast next year. I felt that it would reduce the popularity of the show. Considering that the pre-shooting and post-production of the second period should not be as anxious as the first period, and the content will be more difficult to shoot later, so I said: "I plan to shoot one period a month."

Jiang Hai smiled happily. Compared to other gourmet shows, the filming speed is quite fast. Even though other gourmet shows have a long time and many episodes, the interval between each season is one year.

The most important point is that the more filmings, the more sponsorship fees. If calculated according to the sponsorship fee of 200 million yuan for one phase, it will be 2400 million yuan in one year. If every program under his command has so much sponsorship fee, Next year, he will be promoted to deputy director.

Thinking of this, the corners of Jiang Hai's mouth almost grinned to his ears, and then he said generously: "Xu Jie, you can rest assured to shoot your show in the future, by the way, didn't you say that you were short of manpower last time? This time I I will give you 5 more places, and you can choose the personnel yourself."

"Thank you, Director, then I'll go back and wait for your good news." Xu Jie said.

A TV station is a place that uses ratings to speak. Those whose programs have high ratings will have more resources, and those whose programs have low ratings will have fewer resources.

When Xu Jie walked out of the director's office, Liu Jinbao and Tian Haobo immediately surrounded him.

"Old Xu, what shall we do next?" Liu Jinbao asked excitedly.

Tian Haobo also looked at Mr. Xu expectantly. With such a high ratings, he must continue filming. When and what to film, he must follow Xu Jie's instructions.

"Fishing." Xu Jie said lightly.

"What?" Liu Jinbao was taken aback.

"Drinking tea in the office, reading the newspaper, checking Weibo, when the production fee will arrive, and when will we start work again." Xu Jie explained.

"That's great, I like fishing the most." Liu Jinbao said with a smile, then covered his mouth with his hands, and accidentally said what was in his heart.

Xu Jie returned to his work station. He didn't try to fish, but started to prepare the copywriting for the next episode of "Delicious History".

What's next?

This is a problem.


The next two days are also the last two episodes of "Delicious History", and the show still maintains a high ratings.

On Thursday, the audience rating was 5.71, ranking 5th in the ratings of programs on all channels of Beijing TV Station.

On Friday, the last episode had an audience rating of 6.12, ranking No. 4 in the audience ratings of all channels of Beijing TV Station. The ranking rose again, and it ended perfectly.

You must know that for many years, the top three ratings of each channel of Beijing TV Station have basically been unshakable. Needless to say, the news broadcast and Beijing News, the third-ranked satellite TV theater broadcasts big-produced TV series with a collection of stars, and all of them are premiered drama, so "Delicious History" was able to get No. 3, which is the best ranking for a new program.

In fact, this is nothing. Compared with the high ratings of the program on TV stations, the popularity of "Delicious History" on the Internet is really hot.

After the last episode of "Delicious History" was broadcast, a certain video directly gave a score of 9.2, and more than [-]% of the users gave a five-star rating. As for other users, most of them also felt that the program was short and not enjoyable to watch. , That's why I hit four stars and three stars.

Also after the last episode aired, countless netizens posted on the Internet, asking if there was a second episode and when it would be broadcast, and even some netizens from other places publicly shouted to Xu Jie, inviting Xu Jie to his hometown , Tasting the delicacies of his hometown, for a while, the scumbag became a favorite.

On Saturday, Xu Jie originally wanted to sleep in. During these days, Su Yun practiced at home every day, and watched him guest-star as the leader of the Autobots every night. In the end, he received a call from Jiang Hai early in the morning, asking him to do it at 9 o'clock today. Go to the TV station and say that the sponsor wants to meet him and discuss the sponsorship fee with him face to face.

When Xu Jie heard that it was related to the sponsorship fee, his whole body became energetic. He simply washed his face, put on his clothes, and went straight to Beijing TV Station.

When he arrived at the work unit, Xu Jie came to Jiang Hai's office. As soon as he entered, he saw three strangers sitting inside. He was sure that these three people were not from the TV station.

"Director." Xu Jie greeted Jiang Hai.

"You are here." Jiang Hai quickly stood up, pulled Xu Jie to introduce to the other three people: "Mr. Ding, this is Xu Jie, the director and planner of "Delicious History"." Then he told Xu Jie Said: "Xu Jie, this is Mr. Ding from Daniu Yogurt."

"Hello, Mr. Ding." Xu Jie stretched out his hand.

"Hello, Teacher Xu." The middle-aged man smiled and held Xu Jie's hand together, "I am a loyal fan of "Delicious History", and I watch every episode."

"Thank you Mr. Ding for your love. I wonder if Mr. Ding wants the second issue of "Delicious History" to be more exciting?" Xu Jie asked.

"Of course I hope." Mr. Ding said.

"That depends on the sponsorship fee provided by Mr. Ding. The more you provide, the better the quality of the program will be." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Mr. Ding was taken aback when he heard this, but he didn't expect to be tricked as soon as we met, so he looked at Jiang Hai and said with a smile, "It seems that I can't do without raising the sponsorship fee."

Jiang Hai followed with an apologetic smile, and at the same time winked at Xu Jie, signaling him not to talk nonsense, these sponsors are the God of Wealth of the TV station.


 Thanks to book friend 20200830150341787 for rewarding 100 starting coins!Just a word, next Monday at 12:[-] noon. The rich ones will be in the money market, and the poor will be in the personal market!Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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