The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 137 Digging Chapter Items

Chapter 137 Digging Programs (First Order)
Hearing Jiang Hai's words, the three people who came to discuss sponsorship matters all stayed where they were, and even Xu Jie looked astonished, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Satellite TV channel?

The full name of the satellite TV channel is the integrated satellite TV channel. All satellite channels are broadcast to TV audiences across the country, while the art channel is just a terrestrial TV channel, only for the capital area.

In other words, one is aimed at 13 billion viewers, while the other is only aimed at 2000 million viewers, the difference is too big.

"Director Jiang, the satellite TV channel you mentioned is our Beijing Satellite TV?" Xu Jie asked in disbelief.

Beijing Satellite TV is a place that gathers excellent programs from various program centers, and it is also one of the most influential provincial satellite TVs. Compared with the Art Channel, its influence is as high as heaven and underground. No, there is no comparison.

"Yes." Jiang Hai nodded.

His current mood is very complicated, both happy and disappointed.

I am happy because I have contributed another good program to the satellite TV channel. Although the program is broadcast on the satellite TV channel, it still belongs to the center of cultural and artistic programs; and I am disappointed because the cultural and artistic channel I am in charge of finally has a hit program, but it just aired The first episode will be handed over to others, and the art channel will only be left with entertainment broadcasts in the future.

"Xu Jie, follow me to the satellite TV channel later." Jiang Hai recalled the phone call just now, looked at the other three and said, "Mr. Ding, I'm really sorry, I'm afraid I will make you go for nothing today, why don't you first Go back and wait for my news?"

"It's okay, I'll wait here for as long as I want." President Ding said overjoyed.

The influence of the show will be even greater, reaching the whole country, and now it needs to be sponsored, even if there is a little more sponsorship fee, it will be fine.

Wait, you must die!

Jiang Hai knew what Mr. Ding was thinking, so he gave Xu Jie a wink, and the two walked out of the office.

On the way, Xu Jie asked in a low voice: "Director, if the show gets a star, will the sponsorship fee also increase?"

"Of course, a rising tide lifts all boats," Jiang Hai said.

"Then will the production fee of the program also increase?" Xu Jie asked again, this is what he cares most about.

"Why, 10 yuan for one episode is not enough for you?" Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie.

"There are ways to spend less money and less money, and more money to spend more. Let alone 10, even if you give me 10 billion, I can still spend it, don't you believe it?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

"You want to make a Hollywood blockbuster!" Jiang Hai said angrily, and after walking a few steps, he said, "You'd better write a copy first, and stars will star in each episode. In this way, when the company sponsors Will be more willing to pay, the current sponsors like stars."

"Won't it scare people away?" Xu Jie asked worriedly.

"Are you afraid that no one will sponsor you when you are on the star? Even if you scare people away, you still have 10 program subsidies. What are you afraid of?" Jiang Hai walked with his head raised, and his waist straightened even more.

Xu Jie has heard that for those programs that are well-received but not well-received, that is, programs that can win awards but fail to attract business, there will be a program subsidy of 10 yuan to ensure the richness of the program content, so for him Said, there is no need to think about anything at all, if you fight for a few million, if you can't beat it, it will be 10, and you will not lose.

"Understood!" Xu Jie nodded, thinking about which big star to invite.

Not long after, the two came to the floor where the satellite TV channel was located.


"Please come in."

Hearing the voice from the office, Xu Jie followed Director Jiang into the office of Lu Hong, Director of Satellite TV Program Center.

I saw a middle-aged man in his 50s or [-]s sitting behind the desk, with a square face, thick eyebrows, and a pair of rimless glasses on a high bridge of nose. He looked refined.

Xu Jie has met Director Lu before, but he has only seen him before, and he has no contact with him. It is said that he is kind to people and vigorous in his work. It is also this year, no, it should be said that it was last year, and he was transferred to the satellite TV program at the beginning of last year. Center as Director.

"Director Lu, I brought you the man." Jiang Hai said and sat down unceremoniously.

Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie for a while, then smiled and said to Jiang Hai: "Lao Jiang, I know you have complaints, but aren't we all for the betterment of Beijing TV Station?"

"Huh, that sounds good." Jiang Hai curled his lips and said coldly: "You have picked out all the good programs. What do you want my art channel to do? Will there be any viewers in the future?"

"You're offended by saying that. The program is only broadcast on the satellite TV channel, and it still belongs to your cultural program center. Besides, good programs should be shared with audiences across the country, don't you think so?" Lu Hong said as he spoke. He took out a can of tea from the drawer, "I know you like to drink tea, this is the special-grade Tieguanyin I asked a friend to bring back from Anxi, take it home and try it."

"Why, you want to exchange a can of Tieguanyin for an ace show from me? Aren't you exchanging steamed buns for meatloaf? No." Jiang Hai shook his head. Although he said no, his body was very honest, and he directly Tieguanyin is in his hand.

"I still have a bottle of wine here..." Lu Hong took out another bottle of red wine from under the table.

Jiang Hai looked at the packaging, immediately stood up from the chair, grabbed it with his hand, and said while looking at it, "This time I'm selling you a face, and I can't do that next time."

Lu Hong smiled.

Xu Jie was speechless.

Although he was very happy that the show was able to become a star, but a can of tea and a bottle of wine sold him and his show, is he still human?
"Xu Jie, what do you think about the broadcast of "Delicious History" on the TV channel?" Lu Hong turned to look at Xu Jie and asked.

"Accident." Xu Jie said truthfully, after all, just a week ago, he was still worried about the ratings of "Delicious".

Although the ratings broke 5 after the broadcast, as a new program, it has only just gained a foothold on the entertainment channel. How to turn it into a high-quality brand program still has a long way to go in the future. Xing, he hadn't even thought about it, so he was very surprised and surprised.

Lu Hong nodded, he admired the honesty of the young man in front of him, unlike some people who just thanked the leader when they came up, and flattered him louder than a motor.

"It's like this. In order to further increase the influence of Beijing Satellite TV, the station plans to carry out a major revision of the programs of the satellite TV channel after the Spring Festival. It is necessary to gather all the elites of each program center to make the brand value bigger and stronger. Based on originality, increase innovation, and launch a series of high-quality programs, it must not only convey humanistic care, but also reflect social value, and also reflect the background and style of the city of Beijing." Lu Hong said eloquently. Absolutely said seriously.

"I'm talking about Lao Lu." Jiang Hai interrupted Lu Hong bluntly, "Do you think it's a press conference? Can you get some dry goods?"

Lu Hong smiled awkwardly, his seriousness was gone, and he was more easy-going, and then said to Xu Jie: "Satellite TV channels need to innovate, your program is very creative, and at the same time can promote the urban culture of the capital. Food and food culture are exactly what we need now, so if you have any questions in the future, just ask, and our satellite TV program center will spare no effort to support you."

The top three satellite TV channels are also the top three in the entire station. This is unshakable, and will be retained even if it is revised, but the problem is that the top three are not real programs. Two news and one TV series completely reflect Not knowing the characteristics of Beijing Satellite TV, there is an urgent need for some programs to make up for it, so this fourth-ranked dark horse came into his sight.


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(End of this chapter)

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